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Post on 03-Aug-2015






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Scorpio Full Moon – May 4 2015 by Michele Finey

atCelestial Insight

The Taurus-Scorpio polarity contains themes of death and rebirth. In the northern hemisphere leaves decay and the energy of plants retreats underground when the Sun in located in Scorpio. For us in the southern hemisphere, this happens when the Sun is in Taurus. Taurus is associated with the full flowering of spring, a time of beauty when the garden comes to life once more, but spring is when the Sun is in Scorpio in the southern hemisphere. The traditional meaning of the signs of the zodiac is out of kilter for those of us in the southern hemisphere, so how do we make sense of this?

Each Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, so we might choose to look at the Moon’s position instead of the Sun. Planets in opposite signs of the zodiac are linked because the Earth is located between them. Opposites attract. Opposite signs have compatible elements, in this case earth and water, and have the same quality, in this case both are fixed. Taurus and Scorpio are also linked by this common theme of death and rebirth regardless of which hemisphere you are in. Whatever sign the Sun is in, the Earth itself is in the opposite sign.

With the Sun in Taurus and the Moon and Earth in Scorpio, this Full Moon highlights these themes. This is a time of endings, renewal, rebirth and sharing.

The ruling planets of Taurus and Scorpio, Venus and Mars, are now in semi-sextile aspect, having separated 30 degrees since their conjunction in February. As we have discussed in recent blog posts, planets in semi-sextile have trouble understanding one another. They have nothing in common, but they are close to one another, so misunderstandings and communication difficulties can crop up now. Our personal priorities may not gel with those of loved ones. This may be a testing time for partnerships of all kinds.

Event Chart - Scorpio Full Moon

The Sun and Moon are also squaring the husband and wife team of Jupiter and Juno, who have been travelling hand in hand for a while now. In mythology, Jupiter and Juno were inseparable, but they had a highly volatile relationship. This underscores the focus on partnerships at this Full Moon. With the theme of death and rebirth in mind, separations and reconciliations are suggested. People from our past may re-enter our lives, or there may be more distance from those who’ve been close.

Fortunately, Pluto makes harmonious aspects to the Moon and the Sun which helps us release the past without recriminations, guilt or blame. 

We can agree to disagree with those who have different values and agendas, but even so there is likely to be some emotional discord at this Full Moon because it will highlight differences that have been beneath the level of consciousness.

Whatever happens, Scorpio Full Moons are always deep,

cathartic and emotional.  With Pluto’s help this one

will breathe new life into relationships and deepen


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