weekly timetable year 3 week...

Post on 12-Jul-2020






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YEAR 3 Week Beg.15.06.20






Weekly learning objective

WALT: add and subtract three digit numbers. WALT: To identify and apply the features of persuasive

writing to magazine articles

Reading Challenges

Using one of the books from Bug

Club have a go at these tasks, focus on the quality of

your presentation as well as the content of what you create:

Make a collage using a mix of

images and text. It must show your knowledge of the story plot, setting

and characters. We have been SO

impressed by your creativity so cannot wait to see how you

tackle this challenge! Good


Creative Task 1:

Your Worry Busters from last week were fantastic and will be so useful to the Year 2s, thank you! This week we’d like you to use your expert knowledge to create a comic strip to tell the Year 2s about either a whole day in Year 3 or part of the day. For instance maybe arriving, registration, Maths, assembly and break time. Use a combination of words and pictures to give the Year 2 children as much information as to what to expect from a day in Year 3 as possible. There is a template below that you may find useful. We cannot wait to see your creativity! Please upload your comic strips to Seesaw

MON Please follow the links below for this week’s White Rose lessons as these videos are not available on their website.

Task 1 https://vimeo.com/420240608 Year 3-week6-lesson 1. Add 3-digit numbers. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Last week you began learning how to write persuasively by focusing on persuasive advertisements. When writing persuasively you are putting forward your view to the reader. This week you will be looking at persuasive articles in magazines. Read the article with the title ‘The Happiest Days of Your Life?’ under English Session 1. Readers of Greenwood Community Magazine have been invited to write in on the subject of bullying. Follow the instructions under English Session 1.

Task 2 – KEY TASK – please upload to Seesaw Digit addition investigation. See below.

TUES Task 1 https://vimeo.com/420240853 Year 3-week6-lesson 2. Subtract 3-digit numbers. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Have a go at the warm-up activity under English Session 2. It’s really important to use conjunctions when writing persuasively, as they allow you to explain your opinion further. Re-read the magazine article with the title ‘The Happiest Day of Your Life?’ Today you will be exploring this article further. Have a go at the questions under English Session 2. You should now be fairly confident with the features of a persuasive magazine article. Tomorrow you will be looking at a different article with the title ‘Is It OK to Lie? This will also be the focus of your own article later in the week.

Creative Task 2: French

Can you remember the names of the vegetables from last week? This week you have more new language to use. This time it links together to give the life cycle of a plant. First match up the French with the English. Then match it to the pictures of the stages of the life cycle of a plant. Challenge: muddle both the language and the pictures … can you order the life cycle correctly and label it up with the correct French??

Task 2 Against the clock. How quickly can you solve these subtraction Qs? How accurate were you?


536- 236=

247- = 147


390- = 200

524- = 137

WED Task 1 https://vimeo.com/420240964 Year 3-week6-lesson 3. Subtract 3-digit numbers. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Have a go at the warm-up activity under English Session 3. Like yesterday you are focusing on how to use conjunctions in your writing. Before you read the article with the title ‘Is It OK to Lie?’ see if you can come up with any situations where it may be acceptable to tell a lie. When you have had a careful think about the question, read the article with the title ‘Is It OK to Lie?’ under English Session 3. Read the article again and tick off any of the persuasive features that you can find.

Task 2 Square Subtraction 1. Choose any number. This is going to be

your particular number that will help you to prove what you find out.

2. Square your chosen number (multiply your number by itself).

3. Subtract your starting number. Is the number you're left with odd or even?

Now try again with a different starting number. What do you notice? Can you work out what is happening and why?

THURS Task 1 https://vimeo.com/420241173 Year 3-week6-lesson 4. Estimating. Watch the video tutorial and complete the attached answer sheets.

Have a go at the warm-up activities by clicking on the following link. Modal verbs such as ‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’ are used lots in persuasive writing. Read the information and have a go at the games. https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/modals-could-and-couldnt Re-read the article ‘Is It OK to Lie?’ and complete the ‘What do you think?’ activity under English Session 4. This asks you to find reasons from the article that either say:

Yes, it is OK to lie. No, it is not OK to lie

Next to the activity there are some empty speech bubbles. Ask your family members what their opinion is about lying and record their answers in the speech bubbles. Use the following questions when talking with your family members. Is It OK to lie? Can you think of a time when it might be OK to lie? Would you tell a little lie to protect someone’s



The Romans came and they invaded Great Britain. It was a long battle, but they succeeded. However, Boudicca, a Celtic queen from the Iceni tribe, led a rebellion against the Roman occupation of Britain. Although she was successful to begin with, her forces were defeated at the Battle of Watling Street in 61AD. But who was this strong and brave woman?

Find out more here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkrkscw/articles/zhn6cqt

We don’t know exactly what she looked like, but can you try to create an image of Boudicca in your head and draw it. Think of her personality, her ideals and clothing that the Iceni tribe used to wear in the war.

Below are a few examples of how other children have imagined her. Have a look below for some inspiration.

Challenge: add a speech bubble to your drawing. What might Boudicca have said to inspire her tribe?

Task 2 KEY TASK – please upload to Seesaw

Work out an estimate and the exact answer for each question. See below.

FRI Super Shapes. See the attached worksheet. Have a go at the warm-up activities by clicking on the following link. Today you are looking at the modal verbs ‘must’ and ‘mustn’t’. Read the information and have a go at the games. https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/modals-must-and-mustnt Today you are going to be revisiting the question ‘Is It OK to Lie?’ You are going to be using the reasons you wrote down yesterday to write your own short persuasive article for a magazine. There is a template to use under English Session 5. Remember to use the following:

Question as a title

Paragraphs or sections with subheadings

Rhetorical questions

Reasons and examples

Fronted adverbials

Please upload your learning to Seesaw so that we can

give you some feedback on your writing!


Electricity is created by generators, which can be powered by gas, oil, coal, wind, solar and even rubbish. Have a look at this video to discover how electricity is made. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks1ks2-how-is-electricity-made/zfhfgwx There are two tasks to choose from (or you could even do both!):

1. Use the information from the video to create a poster to explain how electricity is made.

2. Use the video as a reference point to create a news report. Become a reporter for the day and explain to your audience how electricity is made. We would love to see your videos on Seesaw.


Which form of energy helps environment the most?

Maze 100. See attached worksheet.

In this maze there are numbers in each of the cells. You go through adding all the numbers that you pass. You may not go through any cell more than once. Can you find a way through in which the numbers add to exactly 100?

Remember to also complete the following: My Maths, Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rock Stars, Grammar Bug, Bug Club

Spelling list wb 15.06.20

Spelling rules: homophones: words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings.











male English Session 1: Persuasive magazine article

This magazine article has been highlighted in different colours to show different features of persuasive writing. Can you match up the features with the colours below?

Blue Question as a title

Yellow Rhetorical questions

Purple Real life examples

Green Fronted adverbials

Can you spot any other persuasive features in the magazine article? Revisit your learning from last week if you need to.

Now it’s your turn. Have a go at writing two things that could be done to stop bullying in schools.

Remember to explain your reasons clearly and use an example if you can.

One way to stop bullying is

Another way to stop bullying may be to


English Session 2: Grammar review on conjunctions

English Session 2: Persuasive magazine articles

English Session 3

Is It OK to Lie? Note down any scenarios where you think it may be OK to tell a lie. You could talk this through with a sibling or adult.

Can you find any of these persuasive features in this article? Give them a tick if you can see them.

Question as a title

Paragraphs or sections with subheadings

Rhetorical questions

Reasons and examples

Fronted adverbials

English Session 4

English Session 5

Write your article below. Follow the prompts in the boxes and use the word banks on the next page to improve your sentences.

Is It OK to Lie? By ………………………..

(Paragraph 1)

It can sometimes be OK to tell a lie because...


In my opinion…

(Paragraph 2)

We shouldn’t lie because…


Maths Monday Task 2 KEY TASK – please upload to Seesaw

Digit Addition

Here's a maths trick to try:

1. Think of one of the numbers from 1 to 9. 2. Add 9 to your number. 3. Add the digits of your answer together. What is your new number?

What do you notice?

Try the trick again with a new starting number. What do you notice now?

Jonas tried the trick with a few different numbers. He said:

I think you will always get back to your original number, because adding 9 is the same as adding 10 and

subtracting 1.

Do you agree with Jonas?

Can you help him explain what's happening?

Can you explain the trick in a different way?

Tuesday Task 2 Against the clock. How many subtractions can you solve in 1 minute?


536- 236=

247- = 147


390- = 200

524- = 137

Wednesday Task 2

Square Subtraction

Choose any number. This is going to be your particular number for this proof. Square your chosen number. Subtract your starting number. Is the number you're left with odd or even? Create a model or a picture of your calculation, using your chosen number, and examine this model carefully. Can you use this one model to prove that your result is always true and not just true for the particular number that you chose to start with?

Thursday Task 2 KEY TASK – please upload to Seesaw

Explain how you came to your estimated answers: _____________________________________________________________________


Next time I need to estimate an answer I will … _______________________________


Friday challenge Task 1

Task 2

Maze 100

In this maze there are numbers in each of the cells. You go through adding all the numbers that you pass.

You may not go through any cell more than once.

Can you find a way through in which the numbers add to exactly 100?

What is the lowest number you can make going through the maze? What is the highest number you can make going through the maze? (Remember you may not go through any cell more than once.)



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