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Vocabulary Worksheets

by Rachel Spack Koch

Intermediate level

Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition

Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the

grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable

syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for

each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your

classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are available as Word documents or PDF


Chapter 14—Noun Clauses

1. Reading: Home on the Range

2. Reading: No Home on the Range

3. Vocabulary practice

4. Vocabulary practice

5. Reading: Chief Seattle

6. Chief Seattle: Definitions

7. Vocabulary practice

8. Vocabulary practice

9. Which word belongs?

10. Vocabulary review

11. Word search game

Answer Key

Word List

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 1. Reading: Home on the Range

Did you know that cowboys write poetry? They do.

During all the time that cowboys have lived, they have

told stories as they sit around the campfire. Some of

these stories about the huge, wild American West have

turned into songs and poetry. Here are the words of one

old song and one new poem about the West.

Read the words of the song. Answer the questions that follow.

Home on the Range

(author unknown)

This verse of a traditional American song speaks about the glorious old West.

This song is known by almost every person in the United States:

Oh, give me a home

Where the buffalo roam

And the deer and the antelope play

Where seldom is heard

A discouraging word

And the skies are not cloudy all day.

Home, home on the range

Where the deer and the antelope play…

The buffalo, the deer, and the antelope are three animals that live in the

West. (All three have the same forms in the singular and the plural.)

The song idealizes life on the prairies in days gone by.


Circle T if the statement is true according to the song. Circle F if it is false.

1. T / F The words describe a home someone wants.

2. T / F The singer wants to live in a city.

3. T/ F Roam means to walk around, to wander.

4. T/ F The weather on the range is usually cloudy.

5. T/ F The singer doesn’t often hear discouraging words on the range.

6. T/ F A range is a large, grassy area where animals live.

7. T / F A prairie is a wide open area of fairly flat land in North America.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 2. Reading: No Home on the Range

Cowboy poets often write beautiful words about their land, but some don’t.

This modern poet remembers what her world used to be like, and how it has

changed. She has put her thoughts into words.

Read the poem. See a picture of LaVonne, and answer the questions on the next


No Home on the Range by LaVonne Houlton

Well, I spent the whole day Sunday

Out a-lookin' for the range,

But I couldn't seem to find it,

For there's been a lot of change.

Where we used to pen the cattle

There's a string of new motels,

And just a bit beyond them

Stands a forest of oil wells.

Where I used to ride through sagebrush

From lunch time up to dark,

Now there's fenced-off land with signposts

Saying “Recreation Park.”

There's a freeway near the river

Where the cattle used to graze,

And the blue sky of the prairie

Has been dimmed by smog and haze.

And I couldn't help but marvel

At this thing we call "progress,"

That can change a land of beauty

To a populated mess!

Definitions a-lookin’ - a country way of saying looking.

beyond - further away, past

dimmed - became less bright

for - a poetic way to say because

freeway - large highways

graze - eat grass as it is growing, used to talk about animals

haze - a vapor, like fog

marvel - be amazed by something

pen the cattle - use a fence to keep the animals in one place

sagebrush - a low plant that grows in the West

signposts - posts along roads that have signs on them

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 2, page 2

Cowboy poet LaVonne Houlton has

lived in the West since childhood,

and has always loved the country

and horses. She spent much of her

youth in the Badlands of the

Dakotas, where she heard many

colorful stories of the West.

Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase. Is there intelligent life out there?

1. The author was looking for an old _____.

a. range b. deer

2. She couldn’t find it because _____.

a. she got lost b. there had been many changes

3. She found motels where _____.

a. the oil wells used to be b. the animals used to be fenced in

4. She used to ride through sagebrush, but now _____.

a. it is dark b. it is a park

5. The cattle used to graze near _____.

a. the range b. the river

6. But now, just beyond the place where the cattle used to graze, there are


a. oil wells b. blue skies

7. The air is not clear anymore because there is a lot of _____.

a. fire b. smog and haze

8. The author is unhappy because the land used to be _____, but it isn’t any


a. beautiful b. dim

A string of motels

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 3. Vocabulary practice

Choose the correct completion.

1. These signs are on a (motel / signpost).

2. You’ll find a gas station just a half block (beneath /

beyond) the traffic light.

3. Cows and horses eat grass on the (range / forest).

4. Cows and bulls that you keep for their meat are (cattle / wild).

5. Do you know what a (freeway / prairie) is? It’s a very wide area of flat

land, covered with grass or wheat.

6. We have a fence in our back yard so our dog can’t (graze / roam) around

the neighborhood.

7. I’m sad. I heard some (encouraging / discouraging) news.

8. The lights (grazed / dimmed), the curtain went up, and the plan began.

9. The teenager’s room is not neat at all. It’s a (marvel / mess).

10. From the plane, we saw some (strings / wells) of lights that marked the

airport runway.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 4. Vocabulary practice

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the word pool.













1. We’d better clean up the kitchen. It’s a


2. The lights are too bright. Can you please

__________________________ them?

3. In the early morning, there’s a soft ________________________

over the fields. It’s very pretty.

4. The equipment used to take oil from the earth is an oil


5. Joe lives pretty far from campus. He lives out in the country,

__________________________ the city limits.

6. It’s __________________________ to keep failing tests in class. You

begin to feel that you will never learn.

7. Do you know how to get to Barnstable from here? I don’t know

whether I should take the __________________________ or not.

8. It’s beautiful in the West. You see blue sky and the big

__________________________ for miles and miles.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 5. Reading: Chief Seattle

Chief Seattle was an important Native American leader in the middle of

the 19th century. He was considered very wise by everyone. As he was

about to sign a land treaty with the United States government in 1854,

it is said that he gave a heartfelt speech to the governor of the state of

Washington. It was a memorable speech because of its recognition of

the necessity to preserve the land, an important and timely topic today.

A translation of the speech was published in the Seattle Sunday Star

newspaper on October 28, 1857, and simpler versions appeared later.

This passage is based on the thoughts in one of the simpler versions.

Read Chief Seattle’s speech. Then read the notes and answer the questions that


The President in Washington tells us that he wishes to buy our land. But how can 1 you buy or sell the land? We do not understand how you can buy or sell the land 2 or the sky. The idea is strange to us. We do not own the freshness of the air and 3 the sparkle of the water, so how can you buy them? 4

Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine tree, every 5 sandy shore, every mist in the forest, every meadow, every humming insect. 6 All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. 7

We know the sap which runs through the trees just like we know the blood that 8 runs through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The 9 perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle -- these 10 are our brothers. 11

The rivers are our brothers. They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and 12 feed our children. You must give the rivers the kindness that you give your 13 brother. 14

You must remember that the air is precious, that the air shares its spirit with 15 all the life that it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath 16 also received his last sigh. The wind also gives our children the spirit of life. Will 17 you teach your children what we have taught our children -- that the earth is our 18 mother? 19

Your destiny is a mystery. Does anyone know what will happen? What will 20 happen when the buffalo are all killed? When the wild horses are tamed? What 21 will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of too 22 many people, and the view of the hills is spoiled by talking wires? 23

We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you 24 our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. Hold in 25 your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land 26 for all children, and love it. The earth is precious. 27

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 5, page 2

freshness = the quality of being new, clean, and bright

heartfelt = very strongly felt and sincere

holy = sacred

land treaty = a legal agreement about the ownership of land

meadow = a field with wild grass and flowers

mist = a light cloud low over the ground that makes it difficult for you to see very far

precious = valuable and important, not be wasted or used without care

quench = to stop yourself feeling thirsty, by drinking something

sacred = extremely important and respected, often in a religious way

sap = the watery substance that carries food through a plant

sparkle = a bright shiny appearance, with small points of flashing light

talking wires = the Native American phrase for telegraph wires

version = a copy of a document that is a little different from other copies

Circle the letters of all the correct completions.

1. Chief Seattle was _____.

a. an important governor in Washington

b. an important Native American leader

2. This speech is about _____.

a. the relationship of people to land and nature

b. how much money he wants for the land

3. Chief Seattle says that ______.

a. the Native Americans don’t want to sell the land

b. nobody really owns the land

4. Chief Seattle wants to know _____.

a. what will happen to the horses and the buffalo in the future

b. what will happen when too many people live on the land

5. The year of the speech is 1854. In line 23, talking wires refers to the

wires for _____.

a. the telegraph

b. TV

6. In the speech, Chief Seattle mentions _____.

a. trees

b. the shores

c. the forest mist

d. the sky

e. insects

f. flowers

g. deer

h. cities

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 6. Chief Seattle: Definitions

Choose the correct completions. The line number refers to the line in Chief Seattle’s

speech in Worksheet 5.

1. In line 4, sparkle means (shine brightly / feel wet).

2. In line 5, sacred means (most highly respected / afraid).

3. In line 6, shore refers to the edge of the (forest / water).

4. In line 6, mist is a word that is similar to (haze / sunshine).

5. In line 6, meadow is the same as (tree / field).

6. In line 6, humming means (flying / making a kind of noise).

7. In line 7, holy refers to something (sacred / forgotten).

8. In line 8, sap and blood are (liquids / gasses).

9. In line 9, veins refer to (the parts of the body that carry blood / skin).

10. In line 10, perfumed means that the flowers smell (good / bad).

11. In line 12, quench means (want more / satisfy).

12. In line 15, precious means very (small / valuable).

13. In line 15, spirit means the basic, most important part that you (can /

can’t) see or touch.

14. In line 17, a sigh is a small (sight / sound).

15. In line 20, destiny refers to the (past / future).

16. In line 21, tamed means (controlled / sold).

17. In line 22, scent refers to something that you (touch / smell).

18. In line 24, heartbeat is the (size / sound and rhythm) of your


Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 7. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the word pool.















1. The marathon runners drank a little water to _________________________

their thirst.

2. The normal _________________________ of a person is 72 times per minute.

3. Ann was truly sorry about the unkind words she had said to Tim. She gave him

a ____________________________ apology.

4. Some beaches have rocks, but many beaches are _______________________.

5. Liz didn’t say anything, but she breathed a big ________________________ of


6. The old family photographs are very __________________________ to my

grandmother. She loves to remember the old days.

7. Do you believe that your life is controlled by ______________________? Or

do you believe that you yourself can control your life?

8. In the early morning, there is often a _____________________ over the fields.

9. There are cows in the _______________________. They are eating the grass.

10. 10. Which animal is in the picture? It’s a_____________.

11. You can see the ____________________ of the

12. water on the lake.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Noun Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 8. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences in Column A with the correct word or phrase from Column


Column A Column B

1. Precious means _____.

a. shine brightly

2. Sparkle _____.

b. a breath with sound

3. Sacred _____.

c. the “blood” of a plant

4. Beyond means _____.

d. the basic, invisible center of a being

5. Marvel at _____.

e. very valuable

6. Quench means _____.

f. be surprised and admire

7. Sigh means _____.

g. further than

8. Destiny means _____.

h. a future that is already set

9. Sap means _____.

i. satisfy

10. Spirit means _____.

j. holy

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Noun Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 9. Which word belongs?

Complete each word group. Choose the word from the word pool that belongs in

each group and write it in the blank space.











1. buffalo, antelope, deer, __________________________________

2. mist, smog, fog, _________________________________

3. range, prairie, meadow, __________________________________

4. preserve, keep, protect, __________________________________

5. string, line, thread, ___________________________________

6. freeway, street, road, __________________________________

7. scent, smell, aroma, __________________________________

8. respected, sacred, holy, __________________________________

9. destiny, luck, fate, __________________________________

10. canoe, ship, sailboat, __________________________________

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 10. Vocabulary review

Check all the words that can complete the sentence logically.

1. Lions in circuses are no longer wild. They have been

_______ by a professional trainer, and they do tricks.

taught tamed dimmed

2. We saw many buffalo as they were _______ on the range.

grazing marveling quenching

3. Northern forests often have _______.

pine trees bears deer

4. A diamond _______ in the light.

tames dims sparkles

5. Roses have a nice _______.

smell scent sound

6. Living mammals have _______.

breath a heartbeat wings

7. The two countries signed _______ that said they would respect each

other’s fishing rights.

an agreement a speech a treaty

8. New babies are _______ to their parents.

precious huge wise

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Noun Clauses

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Worksheet 11. Word search game

There are 6 words from Chapter 14 in the puzzle. Use the clues below to figure out

the correct words. A word can be horizontal (across), vertical (up and down), or

diagonal (on a slope). Find the words and circle them. The gray shading shows the

first letter of a word.


1. A kind of very large bird

2. When everything is disorganized, it is a _______. 3. Wander around without purpose

4. The “blood” of a tree

5. The opposite of often

6. A combination of smoke and haze







Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

Page 1 of 2

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Answer Key Worksheet 1, page 1 1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

Worksheet 2, page 2 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a.

7. b

8. a.

Worksheet 3 1. signpost

2. beyond

3. range

4. cattle

5. prairie

6. roam

7. discouraging

8. dimmed

9. mess

10. strings

Worksheet 4 1. mess

2. dim

3. haze

4. well

5. beyond

6. discouraging

7. freeway

8. prairie

Worksheet 5, page 2 1. b

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. a, b, c, e, f, g

Worksheet 6 1. shine brightly

2. most highly respected

3. water

4. haze

5. field

6. making a kind of noise

7. sacred

8. liquids

9. the parts of the body that carry blood

10. good

11. satisfy

12. valuable

13. can’t

14. sound

15. future

16. controlled

17. smell

18. sound and rhythm

Worksheet 7 1. quench

2. heartbeat

3. heartfelt

4. sandy

5. sigh

6. precious

7. destiny

8. mist

9. meadow

10. buffalo / sparkle

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rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Nouns Clauses

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Worksheet 8 1. e

2. a

3. j

4. g

5. f

6. i

7. b

8. h

9. c

10. d

Worksheet 9 1. bear

2. haze

3. field

4. save

5. rope

6. highway

7. perfume

8. precious

9. future

Worksheet 10 1. tamed

2. grazing

3. pine trees, bears, deer

4. sparkles

5. smell

6. heartbeat

7. an agreement, a treaty

8. precious

Worksheet 11

1. eagle

2. mess

3. roam

4. sap

5. seldom

6. smog

10. boat







Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 14: Noun Clauses

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Word List
























































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