web, apps, bots, & agents: when to use each

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Web, apps, bots, and


When marketers should use each

My goal

Provide some clarity about when you should use:

- Web

- Apps

- Bots

- Agents or assistants (but not bots)

I’m doing this from a marketing perspective:

- Partially because this technology is often utilized by marketers

- Partially because “marketing” is now part of everything a company does

- Write for Forbes, VentureBeat, Business Insider

- Mobile Economist for TUNE

- Marketing attribution, tech in 3.5B devices globally

- Founded the research division of VentureBeat

- Focused on martech

- CEO of Sparkplug9



John Koetsier

Use web when ...

- You want ubiquity

- Base layer

- You need speed

- Friction

- Info dump

- You are bundling multiple media in one experience

- You can capitalize on existing infrastructure

- Payments

Use apps when ...

- You want context

- Location, time, activity

- You need engagement

- E.g, games, media, social, content creation

- You need accessibility

- One layer from HERE

- You are providing rich, fast interaction

- Full interactivity: image/video editing,

Use bots when ...

- You have existing connected customers

- Fans/followers and customers; need service

- You can get attention

- Robot Lawyer

- Christopher bot

- You need one-to-one at scale

- You have a simple, bounded problem

- Most bots are stupid, so ...

Use agents/assistants when ...

- You can integrate into someone else’s platform

- You can differentiate on someone else's’ platform

- Voice is enough

- You can use an existing payment solution

- You need simplicity

- Base layer

- Payments

- Connectability with simple links

- Thanks!

- Questions ….

- Suggestions :-)



Web, apps, bots, and agents

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