vampires over time

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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INTRODUCTION TO VAMPIRES• Vampires are often portrayed to have human-like qualities and appear normal which evokes the fear of the unknown as nothing seems wrong but underneath they’re a monster than survives on drinking human blood• Vampires, specifically Dracula, are separated from society as they are immortal which people find fascinating as it is an alternate version of the living dead• Often portrayed to have the perfections humans desire, for example immortality, an attractive appearance and intelligence• Vampires often come the gothic themes which people find fascinating and creepy• Vampires started off as terrifying monsters in the early 90s and have developed into romanticised beings that audiences now sympathise with, this cycle is repeat throughout horror and possible the terrifying features of vampires may reappear at some point

NOSFERATU - 1922• This is a silent, black and white German expressionist film. The lack of speech allows the soundtrack to do a lot of work in creating a creepy atmosphere, as well as the sounds of the mise-en-scene such as doors creaking. The silence also means the audience notices more on the screen• The vampire, Nosferatu, is depicted as physically repulsive which audiences would find scary as this point in time. He looks almost zombie-like due to his pale grey skin and black circles around his eyes, his hands are also freakishly large with creepy, pointy fingers and he is dressed completely in black which indicates that he is an evil being• The use of shadows in this film creates a creepy atmosphere these shots are used when Count Orlok is going for his prey making him seem ever more menacing because they emphasise his form

HORROR OF DRACULA- 1958• In this interpretation of Dracula, he appears like a normal human and has quite gentlemanly qualities which disguises the monster inside, he is also an attractive being which allows him to get his prey easier therefore scaring the audiences because attraction is usually a good thing• This version of Dracula follows the typical gothic themes as he lives in a remote, dark castle and sleeps in a coffin• He also wears all black with a cape that has a red underside, which has sexual or passionate connotations but it also indicates danger or anger• The use of light and dark in this film is significant as the darkness is often used when Dracula appears but his prey, the innocent victims, have more light on them

BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA- 1992• This version of Dracula is different to the rest as it gives a backstory of how Dracula came to be as he was once human who went through a lot meaning the audience can sympathise with him• There’s a lot of focus on religion as the camera shows crosses often and at points them being destroyed and Dracula attacks religion therefore announcing the monster within• His appearance is originally normal but it changes over time into a more unnerving figure as his skin is very pale, his hand and fingernails are very long and repulsive, his hairstyle is also very dated which can be intimidating• As a vampire he does have some typical qualities such as he turns into a bat, he’s very pale, the overall theme is fairly gothic as he lives in a dark and frightening castle but also his shadows moves separately from him

TWILIGHT – 2008 - 12• This series of vampire films changed audience’s view of vampires as they do not appear to be at all scary but they are easy to sympathise with due to their human like qualities and appearnces• The appearances of the vampires featured are very beautiful and attractive to other characters and audiences – they still have the conventions such as pale skin, are old despite appearances saying otherwise and unable to go in sunlight except they sparkle instead of burning•Overall the films broke typical vampire conventions as they’re physically and emotionally perfect, the films are overly romanticised and they are ‘vegetarian’ and only drink animal blood• The use of shadows is continued into these films as it helps identify the good and bad, taxidermy is also used a lot in school settings

LET THE RIGHT ONE IN - 2008• Similar to Twilight in the way that the film is romanticised and you can sympathise with the vampires as they seem vulnerable• The main vampire appears normal like other humans as she goes to school and lives in a council estate, except they can’t stand food or being in the sun and she is also quite pale• The main vampire is portrayed by a young girl which is unnerving to audiences as children are usually the picture or innocence however she is very destructive in the way she kills and the films involves a lot of blood and gore

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