utah boomers magazine

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Lifestyle, finance, entertainment


December 2011

Homemade for the Holidays

Your Annual Financial To-Do List: 12 Things YOU Can Do Before and For 2012

No Need to Hang Up the Cape

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6 COVER STORYHave Yourself an Authentic Little Christmas | Why We Dread and Endure the Holidays and Seven Ways to Turn the Cycle Around

4 HOME | LIFESTYLE Homemade for the Holidays | If holiday gift giving shifts from an oppor-tunity to express your love and gratitude to a challenge of high-tech know-how, crowd survival and bounced checks then it’s time to re-think the entire process.

6 DOLLARS| SENSE 06 |Your Annual Financial To-Do List:12 Things YOU Can Do Before and For 2012 |The end of the year is a good time to review your personal finances. What are your financial, business or life priorities for 2012?

10 | No Need to Hang Up the Cape | Some of the strongest and most youthful superheroes to jump from the pages of comic books to the silver screen in recent years are old enough to be receiving full Social Security retirement benefits.

DECEMBER 2011 | 3

Dear Fellow Boomer,

Well, it's that time of year again. How many times so far

this year, have you reflected about the Christmas’ of your

childhood and made comparisons to the way things are

now? My question is, have we gone to far to go back? With the economy

the way it is, this might be the perfect time to do a test drive to a more

simple and stress-free holiday. Read “Have Yourself an Authentic Little

Christmas” to see how.

Still, there are those among us who love the holidays, along with the gift

giving, the decorating and the shopping. To you I tip my hat. You, like

small children, are a joy to be around this time of year.

There is another aspect about this time of year. It is when we reflect on

the year past and set goals for the future. We, at UBM, are in the process

of making goals for 2012 as well. What direction should the magazine

go? Is there something you, as a reader, would like us to report on? We

would love to hear your comments and we will do everything we can to

accommodate you.

Until next year, then, we wish you a wonderful holiday and a very happy

and prosperous new year.



Publisher ....................Utah Boomers Magazine, LLC

Managing Editor .........................................Teresa Glenn

Contributing Writers .......................Bryn Ramjoue’

Kathleen McIntire

Bill Losey

Photography ......................................................Mark Crim

Advertising Sales

info@utboomer.com media kit www.utahboomersmagazine.com


Claye Stokes, New Shoe Media

Utah Boomers Magazine is published monthly for the baby boomer population of Utah. The information contained in this publication my be contributed by independent writers and does not necessarily reflect the views of Utah Boomers Magazine management. Copying or electronic distribution of any content within this publication is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Utah Boomers Magazine and the author. For reprint permission, editorial or submissions or comments, email teresa.glenn@utboomer.com.Questions and suggestions: info@utboomer.com

ArchivesDecember 2010Christmas 1955—A Fun Look Back Christmas (In)Compatibility | Holiday Diet | Gift Giving Legalities | Celebrating the New Year | Winter Trips to Southern Utah

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The latest electronics, fashion and lyrics may not be your area of expertise when it comes to shopping for holiday gifts. If holiday gift giving shifts from an opportunity to express your love and gratitude to a challenge of high-tech know-how, crowd survival and bounced checks then it’s time to re-think the entire process.

The newspapers, TV and radio advertise the same items for about the same prices, and your adult children are seeing the same advertisements too making a purchase of one of these items a flight from the personal touch. We’ve all heard the phrases, “gifts from the heart” and “it’s the thought that counts.” But making “special” gifts can require late nights building,

knitting, painting or cooking. Is there a low-stress way to give a meaningful gift? Yes. We’re lucky to live in a community with talented artisans and to have many opportunities for shopping artist marketplaces during the holidays. You will be able to meet the local artist and select a gift that suits each person on your list. Perhaps marketplace shopping can become one of your holiday traditions? Here is a list of artist marketplaces in early December:

Red Butte Garden, located at 300 Wakara Way, is pleased to host a Holiday Open House from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4. This free annual tradition

Handmadefor the HOLIDAYS

DECEMBER 2011 | 5

features work by local artists in knits, glass, jewelry, pottery, photos and other art forms with warm cocoa or cider and an activity for kids.

The Indian Walk-In Center, located at 120 West 1300 South, will spotlight local artists on December 3 and 4, representing the American Indian community, with various crafts and works of art for sale and exhibition. Open from 9a.m. to 6p.m.

Objets d’art can be found at a special holiday sale in the Alvin Gittins Gallery located in the Fine Arts Building. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on December 6, 7, and 8, shoppers can support student groups in the Department of Art and Art History by purchasing ceramics, prints, drawings, paintings, books and photographs.

Art-loving shoppers should stop by The Utah Museum of Fine Arts (UMFA), located at 410 Campus Center Drive in the Marcia and John Price Museum Building. From 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 7, the UMFA will host the Art of Contemporary Craft Holiday Market, a free event featuring art-inspired gifts created by top local artists.

The Art Barn, also known as Finch Lane Gallery, is located at 54 Finch Lane just north of President's Circle on the University of Utah campus. Featuring more than 60 artists this year the craft show promises more of the quality and diversity for which it's known. December 3-18, open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

You’re support of local nonprofit organizations and of local artists fits the spirit of the holiday season and revives the idea of meaningful gift giving.

For additional information:Red Butte Garden300 Wakara WaySalt Lake City, UT 84108(801) 585-0556www.redbuttegarden.org

Utah Museum of Fine Arts410 Campus Center DriveSalt Lake City, UT 84102(801) 581-7332www.umfa.utah.edu <http://www.umfa.utah.edu>

Department of Art and Art History375 S 1530 ESalt Lake City, UT 84112-0380(801) 581-8677www.art.utah.edu

Art Barn | Finch Lane Gallery54 Finch Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84102(801)596-5000www.slcgov.com/arts

Indian Walk-In Center120 West 1300 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84115(801)486-4877www.iwic.org

Bryn Ramjoue’ has been a marketing professional for 25 years. She is a past president of the AAF/Utah and former Utah Business Woman to Watch and AAF Advertising Professional of the Year. She was a national brand manager for AT&T Wireless and is presently the Communications Director for Red Butte Garden.

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The winter holidays are just around the corner, and if

you’re like most Americans you are looking anxiously

at your calendar right about now. How will I ever

manage the avalanche of parties, cocktail hours, get-

togethers, and ceremonies I’m supposed to attend? you wonder.

Shouldn’t I be cherishing these festivities? How long do I have to

do my shopping—and how will I afford it? And should I really

be feeling resentful about having to bake yet another batch of

cookies, decorate the house, or spend time with relatives I rarely

get to see?

It’s an uncomfortable truth, but many of us do feel an inexplicable

dread of the holidays and the expectations around them. And

according to Kathleen McIntire, it’s those “S” words—“supposed

to” and “should”—that are the problem.

DECEMBER 2011 | 7

“Any time you listen to what others say should be right for you,

you ignore your own inner wisdom…and of course that leads to

feelings of resistance,” explains McIntire, creator of Guiding Signs

101, “The bottom line is, your heart wants an authentic life that

you consciously create.”

Being guided by your own insights and intuition is actually difficult

for many people, McIntire explains. That’s because beginning in

early childhood we begin to allow outside forces—society, family

members, the media, and even our own conditioned ideas about

the sacredness of tradition—to shape our perception of reality.

In other words, we allow those “shoulds” and “supposed tos” to

be the sole arbiters of what is right, proper, and desirable, even if

those things don’t fulfill us, cause us to grow, or make us happy.

“This disconnect between what we desire and what we do happens

all year long (and all life long!), but at the holidays we really notice

it,” says McIntire. “That’s because we really long for what the

holidays stand for—love, friendship, joy, spiritual meaning—but

we settle for representations of those things instead of what’s real.

We just go through the motions and our spirits don’t get nourished.

Instead, we all need to learn to listen to and follow the guidance of

our hearts.”

If you’re ready to consciously create your own holidays instead of

passively letting them happen to you, here are a few tips:

1 Get in touch with how you really feel about

the holidays. McIntire has said it before, but it’s worth

repeating: Most of us approach the holidays from a place

of obligation. We’re expected to buy and exchange gifts,

so we do. We’re supposed to attend gatherings and events, so we

do. And throughout all of these holiday events and traditions,

we’re supposed to feel excited and joyful. However, because we are

approaching at least some aspects of the holidays from a place of

duty, we feel dread instead of positive anticipation.

“In many aspects of their lives, people tend to be quite

disconnected from their true feelings and desires,” McIntire

confirms. “We are being controlled and manipulated by outside

forces, so of course it makes sense that—on some level—we

resent it. However, when you get in touch with your inner voice

and desires, all of that can change. When you realize, for example,

that hosting your annual cocktail party primarily drains and

frustrates you, you’re in a position to change your plans and cut

those negative feelings out of your life.

“Make it your goal to first gain clarity on how you really feel about

the upcoming months so that you will be able to navigate them

from a place of wisdom,” she suggests. “Then you’ll be able to

identify what an authentic holiday looks like for you.”

If you’re less than thrilled about Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, perhaps it’s because you’re letting others dictate what you should be doing. Kathleen McIntire, creator of Guiding Signs 101, explains how to celebrate the season in a way that means something to YOU.

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2 Be aware of your family dynamics. Even

if we live hundreds of miles apart, most of us are

reunited with our families during the holidays. We’re

supposed to (there’s that phrase again!) cherish this

time and make positive memories with each other, but the truth

is that many Americans aren’t exactly looking forward to their

impending reunions. According to McIntire, a lot of this dread

boils down to the fact that when we go back “home” we fall into

our old roles of relating to one another. We re-enact old—and

often negative—scripts, becoming the bossy older sister or the

powerless son who still fears his (now ninety-five-year-old) mother.

“When you’re aware of why you dread your family, you can take

steps to change those dynamics—or make the decision not to

participate in them at all,” asserts McIntire. “I suggest asking

yourself whether going home feels like stepping through a black

hole back to your eight-year-old self instead of remaining the

adult you live with day to day. If the answer is yes, you are allowing

something—perhaps your family’s expectations, opinions, or

prejudices—to determine your self-worth. It’s important for all of

us to remember that love isn’t conditional and that we are worthy

just as we are.”

3 Stop confusing “stuff” with love. Our society

seems to be obsessed with the idea that more is better,

and we behave as though possessions indicate status

and worthiness. During the holidays, those beliefs

manifest themselves in the giving of gifts. Doggedly we shop,

wrap, and exchange presents with one another…even though (if

we’re honest with ourselves) we generally find little fulfillment in

this tradition.

“A lot of our holiday stress is tied to obligatory spending,” points

out McIntire. “In fact, many Americans are already stretching

their budgets way past the point of comfort. And beyond that,

most people we spend money on would breathe a huge sigh of

relief if we just stopped the gift-giving madness. When my son

was seventeen, he mentioned to me that the whole ‘presents’ part

of the holidays was so stressful. He said he’d much prefer to just

spend time with the people he loved. So that’s when we stopped

exchanging gifts.

“Most of us are using gifts as symbols of our love for others, but

the message isn’t translating,” she adds. “We’d all feel much better

if we channeled that gift-exchange energy into healing, loving, and

getting to know and respect one another’s true selves.”

4Decide to say no to at least one holiday

obligation this year. Unless you’re Martha

Stewart, there’s at least one (and probably many)

holiday obligations you’d rather skip. Whether it’s

an expensive gift exchange, attending (or hosting) a family get-

together, or feeling the need to decorate the whole house, if you’re

reluctant to participate in an activity, there’s a solid reason: It’s not

enhancing your happiness, sparking positive growth, or fostering

good relationships. That’s why McIntire encourages you to cut the

one activity you enjoy the least from your holiday schedule this


“You can never respond to life’s opportunities with a genuine yes

until you are fully able to say no,” she explains. “Only then will you

be totally in the driver’s seat. And that sort of conscious creation

happens through making one change at a time. Be prepared for

your counter-cultural decisions to cause a lot of flak, but hold on

to hope as well. Personally, I stopped joining my family for the

Christmas holidays for several years because of extreme distance

and dysfunction. It did cause a big uproar, but I knew this was the

healthiest decision for me. I was eventually prompted to write a

letter to my family that encouraged healing and understanding—

and that letter caused an outpouring of love and alignment

between us all.

“My point is, don’t force yourself into situations that are

unhealthy,” she adds. “But also keep in mind that you have the

power—and the responsibility—to spark healing and change.”

5 Tell people early. As you start to consciously

plan your holiday season, be careful not to make your

decisions in a vacuum. Remember that your choices

and actions impact others, so be sure to keep them

informed of what you will and won’t be participating in. Yes, your

first priority is to live with authenticity, but it’s also important

to show consideration and respect for other individuals by not

inconveniencing them needlessly. And guess what? You might be

surprised to find that others feel the same way.

“Chances are, you’re not the only person who feels trapped by a

particular holiday script,” says McIntire. “For example, there’s a

good chance that your friends might heave a giant sigh of relief

when you tell them that you’d like to forgo your annual gift

exchange. Remember, the people in your life who truly care about

you will support your decisions whether they agree with them or


6 Do it with love. Realize that when you change

holiday plans that have “been this way” for years or

even decades, you’ll run into questions, confusion,

and resistance. Many people will instinctively take the

alterations to your schedule personally (e.g., “What if she isn’t

volunteering to coordinate the food drive because she just doesn’t

care how hard I have to work?”). Therefore, it’s important to make

it clear that you are trying to redefine the direction of your own

life, not to reject or inconvenience the people in it.

“It’s very, very important to make all of your holiday changes with

love,” McIntire stresses. “Don’t assume that people will instinctively

pick up on why you’re behaving and planning differently—make it

explicitly clear that you are not rejecting them or their place in your

life. In fact, you might go so far as to suggest connecting with them

in a deeper, more meaningful way. That was my intention when I

wrote the letter to my family after missing several Christmases with

them. I made it clear that because I loved them, I wanted to clear

away the pain I’d previously been avoiding, and that I also wanted

us all to experience healing.”

7 Create new, more meaningful rituals and

traditions. McIntire recalls a holiday event she

attended as a child. She received a kaleidoscope from

Santa’s bag, while many of her friends were given that

year’s “it” toy. At first, McIntire was enthralled with the colors and

patterns in her kaleidoscope. But after repeated observations that

she must be sad not to have received the same gift as her friends,

she was persuaded to trade her kaleidoscope in for the “it” toy.

That moment, McIntire recalls, is when she first disconnected from

the magic of the holidays—and started conforming to what others

valued instead.

“We’ve all experienced a moment like this, when we traded in

childlike wonder, curiosity, and magic for what others told us was

‘cool,’” she points out. “Something died in us when we allowed

others to tell us how to think and feel, but it’s not too late to

resurrect that feeling that our world is truly wondrous.

“Ask yourself where you find, or once found, magic in the holiday

season,” she continues. “Perhaps it’s in a candlelight service, baking

with your children, or walking through snow-dusted woods. Or

maybe trying something entirely new—like spending Christmas

Day at the local animal shelter playing with the homeless cats and

dogs—speaks to your heart. Build new rituals and traditions around

whatever you find meaningful and magical, and you’ll experience

renewed joy and nourishment with the people you love.”

“Ultimately, with all of the chaos and uncertainty that fills our

current world, it’s more important than ever to connect with the

people we love and the values that drive us in meaningful, growth-

inspiring ways,” concludes McIntire. “Instead of allowing yourself

to be forced into a preexisting holiday template, create your own

brand-new paradigm based on your own wisdom and truth. You

won’t regret it.”

Kathleen McIntire is a transformational teacher, speaker, and healer who is dedicated to bringing forth truth, liberation, and awakening. She is the author and creator of Guiding Signs 101, a set of divination cards and guidebook using everyday road signs to tap into your intuition and own inner guidance. When she was younger Kathleen had a successful career in business. She has lived abroad and traveled extensively around the world. Kathleen’s website addresses are www.soaringinlight.

com and www guidingsigns101.com. Soaring in Light, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-615-46500-5, $19.95

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The end of the year is a good time to review your personal finances. What are your financial, business or life priorities for 2012? Try to specify the goals you want to accomplish. Think about the consistent investing, saving or budgeting methods you could use to realize them. Also, consider these year-end moves.

1. Think about adjusting or timing your income and tax deductions. If you earn a lot of money and have the option of postponing a portion of the taxable income you will make in 2011 until 2012, this decision can bring you some tax savings. You might also consider accelerating payment of deductible expenses if you are close to the line on itemized deductions – another way

to potentially save some bucks.

2. Think about putting more in your 401(k) or 403(b). In 2011, you can contribute up to $16,500 per year to these accounts with a $5,500 catch-up contribution also allowed if you are age 50 or older. Has your 2011 contribution reached the annual limit? There is still time to put more into your employer-sponsored retirement plan.

The IRS has announced 2012 contribution limits for 401(k) and 403(b) accounts, most 457 plans and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The annual contribution limit for each of these retirement plans will be $17,000 next year; the catch-up

Your Annual Financial To-Do List:12 Things YOU Can Do Before and For 2012

DECEMBER 2011 | 11

contribution again maxes out at $5,500.

On a related note, SIMPLE IRA contribution limits won’t change next year. Up to $11,500 can be contributed to a SIMPLE IRA in 2012, $14,000 if you are 50 or older.

3. Can you max out your IRA contribution at the start of 2012? If you can do it, do it early - the sooner you make your contribution, the more interest those assets will earn. (If you haven’t yet made your 2011 IRA contribution, you can still do so through April 17, 2012.)

The IRS has decided that IRA contribution limits won’t increase next year. In 2012 you will be able to contribute up to $5,000 to a Roth or traditional IRA if you are age

Your Annual Financial To-Do List:12 Things YOU Can Do Before and For 2012

49 or younger, and up to $6,000 if you are age 50 and older (though your MAGI may affect how much you can put into a Roth IRA).

The IRS has also boosted the income limits for a tax deduction for traditional IRA contributions. If you participate in a workplace retirement plan in 2012, the MAGI phase-out ranges will be $58,000-68,000 for singles and heads of households and $92,000-112,000 for couples. (In 2011, those phase-out ranges are set $2,000 lower.) If you own an IRA, you aren’t covered by a workplace retirement plan and you are married and filing jointly, the 2012 phase-out range is $173,000-183,000 based on a couple’s combined MAGI, hiked by $4,000 from 2011.

4. Should you go Roth between now and the end of 2012? While you can no longer divide the income from a Roth IRA conversion across two years of federal tax returns, converting a traditional IRA into a Roth before 2013 may make sense for another reason: federal taxes might be higher in 2013. Congress extended the Bush-era tax cuts through the end of 2012; that sunset may not be delayed any further.

Some MAGI phase-out limits affect Roth IRA contributions. These phase-out limits have been adjusted north for 2012. Next year, phase-outs will kick in at $173,000 for joint filers and $110,000 for single filers. (The 2011 phase-outs respectively kick in at $169,000 and $107,000.) Should your MAGI prevent you from contributing to a Roth IRA at all, you still have a chance to contribute to a traditional IRA in 2012 and then roll those IRA assets over into a Roth.

Consult a tax or financial professional before you make any IRA moves. You will want see how it may affect your overall financial picture. The tax consequences of a Roth conversion can get sticky if you own multiple traditional IRAs.

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5. If you are retired and older than 70½, don’t forget an RMD. Retirees over age 70½ must take Required Minimum Distributions from traditional IRAs and 401(k)s by December 31, 2012. Remember that the IRS penalty for failing to take an RMD equals 50% of the RMD amount.

If you have turned or will turn 70½ in 2011, you can postpone your first IRA RMD until April 1, 2012. The downside of that is that you will have to take two IRA RMDs next year, both taxable events – you will have to make your 2011 tax year withdrawal by April 1, 2012 and your 2012 tax year withdrawal by December 31, 2012.

Plan your RMDs wisely. If you do so, you may end up limiting or avoiding possible taxes on your Social Security income. Some Social Security recipients don’t know about the “provisional income” rule – if your modified AGI plus 50% of your Social Security benefits surpasses a certain level, then a portion of your Social Security benefits become taxable. For tax year 2011, Social Security benefits start to be taxed at provisional income levels of $32,000 for joint filers and $25,000 for single filers.

6. Consider the tax impact of any 2011 transactions. Did you sell any real property this year – or do you plan to before the year ends? Did you start a business? Are you thinking about exercising a stock option? Could any large commissions or bonuses come your way before the end of the year? Did you sell an investment that was held outside of a tax-deferred account? Any of these moves might have a big impact on your taxes.

7. You may wish to make a charitable gift before New Year’s Day. Make a charitable contribution this year and you can claim the deduction on your 2011 return.

8. You could make December the “13th month”. Can you make a January mortgage payment in December, or make a lump sum payment on your mortgage balance? If you have a fixed-rate mortgage, a lump

sum payment can reduce the home loan amount and the total interest paid on the loan by that much more. In a sense, paying down a debt is almost like getting a risk-free return.

9. Are you marrying next year, or do you know someone who is? The top of 2012 is a good time to review (and possibly change) beneficiaries to your 401(k) or 403(b) account, your IRA, your insurance policy and other assets. You may want to change beneficiaries in your will. It is also wise to take a look at your insurance coverage. If your last name is changing, you will need a new Social Security card. Lastly, assess your debts and the merits of your existing financial plans.

10. Are you returning from active duty? If so, go ahead and check the status of your credit, and the state of any tax and legal proceedings that might have been preempted by your orders. Review the status of your employee health insurance, and revoke any power of attorney you may have granted to another person.

11. Lastly, have you reviewed your withholding status? It may be time for a withholding adjustment if...

You tend to pay a great deal of income tax annually.

You tend to get a big refund each year from the IRS.

You recently married or divorced.

A family member recently passed away.

You have a new job that pays you much more than your old one.

You opened up your own business or started freelancing.

12. Don’t delay – get it done. Talk with a qualified financial or tax professional today, so you can focus on being healthy and wealthy in the New Year.

Bill Losey, CFP®, CSA, America’s Retirement Strategist®, is a highly sought-after advisor, retirement authority, thought-leader, author and national TV personality. The former resident retirement expert on CNBC’s “On the Money”, Bill has over 20 years experience in the financial services industry and is a Certified Financial Planner practitioner, a Certified Senior Advisor and Certified Retirement Coach. For more information please visit, www.BillLosey.com.

DECEMBER 2011 | 13

Some of the strongest and most youthful superheroes to jump from the pages of comic books to the silver screen in recent years are old enough to be receiving full Social Security retirement benefits. Whether standing before the bat-computer or going online at the fortress of solitude, these guys were certainly wise enough to apply for retirement benefits at www.socialsecurity.gov.

Superman may be America’s most popular superhero, and also the oldest to hit the screen in recent years. The man of steel was created in 1932. The guy’s 79 years old and he has a new movie coming out in 2012. Superman does mostly volunteer work, but even if he earns wages as Clark Kent, his benefits won’t be offset since he reached his full retirement age.

Batman made his debut in 1939, and he’s about to star in another feature film, running around like a 30-year-old. Also in his 70s, Mr. Wayne is getting full retirement benefits — and Robin too. The same can’t be said for the Joker or Penguin; you can’t collect benefits while you’re in prison.

The Green Lantern and Captain America made their silver screen debuts this year. They were “born” in 1940 and 1941, and also are of retirement age. One would expect Captain America to look a little more like Uncle Sam these days, but as is true with many Social Security retirees today, staying active keeps him young.

For the “silver age” of comic book heroes, retirement isn’t quite here yet. Spider-Man slung his first web in 1962, the same year the incredible Hulk burst into being. Iron Man and the X-Men first appeared in 1963. They may not be ready to retire just yet, but it’s a good time for them to take a look at the online Retirement Estimator, where they can get an instant, personalized estimate of future retirement benefits. Come to think of it, if the Hulk or any of the X-Men ever get severely injured, they may qualify for disability benefits through Social Security. The place to go for more information is www.socialsecurity.gov.

Ask any of these superheroes about retirement plans, and you’re likely to get an earful. They won’t be sitting around — they’ll be staying active even as they collect retirement benefits. You don’t have to have a bat-computer or be a superhero to harness the power of the Retirement Estimator at www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator, or to apply online for benefits at www.socialsecurity.gov. Up, up, and away into an active retirement!

Mickie Douglas is the Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration. She has held various positions within Social Security during her 36 year career. Currently, she speaks about various Social Security topics, works with the state media and conducts outreach activities.


By Mickie DouglasSocial Security Public Affairs Specialist in Salt Lake City, UT

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AdvocacyAARP of Utah801.561.1037

Utah Dept of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS)Phone: 801.538.3991www.hsdaas.utah.gov/

Utah State Courts Estate Planning & Probatewww.utcourts.gov/howto/wills/Phone: 801.578.3800

Social Security Administration1.800.772.1213www.ssa.gov

SAGE UtahServices & Advocacy for GLBTQ Elderswww.glccu.com/programs/lgbtq-elders-50

Dental ServicesLegal ServicesUtah Legal Services800.662.4245

Healthcare ResourcesAlzheimer’s Association of Utah801.265.1944

American Cancer Society of Utah801.483.1500

American Chronic Pain Association800.533.3231

American Diabetes Association-Utah801.363.3024

George E. WahlenDepartment of Veterans Affairs Medical Center500 Foothill DriveSalt Lake City, Utah 84148Phone: 801.582.1565

Respite CareMedical Home Portalwww.medicalhomeportal.org

CHTOPChapel Hill Training-Outreach Programchtop.org/ARCH/National-Re-spite-Locator.html

Senior CentersMost Senior Centers supply trans-portation and meals. They are open Monday through Friday, and the hours varies. Call your center for times.

Davis CountyAutumn Glow Center81 East CenterKaysville, UT 84037Phone: 801.544.1235

Golden Years Center726 South 100 EastBountiful, UT 84010Phone: 801.295.3479

Heritage Center140 East CenterClearfield, UT 84015Phone: 801. 773.7065

Salt Lake CountyColumbus Senior Center2531 South 400 EastSalt Lake City, UT 84115Phone: 801.412.3295

Draper Senior Center12350 South 800 EastDraper, UT 84020Phone: 801.572.6342

Eddie P. Mayne Kearns Senior Center4851 West 4715 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84118Phone: 801.965.9183

Friendly Neighborhood Center1992 South 200 EastSalt Lake City, UT 84115Phone: 801.468.2781

Harman Senior Recreation Center4090 South 3600 WestWest Valley City, UT 84119Phone: 801.965.5822

Kearns Senior Center4850 West 4715 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84118Phone: 801.965.9183

Liberty City Center251 East 700 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84111Phone: 801.532.5079

Magna Center9228 West 2700 SouthMagna, UT 84044Phone: 801.250.0692

Midvale Senior Center350 West Park Street 7610 SMidvale, UT 84047Phone: 801.566.6590

Mount Olympus Senior Center1635 East Murray.Holliday RoadSalt Lake City, UT 84117Phone: 801.274.1710

River’s Bend Senior Center300 North 1300 WestSalt Lake City, UT 84116Phone: 801.596.0208

Riverton Senior Center12891 South Redwood RoadRiverton, UT 84065Phone: 801.254.7609

Sandy Senior Center9310 South 1300 EastSandy, UT 84094Phone: 801.561.3265

South Jordan Senior Center10778 South Redwood RoadSouth Jordan, UT 84095Phone: 801.302.1222

Sunday Anderson Westside Senior Center868 West 900 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84104Phone: 801.538.2092

Taylorsville Senior Citizen Center4743 South Plymouth View Dr.Taylorsville, UT 84123Phone: 801.293.8340

Tenth East Senior Center237 South 1000 EastSalt Lake City, UT 84102Phone: 801.538.2084

West Jordan Center8025 South 2200 WestWest Jordan, UT 84088Phone: 801.561.7320

Washington CountyCouncil on Aginghttp://www.washco.utah.gov/contact

The Washington County Council on Aging provides services for senior citizens 60 and older. These include classes (pottery, painting, aerobics, yoga, square dancing, and computer training) tax assistance during tax season and other services. Nutrition is a main focus of the senior centers.In-house meals are served as well as Meals on Wheels. The following centers are supported in part through the donations of those patrons who use the facilities.

Gayle & Mary Aldred Senior Center245 North 200 WestSt. George , UT 84770435.634 . 5743

Washington County Senior Citizens150 East 100 South StreetEnterprise, UT 84725435.878.2557

Hurricane Senior Citizens Center95 N 300 WHurricane, UT 84737435.635.2089

VolunteeringUtah State ParksVolunteer Coordinator1594 W North Temple, 116Salt Lake City, UT 84116(801) 537-3445robinwatson@utah.gov

The Nature Conservancy in Utahwww.nature.org/wherewework northamerica/states/utah/volun-teer/

Volunteer Matchwww.volunteermatch.org

United Waywww.unitedwayucv.org/volunteer

Utah Commission on Volunteersvolunteers.utah.gov/


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