water droplet

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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First week of the new project and the first task is to create a visual map of your thoughts from a choice of images, the image i choose was the

hovercraft , to me it stood out from the rest, it got ideas flowing to begin with.

My other little sketchbook shows the sketches i did for it, what i tried to do was make the sketch-

es tell a story .


To begin with when i first looked at the brief for this project i was stumped, i had no ideas, i

couldnt seem to find any enthusiam for any of the subjects given. In the end i went with one , the

journey of 1cm. I thought that this would lead to somewhere more interesting than the other sub-




To begin with i looked into doing some experi-

ments, the journey of a cm, i thought woud be good to take it into a diffrent direction and look at

the journey of time measuserd in cm’s. I looked at what products i use and how long it takes me to

use 1cm of these products.


my next experment was to look into water drop-

lets, i found that a water droplet on avarage is 1cm, i wanted to look into the journey of this 1cm water droplet. to begin with i used the medium of



Looking into expresing time as a cm, i found this image, it greatly inspired me as its so simple yet says a thousands words. In the next page is my

atempt at something simlar using frozen milk and jelly, a strange combination yes.


Again looking into water droplets, i was experi-

menting with many diffrenent medias and liquids, my photography skills are not as up to scratch as i would like but i managed to capture some good

shots. The next problem i encountered was how to develop this into a final piece .



Ok i need to get sorting out what im going to do

with all these experiments and whaich way im going to go with it. I like the idea of using a wa-

ter droplet, but need to find a use for it under the brief we have been given


To fit into the critria set by the brief that we have

to have a focus for are ideas of either:Persuasion



i have choosen to do my project about education.In my project i want to include what i have been

looking at in my experiments.


Looking into education and finding a link between that and a water droplet, i looked into the pociblity

of doing a day in the life of a water droplet or the story of a water droplet. When thinking about it

more and more i thought of the water cycle. this is the cycle that brings us fresh rain water so we can

survice. This fits in well with my eduction theme as i could make a piece of work that would help

students study the water cycle.


Trying to find something that would be helpful/ed-ucational was what i needed to do now. I was look-

ing through an educational book and found many of them use a turntable like way of displaying

information. on the right is my first atempt, now i just need to find a way of displaying the right in-



Luckly for me the cycle of water can be broken down into four key points.

These points are all matched with pictures, all of them taken by me bar the snow one, as its may.

Now i need to do the matching top to this and then i will create my own water cycle modle for stu-

dents. I am aiming this at years 5-6 students so will all be able to read and understand the model.

I hope that this work can help students gain a bet-ter wy of working and understanding of the sub-






Here are my final designs for my education tool for the study of the water cycle on the journey of wa-ter droplet. i choose to use a sim-plistic diagram of the water cycle

that the children could understand with ease. also the two rings are

easy to use and easy to under-stand.

Looking back on my project i have had trouble through out the project trying to find an idea that could produce the kind of work i would be happy

creating. I would never have choosen to do some-thing like this if given the choice but i think its

good for my portfolio that i am looking at diffrent medias and diffrent outcomes from the work that i create.i think the disk that i have created hasve forfilled the breif being an educational peice of

work and a journey of a 1cm. That 1cm water droplet becomes millions and millions of water

droplets then comes back to being a 1cm water droplet in the water cycle.


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