welcome to 3 rd grade jeopardy!! jeopardy – round 1 englishmathsciencesocial studieswildcard 20 40...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Welcome to 3rd Grade


Jeopardy – Round 1English Math Science Social Studies Wildcard

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Click here for Round Two

English – 20 points

“Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher,”Maria told her mother. “I really enjoy the lessons in her class.”

In this paragraph, the word enjoy means —

A likeB hearC noticeD save


A. likeEnglish – 20 points

Katie said that Kevin was being dishonest when he said he could hold his breath for 20 minutes.

What does Katie mean by dishonest?

A. Kevin is being honest.B. Kevin is not telling the truth.C. Kevin is very serious.D. Kevin thinks he is a dolphin.

English – 40 points


B. Kevin is not telling the truth.

English – 60 points

I don’t make cookies very well, so I usually buy mine prebaked.

In which word is pre used the same way as in prebaked?

A. preacherB. prettyC. pretestD. pretzel

English – 60 points


C. pretestEnglish – 40 points

All of the following are compound words EXCEPT–

A. airplaneB. newspaperC. rainbowD. smarter

English – 80 points


D. smarterEnglish – 80 points

When I was in the third grade, I made a really big mistake. My teacher assigned a spelling test, but I decided I would play video games all night instead of studying. That wasn't the biggest mistake I made, though. What I did after that was worse! When my teacher, Miss Crabtree, told us to clear our desks for the test, I took my word list and put it on top of my books inside my desk where I could see it. Miss Crabtree started calling out the words and I copied each of them from my word list. Suddenly, Miss Crabtree noticed what I was doing. She walked over to my desk and took my word list from me. She told me she wanted to see me after class. I knew I was in trouble then! I left class quickly that day before Miss Crabtree could talk to me about it. By the time I got home, I had forgotten all about the spelling test. I was watching television when the telephone rang. It was Miss Crabtree! She told my mother what happened in class. Boy was she mad! She took away my video games and wouldn’t let me go anywhere or do anything fun for a whole month. Plus, I had to study and retake the spelling test. So, I guess what they say really is true - cheaters never win!

The main idea of this story is—

A. Miss Crabtree is a really good teacherB. I learned that cheating on a test is a horrible mistake C. My mother gets mad when I get in trouble at schoolD. I like to play video games

English – 100 points


English – 100 points

B. I learned that cheating on a test is a

horrible mistake

The Parents’ Club sold 2,487 tickets for the winter festival. What is 2,487 rounded to the nearest hundred?

A. 2,400B. 2,470C. 2,480D . 2,500

Math – 20 points


D. 2,500

Math – 20 points

Which of the following shows“nine hundred seven thousand, four hundred eighteen” in standard form?

A.9,007,418B.970,418 C.907,480D.907,418

Math – 40 points


D. 907,418

Math – 40 points

Which decimal shows the same number as this shaded figure?


Math – 60 points


C. 0.41Math – 60 points



This model is shaded to show a fraction of a whole.

Which of the following is shaded with a value GREATER THAN the one above?





Math – 80 points

This represents a value of 1.Which model represents the value of 3 in 168, 342?



Math – 100 points




C. Math – 100 points

A wetland habitat can continue to support the birds and fish that live there if people —

A.drain the water awayB.flood the highest parts of the landC.leave the land aloneD.use the land for planting crops

Science – 20 points


C. leave the land alone

Science – 20 points

Which of these warms most of the air, water, and land on Earth?


Science – 40 points


D. Sunlight

Science – 40 points

Cows are farm animals that eat only plants. Which of these kinds of living things is a cow?


Science – 60 points


B. Herbivore

Science – 60 points


Science – 80 points

A graph shows what happened when salt was added to water in a glass. According to the graph, which of these is correct?

A. Salt tastes different when water is heated.

B. Salt will cause water to heat up.

C. Salt is used to make hot water.

D. Salt dissolves more easily in hot water.


A. salt dissolves more easily in hot

waterScience – 80 points (Daily Double)

The plants in the chart are grouped together because all three–

A. need some shadeB. lose their leavesC. are shrubsD. have thorns

Science – 100 points


B. lose their leaves

Science – 100 points

According to the store directory, which floor has goods that are a part of people’s basic needs?

A. 2ndB. 3rdC. 4thD. 5th

Social Studies – 20 points


A. 2ndSocial Studies – 20 points

Which sentence describes something that happened in history?

A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4

Social Studies – 40 points


C. 3Social Studies – 40 points

An example of Greek Architecture is the–



Social Studies – 60 points





Social Studies – 60 points

In the empire of Mali, how was salt used?

A.To wash clothesB.To grow plantsC.To make paperD.To preserve food

Social Studies – 80 points


D. to preserve food

Social Studies – 80 points

Part of which continent is in C5?


Social Studies – 100 points


C. Asia

Social Studies – 100 points

The needle of a magnetic compass will always find which direction?

A. NorthB. SouthC. EastD. West

Wildcard – 20 points


A. NorthWildcard – 20 points

Which of these would be best to useto report the temperature of a liquid?

A. Degrees Celsius B. MetersC. KilogramsD. Liters

Wildcard – 40 points


A. Degrees Celsius

Wildcard – 40 points

Wildcard – 60 points

Benjamin Franklin was famous for —

A.proving electricity could be found in lightningB.teaching people how to grow potatoesC.showing how to make automobiles work better D.discovering a way to make computers

Answer:A. proving

electricity could be found in lightning

Wildcard – 60 points

Wildcard – 80 points

Anna took of the apples from a box.

How many apples did she take?

A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8


A. 2

Wildcard – 80 points

Wildcard – 100 points

Read the following sentence.

I searched the _____ house for my brother, but he was nowhere to be _____.

Which pair of words makes the sentence correct?

A. hole, seenB. whole, sceneC. whole, seenD. hole, scene


C. whole, seen

Wildcard – 100 points

Jeopardy – Round 2English Math Science Social Studies Wildcard

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Click here for Final Jeopardy

Read the following sentence:

You can’t _____ that heavy turnip on the _____ scalebecause it would break it!

Which pair of words makes the sentence correct?

A. way, knewB. weigh, knewC. way, newD. weigh, new

English – 20 points


D. weigh, new

I was late to class because I dropped my lunch tray on the floor and had to clean it up.

Which word uses -ed the same way as in dropped?

A. wickedB. smelledC. indeedD. speed

English – 40 points


B. smelled

The Ant and the Dove

A Dove saw an Ant fall into a river. The Ant struggled to reach the shore. In pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close beside it. Hanging on to the straw, the Ant floated safely to shore. Soon after, the Ant saw a man getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he threw the stone, the Ant stung him in the heel. The pain made the man miss, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant forest. A kindness is never wasted.

Why did the Ant sting the man’s heel?

A.the Ant was afraid the man would try to step him after he killed the DoveB.the Ant was tired and cranky after swimming to shore and took it out on the manC. the Ant wanted to help the Dove because the Dove had been kind to the AntD. the Ant was hungry, so he decided to take a bite out of the man’s heel

English – 60 points


C. the Ant wanted to help the Dove because the Dove

had been kind to the Ant

One Halloween I dressed up as a clown. My mother bought me a big red nose made out of foam to wear, but I didn't like it. I decided to sneak into her makeup and use her red lipstick instead. I colored my whole nose red and went trick-or-treating. When I got home later that night, I tried to rub the lipstick off, but all I did was make my nose pink! I couldn't get all of the lipstick off. I didn't want my mother to know what I had done, so I went to bed, hoping the lipstick would wear off by morning. It didn't. When my mother woke me up for school, the first thing she saw was my bright pink nose. I thought I was in trouble for sure, but she just laughed and told me to use her cold cream to get it all off. I bet I never do that again, though!

What is this story mostly about?

A. I dressed up as a clown one Halloween.B. I don’t like the big foam noses that go with clown costumes. C. You can use cold cream to take lipstick off.D. I put lipstick on my nose without permission, and I couldn’t get it off.

English – 80 points


D. I put lipstick on my nose without

permission, and I couldn't get it off.


1 Swing low,2 Swing high.3 Until your tiptoes4 Touch the sky.5 Swing high,6 Swing low.7 Swing where grownups8 Cannot go.

This poem is mostly about–

A. touching the skyB. riding on a swingC. standing on tiptoeD. swinging your arms

English – 100 points


B. riding on a swing

There are 14 roses in Julia’s garden. Nine of the roses are red and the rest are yellow. How many roses are yellow?

A. 4B. 5C. 7D. 8

Math – 20 points


B. 5Math – 20 points

A bakery made four different kinds of doughnuts. The pictograph below shows the number of each kind of doughnuts sold one morning. Based on the information in the graph, what was the total number of chocolate doughnuts sold?

A. 6

B. 16

C. 19

D. 60

Math – 40 points (Daily Double)



D. 60 Math – 40 points(Daily Double)

Math – 60 points

Daron had this much money in the bank.

His brother gave him this much more.

What is the total amount Daron has altogether?

A. $4.50B. $4.25C. $4.00D. $3.75


B. $4.25

Math – 60 points

Kim is meeting her friends at the mall at 4:35 P.M. Which clock shows this time?



Math – 80 points




D. Math – 80 points

On what day did Larry spend more than 50 minutes reading?

A. TuesdayB. ThursdayC. SundayD. Friday

Math – 100 points


D. Friday

Math – 100 points

Which picture shows the way two magnets will attract?



Science – 20 points





Science – 20 Points

All materials are made of–

A.liquidB.woodC.smaller parts that cannot be seenD.parts that do not stick together

Science – 40 points


C. smaller parts that cannot be

seenScience – 40 Points

Which of the following pictures shows how a wedge works?



Science – 60 points





Science – 60 Points

Which of these human activities is MOST damaging to the air?

A.Picking fruit from a treeB.Planting a gardenC.Burning tiresD.Riding a bike

Science – 80 points


C. Burning tires

Science – 80 Points

Why is it easier to grow plants in topsoil than in subsoil?

A.Topsoil has more humus.B.Topsoil has more rocks.C.Topsoil has more dust.D.Topsoil has more clay.

Science – 100 points


A. Topsoil has more humus

Science – 100 Points

Where is the museum in this map?

A. North of the schoolB. East of the storeC. South of the lakeD. East of the park

Social Studies – 20 points


C. South of the lakeSocial Studies – 20 points

Trina asked some people about their jobs. She put their answers in this table. There are four people with the same job. What do these people do at work?

A. make healthy mealsB. help studentsC. grow cropsD. help the sick

Social Studies – 40 points


C. grow crops

Social Studies – 40 points

Social Studies – 60 points

DAILY DOUBLEHe developed hundreds of uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans.

A. Jackie RobinsonB. George Washington CarverC. Martin Luther King, Jr. D. Thurgood Marshall


C. George Washington


Social Studies – 20 points (daily double)

 All economic choices require–  A.a comparison of monetary costs.B.fulfilling our wants.C.giving up something.D.fulfilling our needs.

Social Studies – 80 points


C. giving up something

Social Studies – 80 points

Why were Jacques Cartier’s explorations important?

A.He discovered the New World.B.He founded the first English settlement.C.He was the first explorer to travel around the world.D. He gave claim to land in Canada for France.

Social Studies – 100 points


D. He gave claim to land in Canada

for France. Social Studies – 100 points

Smelts are fish that lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. When the eggs hatch, the babies know to go to the water. This is an example of —

A. instinct B. hibernationC. camouflageD. learned behavior

Wildcard – 20 points


A. instinct

Wildcard – 20 points

What are the three states of matter?

A. liquid, vapor, gasB. solid, liquid, gasC. liquid, heat, gasD. solid, gas, clouds

Wildcard – 40 points


B. solid, liquid, gas

Wildcard – 40 points

On the map, South America is labeled number–


Wildcard – 60 points


B. 2

Wildcard – 60 points

The Pacific Ocean is labeled which number on the map?

A. 1B. 2C. 5D. 4

Wildcard – 80 points


A. 1Wildcard – 80 points

Which of the following is true about Christopher Newport?

A.He brought many people to Virginia.B.He was one of the first men to reach the Fall Line. C.He wanted to discover riches. D.All of the above.

Wildcard – 100 points


D. All of the above

Wildcard – 100 points




Make Your Wagers…

QUESTION:This model is shaded to show one whole.

The two models below are each shaded to show a fraction.

Model 1 Model 2

One fraction is subtracted from the other. Which model is shadedto show the difference?








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