vastu - general guidelines, tips and solutions

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  • 7/31/2019 Vastu - General Guidelines, Tips and Solutions


    Niranjan Babu Bangalore

    Vastu - General Guidelines

    Today, people are becoming aware of the importance of Vastu Sastra and its enormouscontribution to current lifestyle. This great science of Indian architecture relates to the Vedas

    or the knowledge books of ancient India. Vastu Sastra can also be defined as the science ofenergy that creates a rhythm and balance in the building to ensure a better quality of life.

    This article aims at balancing the primary elements and energies in a house by proper

    placement and re- location of key objects.

    Distribution of Elements

    The five primary elements are identified as follows:

    Element Property Direction

    Space (Akasa) Strength South-West

    Air (Vayu) Free movement North-West

    Water (Jala) Purity North-East

    Fire (Agni) Electrical and Electro-magnetic energies South-East

    Earth (Prithvi) Total awareness Centre

    Based on this understanding, certain Vastu imbalances can be easily taken care of.

    Main Door

    The main door allows the proper flow of the cosmic energies into the house. The mahadwara orthe main door is similar to our nasal passage, which takes in the vital breath. Placement of thedoor in all the four cardinal directions is recommended. The main door should never be placed inthe centre of the structure. For an improperly placed door, a screen placed a few feet awayfrom the door helps to block the negative energies. The screen should be the same height asthe door.

    Masters of the Home

    They can have their rooms in the South or South-West region of the structure. Senior citizens

    can occupy/sleep in North-East rooms. While lying on the bed, the head should be to the South.

    The South-West corners of the living premises can have heavy furniture or some heavy indoorplants.

    u - General Guidelines, Tips and Solutions.

    2 15/03/2012 01:50 PM

  • 7/31/2019 Vastu - General Guidelines, Tips and Solutions


    Children's Rooms

    North, North-West and West rooms are good for girls. South, South-East and East rooms arerecommended for boys. They can sleep with their heads to the east. Computers and electronicequipment can be placed in the South-East of their rooms. Their knowledge area, which is theNorth-East, can be activated by the use of mirrors. Cleanliness should be their hallmark.


    Pictures of gods, goddesses, saints, sages, landscapes, waterfalls, rivers, seas etc., can alladorn the Eastern and Northern walls. Photos of departed near and dear ones can be hung onthe Southern walls. Avoid pictures depicting violence, disease, death and negative aspects oflife. South and West walls can have pictures depicting strength - huge trees, mountains, rockgardens etc.

    Indoor Plants

    Have light indoor plants in the North, East and North-East areas. The South, West andSouth-West can have heavy indoor plants. Avoid cactus, rose plants and other thorny flora in

    the North and East. Placing them in the South-East not only improves the ambience but alsokeeps the energies sober..


    Keep all the windows open to allow good ventilation into the rooms. Cooler air always comes

    through the South and warm uncomfortable air through the West. Regulate the openingsaccordingly. Openings on the North and East that relate to the wealth and health arerecommended. Strategic use of curtains can regulate the f low of warm or cool air into the room.

    Internal Staircases

    Imbalance due to having the staircase right before entrance can be offset by clevercamouflaging of the front of the staircase with indoor plants (light or heavy, depending on thezone - South, East or West - they are in). Staircases facilitate energy movements. They shouldturn clockwise as we ascend.

    In a later article, we will cover aspects of lighting and creating spaciousness, balancing sound

    energy, kitchen, swimming pools and ponds, beams, mirrors, furniture, etc.

    Summing up, the environment needs to be studied carefully. The primary senses of sight andhearing play an important role. Listening to the sounds (harsh and soft), looking at the doorsand windows, studying the placement of furniture and plants, observing the beams and columns,noting the sleeping and sitting positions are important. Vastu is one of the tools provided by oursages and seers that may help an individual to achieve some level of health and happiness. Letthe science of Vastu re-define your life and help contribute peace and prosperity.

    Copyright (c) Niranjan Babu Bangalore

    u - General Guidelines, Tips and Solutions.

    2 15/03/2012 01:50 PM

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