voice of america special english reports 2003 年度前期 英語 ii a deguchi yoshitaka

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Voice of AmericaSpecial English Reports

2003 年度前期英語 II A

DeGUCHI YoshiTaka



Reading & Listening ( t, d, g の脱落) 1.suffered 2. from 3. have 4. caused 5.

tested 6. pieces 7. did 8. not

9. have 10. It 11. is 12. believed 13. does 14. not 15.think 16. not

17. trying 18. produced 19. in 20. called 21. that 22. could 23. have

True or False 1.T 2.T 3.F (nail. → hair)4.F (Mercury → Lead) 5.T 6.T 7.F (thinks → does not think) 8.T 9.F ( are trying → are not trying) 10.T   Vocabulary 1. ケ 2. イ 3. カ 4. コ 5. ウ 6. ア 7. ク 8. キ 9. エ 10. オ  


1. High blood pressure (may have caused him to act in unusual ways).

2. The levels (of lead in him were more than three times higher than levels found in most women at the same age).

3. This cold weather (could have caused the stomach pains she suffered for over a week).


par.1   Scientists near Chicago, Illinois, say {the great German music ccomposeromposer, Ludwig van Beethoven, maymay have have suffered from lead poisoning}. •may have + 過去分詞 ○~したかもしれない  × ~するかもしれなかった•lead poisoning 鉛中毒 ( 発音注意 )

suffer from 病気・災害 ~に苦しむ<~から被害を被る

She is suffering from rheumatism.

彼女はリューマチをわずらっている .

Q. 彼の叔父はがんにかかっている。 His uncle suffers from cancer.

They say this may have caused Beethoven’s many sicknesses. 無生物主語 このことが病気を引き起こした / 原因となった のかもしれない。 有生主語 これが原因で B は病気にかかったQ. この寒さでみんなカゼをひいた。Because of coldness in these days , all of us caught cold.This coldness caused all of us to catch a cold.= This coldness made all of us catch a cold.= This coldness brought all of us a cold.

A cause B = 原因  cause 結果  A が B を引き起こす  A のせいで B が起こる

A cause B to- 不定詞  A は B に~させる  cf. make / have 人 原形

par. 2

The scientists say high levels of lead also may have caused Beethoven to act in unusual ways.

He died in 1827 at age 56 in Vienna, Austria.

人に~させる  make/have/cause/get

make/have 人 原形不定詞cause/get 人 to- 不定詞A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter.

さざ波立つ海面に半月の光が当たってきらきら輝いた .

We couldn’t get her to accept the offer.

彼女にその申し込みを受けさせることができなかった .

I’m sorry I have kept you waiting so long.

長いことお待たせしてすみません .

par. 3

The scientist tested pieces of Beethoven’s hair. They used equipment that creates the most detailed X - rays possible.

create+ もの + 形容詞 (= 述語的 )

  ( もの ) を ( 形容詞 ) であるように作る。  The God created all men equal.

 神は全ての人間を平等 ( であるよう ) に作った

for 獲得追求期待の対象look for ~, search for ~

wait for ~, ask for ~, call for ~

send 人 for a doctor, an order for coffee

Q.They were searching for evidence of mercury.

 銀の (= がある ) 証拠を捜し求めていた。Q. 彼は息子に医者を呼びにやらせた。  He sent his son for a doctor.

par. 4

a number of ~ / the number of ~•(a number of) students

  数多くの学生•the number (of the students)

  学生の数Q. You should infer the amount of oil you will have to import from the amount of what you consumed this winter. You will need much more next year.

The levels of lead were more than 100 times higher than levels (found in most people today).

n times 比較級 than ~

higher than ~

> (100 times higher) than ~

> {(more than 100} times higher} than ~

Scientists say {this much lead could easily have caused the stomach pains (Beethoven suffered for more than 30 years)}.

Lead is also linked to the mental sickness of depression.

relate A to/with B

relate, connect, link, unite, etc



And, high amounts of lead can cause people to become unreasonably and easily angry.

= …lead can get/make people angry.

It is believed Beethoven experienced these conditions

cf. It is said that … = They say that …

par. 5

He says the lead finding was a surprise.

名詞構文  the lead finding

= the fact that they found lead

par. 8

Lead was produced in great amounts in Europe during Beethoven’s lifetime.

Historians say Beethoven visited health centers called spas.

At the spas, he drank and swam in mineral water that could have contained lead.

Mr. Walsh says the lend also may have come from the wine that Beethoven drank. Experts say lead has been found in the wine Containers that Beethoven used.

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