vision magazine july issue

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Sowing Seeds


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Executive Editor & PublisherSydney L. Murray

Copy EditorShannon Nies

Graphic Design Sloan Gomez

Social Networking & BlogAmanda Hinds Doyle

InternsErin Tagan, Maria Nguyen

Contributing WritersAdrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses,

Amanda Hinds Doyle, Brennan Lagasse, Dr. Joni Labbe, Arcqiel, Dr. Mathew B. James, Maria Nguyen, Dr. Cochran, Terra Mays, Stacy Cohen, Daphne Carpenter, Kaitlyn Keyt,

Joseph McDonald, Cher Gilmore.

Sydney L. Murray, Terra Mays, Amanda Hinds Doyle, Tim Parks

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Vision Magazine® is a ® registered trademark of Vision Global, Inc. published on a monthly basis and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions are available for $27 for 12 issues (one year). All rights reserved. Advanced written permission must be obtained from Vision Magazine for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of Vision Magazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed in Vision Magazine do not necessarily represent those of Vision Global, Inc., its employees or representatives. Vision Magazine disclaims any responsibility for claims made by its advertisers. Artwork, fi ction, letters to the Editor, and manuscripts are welcome, however, unsolicited manuscripts without SASE will not be returned. Copyright © 2011 Vision Magazine



6 viewpoint love and marriage

7 holistic living raw milk health disorders & excess weight

9 greek to me waiting for tasso

10 ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions

11-13 mindstates cloud 9 sacrowedgy rev. kathy hearn

16-17 culture enneagram and your relationships

18 astrology july 2011 forecast

19 culture seeds of love

20 healing arts nlp’s fi ve principles food sources

24-27 features yogiraj lightning in a bottle

28 community resources

34 vision café trees talking truth seeds of the future

38 holistic people ripples of intention

42 calendar

45 visionary artist Grace Ann Piano

If you have a comment on any of these articles e-mail us or visit us on Facebook or Twitter!

July Theme: Sowing Seeds

August 2011 Theme: Tactical Skirmishes


Cover artGrace Ann Piano

page 27

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v i e w p o i n t

Throughout history marriage has played a vital role in society, though it has not always been satisfying or happy. Today, most individuals have the freedom to decide for themselves whom they will share their lives

with. Although this free will to marry is available, recent thoughts and studies on marriage seem to be highlighting the negative aspects of marriages gone wrong; thus, the number of marriages is decreasing. Not all marriages are degrading, however. In fact, studies from the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology show that divorce rates are down to 41 percent in the United States. So what is all the hype about?

First, to even have the possibility of divorce, one must get “hitched.” Statistics show that the percentage of individuals taking vows have reached an all-time low of approximately 7 percent per year, compared to 14 percent in the mid-1940s. A great deal of the decline in recent years has much to do with couples prolonging courtship and marrying later. According to a study conducted by the US Census Bureau in May 2011, since the 1950s, the median age at first marriage has risen for both men and women, increasing from 23 for men and 20 for women in 1950, to 28 for men and 26 for women in 2009. This more rational, trendy approach in the big decision to wed should not diminish the magical love and inspiration that is a marriage. In fact, it is the exact opposite. These individuals are in a deeper love, passing beyond the well-known “butterfly effect.”

Currently, 55 percent of married couples have been married for at least 15 years, 35 percent have reached their 25th anniversary and 6 percent have passed their golden (50th) wedding anniversary, according to a 2011 Census Bureau Report. Rosalie and Thomas Patton are one such couple, reaching their 57th anniversary this July. Rosalie agrees that marriage is hard, but it is worth it. Throughout her years she has gained great knowledge on the matter of marriage. She says, “Never go to bed mad. Always make up. Trust and respect one another at all times. Never run down your spouse in front of family and friends; disagreements should stay between the two of you. Helping each other out is essential as well as saying, I love you.”

Rosalie married at the young age of 14 years old. In the 1950s that was quite normal. Today it seems completely absurd, especially adding to the fact that the legal age to wed is now 18 years. In the 1940s there was a boom in marriage, with rates reaching an all-time high of 143 per 1,000 women (this is the 14 percent as stated above). This is almost double the current marriage rate.

Many trends have changed in the home since the 1940s and ’50s. Gender roles were at risk when women entered the work force that are now almost obsolete. Unfortunately, even though society claimed to be catching on to this trend, movies, television shows, and advertisements had not made the full adjustment. Even out in the workforce women still came home, cleaned, and made the meals.

Gender roles were pushed on women early on, telling them that their husband would provide for them as long as they kept the house clean, took care of the kids, and greeted him with an ice-cold scotch, while taking his coat and hat to the closet, upon his arrival home from work. While men might not have minded, they had a fixed role as well: the provider. They were told to work, work, work to provide for their family.

Years have passed and most of society has moved beyond this degrading era.

by Amanda Hinds

Women are now fully in the workforce and men and women share roles in the household. “It took a generation to adapt [and] now the bargain is both spouses work,” says Andrew Cherlin, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University. Marriage counselors around the world insist that this cooperation is necessary for a happy and long-lasting marriage. “There are many couples getting it right,” said Tara Parker-Pope, author of “For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage,” on Oprah Radio. “I want to learn from them.”

Parker-Pope was married for 17 years before her divorce. In beginning her book she thought it would highlight the risk for divorce and infidelity and all the bad that goes on in marriages. “The more research I did, I learned that there was actually a very optimistic story,” she says. “I am really optimistic about marriage.” Parker-Pope goes on to say, “We think the world is a mess and people are getting fickle and relationships are getting weaker, but they are not. They are getting stronger. People are making better choices. Because we are delaying marriage and getting married older now, the bad and weak relationships are washing out before we ever get to the altar.”

This rational thinking, along with many, many tips from friends, families, and marriage counselors, are many of the reasons divorce rates are decreasing. Men and women are looking at marriage as a unit, which has obviously not been the case in past years.

There are numerous opinions on the matter of “Love and Marriage.” Frank Sinatra put it simply in 1965, singing, “Love and marriage, love and marriage/ Go together like a horse and carriage./ This I tell ya, brother,/ You can’t have one without the other.” More and more men and women are reciting vows, promising one another to be true, honest, and faithful till death do they part. This is what needs to be at the forefront for society to see the success and love that is out there, not simply focusing on the bad. A new marriage is like a fresh canvas; with creativity, imagination, purpose, and heart, it is sure to be a masterpiece. What is put into it is what will come out, so use every crayon in the box, draw outside of the lines, and create something that you will look upon in the future as the best times of your life.

Amanda Hinds Doyle is a graduate from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She is currently a staff writer for Vision Magazine and the Go Green blogger for Contact her at

Love and Marriage

A new marriage is like a fresh canvas; with creativity, imagination, purpose, and heart, it is sure to be a masterpiece.

The War on Raw Milk


h o l i s t i c h e a l t h

The War on Raw MilkChoosing what to eat is one

of the most basic choices we make. We go to the store, choose our favorite products, debate

over the healthiness of our choices, and end up purchasing the same products over and over again. One of our biggest choices to make is what type of milk to buy. There are so many choices, including everything from whole fat, 2 percent, 1 percent, and non-fat milk to almond milk and soy milk, and if you are lucky enough to find it, raw milk.

According to the people who have turned to raw milk, the health benefits range from a reduction in asthma to less cavities and a healthier lifestyle. In fact, in many European countries, raw milk is sold in vending machines and is often used in cream, butter, and cheeses.

While the FDA continues to claim there are no health benefits to raw milk—and that in fact it is highly dangerous—there have only been 86 recorded cases of illness related to raw milk and raw milk products in a period of a decade. Most of those cases were found to come from Mexican raw milk cheeses. The pasteurization process that most milk goes through (before arriving to the market where you buy it) actually kills the enzymes that can aid in digestion and degrades the levels of vitamins and minerals. In addition, many people who have been told by their doctors that they are lactose-intolerant have been able to consume raw milk with no problems.

So why is the FDA targeting the producers of raw milk? One of these raw milk producers, Dan Allgyer, owner of Rainbow Acres Farm in Pennsylvania, is the current victim of the FDA. In October of 2009, the FDA started their investigation into Dan Allgyer and Rainbow Acres. An FDA agent using false names ordered milk from Rainbow Acres and had it tested—it was raw milk. After subsequent orders

and testing, the FDA made a 5:00 a.m. call upon Dan Allgyer on his farm with a warrant to search the premises. They searched his coolers full of milk and other products, coolers sitting on private property, and took pictures and notes. They went into his freezers and went through all of his products, again taking pictures and notes. The next morning he received an overnight letter essentially giving him cease and desist orders. (To read Allgyer’s actual

account of the raid, visit The tested milk proved to be healthy and free of illness or harmful pathogens, but the FDA filed an injunction to keep Allgyer from selling his product to consumers who wanted it. Because the Pennsylvania-based farmer took his merchandise across state lines to deliver it to the individual consumer, the FDA has gone after him for interstate commerce.

Four weeks after this, Allgyer’s customers staged a protest. On Allgyer’s behalf, as

by Stacy Cohen

well as on the behalf of the proponents of raw milk, they trailered a cow from a Maryland dairy and set up their demonstration at Upper State Park. Many activists milked the cow and drank the raw milk to prove a point. In addition a majority of the activists were mothers, so many of them brought their children and spouted stories of how much healthier their families are now because of drinking raw milk.

Although raw milk accounts for only 3 percent of the milk consumed in America, the sale of raw milk is legal in

10 states, including California. However, this did not stop the FDA from investigating farms in California that operate within the law. The estimated 10 million raw milk drinkers across the country are increasingly being forced by the FDA to either purchase and drink the mass produced milk, which many feel contains harmful ingredients, or not drink it at all.

In May of 2011, Congressman Ron Paul introduced legislation to decriminalize the interstate selling of raw milk. He released a statement mentioning Rainbow Acres, the farm that really has touched off this debate and has begun to unify the raw milk consumers of the country:

“Hard as it is to believe, the federal government is actually spending time and money prosecuting small businesses for the ‘crime’ of meeting their customers’ demand for unpasteurized milk! Recently the Food and Drug Administration conducted a year-long sting operation targeting Rainbow Acres Farms in Pennsylvania. As a result of this action, Rainbow Acres’ customers will no longer be able to purchase unpasteurized milk from this small Amish farm.” (Read the full statement at

Whether or not you drink raw milk, it is a choice only you can make for yourself and your family. But should the FDA be able to make that decision for you? America is one of only four countries that have bans or laws restricting raw milk. How is raw milk safe for consumption in statistically healthier nations, but not in the United States? With our culture becoming increasingly more aware of what we eat and making a shift towards organics, why is raw milk being persecuted? It is no more dangerous than raw vegetables. The outbreaks of E. coli which happen routinely throughout the world (such as the current devastating outbreak across Europe, currently linked to sprouts) are far more dangerous to the consumer. The research on both sides points to advantages and disadvantages, but in the end the choice should be up to the consumer. The small businesses that are being impacted eagerly await the passage of Ron Paul’s new legislation as well as the outcome of the Dan Allgyer lawsuit. These two things can reshape the landscape of our country and the choices we are legally allowed to make in regards to what we choose to eat.

So the next time you go to the store, look carefully at what you are buying, think hard about the choices you make, and do the research so you can make the best informed decisions for you and your family.

Stacy Cohen graduated from California State University, Channel Islands with a bachelor’s degree in English. She is currently a freelance writer in her spare time.


h o l i s t i c h e a l t h

Many women beat themselves up for being overweight when it is actually poor thyroid health, food intolerances, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, brain chemistry imbalances, or a combination of all the

above that could be behind their weight problem. Although a crash diet might work, addressing the root cause of excess weight can bring true and lasting results.

Thyroid problemsPoor thyroid function is a common trigger for weight gain, as the thyroid regulates

metabolism. When it starts to fail, metabolism slows and weight gain increases. I’ve heard many stories of women following a strict diet and exercising daily, yet packing on the pounds because of their thyroid condition—a serious blow to the self-esteem. For 90 percent of Americans, hypothyroidism is caused by an autoimmune disease, called Hashimoto’s, in which the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. Unfortunately thyroid hormone medication doesn’t address the autoimmune disease. Instead, the immune system continues to attack the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism gradually worsens. By addressing the autoimmune disease one can restore harmony to both immune system and thyroid function. Only then is weight loss possible. I had one patient lose 15 pounds her first month on this protocol while also reducing her thyroid hormone medication. You can read more about this approach in the book, “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?” by Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MNeuroSci (

Gluten and food intolerancesWhen a patient has Hashimoto’s I immediately put her on a gluten-free diet,

as numerous studies have established a link between gluten and Hashimoto’s. A gluten-free diet is a profound first step in resolving many chronic health conditions. Fortunately, a gluten-free diet may also lead to a quick drop in weight. Holly, 37, came to see me because of migraines and low energy. A gluten-free diet eliminated the migraines and boosted her energy. As an added bonus, she lost those few extra pounds she had been carrying. Lucy, 52, came to me for help with her debilitating allergies for which she took several strong medications. She began a gluten-free diet and eliminated refined foods, sodas, sugars, and caffeine from her diet. Not only did a lifetime of severe allergies quickly disappear, but she also dropped 10 pounds and gained enough energy to start exercising regularly. Laura, 28, visited my office because of fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and a life-long rash on the back of her arms. Shortly after adapting a gluten-free diet and a nutritional protocol, the rash disappeared, her energy and brain function returned, and she dropped 10 pounds. Gluten can cause weight gain due to the inflammation it causes. Dairy, eggs, yeast, corn, nuts, and soy are other common culprits. When these foods cause an immune

Hidden Health Disorders Often Behind Excess Weightby Joni Labbe, DC, CCN, DCCN

reaction, this leads to chronic inflammation, which in turn can cause weight gain. I know another woman who was already on a gluten-free diet when she quit eating dairy. She immediately dropped 15 pounds, a sign her body’s immune system was reacting to the dairy.

Hormonal imbalancesHormonal imbalances are another common cause of

weight gain. For women, the most common imbalance is that of too much testosterone and too much cortisol, an adrenal hormone. Diets high in starchy foods, such as grains, potatoes, and sweets, cause high levels of cortisol, which is very common today. High cortisol eventually throws hormones out of balance, causing women to produce too much testosterone (and men too much estrogen). Not only do women lose hair and grow facial hair, but they also put on stubborn belly fat. As long as cortisol and testosterone are high, it will be extremely difficult to lose that excess fat. I use specific dietary protocols, including a lower-carb diet and specific nutrients, to help lower cortisol and restore hormonal balance. Only then can women experience successful weight loss.

Brain chemistry imbalancesThe cells in our brain relay information through chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Hypothyroidism, food intolerances, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances all tamper with the delicate balance of these neurotransmitters. This not only affects mood and personality, but it can also stimulate cravings, addictive behavior, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders that often lead to overeating. I use dietary protocols and specific nutritional compounds to help restore balance to the brain, and hence the body.

Overall health is a key factor to weight lossThe factors that cause one to be overweight can of course be complex. Counseling,

hypnotherapy, or a support group may also be necessary to address the emotional or subconscious components that are so often a factor. However, by also addressing the overall health of the body and brain, weight loss can be transformed from a losing battle into a victory.

Dr. Joni Labbe (luh-bay), DC, CCN, DCCN, is a San Diego-based chiropractor and clinical certified nutritionist specializing in science-based nutrition with a focus on women’s health issues. She uses clinically proven nutraceuticals, dietary modifications, and other tools of natural medicine to address the true cause of dysfunction and disease. She has received training from Dr. Datis Kharrazian, author of the number-one selling thyroid book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal? For a free, no-obligation 20-minute phone consultation with Dr. Labbe, or to receive a free copy of her booklet, Common Questions About Hypothyroidism, call 858.483.4770 or toll-free at 877.600.5222. For more information, visit Dr. Labbe’s Web site at or

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Waiting for Tasso© 2011 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

g r e e k t o m e

Recently, while in the midst of penning this column, I became overwhelmed with an urge to speak with my Uncle Tasso. This was a watershed moment. Having exhausted all of my normal avoidance behavior mechanisms, I was

about to cross a line that could not be ignored: my dysfunction was no longer the expression of a lone wolf. I now had a prospective ally. One I hadn’t spoken to in quite a while, a man who prefers to reach out in his own time and manner. But in my feverish state my impending deadline trumped decorum.

As I punched his number into the receiver I remembered that getting my Uncle on the phone is a lot like trying to raise someone who’s in the witness protection program—it’s a long shot at best. For one, he keeps an irregular schedule. Secondly, he loathes talking on the phone unless it’s a measure of last resort. And as the phone continued ringing, I recalled that there was one more very practical obstacle to connecting with him via the phone: he doesn’t have an answering machine, so in the event he wasn’t home I wouldn’t even be able to tell him to return my call.

As the phone continued to ring, my thoughts drained into an unexpected pool of nostalgia—I couldn’t remember the last time I’d made a phone call that wasn’t routed to voicemail or an answering service. Not getting an answer at all was even rarer than the nearly extinct busy signal. And just as I was about to hang up, the rhythm of the phone ringing on the other end hypnotized me into staying on the line. Thusly lulled, I turned on the speaker phone and settled in.

As I sat there, I imagined the conversation we would have. For the uninitiated, my Uncle Tasso is not a blood relation. He is what’s known as a “Greek uncle,” which is to say his relationship to me is so close as to be that of blood without any of the lineal baggage. That Tasso just happens to be Greek only strengthens the seemingly blurry lines that connect us. He is a philosopher: a combination of Yogi Berra and Socrates. He has the heart of a lion, the balls of a second-story man, and a mordant sense of humor that betrays a generosity that he goes to great lengths to conceal from the world at large. Occasionally, I have quoted him in past columns.

Whenever I get him on the phone, I’m always aware that he’s smoking, which is funny because I have never seen him smoke in person. I can tell because of the rhythm of his breath, the express intake of air and the resultant exhale that is so pronounced that I can almost see the smoke rings fl oating above the kitchen table where he sits. And he must smoke non-fi ltered cigarettes because of the tell-tale spitting sound he occasionally makes into the receiver to expel a bit of wayward tobacco from his mouth.

I would greet him and he would respond as he always does, by calling me “kid.” In this instance, “kid” becomes a proper name, one with a history that allows for many shades, both dark and light. Uncle Tasso would ask, “How’s tricks?” I would respond, “Tricks are for kids,” and we would be off and running.

Conversations with my Uncle are a living testament to the inexplicable value of those things that derive their worth simply by being there, by existing, without actually ever being used much. Though the life of a retired elderly working-class man can oftentimes be a blank canvas in search of form and color, Tasso betrays

none of that. In fact, I think one of his best tactics for remaining vital is something I learned as an actor: that he lives best whose focus is outer-driven with secondary awareness of self in support of that notion.

Inevitably, the conversation would get around to my writing and Tasso would ask about my latest effort. Not wanting him to feel any pressure around the fact that I am using him as a catalyst, I blithely mention this month’s theme of sowing seeds. As I do I can hear him turning it over in his mind the same way he tastes food when he is unsure of who cooked it. He takes another drag of his cigarette and blows out a thought.

“It invites a clichéd response.” When I comment that every theme begs for a trite reply, he says, “Touché,” and retreats deeper into thought. Then, fi nally, he counters, “Well, Kid, whatever you do, avoid agrarian references except for this one simple question: Are you the farmer or are you the fi eld?”

This is classic Tasso. I don’t know whether his question is rhetorical or not, making me feel like I’ve been snared in a trap that upends me and leaves me dangling until I fi gure out whether or not to respond, and if I do, of conjuring an answer worthy of the question. Finally, more out of desperation than cognition, I say, “Well, ideally, I am both.”

“Nice catch, Kid.” I hear him take a last pull from his butt, signaling the end of our talk. I think to ask him the source of his latest offering of wisdom, but with Tasso it doesn’t matter. The same man who likes to quote Plato is just as apt to cite the ’70s TV show “Kung Fu” as a source of inspiration.

As always, he leaves me with the words “Don’t be a stranger,” which is his way of saying, stay in touch. I don’t think I have ever told him, though, that I always hear it as a caution against becoming weirdly idiosyncratic.

But it doesn’t matter because he never answered the phone. This conversation never took place. And still, somehow, I am a better man for having been here.

Good night, Uncle Tasso.

Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator/actor living in Los Angeles. E-mail him at

none of that. In fact, I think one of his best tactics for remaining vital is something I learned as an actor: that he lives best whose focus is outer-driven with secondary awareness of self in

Inevitably, the conversation would get around to my writing and Tasso would ask about my latest effort. Not wanting him to feel any pressure around the fact that I am using him as a

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Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor

Dr. Toni Galardi

Dear Readers: This month I am celebrating four years as a columnist for Vision Magazine.

So before I answer one of my reader’s queries, I thought I would share a gift I am giving in July.

In these tough economic times, many people cannot afford to take a summer vacation. The summer can actually be a great time to take on a place in your life that needs to change. Perhaps you are resisting moving out of your comfort zone, even when what is so familiar has outgrown its vitality and authenticity.

I am offering a six-week tele-class starting in July. Anyone who expresses interest in this breakthrough technology called The LifeQuake Method will be given a free 60-minute recording that is an introduction to the class. It will contain five tips for overcoming the fear of change and a guided imagery visualization you can listen to again and again.

Dear Dr. Toni:My husband and I divorced two years ago. I left him due to his chronic infidelity.

We were married for 17 years and raised two children together. After I divorced him and was left with barely enough money to live in a two bedroom apartment with my children, I discovered that he had been siphoning money into a foreign country and was worth millions abroad. He hardly ever sees his children and my son has especially been affected by this.

I am consumed with rage. I know it isn’t good for me but I cannot seem to let it go when I see how this has affected my kids. Please advise me as to how to move on. I do not trust men now and I know I will be alone for the rest of my life if I don’t change this.

On Fire in San Diego

Dear Reader:My compassion goes out to you. It must be very difficult to be in financial

struggle while your ex-husband is thriving, at least on the financial level. So let me approach this on a multi-dimensional level of your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Clearly, you were unhappy for years if he was unfaithful to you multiple times. So often rage that continues to dog us does so because it is ourselves we haven’t forgiven or we haven’t processed the reasons we abandoned ourselves. Telling yourself that you stayed for your children is a cop-out. Go deeper. If he has been neglecting them since the divorce, he was most likely neglecting

them before the divorce. What did you choose not to see? It is important to do this self-examination with compassion and detachment, not judgment. If you can take responsibility for your role and FORGIVE YOURSELF, you will be doing your body a big favor.

Chronic anger creates inflammation. Inflammation is linked to cancer and heart disease. Every day that you resist accepting what is, your body pays the price. I would venture to say that this bleeds out energetically to your children as well.

The key is to examine the beliefs you are holding about this experience. It came to you as a lesson. As long as you make him wrong, you get to be right about his being wrong but you stay a victim. Ask the question, what is the function of this lesson for my personal evolution? Then work with the emotion that is resisting this acceptance. Where is it living in your body? Breathe into it. Ask to be shown a symbol that represents healing. Dwell on this symbol. Hold the awareness, I am willing to be healed even if I don’t know how to do it myself.

Thirdly, ask in meditation for how to forgive him. As hard as it is to swallow, your ex came into your life to teach you something. People are mirrors for us. What do you need to do to bring yourself into full integrity with yourself? How are your health habits? Do you have a dream to fulfill, a life purpose that could not have happened if you had his money?

In my tele-classes this summer, I am challenging everyone to take on some place in their lives where they fear change and want a breakthrough. Come join me or go to my Web site and get a free chapter from my book and a 60-minute recording where I give you tools for beginning this process of starting the rest of your life.

Have a great summer!

Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist and LifeQuake Coach. She is also the author of The LifeQuake Phenomenon: How to Thrive (not just survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval.

Call Dr. Galardi today at 310.890.6832 or write to her with your questions by e-mailing

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Please call for reservations and suggested donation.

I have been a medical cannabis patient for years. Cloud 9 in Ocean Beach is unlike any other collective or dispensary I’ve visited in California. Just walking in, I feel welcomed. It’s close to the beach, open, and airy. The lobby is fi lled

with useful information that I normally don’t fi nd in dispensaries. Well-organized before me are dozens of articles, booklets, and fl yers on “Cannabis and Illness.” In addition to that is a white board advertising a free “Cannabis Cooking Class” today and a free “Secrets to Self-Massage” class tomorrow. I’m already impressed.

I was greeted with a smile by a friendly security guard who pointed me in the direction of the paperwork I had to fi ll out, and water if I needed it. At the front desk, the young woman helping me quickly and effi ciently processed my paperwork. I was in the lobby for perhaps 8-10 minutes, and she apologized for the wait! THAT is not common for San Diego dispensaries.

After I was let in, I navigated my way through their medicine with ease. I was given a short description of their menu and donation prices. It was so clean and the music choice was soothing yet upbeat. The glass jars and counters were spotless. Budtenders used gloves

Cloud 9 by Terra Maysand medical tools to cut up concentrates. All this and they still casually discussed music, the farmer’s market, and their locally donated art. The patients in the room with me seemed like regulars, and I can see why. They were treated with such warmth and attention. The budtender who helped me was so knowledgeable and helpful. He told me about all their free classes. They have FREE classes every day. I couldn’t believe it! They offer surf instruction, yoga, meditation, and even nutrition classes. Most are at 4:20 p.m. (which I think is too cool).

I walked around to the activity center (essentially a small unit with a kitchen and restroom where all of their classes are held). It was painted powder blue and tan. I saw several cannabis books and more booklets. They even have a volcano vaporizer for their vape class, and I was told I can use it anytime they’re open.

If I lived here, this is the only dispensary I would go to. I would hope that other collectives follow Cloud 9’s example and that this place sows the seeds for future collectives and dispensaries. Some collectives have a party atmosphere, but Cloud 9 epitomizes the atmosphere I want: medicinal but casual, and still professional. This is what holistic medicine is about – self education, self-administration, and comfort in doing so. Cloud 9 lives up to its name!

For more information on the Cloud 9 Co-op, please visit or call 619.225.9128.

and medical tools to cut up concentrates. All this and they still casually discussed music, the farmer’s market, and their locally donated art. The patients in the room with me seemed like regulars, and I can see why. They were treated with such warmth and attention. The budtender who helped me was so knowledgeable and helpful. He told me about all their free classes. They have FREE classes every day. I couldn’t believe it! They offer surf instruction, yoga, meditation, and even nutrition classes. Most are at 4:20 p.m.

I walked around to the activity center (essentially a small unit with a kitchen and restroom where all of their classes are held). It was painted powder blue and tan. I saw several cannabis books and more booklets. They even have a volcano vaporizer for their vape class, and I was told I can use it anytime

Free cannabis cooking classes Lemon Layer Space Cake

for the wait! THAT is not common for San

After I was let in, I navigated my way through their medicine with ease. I was given a short description of their menu and donation prices. It was so clean and the music choice was soothing yet upbeat. The glass jars and counters were spotless. Budtenders used gloves

In addition to that is a white board advertising a free “Cannabis Cooking Class” today and a free “Secrets to Self-Massage” class

I was greeted with a smile by a friendly security guard who pointed me in the direction of the paperwork I had to fi ll out, and water if I needed it. At the front desk, the young woman helping me quickly and effi ciently processed my paperwork. I was in the lobby processed my paperwork. I was in the lobby for perhaps 8-10 minutes, and she apologized for the wait! THAT is not common for San


r e v i e w


m i n d s t a t e s

I am always impressed by those people who do what they love and still manage to help out people along the way. Cindy Ballis is one of those people. Her father created the Sacro Wedgy® and she has continued on the family legacy

by sowing the seeds of better health, including becoming pain free. With this simple device people’s lives have been transformed, and they continue to be transformed as Ballis is now educating, doctors, masseuses, chiropractors, and other holistic practitioners on how to use this tool for better health.

Vision Magazine: What has led you to focus on teaching practitioners?Cindy Ballis: Well we’re really concentrating on prevention right now. Because

the way the healthcare system is going, the more you stay away from the doctors the better off you are. And that pain is way up, and so often [if ] these people would just take a minute to relax on the Sacro Wedgy®, a lot of these little muscle issues would resolve themselves. So my goal is to get people to start using this tool before they have problems and incorporate it into their routines just as we take vitamins for prevention and to stay healthy. People would start relaxing on this [Sacro Wedgy®] and keep their muscle structure and posture lined up [and] prevent a lot of problems.

We’ve got to take a more gentle approach, and a number of therapists now are letting gravity do a lot of the work. Some [therapists] now are backing off of the more forceful treatment and try to take a more gentle approach. So the Sacro Wedgy® easily incorporates existing techniques. It just makes it easier. So that’s what the

Preventing and Correcting Pain with the Sacro Wedgy®

by Sydney L. Murray

A Conversation with Cindy Ballis

class is all about. After doing this for 20 years or, I started to see a repetition in our demonstration, and that’s when things started to create a picture. That’s what we were going for is that repetition. I look for repetition in most anything—a pattern. As with sciatica, knee pain and back pain.

VM: And neck pain.CB: Well, neck pain absolutely. Very often neck pain originates in the hip. There’s

a huge connection. That’s why we stabilize both ends. When I start my class, fi rst all of the therapists get their own complete demonstration. Most people in this business have their own issues. It’s physical therapy, and it’s very physical. So fi rst we take care of their issues. I can’t see how you can be in pain and working on somebody, trying to help them. So I do practice what I preach. I’ve never been to anyone else for any type of back issue when I have had sciatica. So I know what it feels like. I just

always used the Sacro Wedgy®. I grew up with it, so it’s always been there. But just the fact that I’ve never had to go to any practitioners, [and] I’m 62.

I travel. I stand 12 hours a day, sometimes on concrete, working on people. But then I’ll be on the Sacro Wedgy® myself. Sometimes even in between working on people I’ll get on a massage table and relax a little bit. So I believe anybody in any business, you have to practice

what you preach. I’m not going to take advice for weight loss from an overweight person unless the teacher says, I’ve lost 100 pounds and counting.

I think it’s really important in this business that whatever the instructor is teaching that they’re very familiar with it. And I really am. I grew up with the whole process. So with the class, everybody that’s taking the class so far has really enjoyed it, really learned from it and correct[s] a lot of their own problems, too.

We’ve got to get back to simple. We have to get back to basic. It doesn’t have to be expensive and a big scary word to work any better.

VM: Right, and that’s another thing that is just so wonderful that our readers should know is that it is a pretty inexpensive solution to many problems in their bodies that they’re experiencing.

CB: Well carpal tunnel actually does originate in the shoulders. There are some trigger points in the back that you can hit that shoot right down into the wrist. You can feel it down in the hand. So [we use] the acupressure and trigger point therapy and [focus on] our muscle structure being balanced. It’s really all about the posture. I have to get people to ignore the pain, ignore the symptoms. Concentrate on your posture and getting your body to balance together. The symptoms resolve themselves as your body balances.

VM: And it’s as simple as laying on the Sacro Wedgy®.CB: Right. With the neck roll, with support under the neck, you have a dual

traction. Both ends of the side are stabilized, and that’s where gravity does the work, and with a therapist, they can kind of nudge things along a little bit. There’s some very gentle routines that they can help their clients with while they’re on the Sacro Wedgy®. And some of the techniques they are already familiar with because they are using their hand to hold the Sacrum. The Sacro Wedgy® is their hand, so it incorporates into existing techniques to make them easier and a lot more gentle. And gentle is the key word here.

We’re taking a very gentle approach to getting to some of the muscles that are really deep. So you’re getting the deeper stretch entirely with the body weight, because the sacrum is placed in a neutral position. That’s how the class taught. I trademarked the word “sacrology.” So the therapists that take the class, we are sacrologists.

VM: It’s true, because the sacrum is such a core part of our bodies.CB: Well in construction it’s called the keystone of an arch; the sacrum is the

keystone of anatomy. So if our sacrum is tilted a little bit, then you’re getting close to collapse. I mean, that’s just how important the center of the body is.

VM: I just saw this gentleman, and he was an older gentleman walking across the street and he was very hunched over, and I just felt badly for him. So can pretty much anyone, or someone in an advanced state like that, benefi t from the Sacro Wedgy®?

CB: Absolutely. It may take longer, and the hardest thing to get them to do is realize that they have to participate in their own well-being. So many people are really looking for that quick fi x, and they’re going to actually have to use it a few minutes every day. In the beginning, it very well could hurt like the devil, and you’re changing muscle structure. Look what people go through when they put braces on their teeth. You go through stages.

For some people laying on the Sacro Wedgy®, they will just immediately go back into place, but for others it’s going to be a process. It’s a process of rebalancing the body. And this is where a massage therapist really can help that process. By

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continued on page 39


m i n d s t a t e s

I always think of Kathy Hearn as Reverend Kathy Hearn when I remember as I fi rst heard her speak at Pacifi c Church of Religious Science about a decade ago. She is an amazingly, compassionate and caring human being who has touched

the lives of so many people. She is a perfect example of sowing the seeds of love and healing in our lives. We here in San Diego are so fortunate to be able to have her speak at the Universal Spirit Center during the month of July. She really is an inspiration to all who have come into contact with her. She is focusing on love and why we are here. I recently had the opportunity to speak with her.

Vision Magazine: Why do you think love is our most important endeavor? Kathy Hearn: I think that there is an ancient myth about how we were fi rst one big roly poly body and

then we got separated into two, and that we are searching for our other half, always, to rejoin again and have that oneness. I think in the modern, contemporary age it is for companionship, it’s for sharing, it’s for self-expression. It’s to give what we have to give and to receive support. On a spiritual level, like Ernest Holmes, [in] “The Science of Mind,” defi nes love as the self-givingness of God to creation. I think we are here living and that we desire to give of ourselves to another person. I think that is love at the highest level. A lot of people treat love as a getting rather than a giving, but I think the highest form of love is the giving that we do. There is something we discover about ourselves more when we are in connection with another person. I always marvel about how one person’s boldness will press into the other person’s sensitivity. That happens a lot in a relationship and that’s how we learn.

VM: What were the early seeds of your spiritual life that were sown?KH: The fi rst thing I remember doing is having a little medicine kit when I was a kid and I would go around

bandaging everyone. There was something about trying to heal and comfort there. I wasn’t really raised in any religion, but my mom emphasized the power of prayer. That was some early seeding. I think I was pretty non-religious or anti-religious in a way until I was in college and I had a mystical experience. I had been reading the American Transcendentalists like Thoreau and Emerson and suddenly the wholeness of life opened up to my awareness. So I’d have to say that the spiritual perspective came to me and then I started pursuing that. Going to the Bodhi Tree bookstore in LA and reading many books. Then it became a huge part of my life.

VM: I call our body our “earth suits.” Sometimes I wonder, how do we endure living in our earth suits?KH: I think we actually love life so much [that] even though it’s challenging, there’s always the great

promise of things getting better and really enjoying things. Like I am sitting outside right now and it’s just an absolutely gorgeous day, there are fl owers that are blooming in my front yard, and the trees are green. It’s just so lovely. I think we want to live, I think life is strong enough, and so how we endure is we keep on going and we use our lives for learning and we believe that they can always get better, and they do.

VM: In your opinion, do you think life is surprising?KH: Of course there is the good and the not-so-good surprise. There are things that have happened to me

that I didn’t expect. Sometimes things come out of left fi eld and they don’t always feel so great, but the beauty of life is always surprising if we are open to that—the tenderness that people can express to each other and the wonderful changes in evolutions that can happen, as diffi cult as things are. I can also feel things turning into a positive direction.

VM: How do people create the life-force or faith in themselves?KH: This is where having a spiritual path is of such great value, because if you are really living on a spiritual

path, you have principles to have faith in a faithless time. Faith is all about the invisible and it has to be exercised like a muscle. It’s not faith in the easy times, it’s faith when there is no reason to be faithful and we stand still in what we believe and stay strong in that. So, when things are challenging, that is exactly the time to go into the deepest principles that you have about what life is, what created you, how you are sustained from really the basis of life itself.

VM: If you had one, what would be the secret to living well?KH: I think that which we live in—and it lives in us—loves us and seeks to sustain us. Of course, that is my

spiritual perspective. In that when we know that and we seek to live in alignment with that and we realize the good of life from the innermost core of our own being, all the way out to our outermost expression. I think that understanding that consciousness creates and what you have presenting in your life is a report of past thinking,

Sowing the Seedsfor Spiritual Living

by Sydney L. Murray

An Interview with Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn





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m i n d s t a t e s

Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn

and there is a way to make a change for the

future. Things can always get better, but you have to

give up victimhood [and] blame and take on responsibility for your own thoughts and your

own creation just to realize what has gone before does not limit

what can be.VM: Born to love is your fi rst topic

can you talk about that?KH: From a spiritual point of view, I think we all come forth from the One,

whatever we call that One, as a self-givingness of that One into creation, and that is the defi nition of love as I understand that. So I think we are really born from that desire of life to express itself, and as I like to say, we are each a prayer that God is praying, a prayer for good that God is praying. We are each an offering to life. I think we carry some aspect of God’s infi nite nature into expression and we are here to live that wholeheartedly and make our life a loving-giving.

VM: What is the Big Why?KH: I think that we want to understand why it went the way it went. Why was

it? So I have asked that question myself and I just want to see what my answer is: love and learning.

VM: Fantasy?KH: Again, I am walking through my own issues about relationships, because

it is very easy to get into fantasy. First of all, we get into fantasy about how a relationship is, and then we get into fantasy about how it could be. Again, I am looking forward to exploring. There is a story that I love; it’s called “The Little Match Girl.” It’s a pretty old story and it’s all about fantasy. This little girl keeps lighting matches out in the cold because she has visions of her grandmother in a warm and comforting place, and the story doesn’t end well. It doesn’t end well when we are in fantasy.

VM: In love, look for us? Within us is love, is that correct?KH: Yes, and in the state of love we will really fi nd who we are. It’s actually a

line from a song that some musicians, Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett, did out of Rumi poems, so there is a refrain in one of the songs: In love look for us, in us look for this. I think that when we are really walking the spiritual path of that, we will fi nd ourselves in love and we will fi nd love in us.

VM: Where do you think we are going as a society?KH: I am not so sure about the society, but as a human race on the planet, I

think the huge opportunity is to keep moving toward oneness. I think that all of the stuff that is going on is breaking down our belief in separation. It’s like the natural disasters in particular are cracking us open at the level of the heart, because there is nowhere else to go. There is very little we can do when these huge things happen, like the tsunami in Japan, which is heartbreaking. If we open up our hearts in compassion, feeling for people, what they are going through, and it’s the same with the tornadoes and the fl ooding, we just open our hearts to embrace the whole catastrophe of it all, but we feel more—and there is something in that that is leading us forward into a greater experience of oneness—we are not living as little isolate beings. We really are in it together; the state of the planet is diffi cult on many levels, and we are all in it together and we are all creating it.

VM: Do you have hope for the world?KH: I do, but that is because I always believe in the unfurlment of a greater

good. It all comes down to the high thoughts we have for the world and keeping faith with that. But then it comes down to our individual life and how I am living each day. Do I walk out my gate and try to be the presence of love and be kind and caring in all of my interactions, to bring forth a little bit of light, wherever I am?

continued on page 40


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6 1



Enneagram by Dr. Cochran “c u l t u r e

Understanding Yourself and Your Relationships Through the Enneagram

Congratulations on choosing to seek out ways to better understand your fellow beings and receiving greater personal success and happiness. The Enneagram is an incredibly powerful and useful tool for constructively

interacting with those in the world around you and for greater comprehension of the most important and possibly most confusing person of all—yourself! The Enneagram helps us to realize what motivates us and how to better understand the sometimes confusing behavior of our friends, family, and co-workers.

Have you ever looked at the people you know and work with and wondered why they behave the way they do? Why one person would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it and another would argue about the importance of needing to wear a shirt? Why would yet another type of person be chronically overcommitted and habitually complaining about it, and yet persist in cramming still more things into their already overfl owing calendar? What do these very different kinds of people want and how can they be reached? The answer to these

questions can be found by using a nine-point system called the Enneagram.

In the study of human behavior there are many ways of identifying and discussing it. The Enneagram gives the user a road map and a system of language with which to better understand and talk about the personality traits and value systems that defi ne and help to create who and what we are in the world.

What Does The Enneagram Look Like?

There are nine basic types in the Enneagram system, and they are as follows: the Perfectionist; the Giver; the Achiever; the Romantic; the Observer; the Doubter; the Dreamer; the Leader; and the Diplomat. To determine your Enneagram type, you simply need to read the descriptions of each one and select the number that best describes you and your behavioral style. (For a quick and easy reference guide to help you get started, I refer you to my Web site,

It is important to understand as you explore this system that we each possess all of the nine types of Enneagram energy within us. However, there is one home point in which we spend the majority of our psychological time.

The Enneagram is traditionally displayed as a diagram that takes the form of a clock face with the number nine in the customary twelve o’clock position, the number one in the customary one o’clock position, and with the numbers two through eight spread out evenly in clockwise order around the circle. There are intersecting lines inside the circle that actually form a nine-pointed geometric fi gure, or an enneagram, hence the name. These lines direct the Enneagram user to the interconnectedness of the various points such as the “wings,” which are the numbers on either side of the home point. They also indicate the “heart point” and the “stress point,” which are the places where people’s energies go, respectively, when they are engaged in something or with someone that is either emotionally meaningful and important, or emotionally tense and demanding.

How Does The Enneagam Work?Now, at fi rst blush, all this may seem quite complex and confusing, but once

you have mastered the basics of navigating the system, I think you’ll fi nd it quick, easy to use, and very helpful.




c u l t u r e

Unfortunately the parameters of an article such as this do not provide suffi cient bandwidth to discuss in detail every point on, or all the intricacies of, the Enneagram. However, we can select a point and use it as an exemplar. So let’s start at the beginning with point “One,” The Perfectionist.

Ones have extremely high expectations and very specifi c ideas and ideals about what’s right and what’s not. And with such exacting standards, they are not at all shy about telling those around them that they are “doing it wrong.” Ones have a powerful internal critic, and as hard as they can be on us, it’s nothing compared to the demands that they make of themselves.

Ones have wings of Nine, The Mediator, and Two, The Giver. As a result, Ones want to help others “do it right,” and at the same time, they may fi nd that they have diffi culty letting go of unused objects, prioritizing tasks, and knowing exactly who they are. The heart point of One is Seven, The Dreamer, so when they interact with someone or something that is important to them, they want to have fun! The stress point of a One is Four, The Romantic, so when a One is unhappy, they are intensely, dramatically, and over the top unhappy!

So, is there perhaps a One in your life? You can see how understanding what makes them tick can go a long way to improving relationships with your One at home or at work.

The Enneagram Is an Empathy EnhancerUnderstanding why people behave as they do goes a long way in averting

misunderstandings and promoting compassion. If you know, pretty predictably, why and how someone is likely to respond in a given situation, you will be less inclined to personalize their behavior and misinterpret it. In fact, you can laugh about your disparate “habits of attention” and fi nd ways to productively

Why one person would give you the Why one person would give you the Why one person would give you the

shirt off their back if you needed shirt off their back if you needed shirt off their back if you needed

it and another would argue about it and another would argue about it and another would argue about

the importance of needing to wear the importance of needing to wear the importance of needing to wear

a shirt?a shirt?“ ””interact with any psychologically healthy individual no matter how different your styles of reaction and expression may be. This kind of empathy can seal a business deal, cement a friendship, sensitively shape your parenting style, and make or break your most intimate relationships.

Join Dr. Cochran live for a workshop on learning your personal Enneagram at House of Intuition, 2237 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026 on July 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. $15.00. Call 213.413.8300 for more information.

Dr. Cochran is a transpersonal psychologist and licensed clinical social worker with more than 30 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Cochran works with her partner, David J. Waggoner, MD, at the Saratoga Family Health Center, where she takes a whole person approach to mental health and wellness. She also hosts radio programs, including Wisdom, Love and Magic and A Mental Health Moment and is a Huffi ngton Post Columnist. Please visit

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j u l y f o r e c a s tb y A d r i e n n e A b e y t a

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: World (Knight of Wands) 3/21 – 4/19 An important journey may bring you closer to the answers you’re in search of. If you take an actual trip, be aware of how your surroundings refl ect your inner environment. In a more philosophical sense, this month is an adventure that will bring you face-to-face with some of your goals. It’s likely you’ll feel even more inspired and capable of reaching those seemingly unobtainable dreams. You can do it! This is a successful time for you. Pay attention to those inner promptings, as random as they may seem; there’s value in their message and freedom in the pursuit of them.

Taurus: Magician (3 of Pentacles) 4/20 – 5/21 You’re in a very creative spot this month, especially in terms of generating clever ideas and plans for others. People will notice the charisma you’re emanating, so use it to recruit helpers and/or delegate work you need assistance with. And, because you recognize others’ talents, you’re able to remind them of gifts and skills they’ve forgotten about. Know that this process is equally benefi cial for you as an opportunity for your own growth. Let your curiosity lead you to avenues of inspiration. Much learning is possible when you connect your creativity with that of others.

Gemini: Hanged Man (Queen of Wands) 5/22 – 6/21You’re in the midst of a spiritual initiation. However, like any journey towards enlightenment, you must fi rst surrender your ego. Pride is the illusion that makes self-importance the substitute for inner strength and courage. Pay attention to what you derive the most pride from, as it is beginning to block awareness of your genuine “Self.” When you’re willing to sacrifi ce your presumed control and consciously let go to allow the natural process unfold, you will perceive life in a whole new light. By forfeiting your individual power, you’re humbly contributing to your highest potential and the evolution of humanity.

Cancer: Justice (Knight of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22An aspect of your life that carries a heavy emotional toll needs to be analyzed a little more carefully and a lot more honestly. You may fi nd that a situation or relationship you’re enamored with is not as clear or simple as you’d like. Although you want to follow your heart, you may be painfully reminded of this truth when your castle dissolves into the sand. Be especially objective when presented with things that seem too good to be true. It’s only when you’re honest with yourself that others can be honest with you.

Leo: Moon (10 of Wands) 7/23 – 8/23 Uncertainty is coming up this month as your ambition starts to fi zzle out. Something you’ve been working very hard on begins to lose its luster. You may begin to feel your responsibilities are burdensome. This phase is actually very important because it helps you get in touch with your feelings and insecurities in a way that will give you a fresh vision. We sometimes continue out of a sense of duty, but in doing so, miss fi nding hidden opportunities. Think twice before committing yourself to further obligations, as you may not be seeing the big picture clearly.

Virgo: Hermit (5 of Swords) 8/24 – 9/22 Spending time alone this month is very important in order to heal the anxiety in your mind and your defeated ego. You may feel that virtually every part of your life is a struggle and you’re fi ghting a perpetual battle. But, if you can let go of the anguish of this defeat, you may fi nd solace in the ensuing emptiness. Your mind has become contaminated by too many concerns, most of which do not directly involve you. Take the time to separate yourself from all that causes you grief; although the problems may not vanish, they’ll be easier to face.

Libra: Temperance (Page of Pentacles) 9/23 – 10/23Patience is the virtue for the month; your efforts must be consistent and deliberate. Something you’ve invested a lot of time in may begin to feel burdensome. It’s important to focus on the goal and not the current conditions. When you get back in touch with your initial motivations, you’ll feel better about yourself. You may also fi nd that your emotions are hard to hold back, so be sure to have a healthy outlet for expressing them, such as exercise or a creative project. Pent-up tension could cause you to do or say something you regret, so pause and take a breath before reacting.

Scorpio: Emperor (6 of Wands) 10/24 – 11/22 Your hard work and determination will be recognized this month. Kudos may come in the form of a promotion, raise, or some wonderful gift. If you’ve been working on a plan or project that’s somehow dependent on the opinion or approval of another person, now is the time to seek that approval. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how positively it’s received. This is also an excellent time to express your appreciation of all the hard-working people in your life. Be generous with your compliments and be sure to let them know how proud you are of them.

Sagittarius: Star (9 of Cups) 11/23 – 12/21Dream big! You’re in a great place for receiving unexpected gifts or recognition. Although doubt may rear its annoying voice, ignore it and believe in yourself! You may want to create a wish list of all the meaningful things you desire. Frivolous pleasures should not be on the agenda; rather, focus your vision on more spiritual and heartfelt matters. For those involved in artistic endeavors, this month could prove to be the most successful yet, so set your aspirations high. Guard against complacency and overindulgence, as those behaviors will lead you in the wrong direction.

Capricorn: Devil (10 of Cups) 12/22 – 1/20 Temptation may rise to the surface and give you a run for your money this month. Pleasure is only a momentary delight; after the glamour fades, you’re still you. The search for instant gratifi cation will only cause more problems later. Be certain that your pursuit is in alignment with your higher goals. It could be very easy to get swept away by the heat of the moment or the promises of emotional security. If you’re in a relationship that’s being held together by familial obligation, you may want to consider the long-term consequences and how this is holding you back.

Aquarius: Sun (4 of Wands) 1/21 – 2/18 Happiness and success are on the horizon this month, as something you have energetically invested in will begin coming to fruition. If you’ve recently endured troublesome times, your situation will vastly improve. There’s a liberating feeling of exhilaration; areas in your life in which you once felt restricted will begin to open up. Don’t get in over your head. Keep one foot grounded and the other ready to leap. You’re the star of the show, so let that light inside you glow and your experiences in life will grow.

Pisces: Lovers (7 of Pentacles) 2/19 – 3/20 There is an important decision that must be made, but only after thoughtful examination of what you’ve already cultivated. What you choose is not as important as why you’ve chosen it. Security can be a strong motivator, especially when there’s enticing compensation offered, but it restricts movement. However, contrary to popular belief, there is greater opportunity in the path less traveled. As you contemplate the potential results of your choices, keep in mind that what you choose refl ects your values. Life is a series of decisions; the more conscious your choices are, the more freedom you have.


p o e t r y

By Maria Nguyen

Some gardeners consider dandelions to be a pest.They pull them out like weeds.A dandelion is simply a misunderstood fl ower,A fl ower that sows its undevised seeds.

These seeds blow through.Just from a slight swift of wind,The small inconspicuous seeds scatter everywhere.These seeds are full of potential.They survive everlasting within the hearts of those I care.

These seeds take time to seep into the dirt.I live, forgive and giveTo my father, my mother, the friends I adore.I share compassion, respect and kindness,Even with strangers and more.

These seeds grow into fl owers.The love is felt through hugs and words.Help was received and is taken.We feel and breathe emotions of warmth.The smell of dandelions helps us awaken.

The fl owers grow seeds.The grace of the kind actions inspires us.With a puff of our breath, We release the seeds into the wild so willingly.The love gives birth.

A dandelion can survive the hottest summers.It can survive the coldest winters.More seeds will be sown, and the love will live on.No matter, it will continue to thrive.This gardener will keep passing the peace along.

Maria Nguyen is a student at High Tech High School who has been interning for Vision Magazine. She aspires to be a great novelist someday.

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[from Man’s Eternal Quest © Self-Realization Fellowship]

“Seeds look so small, yet in a tiny seed may be a huge tree. . . . All kinds of

seeds of power are within you, waiting for you to develop them.”

“Most people don’t apply themselves . . . They don’t give time to growing the seeds of success that are within their

minds; they are too busy with useless things.”

[from Scientifi c Healing Affi rmations © Self-Realization Fellowship]

“Affi rmation seeds should be sown in the mind and heart with concentration, devotion, and peace, and watered with deep, fresh

repetition and boundless faith.”

“As you are a child of God, believe that you have access to all things…. Destroy the subconscious seeds of erroneous thoughts by steady repetition

of affi rmations saturated with infi nite confi dence.”

Quotes about SEEDS from

Paramahansa Yogananda


Indigenous people the world over understood the connection between mind, body, and spirit. As modern people increasingly recognize this fact, more and more are seeking ways to harness thought and language into constructive

action for health, prosperity, and well-being.Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an effective method to plant and

nurture the seeds of positive change. NLP is a behavioral technology–a set of guiding principles, attitudes and techniques–that allows practitioners to create their desired results in life.

I began studying and practicing this method with NLP pioneers Richard Bandler and Wyatt Woodsmall in the 1980s. Since 1997 I have practiced and taught these methods through The Empowerment Partnership, the training and seminar division of Kona University. Our mission is to empower our students to transform their lives and for them to encourage transformation in others using holistic, complementary, alternative, and integrative approaches to psychology and human development.

As I have taught others these techniques over the years as an NLP Master Trainer, I have studied Huna, the ancient Hawaiian discipline of energy, healing, and consciousness. I am continually amazed at how these two systems–one ancient, one modern–complement each other.

Both NLP and Huna allow us to plant and nurture seeds of positive action, growth, and development in our personal lives

NLP: Five Principles for Sowing Seeds

for Health, Wealth, and Loveby Dr. Matthew B. James

and our relationships. Huna deals with the connection between our subconscious and our higher consciousness. It allows us to grasp and use positive lessons from past events without being encumbered by negative emotions and limiting beliefs we often attach to those events.

NLP, on the other hand, deals with the link between our subconscious and consciousness. It allows people to change and adapt, adopt or eliminate behaviors, and choose mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being that further positive outcomes.

Whether your goal is to create a lifestyle of abundance and prosperity, to enjoy an amazingly loving relationship, or to lose weight (I prefer to call this donating weight to the universe, so you don’t accidentally fi nd it again!) NLP empowers you to grow. It is a process for planting and nurturing seeds of success in all your endeavors.

It starts with understanding that what you think and say is what you grow in your life. This applies not only to the words you say to others but, even more importantly, to the

NLP, on the other hand, deals with the link between our subconscious and consciousness. It allows people to change and adapt, adopt or eliminate behaviors, and choose mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being that

Whether your goal is to create a lifestyle of abundance and prosperity, to enjoy an amazingly loving relationship, or to lose loving relationship, or to lose weight (I prefer to call this donating weight to the universe, so you don’t accidentally fi nd it again!) NLP empowers you to grow. It is a process for planting and nurturing seeds of success in

It starts with understanding that what you think and say is what you grow in your life. This applies not only to the words you say to others but, even more importantly, to the

loving relationship, or to lose weight (I prefer to call this

h e a l i n g a r t s

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words you tell yourself in your own internal monologue. The words that come out of your mouth and the actions you take grow out of the words you sow internally, consciously and subconsciously.

NLP allows you to create a positive internal language and thoughts that manifest outwardly in powerful, energetic, creative action to achieve your dreams and goals. Here are fi ve NLP principles of success that can help anyone to sow seeds of positive change and growth:

1. First, know your outcome. This sounds so basic, but it is surprising how many people overlook this crucial step. If you were planting a garden, you would fi rst choose what kinds of fl owers and vegetables you wanted to end up with. It is the same with anything you want to achieve in life. If you don’t know what outcomes you want, you will have no way of knowing if you are heading in the right direction. So have goals, a plan, and outcomes in mind. This is a primary seed for success in whatever kind of change you want to create in your life.

2. Also, take action consistent with the outcome you want to achieve. Again, this sounds simple, but we all have a tendency to get caught up in actions that do not get us where we want to be. By keeping your desired outcome in mind, you can determine what actions to take by choosing those that effectively move you toward your goal.

3. Have sensory acuity. This means that you have your “radar” turned on so you are aware that the path you are on is moving you toward your desired outcome. Too often people are not attuned and do not realize that every thought, word, and action taken either moves them toward or away from their desired outcome. By having your sensory acuity turned on, you can constantly monitor your progress.

4. Practice behavioral fl exibility. As you are working to achieve a goal, whether it is to lose weight, start a successful business, or make your fi rst million dollars, you want to allow yourself to be pulled by the movement toward your outcome. Basically this means you want to be adaptable. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is less about survival of the fi ttest than it is about the success of the species that is most adaptable. In NLP this is known as the Law of Requisite Variety. This law states that within a given physical system, the part of the system with the greatest

fl exibility of behavior will control the system.5. Finally, operate from a physiology and psychology of excellence. This is really

the most important of the fi ve principles, the seed that sows the most powerful and lasting results. It means doing the best you can with the resources you have, mentally and physically. For example, if you want to be physically fi t, or successful as a CEO, you need to take care of yourself by exercising and eating right. Once again, as in Principle 2, it is about making sure the actions you take move you toward your outcome.

Achieving your desired results in life is not just a mental or psychological game. This is because your physiology and movement actually communicate to your subconscious. A shift in your physiology will show up in your outcome. You can see this in how successful and prosperous people hold themselves physically, how they speak, and even how they shake hands and make eye contact with others. How they behave physically informs their outcomes, and their outcomes guide their physiology. This helps us to better understand how our physiology impacts how we pursue outcomes, and vice versa. It is all a cycle.

Remember, what you sow is what you grow. Using these fi ve principles of NLP can help sow seeds for success in whatever outcomes you desire for your health, fi nances, and relationships.

Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., is President of Kona University and its training and seminar division, The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. His new book, The Foundation of Huna: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, details forgiveness and meditation techniques used in Hawaii for hundreds of years. He carries on the lineage of one of the last practicing kahuna of mental health and well-being, and is a regular Psychology Today blog contributor. To reach Dr. James, please e-mail him at or visit

words you tell yourself in your own internal monologue. The words that come out of your mouth and the actions you take grow out of the words you sow internally,

NLP allows you to create a positive internal language and thoughts that manifest outwardly in powerful, energetic, creative action to achieve your dreams and goals. Here are fi ve NLP principles of success that can help anyone to

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h e a l i n g a r t s


h e a l i n g a r t s

This year we have seen dozens of countries in revolt against their governments from North Africa, the Middle East, and countries in the EU like Spain and Greece.

Although all these countries have similar problems, including government corruption, the mobilization is primarily because of high unemployment and the unaffordability of food. [1] In Egypt alone, food prices leaped twenty percent in 2010.

The same is happening here in the United States. The USDA released a statement saying, “Retail food prices are rising at a rate not seen in twenty years and that trend does not show signs of slowing down.” [2]

Taking a wider perspective, food has been increasing because of the gradual rise in the price of crude oil. This non-renewable resource runs everything involved with food production, from the farm equipment to the synthetic fertilizer topsoils to the trucks that drive the product to the store, sometimes thousands of miles away.

In 1956, geoscientist M. King Hubbert, working for Shell’s research lab in Houston, Texas, forecasted that the world would start running out of oil in a few short decades. He proposed this by taking all the known worldwide reserves of oil and took into account the world’s forecasted growth and its thirst for this non-renewable resource. The graph looks somewhat like a high steeped bell curve as it exponentially increased, then has a similar drop as time goes on.

Hubbert coined it Peak Oil. Peak Oil is the point at which, on a global level, we will never have the ability to extract the same quantity of oil as previously had been done. To meet continued demand, other lesser quality sources of crude oil like shale

by Arcqiel

or tar sands can be mined, or more expensive machines can be built to offset this depletion, but this is still a dire scenario, for these substitutions still increase the price of oil because it now takes more energy and capital to extract as compared to when oil reserves were plentiful.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that conventional crude oil peaked in 2006. [3] To make the case, in the fi rst two quarters of 2008, there were signs that a global recession had been made worse by a series of record-breaking oil prices. [4]

Every major economy runs on oil. Our economic systems were purposely designed from the onset to run solely on this non-renewable resource. For so long it afforded such great returns for our parents and our parents’ parents. But today is not that world in which they had. Presently, the curtains are falling on the story of oil and how it was once a bountiful and cheap source of energy.

The movie ‘Escape From Suburbia,” shows a vivid shift of how our current way of life is no longer working. We are on the teetering point of the collapse of our “modern” thinking. Our expectation has always been that there will always be more land, more food, more wealth, more expanding markets, and of course, more energy.

The Need For SustainableFood Sources


h e a l i n g a r t s

We are fi nally bumping up to this wall of limits and it is a hard dose of truth to take.

How to Create a more sustainable solution

What can we do about this now? Realistically we can’t change the price of oil. We could outlaw the ability of oil speculation of oil futures, which would decrease the price as it would remove an unnecessary middleman who is passing on costs to us so they can make a buck but that in and of itself is a whole other story. Another attempt would be to have a complete shift to alternative energy sources such as electric cars but electricity is primarily run off of coal. [5] Solar is

promising but currently does not have the slightest capacity to offset the power needs of our current mass-consuming society.

One way is to buy your produce from locally grown farms that use sustainable methods. Sustainable methods produce organic foods to eat, which is a plus, but the feelings about organic food is that they are too expensive. Currently, many organic foods are grown far away and still have lofty packaging costs. So to enhance the effectiveness of buying organic by keeping prices as affordable as possible, we would have to participate by purchasing from local Farmer’s Markets to cut out these ineffi ciencies. At Farmer’s Markets prices aren’t as steep for many items you would fi nd in chain supermarkets, and are usually more fresh and offer a much wider array of healthy choices.

The North Park Farmer’s Market here in San Diego has comparable prices on staples like Organic Romaine Lettuce for $2.00/head and Organic Fuji Apples for $2.50/lb. There are other benefi ts as well besides economic. A great movie that covers this is “Food Inc.” which is a mind-opener to say the least.

Alongside buying from Farmer’s Markets, we can strengthen our strategy by growing some of our own food. This parallel solution would dampen potential food price spikes and help us from running into similar situations like the many countries that have been mentioned are facing.

Sustainable Resources To get started takes little investment. For starters, you begin start with your soil.

There should be compost at your county or city landfi ll that you can get for free. For instance, San Diego County residents can go to the Miramar Landfi ll so long as it’s self-loaded. You can also search Craigslist to fi nd free stone and other materials you may like to start off with. Bartering and trading is another avenue to think about.

Once your soil and basics are all set, there are volunteer groups that help you get organic gardens up and running, such as the San Diego County Master Gardeners Association or Victory Gardens.

Great books to learn more about sustainability include “Introduction to

Permaculture” by Bill Mollison, “Gaia’s Garden” by Toby Hemenway, and “Creating a Life Together” by Diana Leafe Christian.

For Non-GMO and untreated seeds along with garden tools I recommend Johnny Seeds.

For an example of locally grown gardens, check out how NYC rooftops are being converted to grow food, bringing fresh foods to local restaurants and kitchens in the very same buildings.

The Intentional Communities web site is a proactive online resource dedicated to bringing together people in locations throughout the world who are growing sustainably or want to get involved. It’s a great free resource to learn more about sustainability. is another great resource. San Diego Permaculture has classes about every week that cover everything related to sustainability, such as growing food locally, setting up solar, grey water systems, and using sustainable methods and materials for building construction.

Start small and don’t be overwhelmed. It’s better to have a small successful garden so you can add more in future planting successions. Even growing a row or two of vegetables to start off with will be a huge catalyst to a more sustainable future.

Sources: 1 “Is ‘Peak Oil’ Behind Us?”. The New York Times. November 14, 20104 Bruno, Joe Bel (2008-03-08). “Oil Rally May Be Economy’s Undoing”. USA

Today. Associated Press. 5

You can follow Arcqiel on Twitter at



f e a t u r e

Our guest today, June 6, 2011, is Master Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath, who we are extremely blessed to spend time with. Yogiraj Siddhanath is a Kriya Yoga Master from the ancient Indian Nath lineage, Householder

Kriya Yogi, UN keynote speaker, and author of numerous acclaimed books and the award-winning DVD, “Wings to Freedom.” A Master is one who has tamed the mental storm, and Yogiraj has done so. Living 24 hours in a state of super-conscious bliss, Yogiraj has made his mind subservient to his natural “no-mind” Awareness, and teaches his yoga and meditation methods to help ordinary people master their own minds while carrying on work and family duties.

Vision Magazine: I want to start off by saying, I read, (and now listen to) your book, “Wings to Freedom.” So many questions about our existence are addressed in your book. Downloading the audio version of your book gave me unexpected benefi ts. I feel energized each time I listen to you as you narrate your story. I also noticed when I watch your videos on I see light coming into my room! It is really magical! It is amazing that people can receive your spiritual transmission via technology. Could you comment on how modern day technology is used to transmit spiritual Shakti?

Yogiraj: Well, my endeavor has always been to transmit spiritual energy which they call Shaktipat (Transmission of Kundalini) and Pranapat (Breath) and Shivapat (Transmission of Soul Consciousness) through the media, whether that be electronic or otherwise. I am able to partially accomplish this by raising my Kundalini energy and projecting it as a life-force, as a healing energy through my voice via the television or the telephone. If my voice can transmit life-force energy called Prana and healing energy through electronic media and to the people, this would be a great service to humanity and I would be very honored to be a server of

Interview by Joseph McDonald, with editorial contributions from Abhiraj D. and Mark D.

Conversations with Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga Master, Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

humanity in this way. And by God’s grace, it appears to be working.VM: Since we are discussing technology and spirituality, I will continue to ask

some more science related questions. Modern science tends to explore fundamental energy (like dark matter) using costly external endeavors (such as multibillion dollar particle-accelerators). Do spiritual masters have access and control over these energies and are there ways to access these energies through internal means?

Yogiraj: These energies and this dark matter are still in a hypothetical stage and there is no conclusive proof yet, and so we are all making progress in our endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the universe. I have written about this in my new book called “Babaji, the Lightening Standing Still.” In the Appendix, I have written what is called “The Doctrine of the Divine I,” where I speak of gravity—Gurutva-Akarshan as the Supreme Guru—and by how by the power of gravity we can unravel the mysteries of the Universe. To bridge the gap between the subtlest matter (light) and consciousness, and because there is a huge quantum leap between light and consciousness, I have used the terminology called the Lightless-Light, which is really the descending consciousness. Lightless-Light is the ascent of light which meets the descent of a grosser consciousness, thus bridging the gap.

I have also mentioned the center of the black hole, which Indian Yogis discovered thousands of years ago and talked about as the Krishna Vivar, that is, the dark vortex or the Mahankal, which is the great beyond time and an epithet for Lord Shiva. As you go into this intense mystical vortex, you go into what is called the Nagna Satya or the Naked Truth, which is equivalent to the Singularity. Meditating Yogis have found that Singularity in their minds; as they go into such a peak concentration of the in-depth phenomena, there shines in the intensest darkness, a Star of Lightless-Light. What is this light which appears when matter and light and causation and time have been swallowed up by the Mahankal or the black hole? This is called the Lightless-Light or the Alakh Niranjan, and this is the star which shines as the Lightless-Light which gives liberation and salvation to the whole universe and to the Gods, to the Trinity on a cosmic scale [Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva or Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost]. This star of Lightless-Light happens in the individual Self in the third eye and gives enlightenment to the individual just as the cosmic Lightless-Light in the center of the black hole gives liberation to our Trinity of the Creator Brahma, the Preserver Vishnu, and the fi nal dissolving truth, Shiva. Just as the scientists mention dark matter, I mention the Lightless-Light, and I would like you to read through this sometime when you get an opportunity. I have given through my talk on YouTube (, the scientifi c explanation of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Trinity in the Indian religion of Sanatana Dharma [also called Hinduism].

So this is what I’m working on. Scientists have also been working. I have experienced certain of these stages. I do not have billion dollar laboratories to work with, but we have the laboratory of our own body in which we can work and get an experience through our intense inward journey and concentration and meditation. I’m sure that modern science with its external objective approach, and Indian Yogis and Yogic Science with their internal subjective approach will someday reach the

I have also mentioned the center of the black hole, which Indian yogis discovered thousands of years ago and talked about as the Krishna Vivar, that is, the dark vortex or the Mahankal, which is the great beyond time and an epithet for Lord Shiva.


continued on page 44

same truth. But let me tell you, this is still not a subject of intellectual discussion or speculation. This is a subject of personal experience.

VM: By practicing Kriya Yoga?Yogiraj: Yes, by practicing Kriya Yoga, stilling the breath and going into an

inward ecstasy of expanded consciousness, then intensifying that consciousness to be stiller than stillness itself, until you see a rising star within your innermost being which cannot be described, as it’s ineffable. And when you penetrate that star of Lightless-Light, then you are in the Supreme Reality of Everywhere and the Nowhere.

VM: Most people understand our Sun is the source of life on our planet. Recent studies show that humans are directly connected to the Sun and Sunlight can affect our DNA. Does the Sun have consciousness which is able to infl uence mankind?

Yogiraj: Well from my side, being from the land of India, we have great mantras and we have Shlokas (verses) in praise of the Sun—and He is defi nitely a very potent force. We believe in India that the Sun has an informing Spirit, and the informing Spirit goes by the name of Vivaswat, and He informs the spirit of our Sun. He is variously called Agni, Kashyap, Aditya, Vivaswat, Surya, Bhaskar, Arka, [and] Dinkara, and He is the Supreme God, we believe, of our Solar System. He rides in a chariot throne of fi re, and I’ve explained to people and clarifi ed that it is He, Lord Vivaswat—the Sun—who truly lights the Markaba. (Markaba means, The Moving Throne of Light or the Chariot Throne of Fire. And the Sun rides this chariot across the heavens through the Signs of the Zodiac, taking with him his family of all the planets.)

We also believe that not only the Sun, but all of the planets have an informing Spirit of their own; otherwise it is not likely that these planets, along, most importantly, with the Sun, would affect the affairs of humankind and all other things in the Solar System.

Once a person asked me a question: “How do you say the planets and the stars affect the affairs of men and how are we connected with them?” So I gave him an example. I said, “Do you believe that the high tide and the low tide are affected by the moon?” And he said, “Yes, of course, it’s a known scientifi c fact that the Moon governs the high tides and low tides in the ocean.” So I told him that means the Moon is affecting the fl uid of this earth. So he said, “Yes.” I asked him a question: “How much percent fl uid does a human body have in it?” So he said, “80 percent.”

[Laughing] So I said, “There you are, just like the Moon is affecting the fl uid in the body, the Sun is affecting the life force energy that we call the Prana in the human body, by virtue of which we live and move and have our being. We are all fl oating in the plasma of the Sun. It is the soup of the Sun and his magnetic radiance, and no human being, mortal or even Devas, can live without sustaining themselves from his divine magnetic and electromagnetic energy.”

It’s not only a scientifi c fact, but an age-old belief in India, [and] we have all these praises to the Sun. I myself have cultivated and developed a technique called Siddhanath Surya Yoga in which I have created a technique of absorbing the spiritual vitality of the Sun. I have this poem called an “Ode to the Surya” in my book, “Dewdrops of the Soul,” in which I have said “Drink ‘O’ drink thee Sun of Life, Thy roaring radiance rinse me through…” Such is the power of the Sun that he not only gives you nourishment, Prana, and life energy, but he makes you divine and knowing and radiant like himself.

VM: In Sri Yukteshwar’s book, “The Holy Science,” he mentions that our Sun is a part of a binary star system. Research into this theory is being conducted by the Binary Research Institute. Do you think the companion star of our Sun affects our planets in our solar system and will be played out more in the upcoming years?

Yogiraj: This star is approximately 250 million to 300 million years from our planet and now the time is coming for the 300 million [year] cycle to be completed. This is the reign of one spiritual king of 300 million years. Sri Yukteshwar is one such Manu. In a day of Brahma, there are 14 such cycles where a World King [and] a Spiritual King rule for 300 million years each.

Fourteen such periods of 300 million years each comprise the periods of 14 such Manus which compose one day of Brahma, our Creator, which is 4 billion, 320 million years. The duration of our Creation—which is 311 trillion, 120 billion, 420 million years—is the great Indian Calendar. And Mayans defi nitely learnt from the Indians. They were taught by the great Indian Yogi Bhog-Nath who was later known as Bogar-Nath. He went to South America and taught not only the Mayans, but the Aztecs, and all the people there. And he transported himself astrally, by spiritual light.

Now, let me get back to the question of the Star. The Binary Star is situated in the


f e a t u r e

Some people have strange vices and bizarre ideals. Like the guy at Lightning in a Bottle wearing only a furry Tyrannosaurs Rex strapped over his penis. If we were to see him walking around the city like that, we’d probably say

some harsh comments, or at least laugh. It’s comforting being wrapped up in our own serpentine tangle of judgment, because, after all, our way is best. Well, get over it! Let’s be more accepting and less critical of others (who cares, let the guy have his moment). The organizers of Lightning in a Bottle are on to this. The festival, now in its tenth year, is the brainchild of the DoLaB, a collective of well-synchronized artist minds from Los Angeles. It’s a modern-day tribal gathering, with the concepts of radical self-expression and acceptance at its heart center.

LIB is an arsenal of imagery. You show up wearing your weirdest outfi ts, and still you don’t really stand out, but rather, blend in. “It’s like a contest to see who’s the weirdest,” I heard an adolescent boy laugh and tell his friend.

And the pixie-like dryads, with amazing bodies—you see them right away. They’re geared-up in ripped pieces of fur, suede boots, and some animal head-dress, dancing their way through through the crowd with infi nite smiles.

I arrive early Friday morning and start to mingle, with my little festival map and guide packed deeply in my pocket. I’m strategically planning out my weekend, all nerdy like that, using my metallic-silver Sharpie to draw stars next to workshops I simply can’t miss, and speakers I would hate myself for if I forgot to see.

People are setting up installation art. A woman, Jocelyn Bada, is giving free mullet haircuts. Dr. Bronner’s has set up a clothing-optional, community foam-bath-shower right next to a DJ booth in a full-blown dance area. Three words: lots of nakedness.

Now fully in wander mode, with the midday sun giving me weird tan lines through my blue stretchy pants with jagged slits cut out down the sides of my

Lightning in a Bottl e —Sti l l Decompressing

by Daphne Carpenter

legs, I arrive to the outdoor temple. Strangely beautiful people are sitting on large exotic rugs, sip-ping raw cacao. Their pupils are dilated and they appear to be feel-ing saturated with a sense of comfort and contentment. They were peaking—right in the middle of an “Intentional Cacao Ceremony,” and at the very nucleus of the intimate-sized circle gathering was the shamanic keeper of the fl ame—Jessalynn Courtney, “The Living Alchemist.”

As Jessalynn poured and passed around the bitter-chalky, love-inspiring con-coction to all who wished to partake (and trust me, no one was really turning it down), she shared her own experiences with this “food of the gods,” and she told of how she felt it could enhance the quality of one’s life.

“I used to be this angry, hipster college student [Studio Arts, University of Minnesota]. Then I had this moment where I decided to let go of the past, my an-ger, grudges and judgments. I started investigating spirituality and ecstatic health and it led me to chocolate, which allowed me to bridge an understanding in cre-ation. I could create in any form.”

Now Jessalynn makes chocolate “from raw, organic, happy cacao beans,” and she says she’s much happier. “Cacao’s psychoactive properties offer you a doorway, an opening, and you can either choose to enter, or not.”

Okay, so what’s on the other side of that door, I wondered? She passed me a cup. “After about two ounces of cacao, a person really gets into that heart space,” she continued.

I drank that puppy down without hesitation. Then I sat quietly to observe what I felt. I didn’t know what I felt, but I knew I wanted more. I wished to get high on cacao like all of them! “I feel its vibration,” said Jessalynn.

And why wouldn’t she? Raw cacao milk dripped from her lips—I mean, liter-ally. And her eyes were wide and black. She was vibrating with chocolate, unmis-takably under its spell.

Meanwhile, down the hill, music had erupted at the Woogie Stage. People were getting down to the sounds of Lyricist IZE and Temple Monkey. Their free-spirit-ed set was a combination of high-energy electro-beats and conscious hip-hop lyr-ics. They opened the festival up with a unique fl avor and the anxious crowd went wild under the sun. “Music is the vibration of love and light and we’re all con-


f e a t u r e

continued on page 41

nected with these vibrations,” said IZE, whose excellent stage presence brought a sense of unity to everyone around the stage.

I’m not going to lie—a lot of the (electronic) music at LIB sounded the same to me. And I wasn’t on drugs to enjoy it on a different level. But there were bands and artists that did really stand out. And for Vision Magazine’s July theme, Sowing Seeds, we’re highlighting some of the lesser known, but in-full-blossom-mode, artists, speakers, and performers.

Who I really enjoyed and thought didn’t sound like anyone else there, were the headliners on the fi rst night—The Dub Kirtan Allstars. I like the way their music feels, especially live. It brings me to a deeper side of me. I just feel connected with those beats—those dubbed-out, trance-like, earthy-but-spacey beats, accompa-nied by sitar and ancient Sanskrit mantra. DKA’s sound is a fl ow of polychromatic tones of dark light, hitting you in waves. “Something that makes us different from other acts is our interacting with the crowd, which is part of Kirtan—the call-and-response of chants to uplift each other,” said DVINE1, aka Joel Long, sitar and bass player for DKA.

Blending primeval musical scales from India with another very unifying style of music—dub—you arrive at a very distinct style in which DKA is pioneering. When those individual artists come together, they’re “like a musical Voltron!” said DVINE1.

Spearheading DKA are producers and artists, David Starfi re and FreQ Nasty. We saw FreQ Nasty earlier that day, speaking with Claire Thompson on the Temple Stage under the topic, “The Yoga of Bass—Music, Ecstasy, and the Search for Freedom.” The discussion was about something you don’t usually hear at fes-tivals like LIB, where drug use is rampant; it was a talk about how to achieve elevated states of consciousness, without drugs.

Nasty (born in Fiji, raised in New Zealand) shared some experiences he’s had as a DJ in London, and as someone who’s been involved in the club/festival/party scene since the early nineties. He’s taken drugs—yes. He’s experienced that feel-ing of “oneness” that drugs can bring on—yes, he’s been there. But through the evolution of his art and also his meditation practice, he says that he’s learned how to “go there” in other ways.

“[As a DJ] you want to bring everybody to this peak transformational experi-ence,” he said. “But in terms of a spiritual experience, drugs are debatable. They prove to you that reality is malleable. With dedicated practice, we can achieve that same effect [without drugs].”

Moments at festivals like LIB can be overwhelming at times. You might just spiral into deep states of self-refl ection, and wonder, who am I? To the rescue, on Saturday morning, guiding lonely soul searchers back to their “true nature”

was Priya Deepika Mohan and her band, Avari. As she played the harmonium, Mohan’s voice resonated out with an exotic softness, fl ooding the air with, well, slow, deep breaths. Everyone realized how shallow they had been breathing until didgeridoos, djembes, and other subtle instruments guided the crowd into a state of calm, after a Friday night of craziness. “The musicians here are certifi ed sound healers, and they’re all really sensitive,” said Mohan.

Jody Orsborn, publicist for LIB said, “It’s really inspiring how [the organizers] approach events like this. There are such blurred boundaries between performing artists and festival goers. It’s such a creative process.”

I remember when festivals didn’t have yoga as an integral part of the event ei-ther. Back then, I often found myself wandering around at random hours, seeing trails and chasing kaleidoscopic worlds of fantasy in my head and all around. But lately I’ve been on the same boat as FreQ Nasty, trying to “go there” through yoga and meditation. Don’t get me wrong, though; I support the right to alter our state of consciousness.

But also, we have to stretch, and breath, and free the mind from thought in order to grow. Author Dr. Lorin Roche, who’s taught meditation for 40 years, talks about “entering the space between thoughts” and experiencing the body “as a void.” That’s so trippy. I love it! With yoga at festivals these days, we can do that collectively.

Enter Rock the Shakti—with Micheline Berry, DJ Drez & Friends. The crew uses music and rhythm “to induce healing, union and ecstatic states of being,” just as our ancestors have done for millennia. At festivals, Berry, a certifi ed yoga in-structor, warms up the crowd by encouraging free-fl ow dance movement. “Just let it go,” she says. Her dance-like “liquid asana” style appeals to practitioners because of its earthy feel. “It’s totally okay to get grass in your hair, by the way!” she said, while leading the dance-happy crowd through a unique style of sun salutations.

A session with Berry is devoid of overly New-Agey concepts, but rather, is fl ow oriented. “Go to your edge,” she says, “and your edge isn’t someone else’s edge, remember?” Staying internally focused on the mat isn’t easy, especially at festivals (sometimes yogis peek at their neighbor, with just one eye open, to see who’s going “deeper” into the pose).

Right behind Berry, with his gear set up humbly on the earth, sits interna-tional underground hip-hop artist DJ Drez, who brings hypnotic beats from some otherworldly dimension. As an avid yogi himself (and certifi ed yoga instructor), Drez knows the importance of the right kind of music in the yoga environment. His beats are an assortment of trajectory sounds—mixed notions of the archaic

f e a t u r e


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art | c inema | performance arts | theatre | gal ler ies | poets | conversat ion | culturevision cafe

by Cher Gilmore

It’s easy to become despondent over the number and scale of today’s crises—global warming, increasing pollution of our soil, air, and water, growing economic inequality and injustice, endless wars, food and water shortages,

and the list goes on. However, there’s another way of looking at what’s going on that can be illustrated by the simple visual image below.

The dark layer on top represents the decay and breakdown of all our major structures and institutions, forming a rich fertilizer (some would say manure). The layer underneath represents foundational soil—the people and basic resourc-es of Earth. And, coming up from that foundational level, enriched by the fertil-izer, are many sprouting seeds, some completely under the radar of the average person and mainstream media, and some already apparent. These represent new projects and developments that suggest a new civilization is incubating and major changes are ahead.

Why is this happening?According to Benjamin Creme, chief editor of Share International magazine,

these sprouting seeds refl ect a great shift in consciousness taking place within humanity as we leave one planetary cycle and enter another. At the beginning of a new “age,” he says, new energies and forces streaming into the world confl ict with those currently at play. In scientifi c terms, this has to do with the movement of our solar system around the heavens in relation to the 12 constellations of our zodiac. As our sun makes its cyclic journey—taking almost 26,000 years to complete—about every 2,150 years it comes into an energetic relationship with each of the constellations in turn. When we are in alignment with a particular constellation, we are infl uenced by the cosmic energies streaming from it, and said to be in the corresponding age.

For approximately 2,000 years we have been in alignment with Pisces, or in the Age of Pisces, and our present civilization has developed in response to its energies. Two qualities of Pisces are individuality and devotion to an ideal, but in our expression we have tended to cling to our own ideals at the expense of all others. This has created serious divisions in the world. However, the sun is now

Seeds of the future

coming into alignment with the constellation Aquarius, which carries the qual-ity of synthesis. As the energies of Pisces recede, the structures and institutions created under that energetic stimulus begin to crumble, and as the energies of Aquarius become more predominant, new institutions based on unity and coop-eration will begin to appear.

Sprouting SeedsFortunately for humanity, a little known cosmic event is taking place in con-

junction with the shifting planetary cycles. At the beginning of each age, the spiri-tual custodians of human evolution send one of their great ones into the world to bring the teachings for the new time. Some of these we have known historically as Krishna, Buddha, the Christ, and Mohammed. Major world religions all expect another great teacher at some future time, and his imminent appearance has been foreseen by some writers since the early 1800s. The books of Helena Blavatsky fi rst introduced our spiritual mentors, the Masters of Wisdom, to the Western world, and those of Alice A. Bailey predicted the reappearance of a great teacher around the turn of the century. The contemporary books and lectures of British artist Benjamin Creme indicate that he is here now, and has been since July 1977. Creme maintains that the teacher’s personal name is Maitreya, and that he has made a number of appearances on national television since the beginning of 2010, not yet revealing his true identity. His public emergence will continue to seed


v i s i o n c a f é

positive change.

EnergyEnergy is a fi eld in which many good things are happening, such as the global shift from fossil fuels to

renewable energy. Lester Brown, in his book “Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization,” reports that Texas is now the leading generator of electricity from wind, and altogether around 10 states in the United States and several Canadian provinces are planning to export wind energy. Three states—North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas—have enough harnessable wind energy to run the entire US economy! Algeria, he says, is plan-ning to build 6,000 megawatts of solar thermal generating capacity for export to Europe, and has enough harnessable solar power in its desert to power the entire world economy. Indonesia, with 128 active volcanoes, is developing enough geothermal generating power to possibly make it the fi rst country to transition from oil to renewable energy.

Biochar is a promising new technology for carbon capture and permanent storage that also produces energy as a by-product. If used on all the world’s agricultural waste, the total carbon absorbed and buried safely as charcoal would equal our current global carbon emissions! Several countries are already manufacturing bio-char, including the UK, Sweden, Australia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, and two states in the United States.

A new development that will revolutionize energy usage is Smart Grids (electric grids gone digital). Unlike our 100-year-old grid that only moves fossil-fuel generated energy to users, the Smart Grid creates a two-way fl ow of both electricity and information, allows renewable energy sources like wind and solar to get connected, and permits power plants to respond in real time to power needs. Boulder, Colorado, is the fi rst city to use the Smart Grid citywide, and there are other pilot projects in Connecticut and Austin, Texas, all reporting energy conservation and increased effi ciency.

Smart appliances, which can shift to reduced-energy mode when signaled by the grid or by the customer, are also being designed to work with the Smart Grid. The fi rst one, already available, is a hybrid water heater that uses 62 percent less energy than a standard water heater.

A few cities, such as Copenhagen and Toronto, are also beginning to make green roofs the law. That is, suitable buildings have to be covered with vegetation. Green roofs absorb 50-80 percent of the rainfall, cool and insulate the building, shield it from UV rays, and reduce urban temperatures and hence energy usage. In the United States, Chicago and Washington, D.C. lead in green roof space.

Social/CulturalHere, we have the “go local,” “slow foods,” and “voluntary simplicity” movements, which encourage locally

sourced, ecologically sound foods and products, self-suffi ciency, and sustainability.The relatively new “commons” movement works to institute new international laws to claim and protect

the commons. The commons is all that we share, such as parks, air, the broadcast spectrum, oceans, scientifi c knowledge, clean water, outer space, the Internet, etc.—things that should be no one’s private property, but monitored and secured for future generations.

Since women traditionally embrace life-enhancing values, an increasing number of female world leaders bodes well for humanity’s future. At present there are 18 in power, in addition to six queens or viceregal fe-males, out of a total of 26 past and present.

In terms of their rights, although women produce over half of the world’s food and make up 80 percent of the farmers, they own less than 2 percent of the land. Advocates for the rights of women to own land are active, however, and have already had successes in Uganda, Morocco, and Namibia.

The rights of nature are also beginning to be addressed. A recent international gathering in Ecuador formed the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, which views nature as “someone” to be protected and not ex-ploited. This concept has already been incorporated into Ecuador’s constitution, and Bolivia is set to pass the Law of Mother Earth, which gives nature equal rights with humans.

Finally, we are rapidly shifting from individual consumerism to collaborative consumption, or sharing. The fact that we no longer really want “stuff” is fueling a massive shift from ownership to access. Dozens of Web sites have sprung up to facilitate swapping and recycling, and collaborative lifestyles (sharing money, skills, and time) are burgeoning.

People PowerWith continuing protests in the Middle East, the toppling of leaders there, and protests at every high level

world summit, this seed has broken through the fertilizer into public awareness and is growing fast. In the United States, for example, we’ve seen protests in Wisconsin against a bill to strip public employees of their collective bargaining rights, and in France, 60-70 percent of the people recently demonstrated to demand a

continued on page 40


v i s i o n c a f é

Over the last three years, my conversations with trees have increased. Even though humans have been so unkind to nature, I would like to assure you that the trees are passionately excited to step forward to assist us in the big

changes that lie ahead. A dog may be known as man’s best animal friend, but I feel the trees also have an unconditional love for us, beyond what we can imagine. They have always been there to offer us oxygen, shelter, and food. They are now eager to share another important tool for survival: wisdom. Awareness is a valuable key to the shifts ahead.

Many good ideas and inspirations have come to humans while they were under a tree. Newton’s Law of Gravity came from the apple tree. Buddha’s inspirations came while under the Bodhi Tree. Try making friends with a tree and asking for advice or inspiration. Be patient and relaxed, and listen. You may simply notice a feeling of well-being and more clarity for your day or you may get some big answers. These could come in the form of a voice, a feeling, or your own thoughts. Trees are excited to share their wisdom and will not charge you a dime. The most they would ask for would be a “hug.”

My initial relationship with trees started when one saved my life at the age of 5. My

If you want to go back to TRUTH, go back to Kaitlyn Keyt

Trees Talkin g Truth


v i s i o n c a f éAmerican Indian grandfather was clearing a fi eld of trees to build a home. As the tree he was cutting began to fall, he looked up to see me, his 5-year-old granddaughter, in its path. Even though the tree had already separated from its trunk, it hovered in midair until I could climb over the fallen trees blocking my way and reach safety. Only then did the tree release and fall to the ground.

I believe the tree itself refrained from harming me, knowing I was its friend and would someday be willing to be a voice for the “Truth in the Trees.”

I spent many years after that in a state of what I would call awareness hibernation. Basically, I was asleep to what was going on around me spiritually. Looking back, I recalled along the path that many times trees were nudging me or calling out to me. I could feel them trying to communicate and I would brush it off as, “that was weird,” until one day it was too obvious to ignore. I was sitting in my car, zoning out, as I waited for my son to run an errand. In the middle of the parking lot there was an enormous oak tree in front of me. It turned out to be a chatty tree, enjoying the fact that it had my undivided attention. I was admiring the tree’s power and grandeur when I heard in my head, “And how do you think I came to be? Where do I get all this power?” Hmm, I pondered as if I were a student and the tree was a teacher. “From your roots?” I answered. “Yes,” replied the tree, “and from where else?” “OH, and your branches!” “YES! YES!” The tree seemed to be lovingly excited that its student was starting to “get” the lesson. “From the heavens and the earth,” it continued, “from the mother and the father. When you bring these two energies together they create in a powerful way. That is how I came to be. You also are a creation of both mother and father energies.”

This was a wise lesson for the tree to start with for me, as I had always been taught that everything was all about the heavenly father. There was never any mention of our earthly mother. Later I would discover that down to the atom, everything around us is all energy and that it is a bringing together of the mother (-) and father (+). When one looks under a microscope, there is no more denying of the mother. The atom is made up of electrons (-) and protons (+); everything is a combination of both mother and father energy. There is nothing on this earth that is just father energy. This tree shared a powerful lesson that helped start me on my path of speaking of the wisdom in nature and creating nature inventions that would solve modern problems with our

food, water, homes, agriculture, and health. Perhaps I should return and tell that tree how far things have come since the time of our last chat!

Just as with all wise teachers, the trees want to remind us that they are not our belief system. Their intent is to help us believe in ourselves and reconnect to how powerful and amazing we are. They want to remind us that, like the trees, what we truly are is pure love.

For the last two years, I have been living and working under Oscar, a huge heritage oak tree. He is a wise and chatty teacher. I enjoy sharing Oscar’s wisdom in my newsletters and upcoming book, “Trees Talking Truth.” I currently have a video on my Web site that is a nutshell (pun intended) of Oscar explaining the meaning of life. He reveals the human journey by overlaying the Mayan calendar onto an expanding Merkaba for a big picture view of who we are and why we are here. He brings forth humorous solutions and everyday understandings. I asked Oscar, “Is this you talking, or are you helping us humans get in touch with the wisdom that is already within us?” The answer I felt was, “Both.”

I encourage my readers to try a “Tree Treatment”: Stand against a tree and imagine your feet are growing roots, that you are a trunk and you have branches reaching up above you. Now ask the tree to clear your energy fi eld and bring up some beautiful mama earth energy through your roots and some yummy heavenly father energy from above. Imagine any toxins or stuck energies being pulled out through your feet. A tree can help you de-funk and refuel, again charging you nothing more than a thank you. You may even feel the energy of the tree reaching around you in a loving embrace. I am grateful for our tree friends!

Kaitlyn Keyt is a fi ve-time Visionary Award winner, speaker, and creator of VibesUP, a resource for Vibrational Energy education and tools. Kaitlyn and her family hand make unique nature inspired tools that bring infrared delivery of nature’s balanced energy back into our modern lifestyles. Her favorite tools include Earth Energy Grounding Shoe Inserts, Grounding Mats, and Earth-Charged Drinking Bottles. Look for her upcoming book, Trees Talking Truth. Kaitlyn gifts a Nature’s Vibe Bracelet to anyone who explores her Web site. Also enjoy her free Tree Talk video at


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It’s hard, for me anyway, to see the words “sowing seeds” and not start singing the old Tears for Fears song, “Sowing the Seeds of Love.” While you might not be

as taken away by that particular song as I am, the metaphor is one that I fi nd profoundly important. Let’s start by creating a visual in your mind using the metaphoric alliteration, sowing seeds, to better understand what I’m talking about.

Think of a farmer. Now a farmer who wishes to grow a crop must fi rst plant his or her seeds before harvesting anything. But the seeds don’t just grow on their own. They need to be nurtured. They must be planted with care, in nutrient-rich soil, and then be cultivated over a period of time. Adequate sunlight, water, and perhaps some additives (hopefully organ-ic) aid the seed as it slowly grows from a seedling into a plant. Without the adequate time, care, and nutrients working their collective magic, the seedling would never grow to its full potential as an ed-ible plant. It is this collective magic, these individual incremental acts, that end up creating ripples through the act of fi rst sowing the seed that yields the fi nal product. And those ripples of intention that began with planting and “end” with

The Ripples of Intentionharvesting, don’t really end with the harvest at all.

Once the plant is harvested, it must be collected, packaged, sold, distributed, consumed, and digested by the consumer. Many people and many acts are involved in this process. Still, the cycle is not yet complete. Ideally, if this edible plant is organic, helps support a family-owned, small-scale farm, and is distributed somewhat locally from where it was produced, the ripples of intent from merely sowing a seed are far from over. There’s the environmentally conscious side of buying and supporting organic produce. There’s the socially sustain-able aspect of supporting small-scale locally produced food, which is also economically just and sustainable. Even then, the ripples of intention are not yet fi nished.

Hopefully if you’re reading this article you either regularly patronize your local farmers markets whenever possible or

plan to start this summer. If you haven’t been to one yet, go! If you have been and regularly attend them, then you know that before, during, and even after con-sumption of such righteously grown food, education and knowledge are shared. In fact, the conversation you have at the market with the farmer who grew your food might be the most valuable take-away, or ripple of intention, you receive in this whole cycle of “sowing seeds.” You see, the intention of the farmer may be to just do what he or she is most skilled at in order to make a living. But if that farmer is a proponent of local/organic produce, the ripples from merely planting that one seed go far beyond selling a few edibles.

Now absorb this metaphor and apply it to other aspects of your life, keeping in mind the idea of a rippling out of good intentions. We all know sometimes good intentions get lost in the mix and can sometimes be taken for something they weren’t meant to be, but look at this from the positive side. If I walk down the street of my local town early in the morning, keep my head down, make no eye contact with anyone, and contain myself in a fully absorbed way, I’m not really in-teracting with my surroundings too much, am I? On the fl ip side, if I walk down the street with my head up, embracing the day with a smile, make eye contact with passersby, maybe, just maybe, that smile and quick exchange will be the start of something great. Maybe it won’t, but if the intention is to pass on a good vibe and welcome morning greeting, maybe it will bring about such an effect.

You’ve seen that bumper sticker, right? “Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty.” Why not? In sowing the seeds of love we can easily create ripples of loving intention that can spread in infi nite ways. The true beauty is we’ll never really know what the lasting impacts are because when we pass on our intention it’s up to the receiver of that intention to do with it as they wish. But if one nice, “Hello,” or one conversation to an undereducated consumer about eating more local/organic produce spreads the message of conscious living, then the ripples of sowing seeds with loving intention is a perfect way to ensure you’re making a difference and contributing to the change you wish to see in the world every day.

Brennan Lagasse is a writer and environmental consultant living in Lake Tahoe, CA. He is also the backcountry reporter for Unoffi cial Networks, www.unoffi Brennan can be reached at

by Brennan Lagasse

working with you on an ongoing basis they can recognize where muscles are too strong and where muscles are too weak, and we actually include isometrics to strengthen the weaker muscles. You only have to strengthen the weaker muscles to get that equal balance. We are creatures of balance. When one thing is out of balance, there’s going to be a symptom. You have your chemical balance, your mental balance, your physical balance, and they’re all connected. And with all these drugs they’re throwing out to people for pain, it throws your chemical structure out. I’ve talked to people every day, you can’t even imagine some of the harsh stories I hear. I worked on a girl this weekend [who] had a spinal cord injury. So I got her on the Sacro Wedgy®. She still has mobility, but there were some areas still paralyzed, and she’s overcompensated to walk. So she really felt good just after a 15 or 20 minute session, and I just did some gentle work and showed her what she can do at home by herself. Most of the time in my demonstration, I’m really just showing you what you can do at home.

VM: Because like you said, self-care and being the creator of your own health is critical.

CB: It’s becoming even more important. I mean, it really is. You’ve got to stay healthy and stay away from the doctors. This is just one of the key components. It’s just like an arsenal of weapons that you have to help yourself with.Muscle and balance. It’s so important. Knee pain comes from the hip. I mean, how much knee pain is out there? And the way we’re sitting now is the fact that you can even sit on the Sacro Wedgy®. I’m sitting on it at the computer. Well, all of the old-timey seats had a hump in the center of the seat. Think about a farm tractor seat [or] a secretarial wooden chair [which] had that rise in the middle. We have a space in the center of our body right under the tailbone. You don’t sit on that, you sit on the seat bones. I tell people, picture the letter W. The points at the bottom are your foot bones and just like that letter there’s a space in the center of our body. And gravity is going to fi ll in the hole. And if you sit in something that’s in a bucket seat, the spine is sitting on top of the sacrum. It’s pushing it down in the hole. That’s right where the piriformis muscle is sitting on the sciatic nerve. You just put it fl at in the seat, fi ll in the space, you stop the drop. And with so many people sitting [like this] now, I’ve got people back traveling again.

I’ve got some great stories of people using the Sacro Wedgy® and really imporving their lives.

For more information on Sacro Wedgy®, please visit or e-mail Call 1-800-737-9295


“SACRO WEDGY” continued from page 13



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It’s kind of the highest and innermost realization.VM: What are you here to do?KH: I have been a speaker of spiritual principles for a number of years, and

a teacher and a facilitator. My work is to try to speak spiritual truth in a way that people can live, so it is highly spiritual and deeply practical. I really want to support people in spiritual living. If there is an overall theme for me, it is the realization of the wholeness that is already the truth about us and the truth about life. It’s my spiritual perspective that we are created already whole, there is nothing broken and nothing missing in us, that the path of our lives is to do the best to realize and to live that wholeness, to transcend the lendings of our early years and to step out in our wholeness in our full self-expression, in our loving behavior, in our creativity.

VM: If there is one thing you do daily that supports your spiritual development, what would that be?

KH: I do my best every day to sit in meditation and to give thanks for my life and acknowledge the presence of God in my life and to get guided on what I was supposed to do that day.

Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn is the Community Leader of United Church of Religious Science/United Centers for Spiritual Living. She currently lives in La Jolla, CA and offers services such as counseling, wedding and commitment ceremonies, baptisms, and memorial services. Please visit and e-mail Universal Spirit Center Sunday gahterings are 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Please call 619-291-4728. 3858 Front St. San Diego, 92103


“Sowing the Seeds” continued from page 15

“Seeds of the Future” continued from page 35


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new social model. In India, protests stopped a dam from being located on a source stream of the Ganges, and indigenous peoples in Peru forced the government to revoke a new “Law of the Jungle” that allowed foreign countries to drill, mine, and log on their ancestral lands.

Avaaz, with its 8.2 million members, and MoveOn have harnessed the power of the Internet to effectively use people power to force progressive changes, such as the passage of a new anti-corruption law in India within four days.

In addition to the changes brought about by massive group action, countless individuals and small groups are creating positive new developments that af-fect many. For example, take the microbiologist in South Africa who invented a “teabag” water fi lter that costs just half a US cent per liter and protects against waterborne diseases where there is no clean water. Or the small company that de-veloped solar-powered LED lanterns to replace candles and kerosene, which are a major cause of respiratory diseases among the 1.6 billion people without electric-ity. Or the woman who invented and distributes the Lifeline, a solar-powered and wind-up radio that makes communication, education, and information available to millions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The EconomyThe failure of the free-market capitalist system has made it clear that we need

a new economic model, and even here, seeds of the new are sprouting. In his new book, “Agenda for a New Economy,” David Korten presents an alternative vision to the corporate Wall Street economy. His model is a Main Street economy based on locally owned, community-oriented “living enterprises,” whose measure of success is their positive impact on people and the environment rather than profi t. His model is being demonstrated on a small scale in Transition Towns, which bring people together to implement plans for scaling back energy use, sourcing food and other goods closer to home, and otherwise aiming for local sustainabili-ty. As of fall 2010, over 300 communities around the world had started Transition


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“Lightning in a Bottle” continued from page 27

and the primitive, juxtaposed to raw, urban beats. And from underneath it all, he might throw in a sample, the haunting voice of Jim Morrison’s “Riders on the Storm,” coming up from below. The crowd connects.

On the last day at LIB, don Jose Ruiz, author of “The Fifth Agreement,” spoke to an attentive audience about ancient Toltec philosophy. He broke it down into simple terms. He talked about a “return to authenticity” and urged the crowd not to be so critical of themselves and judgmental.

He also talked about resurrection—not after one physically dies, but the metaphorical kind. “I believe in resurrection—but in this life,” he said. He used the example of the snake—how it sheds its skin, transforms, leaves behind “old baggage,”and moves on.

Ruiz had a way of making the crowd feel comfortable. He was witty and ap-proachable, and made eye contact with festival goers. He smiled as he spoke about things that were important to him. “To live detached is a beautiful thing,” he said. Tibetan sand mandalas, for example, so meticulously laid out onto a temporary surface. “Afterwards, the monks just blow it away. They can build it wherever they are, wherever they go. They just take that beauty with them everywhere.”

On the last night, engaging the crowd from the Bamboo stage was artist Will Wiesenfeld, previously working under the name [Post-foetus,] now known as Baths. People loved him! His music is a constellation of ambient beats and ethe-real melodies, with patterns of echoing vocals unique only to Baths. He’s a clas-sically trained songwriter and musician who says he’s been greatly inspired by Björk.

And lastly, on the main stage Sunday night before Thievery Corporation, I just wanted to mention these amazing performers; bringing all the space cadets back to the earth were the lovely ladies of Seraphim—antler-clad women who you might run into in the forest, speaking some indecipherable mystical language, where, under a full moon, they might lead you into altered states of consciousness just by their dancing alone (bet you didn’t know that deer antlers could stay lit, on

Town initiatives.American futurist Jacque Fresco has created a more radical and high-tech eco-

nomic vision. His Venus Project calls for a complete reorganization of society based on applying the Scientific Method and innovative technology to human and social concerns. He proposes a resource-based economy as a social structure, which means all goods and services are available without the use of currency, credit, bar-ter, or any form of debt. Decisions are arrived at by applying the Scientific Method, using computers having real-time feedback from the environment and a Central Database of all known technical information.

The Big PictureIf we survey the many new developments in every field of endeavor, some of

which are not even in mainstream public awareness yet, we can see that a com-pletely new kind of civilization that will work for everyone is germinating—one that will be sustainable, environmentally responsible, cooperative, just, and peace-ful. And the best news is that there are still more seeds to sow, and whether we choose to sow new ones or tend the ones already sown, there’s room for everyone to participate.

For more information on Share International, please visit To learn more about the topics discussed in this article, also visit:;;;; and

fire, for the duration of a pagan-ritual-like dance, now did you?). But all festivals come to an end.I had to laugh. On Monday morning, while in line to buy a coconut, a blonde

girl, maybe 20 years old whined, “Oh, I wish I could be at a festival forever!” The thought of having to go home frightened her. She wished to remain in this realm of moonstruck fantasy, where people are respectful of others’ eccentricities. But what the girl didn’t realize is that she can take that way of being out into her everyday life. The thing about being at festivals like LIB is that we can go there, charge ourselves with a non-judgmental mentality, and then exude it wherever we go—take our best festival attitude with us, and be an example to others in our world. And when we see the guy wearing only the furry T-Rex, we can just let him be the stud he believes himself to be.

Daphne Carpenter can be reached at and at


JULYJULY 3 SUN DAY-JULY 24 SUNREV. KATHY HEARN at Universal Spirit Center. Spiritual Leader for United Centers for Spiritual Living will address the subject of relationships during the Sunday Gatherings at 9am and 10:45am. Corner of University and Front Streets, San Diego. Call 619.291.4728 or visit

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JULY 7 THURSFREE OPEN HOUSE Free Health Presentations + 3 scholarship raffles, must be present to win. 7:15 – 9:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

July 9, 2011 SATKIDS UNPLUGGED DAY on LAND 9am-4pm {A Family Event at Sunburst} On Saturday, July 9, from 9 AM to 4 PM, we’ll open our spectacular, 2,000-acre ranch for a day filled with fun, exploration, and nature-based games and activities. Bring the kids out to Sunburst for a day of fresh air and play that will have everyone breathing a big sigh of happiness. 805.736.6528 or

REIKI 1 EMPOWERMENT – LEARN the HISTORY OF Reiki and the benefits of it as a healing modality. 1 OF 6 CLASSES - Reiki I Empowerments will be given. Self-healing techniques will be taught. 10:00am-3:30pm at 2852 Adams Ave. at Utah St. San Diego, 92116 located within the Acu-Care Center Complex, 619.204-


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JULY 18–31 or SEPT. 2–16, 2011EXPERIENCE INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE EXCHANGE PROGRAM Experience living in an intentional spiritual community during a two-Week service exchange program. Live and serve with others amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Give yourself time to nurture your inner quest with daily spiritual practice and selfless service in a supportive

environment. Enjoy the company of friends as you participate in projects, consciously prepare and eat meals together, and learn hands-on about organic gardening and landscaping with drought tolerant plants. Private time is also available throughout your 805.736.6528 or

JULY 19 TUESDAYDIABETES & ERRATIC ENERGY – Documented traditional remedies, therapies. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

JULY 20 WEDNESDAYCRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Crystals are part of the wondrous world of minerals, connected to the core of Mother Earth’s nurturing energy. We explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing our human energy field. Sessions include crystal meditation, open discussion, crystal applications and are led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. Convenes the first and third Wednesday of the month from 6 – 7:30pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. $15 fee. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at

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AUGUST 9 TUESLAILA Del MONTE, INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR free talk and book signing. Author of bestselling book Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing, Laila DelMonte will be at The Imagine Center to share what she has learned about listening to and communicating with animals on Tuesday, August 9 from 6 – 9pm. Learn more about Laila’s work at her website The Imagine Center is located at 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356, online at, and via phone at 818-345-1100.


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JULY 24 SUNDAYKRIYA YOGA WORKSHOP & EMPOWERMENT with Yogiraj Siddhanath Sun. July 24 7:30 pm - 500 DeHaro St., San Francisco, CA - ($108) Registration and Questions: 415-377-5310 or

JULY 25-JULY 30 MON-SAT EXPRESSIVE ART THERAPY SEMINAR 2011 SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY FOR INTEGRATIVE STUDIES Six day sum-mer intensive professional training in Expressive arts therapy with experts in the field. Monday July 25 through Saturday July 30th, 2011 3900 Harney St S.D. Ca 92110~ 619-297-1999 $300 Full Week, $99 1 Day.

JULY 26 TUESCARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS & Improving the Heart. Documented herbs, supplements, foods, more. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

JULY 27 WEDNESDAYORIENTAL SPORTS MASSAGE + + Asian Style Sport Stretching. Great for both client and therapist! 10am--4:20pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, WESTERN SPORTS MASSAGE: Upper Half. Comprehensive diagnosis and treatments. 6:30pm--9:55pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

July 28-31, 2011 THURS-SUNLEARN KRIYA MEDITATION Discover a pathway to your own direct experience of the Divine. Awaken the light within. Energize your spiritual journey amidst abundant natural beauty in a gathering of like-minded souls. Explore practices to ground your inner experience into daily life. Refresh yourself in abundant natural beauty. 805.736.6528 or

JULY 30 SATURDAY SATSANG & EXPERIENTAIAL WORKSHOP Sat. July 30 7-9 pm with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free)- 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Registration and Questions: 858-877-3219 or

PARTNER YOGA Bring a friend or come alone.Deepen your practice and have fun! July 30th 1:00

JULY 31 SUNDAY KRIYA YOGA WORKSHOP & EMPOWERMENT with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Registration and Questions: 858-877-3219 or Sun. July 31 4-8 pm - 11260 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92124.

AUGUSTAUGUST 4 & 11 THURSDAY DETOXIFICATION & FASTING, Fasting, & Environmental Health - Specific foods, supplements, herbs, juice therapies, amino acids, aromatherapy, + more. Individualize both detox programs and/or fasting programs. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, Author of best-selling detox book. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Hamsa Picnic with Yogiraj (Free) 1-5pm Temescal Canyon Gateway Park, 15601 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CARegistration and Questions: 866-YOGI-RAJ or

AUGUST 9 TUESDAY IMMUNE DYSFUNCTIONS, CANCER TREATMENTS & Preventions - Specific herbs, foods, supplements, amino acids, aromatherapy, massage, more. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

LAILA Del MONTE, INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR free talk and book signing. Author of best-selling book Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing, Laila DelMonte will be at The Imagine Center to share what she has learned about listen-ing to and communicating with animals on Tuesday, August 9 from 6 – 9pm. Learn more about Laila’s work at her website The Imagine Center is located at 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356, online at, and via phone at 818-345-1100.

AUGUST 11-14 THUR-SUN2011 INTERNATIONAL THEOSOPHY CONFERENCE The Heart of Wisdom, A Concurrence of Science and Spirituality from the Theosophical Perspective. $25 Registration. All are welcome. Call 760.765.1090.

AUGUST 12 – FRIDAYSatsang and Experiential Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free)6-10pm Agape International Spiritual Center, 5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA Registration and Questions: 866-YOGI-RAJ or

AUGUST 13 – SATKriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($108 Initiation Fee) 3-7pm Masonic Lodge Culver City, 9635 Venice Boulevard, Culver City, CA Registration and Questions: 866-YOGI-RAJ or

AUGUST 19-20 FRI – SATMATRIX ENERGETICS is a ground-breaking consciousness technology for insight and spiritual growth founded by Richard Bartlett, DC, ND. Our life-changing weekend seminars will allow you to learn how to rewrite any rule about your reality. Create a new sense of you while letting go of old unwanted patterns with ease, grace and fun.

SEPTEMBERMASSAGE THERAPISTS Exclusive Energy Medicine Training. Treat yourself to a Wow Educational Healing Adventure You will experience and learn by doing powerful techniques taught by Master DC Glen Freider a modern day shaman, mystic, energy healer. Improve your effectiveness and efficiency. Principles and insights learned will advance your self love and blow away your clients. Sept 24 10am to 6 pm Encinintas Limited to 16 table required Only $144 if paid by Aug. 20th Go to or Trion Victory 858.717.7060


SEPTEMBER 9-11 FRI-SUNHEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS WEEKEND with Akashic expert-author Linda Howe. Use your Soul’s energy-archive to heal self-abandonment patterns and radiate your true essence. Burbank, $425. Also 9/8/11 at Bodhi Tree Bookstore, attend Linda’s book signing and healing meditation (free). Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818-415-3479,,

SEPTEMBER 24-25 SAT-SUN - HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR, 10 AM-7 PM. Free psychic, health, art fair.Yoga for Your Eyes workshop, panels, speakers, etc.1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free parking

in lot/along streets.Exhibitors wanted! 408.448-6726;

CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKENDS SEPT. 23-25 OCT.28-30Relax - Renew - Recharge Friday-Sunday, Enjoy gentle yoga, meditation, inspirational sharing, nourishing meals, evening devotional jam session, and quiet contemplative time on Sunburst’s 2,000 acre sanctuary. Meals and some activities by donation; please call ahead. 805.736.6528 or

ONGOINGFREE MEETUP GROUP with SPIRITUAL COACH John Abe. Learn Universal Enlightenment with “I Am Totality.” Build your life to order, do nothing to accomplish everything. Join to learn times and locations of “I Am Totality” Meetup Group. 1-800-584-1640,

ANTHONY WILLIAM – MEDICAL MEDIUM provides accurate readings for Individuals seeking and In-Depth understanding of their body and health. Phone consultations available. 941.429.8383 www.medicalmedium .net.

SUNDAYSFIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 08.11

ONENESS MEDITATION SERVICE – Led by Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. Expanding Light means expanding abilities. Step into your vaster self. Align


“Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath” continued from page 25

continued on page 46

and renew. Give and receive higher light. Join us for inspiration and meditation 11am-1pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. Each participant receives a higher light reading. $10 minimum donation. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at (Note: group does not meet on fourth Sunday of the month.)

SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information.

LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. Vicente @

23rd St. – San Francisco.

SOLAR RAIN WATER – Good for you Good for the planet. Find out more.

MONDAYSFREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 06.11

$8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998 TUESDAYSAROMATHERAPY CLASS Every Tuesday 7-9pm Amrita Wellness Center, 7820 Ivanhoe Ave., La Jolla CA, 92037 858.779.9120. $25 per class WEDNESDAYSMIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 08.11

THURSDAYSFREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 06.11 FRIDAYS HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle diffi cult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 08.11

Calendar continued

constellation Pleiades, and the name of the star is Magayanti. So, the companion star of our Sun is Magayanti. And these binary stars, when they contact or circulate, that is, when they cross certain points in their movement in Deep Space, they create a certain change. That point depicts a certain change of time, a change of spiritual guard from one Ascended Master to another Ascended Master, like our Lord Vaivaswat Manu [who] has completed 300 million years of evolving many world cycles and humanities. And now he will hand over the charge from 250 to 300 Million years—giving that [50 million years] time of transition—to the next World King or Manu Savarni who, according to me, is none other than Sri Yukteshwar—the Gyan Avatar, Sri Yukteshwar. So this change will also involve the handing over of the charge of World Teacher from Kalki Maitreya to the Yoga Avatar, Lahiri Mahasaya.

VM: Throughout history many cultures speak of times they were visited from extraterrestrials. Many lost civilizations, like the Mayans, say that these visitors will one day return. For the fi rst time in US history, the FBI and NASA have released classifi ed documents to the public regarding the UFO phenomena. UFO reports worldwide are at an all-time high. Has there been an interaction between these visitors and primitive man? If so, how have these visitors infl uenced mankind spiritually, and do you believe they will return any time soon?

Yogiraj: You see, there is a difference in interpretation between the Eastern thought from India and modern contemporary thought from the New Age, which is coming up in places like Europe and America. But let me tell you, our relationship with what you call the aliens is “as old as the hills.”

We call them Avatars, divine descent—all these great people like the Christ, the Krishna, Zarathustra who, in your Western terminology, may be called aliens and who, in our Eastern terminology, are called our Solar and Lunar ancestors who went before us in robes of light, evolving before us. They had evolved thousands of billions of years before us into their own Supreme Godhood through our divine solar orb. And now with their compassion, they have come back to assist on the earth with [their] spiritual evolution. Call them Avatars, or call them aliens, call them Messiahs, call them Saviors of Mankind. If I were to be a Master of that stature, I would be a descending Avatar and I will be an alien to you. But “alien” is a word of the ignorant. They’re not called aliens. They are closer to us than our Mind is closer to our Bodies; they’re called “Your very own,” for they are the Breath of your breath, the Blood of your blood, the Spirit of your Soul; such Lords are they. Amen.

After 2012 when aliens have become prominent and they start their work, then it will also be proved that they are not aliens but they are their very own. You cannot alienate something that has evolved us to our present state.

VM: I remember from one of your talks last year you said, “Don’t expire before 2012 transpires” [Laughter from Yogiraj]; is there something exciting on the horizon we should look forward to?

Yogiraj: [laughter] In America, you will see in certain houses where there are hikers and campers—if you look in their houses in the cellar—emergency equipment, for an emergency habitat. It has clothes, fi rst aid kits, dehydrated food, torch lights, and all essential things. And should there be an emergency of an earthquake, or moving of the tectonic plate, they would just pick up that kit and leave the house. They keep this ready as a second life, a back-up system as they call it. So the back-up for 2012, as I have said, is to ingest more light.

This light from the Sun will save you from all cataclysms and all holocausts. Holocausts are human and cataclysms are natural or geographic. Therefore, I advise them to do Surya Yoga, which I have evolved, to ingest more light to avert a crisis, and also to do more Agni Yoga (the Fire Yoga). The Fire Yoga consists of Kriya Yoga, which is the Prana Apana Yagya (Yogic Fire Rite). I thus informed all of everything that you need to do so as not to expire before, during, or after 2012.

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“Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath” continued from page 44

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Not to expire before 2012 transpires. [laughter]VM: According to your book, “Wings to Freedom,” you attended a Catholic

school where you studied the New Testament and Jesus Christ’s teachings. Many people are concerned about the “end of days” and “Judgment Day.” What are your feelings surrounding “Judgment Day,” and are we at the “end of days?”

Yogiraj: I will explain to you fi rst my thought and then I will tell you Jesus’ thought. I feel that it is pointless to worry about that which is not in your control. It is an exercise in futility to fret and fume over results or rewards that you are going to get for your deeds over which you have no control, because if worry could solve the problem, then worry the whole day, but if meditation and Kriya Yoga can solve the problem, which it can, then do Kriya Yoga.

Now what Jesus meant by the Judgment Day was that when the earth is in imbalance in its activities—physical, emotional, and mental—the Messiah always descends to correct the imbalance and to balance these activities by giving people the just retribution and meting out the proper justice.

And this retribution that will be given is for all deeds. Men suffer due to bad deeds and men enjoy if they have done good deeds. Thus, if they have done good deeds, they will enjoy the fruits thereof, and Jesus will be the dispenser of those fruits; and if they have done bad deeds, they will regret it and suffer for those bad deeds of which the Christ consciousness shall also be the dispenser. When I say Jesus, it is not actually Jesus; it is the Christ consciousness which is the real universal principle in the Christ. Jesus is the man and Christ is the divinity which pervades in love and justice for the whole world. So I’m talking about the Christ consciousness—the Second Advent of Christ. You don’t say the Second Advent of Jesus, you say the Second Advent of Christ. Jesus may also be also one of the ascended masters who has to obey the Christ, and at His behest, perform certain duties with the other great masters of the world. So, by Judgment Day we mean meting out the proper justice that each of us deserves.

VM: What is Karma? And does the system of Kriya Yoga affect individual and collective Karma?

Yogiraj: Yes, now individual Karma is for individual evolution. It is the law of retribution; your individual present explains your individual past—to each one is allotted his exact and proper task. To the Truth is Truth begot, the Liar gets his own, so do such actions whose reactions you don’t moan. This is Karma.

Now, the coming of the Christ is not to do with individual Karma—it’s too slow—but for the world Karma. To speed the World Disciple on his evolutionary path, he has to come collectively and mete out justice to thousands and millions and billions of people, and this is why the Second Advent of Christ is necessary. It’s not individual Karma that the Christ is dealing with. It is the world

Karma that the Kalki Avatar or the Christ or Krishna will be dealing with, and that is Judgment Day. It is a collective meting out of justice to the billions of people in the world. That is what the Second Advent of the Christ and Judgment Day is about.

VM: Is the Kriya Yoga you teach the same practice as the one taught by Swami Yogananda and the Self-Realization Fellowship?

Yogiraj: The Kriya Yoga is the same as taught by Paramahamsa Yogananda to his Indian disciples, some who are in the Himalayas, some who are in Rishikesh and Badrinath. The Kriya Yoga taught by Yogananda to the West and to America is the same, but I feel that it is diluted greatly and its dilution shall be sharpened when people come to India and learn the true techniques. The techniques of Paramahamsa Yogananda compared to the techniques of Sri Yukteshwar and Lahiri Mahasaya seem to be of the same type. The difference is that they are just milder; the difference is in degree and intensity of practice, not in kind. So, there is harmony between the techniques of Paramahamsa Yogananda, Sri Yukteshwar who is his Guru, and Sri Yukteshwar’s Guru Lahiri Mahasaya who got it directly from Babaji in the autumn of 1861.

VM: Will every human soul be liberated from Earth? Yogiraj: Liberation is a relative term. When a plant evolves to become an animal

it is liberated. When an animal evolves to become a man, it is liberated. When a man evolves to an angel, it is liberated. When an angel evolves into a god, one in God, he is liberated.

Yogiraj Siddhanath’s Mission and a Message to Humanity from Babaji, the greatest spiritual Master of all Time

VM: What is the message of the Masters of Himalayan Yoga to the world? Do they have a mission here?

Yogiraj: The mission of the ascended masters and even higher masters is Evolution. And here is their message to humanity. Love included, compassion included, and wisdom included, the masters to Humanity and to the World Disciples say the following words: “I am the Sun, you are my Ray, you must become the Whole, by ceaseless Kriya practice, I your Spirit shall unfold; the Ray becomes the blazing Sun, yourself as Me Behold. Om Namaha Shivaya!” This is the message of the Greatest Initiate and Divine Being of all time—Shiva Gorakshanath Babaji to Humanity and the World Disciple at Large.

VM: Is Babaji, whom you experience and have written about, the same Babaji that is spoken about in Swami Yogananda’s book, “Autobiography of a Yogi?”

Yogiraj: Yes, and to further elucidate on this truth on Shiva Goraksha Babaji, I have written a book called “Babaji, the Lightning Standing Still,” where I describe all of his holographic dimensions and inner dimensions, about the terrestrial Babaji, the celestial Babaji, the cosmic Babaji, and the infi nite Babaji, which is a must-read for in-depth seekers of truth.

VM: When will it become available to the public?Yogiraj: In about four month’s time. [Release month is October 2011.]VM: Will you be narrating this book as you did “Wings to Freedom” so it will

be available as an audio book?Yogiraj: I defi nitely will. The electronic media is vital to the spreading of the

message of the evolution of human consciousness—fl ooding the heart with love, so that humanity can live in peaceful coexistence.

Yogiraj’s Southern California Tour will start on July 30 and 31 in San Diego and continue on in Los Angeles on August 6, 12, and 13. The programs will include Healing Experiential Satsang Workshops followed next day by Kriya Yoga Empowerment workshops. In the Satsangs, Yogiraj will impart a direct experience of a Still Mind Awareness of Peace and Bliss, and offer transmissions of Healing Kundalini Energy.

People in San Diego can call 858.877.3219 or e-mail, and those in Los Angeles can call 866.YOGI.RAJ or e-mail Learn more about Yogiraj and see his full 2011 US Tour schedule at and at

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