welcome to family worship sunday! sunset church january 30, 2011

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Welcome to

Family Worship Sunday!

Sunset ChurchJanuary 30, 2011

A few Reminders

• Quick to listen (James 1:19)

• Slow to speak (same verse)

• Slow to become angry (same verse)

• The Old is all about fear.

• Fake gods cause fear.

• The real God beats fake gods.

• The real God is a God of .

• frees us from fear.

What’s so awesome about

But what does

free us to be or do?

The 10 Commandments :

New Rules for Freed People


God saved His people by grace

through faith.

…then He gave them the Law

that showed them how freed people


10 Commandments1. Don’t worship other gods.2. Don’t make things you can see

into gods.3. Don’t use God’s name for no

reason.4. Keep the Sabbath holy to find

happiness in God.5. Honor dad and mom.6. Don’t murder.7. Don’t cheat on the person you

married.8. Don’t steal.9. Don’t lie.10. Don’t want other people’s stuff



…how’s that freedom??!!!

If you want to…

…are real freedom, baby!!!

If you don’t worship other gods, you are

1 …to worship the one true God.

2…to know and understand the real, infinite God.

If you don’t make things you can see into gods, you are

3…to be and do what you claim to be in God.

If you don’t use God’s name for no reason, you are

4…to rest and be happy with God and what He has done.

If you keep the Sabbath holy, you are

5…to be and do your best, thus bringing honor to your parents.

If you honor dad and mom, you are


6…from hatred…

If you don’t murder, you are

…to forgive, love, and respect.

7…from being selfish…

If you don’t cheat on the person you married, you are

…to be true to the one God gave you for life.

8…to work hard to provide for family...

If you don’t steal, you are

…and to give generously to


9…to tell the truth; be truthful and trustworthy.

If you don’t lie, you are

10…from envy and jealousy to love and trust those you live with.

If you don’t want other people’s stuff badly, you are

If we could obey God’s commandments…

We would have real life, love, and family!!!

But being a Christian is NOT about following rules!!!

Remember all these stories of faith?

• Creation• Adam & Eve• Cain & Abel• Calling on the Name

of the Lord• Noah & the Flood• Abraham, Isaac,

Jacob, & Joseph• Moses• 10 Plagues

Before the 10 Commandments…

• Slavery in Egypt• God of Grace kicked butt.


So, what does that all mean?

We need to have faith and be freed

before we can OBEY!!

Our HOMES need to be ID’d

with JESUS!


We need to be freed by the GRACE of JESUS!

So, how do we get GRACE?

Grace is given to the humble.

…that kicks butt!

Daily ask God for…Daily ask God for…

The Greatest Commandment

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is

one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Parents, you are…

• God’s representatives to your kids until they reach an age of accountability.

• The primary faith and love trainers. This can’t be outsourced like academics, music and sports.

• More powerful than you can imagine in the lives of your sons and daughters.

• God’s chosen heros for your kids.• Invited to Legacy Milestone 2 Seminar – Feb. 13,

11:30-1pm at FSK.

Faith Talks

Come to the Legacy Milestone 2 Seminar Feb. 13, 11:30-1pm at FSK.

…that kicks butt!

Daily ask God for…Daily ask God for…

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