using phenomenographic methods to support political information use

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Using Phenomenographic

Methods to Support Political Information Use

Lauren Smith

Department Of Computer and Information Sciences and School Of Education, University Of Strathclyde


This study looks at the

different ways in which the

participants are aware of,

acquire, engage with and

apply political information

Phenomenography and information literacy

Author(s) Topic

Bruce et al. (2006) Different ways of approaching

teaching and IL

Boon, Johnston and Webber (2007) Conceptions of information literacy

Williams and Wavell (2007) Secondary school teachers'

conceptions of student IL

Smith (2010) Young people’s experiences of


Nielsen and Borlund (2011) Students’ perceptions of public

libraries’ role in learning, IL and

librarians’ information


Diehm and Lupton (2012) University students’ approaches to

learning IL

Forster (2015) Nursing, IL, ethics & professional


This study:

• Participants were Year 10 students

(aged 14-15) in a school in South Yorkshire,


• Although not legally allowed to vote, they had

begun to engage in political discussion as part of

the educational curriculum

• 23 individual interviews and 3 focus groups


• Phenomenographic studies do not make use of

predetermined hypotheses or coding categories

• Examined the focus group and interview transcripts in their entirety

• Identified common themes and theoretical

concepts, coded as they emerged

• Identified similarities and differences in the ways

the participants experienced political information

Anatomy of the outcome space

• Levels

• Categories of description

• Structure of awareness

• Dimensions of variation

Outcome Space

Young people’s conceptions of political information are varied, and they and

encounter a wide range of information

sources providing them with the knowledge

to form political opinions.

Dimensions of variation

Production of information




One Two Three Four Five Six




Not perceived as

being part of a

system of

production or the

individual’s own

repertoire of


PI external


individual -



Individual is part

of the process of

the production of

new information


sharing &


aiming for



Evaluation of information

Category of

DescriptionOne Two Three Four Five Six




PI sources &

their content

are not



PI taken at

face value


of basic


PI is subject to

critique &


Political information and agency

Category of

DescriptionOne Two Three Four Five Six


and agency

PI not connected

to indiv iduals’

conceptions of

own agency



ment of PI &



Active use

of PI to





‘sense’ of


PI v iewed



to create


for agency


with PI

connected to



Conception of politics

Politics as all issues affecting public life

Politics as social issues

Politics as...

Politics as current events reported in media

Politics as formal processes

Categories of description

Categories of description represent the different

conceptions participants express about the research phenomenon; a ‘conception’ being a

‘qualitatively distinct manner in which the subjects were found to voice the way they thought’ about the phenomenon (Marton and Booth 1997, p.36)

Different ways of experiencing political information

1) ... A range of sources of information;

2) ... Something which is encountered out of context;

3) ... Something to fill a knowledge gap;

4) ... Something through which to gain meaning and context;

5) ... Something relevant to one’s own life;

6) ... Something which can help to achieve social change.

Political information as something to fill a knowledge gap

• Deliberate acquisition of information to form an

opinion and fill a gap• Information as external object to meet an internal

need• Engagement with information beneficial but not


• Educational and real-world outcomes• Political knowledge as a commodity

• Not conceptualised as being part of a system• Evaluated based on existing predispositions and


Political information as something to fill a knowledge gap

If I want to find out more about

something I’ve heard on the news I’ll

Google it, just to find out the basic facts

so I know what’s going on. (P26 FG3)

I can see the value of

learning about politics but I

wouldn’t want to do it at

school unless I could do it

as a GCSE. (P8 FG1)

I hate it when my Grandad comes out with

something, like when he’s watching the news, and

I know he’s wrong, but I don’t have the facts to

back myself up if I said anything to him about it.

If I could say like, that’s not how many people are

benefits cheats really or whatever because I knew

the facts, that’d be good. (P7 FG2)

Political information as something through which to gain meaning and context

• Potentially useful resources for sense-making

• Develop opinions, beliefs, attitudes, understanding• Easy to manage amount of information

• Does not challenge existing worldviews but develop considered opinions

• Awareness that information production is a process

and can be subject to critical analysis• Develop a ‘sense’ of political agency (albeit with

existing biases)

Political information as something through which to gain meaning and context

He [the sociology teacher] always

brings up things in the news, like

how does that fit in with what we're

doing, like family or youth or

something. (P15 FG1)

The newspapers can be very biased because

the editor or whoever it is who’s written that

particular article writes it, so they put their

own view into it. (P7 FG2)

I wouldn’t want to be

able to vote because I

don’t know enough. I

mean, what if I voted

and I voted for the

wrong party - the ones

who lost? (P8 FG1)

Political information as something relevant to one’s own life

• Actively use information to develop a ‘sense’ of

political agency, taking an interest• Understanding the “right” political views

• Broader ‘landscape’ of politics• Used to develop understanding of politics and society• Individual part of the production of new information

• Critical assessment of information sources• Connection between information from academic

lessons and everyday life acknowledged

Political information as something relevant to one’s own life

It kind of annoys me, the fact that the

Prime Minister is usually someone

who's been brought up middle class,

that's never had to pay for anything, so

they don't quite know how our parents

feel, they don't quite know what it's like

to work and have to earn and stuff like

that. (P18 FG2)

I think the only time I care about

politics, is if it affects me or my family.

If it doesn't, I have no reason to care

about it. (P23 FG2)

Sometimes I think I know

about something but…I’ll

hear something on the news

and it makes me realise

there’s more to it…I learn

from that…when I’m

talking to my friends…I’ll

tell them it’s different. (P27


I think it’s important to be

thinking about things now

because even though I can’t

vote yet, I do want to. So I

need to know what I think

about things. (P3)

Political information as something that can help to achieve social change

• Developing a consciousness of the structures of power and systems of production

• Information sharing and production with a view to enacting social change

• Production of political opinion• Assess reliability of information • Understand impact of bias and misinformation• Connect engagement with political information to action:

being informed enough to become involved • Focus on application of information for social change

Political information as something that can help to achieve social change

On Tumblr you’ll see a

picture and it’ll come with

a little caption about it, and

then everybody will talk

about what they think about

it, and they can have a

debate on it… And there’ll

be different things that they

talk about, like…feminism

and stuff I hadn’t learnt

about before. (P9)

I like going to village meetings even

though I’m the youngest one there

because it’s where you find out local

things that you don’t hear about ,

even in The Free Press. I like to

know what I can do about things,

how I can help. Like the other day,

with the protest against the building

work, they were saying what you

can write in letters to the

councillors and that. (P26)

Levels of the outcome space

Although hierarchical in structure, the outcome space is not a representation

of developmental phases of political activism, but is a representation of the

different ways in which the participants experience political information and

how they reported using information to become informed or take action.

Research outcomes focus on how the variation of experiences and different ways of

thinking about a phenomenon can be used as

‘a powerful way of seeing’, which in turn can

be supported by educators to become

‘powerful ways of acting.’ (Marton and Tsui 2004, p.8)

Use of phenomenography

Inclusion and participation

Understanding these experiences can help us influence the degree of

complexity with which young people use

information to help them form political

opinions and participate in democracy.

Finding out about the specific contexts of

learners and the sources of information they

encounter can help instructors to tailor their

work to the needs of their learning


The methods used in this research can be

applied in practice.

Tailoring our education

Finding out about where young people get information from about the world around

them and how they assess the authority of

these sources helps us develop theory and

helps us understand how we can help them to

critically evaluate information and make informed choices.

Helping our young people

Acknowledging that beliefs and actions are influenced by heuristics, emotions and

sociopolitical factors, and that non-

‘traditional’ sources of information can be

just as (or more) valid in certain contexts

than traditional authorities, enables us to view the role of information literacy (in

theory and practice) in a different light.

IL in a different light

What can we do to support more complex conceptions of

political information?

Drawing on critical pedagogy

Culture of praxis

• Young people are conscious of power differentials

• Learn more effectively when teacher seen as a ‘person’

• Scope to build strong relationships with students• Opportunity for a less hierarchical learning


• Emancipatory practice that provides the conditions for both to “speak and be taken seriously” (Giroux

2005, p.27)

Supporting popular culture as an information source

• The benefits of using popular culture as an information source can be harnessed rather

than warned against as an ‘invalid’

information source

• Finding out how students perceive and

evaluate these sources to help them do so more effectively

Border pedagogy

• Helping students to locate accurate information

and to challenge the messages promoted by the mass media

• Critically interrogate the reasons behind their own willingness to accept misinformation as accurate

• Encourage them to consider whose voices aren’t

being heard• Think about the reasons institutions of power

support the dominant culture through promotion of inequality and fear of the Other

• Phenomenographic exploration offered

participants the opportunity to voice their experiences of political information and their

concerns and attitudes about social and political issues

• The voices of all participants were given equal

weight and taken seriously

• The fundamental principles of the approaches may be a useful starting point for engaging in this kind of work

Phenomenography in practice

Spaces for speech

The process of involving students in focus groups where they were encouraged to

speak freely, and participants were

encouraged to challenge the statements

being made by others, contributed to the

development of participants’ learning about the issues they were talking about,

such as benefit fraud and immigration.

Liberatory approaches

• The library should provide a learning

environment in which students feel in control of their learning (Doherty and Ketchner 2005, p.3)

• Flexibility in the content provided• Use of current events and world issues as a focus

of learning

• Promoting activities which are relevant to learners

• Active dialogue with students

Improving critical skills

Supporting learners to critically analyse texts and other information sources

can have a transformative impact on

the learner, helping them to develop a

“healthy and creative scepticism”

which encourages them to pose problems, and to challenge the claims

made (Kincheloe et el. 2010)

Mass media fails to make a

distinction between an

informed argument and an

unsubstantiated opinion

(Giroux 2011, p.83)

Cognitive schema

Phenomenographic interviews and focus groups, or

even casual discussion may help pupils to becomeconscious of underlying assumptions and biases

that inform their worldviews and informationbehaviours, many of which may be limitingindividuals’ capacity to learn and develop as

critically as they may be capable of.

Critical consciousness

Power awareness

Understanding social history

Critical literacyAnalytically reading, writing and discussing social matters


Examining internalised myths and values of mass culture


Taking initiative in ongoing social change

(Deans 1999)

Thank You


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