victoria's alphabet

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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AUGUSTEvery year in the month of August my

family and I celebrate. We celebrate because

August was the month that I was born. I w


born on August 9, 1999. I was born in Leominster

at the Leominster Hospital. When I was born I

was immediately hooked up to the breathing

machine because I wasn’t breathing well. I had

to stay in the hospital longer than a normal baby.

When I was born I weighed 7lbs 12oz

BrothersI have two brothers.

One of my brothers is Nicholas but we call him Nick and he is 19. My other brother is Nathaniel but we call him Nay and he is 17. As we have gotten older we started spending more time together. We hang out and do stuff like going to the movies or just staying home and talking. We have gotten a lot closer compared to when we were younger. Sometimes they can be mean but everyone has there moments.

CHRISTMASWhen I was little my sister would get up at 3 a.m. and wake my brothers

and I up. We would stay up and sit in the family room waiting for my parents to get up. My sister would always send me up to their room to tell them to get up but it never worked. They would eventually get up around 5 and then we would open presents. Later in the day the rest of my family would come over and we would have a Christmas dinner.

DadI love my dad. Sometimes he can get on my

nerves and does things that I don’t like. For example, When he doesn’t remember to pick me up from school. Either way I can’t stay mad at him. He tries to be funny but it doesn’t really work. I just laugh anyway to make him feel funny. Like when he sees an ad on TV he’ll crack a joke that doesn’t even make sense. My dad would do anything for me and no matter what he does I will always love him.

EASTEROn Easter my family and I go to my aunts house. Around

noon my whole family is there. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Usually all the adults are in the kitchen preparing food while the kids are playing in the other room. Sometimes we go into the basement and my uncle will give us the supplies to die eggs. The food is different every year but when it is done the adults call us into the dining room. After we eat our food we all gather into the living room and my aunt repeats the rules for our egg hunt. It is mainly for the little kids but its always fun to join in.

FearsI have many fears. I am afraid of spiders, snakes, and

any kind of bug. Every time I see them I freak out. I never liked them even when I was a kid. My family always teases me about it but I don’t think I will ever like them.

I love my grandma. We have always been close. I used to go over her house all the time but since she got cancer I don’t really go over that much because she gets tired a lot. Every once in a while we will go places together. Sometimes we go to the mall in New Hampshire or we go out to eat. These are all small things but we always have a good time.


Every year on Halloween I go trick-or-treating. Sometimes I go with family and sometimes I go with friends. When I was younger I would go with everyone in my neighborhood. Now, I usually go with my sister and cousin because they always ask me and I feel bad if I say no. After we go from house to house asking for candy we go to my grandmas house. When we get there we dump out all of our candy and most of the time we trade each other for the things we like.


My interests are similar to a lot of other teens. I like to text, hang out with people, talk on the phone and have fun. I am always on the phone and I think people tend to get mad at me because they think I don’t listen but haven’t they heard you listen with your ears not your eyes. When I hang out I like to hang out with friends like Sarah and Alicia. Sometimes I like to hang out with my sister and my cousins because ’m closer with them and it is easier to make plans with them.


Jordyne used to be my best friend. Jordyne, my sister, and I used to be so close. She lived right next to me and we did everything together. We used to sleepover each others houses and our parents didn’t find the need because we could just see each other in the morning but we did it anyway. Jordyne and I met when we were little and we have been best friends since. Unfortunately in fourth grade she moved. During holiday times when she comes down to visit her other family we get to hang out. We have texted each other a few times but other than that we don’t talk that much anymore.


Kylsie is my cousin. When I was younger I didn’t really like her a lot because I thought she was spoiled but that has changed. Out of all my cousins she is definitely my favorite. I can tell her anything knowing that she won’t tell anyone if I tell her not to. Her parents are split up so I only get to see her every other weekend.


Leominster is my hometown. I was born at Leominster Hospital. I have lived here since I was very little. I used to think that Leominster was very boring and I would rather live somewhere else but then my mom wanted to live somewhere else and that is when I realized I didn’t want to move. I thought about it and this is where all my friends and family live and I wouldn’t want to leave all of them.


My mom is Conisha Holden. Sometimes she is overprotective and I never really understood why but then when I see how she acts with my sister I see why she is like that. I think she does that because she just wants the best for us and she doesn’t want anything to happen. She has taught me a lot in my life time. In my opinion I think she is a great mom and I would do anything for her.



Some of my neighbors are nice and some of my neighbors are mean. Whenever I have a barbeque in the summer at my house I have this one neighbor who calls the cops and says we are to loud and she was trying to sleep. I also have another mean neighbor. If they are outside and you go out to say hi they just look at you and give you a dirty look so I just stopped saying hi. I also live across the street from my grandma. When I was little and my parent were at work I would have to go over there so she could watch me.


I consider myself a very organized person. I am more organized in my school work than at my things at

home. When ever my things are unorganized I will stay up until they are organized again. There has been many times where I have rewritten my whole notebook because one day I had bad handwriting. It bothers me when people around me don’t have there papers in order and they have papers everywhere. I have always been this way and in a way I am glad that I am.

I have a dog named Dutchess. She is a Dachshund. I got her when I was about six years old. I love to play with her because she is so small. She is very friendly so whenever someone comes into my house she runs to them and will jump all over them. I also have a cat named Midnight. I have had Midnight since I was very little. When I first got my dog he didn’t like it because he was older and didn’t want to play. Now that my dog is older she doesn’t play as much and jump around so Midnight doesn’t mind anymore . I have two guinea pigs. One of them is Squeaky and the other one is Bandit. They are very loud. Whenever my dad comes home from work they will squeak until he pets them. We always let them out of there cage so they can run around on the floor.


Bandit Squeaky



Why did this happen? How did they do that? When did this happen? I think everybody has questions. I usually ask a lot of questions. I only do that so I make sure I understand. This way if people ask me a question about something I can answer and know I am telling them the right thing. I used to hate when my little cousins asked questions because it was so annoying. Every time I got up they would ask where are you going. One time when they asked me I rolled my eyes and my grandma told me that I did that when I was little. It was then that I realized that it was okay to ask questions because it is better than being curious.



I have to share my room with my sister. I hate that sometimes because she can be so messy. She makes most of the mess and whenever we have to clean our room she says that its mostly my stuff. I think that my room is kind of clean and I try to keep it clean but it doesn’t always stay that way. When we first moved to the house we live in now our room was yellow. Since we were little we didn’t care and we liked it. When we got older we wanted to paint it. It took us forever to decide on a color. Eventually we compromised on the color blue.

My sister’s mess

My sister is Melodee and she is 15. We are very close. We tell each other almost everything. She always asks me to go places with her. Like walking to the store or going over my grandmas. Whenever I have a question on my homework she will help me. I ask her because we think of things similarly so it is easier understanding it when she explains. Sometimes I don’t like things she does like when she is mean to people and I say I am not going to talk to her but then the next minute I'm talking to her again.


Every year my family and I go on trips. We don’t go during the year because of work and school but we go in the summer. Usually we go to a campsite and we say there for a week or two. We have to plan ahead of time so that my parents can work it out with work. My grand parents from my dads side usually go. Then they bring my cousins so most of my family is usually there. Whenever we go we have a good time.


Uncle Jeremy

I have three uncles and not saying that I don’t like my other uncles but my uncle Jeremy is my favorite. He is my dads brother. I like him because he is funny. You can joke around with him and he will just joke back. If I ever have a question he will be honest with me. Sometimes he is annoying because he is so loud and childish. Other times that’s what makes him my favorite.

My name is Victoria Christine Holden. I am 13 years old. My parents say they named me Victoria just because they liked it. I have my middle name, Christine, because that was my great grandmas middle name and my parents wanted me to have the same middle name. I have my last name from my dad.

Victoria Christine Holden


I love Winter. When I was younger I had a bigger backyard and there was a huge hill. I would always wake up and get on my snow suit. I would sit in it all day until my brothers and sister got out of school. When they got home I would rush them to get there suit on. I would go outside and get all the snowboards. I sat at the top of the hill until they came out. We would play until my mom told us to come in. Now that we have moved and we don’t have a big hill anymore we don’t play as much. Now we go over neighbors house. I don’t go out as much and when I do most of the time its because my neighbor asks.


I am excited for my future. Next year I am going to Leominster high school. I am scared but excited at the same time. After I graduate high school I want to go to college. I am not sure what college I want to go to yet. One day I hope to be a pediatrician because I want to work with the little children. I have always dreamed of being one.


When I was little my favorite color was yellow. That

is why my room was yellow. When I was six I was running

into my house and I got stung by a bee. My whole finger

was swollen and it hurt a lot. Since bee’s are yellow and I

was upset I changed my favorite color. I haven't really liked

yellow since even though I am not upset about being stung

anymore. I guess I just don’t like it.


I love the zoo. I like to see all of the animals. The first time I went to the zoo was when I was seven. It was in the middle of the summer and I went with my family. We traveled to the Franklin park zoo. We got to see everything. We saw a lion, seal, monkey, giraffe and much more. I had a very good time when I went there.

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