week3 - exterior and interior photo tips

Post on 19-Feb-2016






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Should help you get better shots


Paper: DSDN144 Digital Photographics

Info Sheet: Tips for Exterior and Interior Photography

1. Keep your camera level if you want to control perspective and eliminate converging lines.

2. Take note of shadows and shoot at different times of the day for different effects.

3. Use a wide angle to fit everything in and keep your aperture small (f:11, f:16, etc) for front to back sharpness. In small spaces this means you will get converging lines. However, this can be fixed in Photoshop.

4. A polarising filter will remove any unwanted reflections and deepen the blue of the sky.

5. If you want to give a sense of scale include an object or person within your image.

6. Use an ultra-wide lens and purposefully tilt the camera to create extreme converging lines for dramatic effect.

7. Be mindful that whether buildings are private or public property, you will most likely have to ask permission to photograph within them.

8. Move around a room to avoid bright window light that will overexpose the highlights. If your camera allows, check your histogram to avoid clipping at either end of the graph.

9. If this isn’t possible, try and bounce flash off the ceiling or walls if they are white.

10. If there is not much light you will have to use a tripod to avoid camera-shake. If this is not possible, raise your ISO setting (but be aware that with some cameras this increases digital noise).

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