use of new media in grassroots

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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A presentation on the use of new media for the grassroots as given by Josh Gillespie to the Indiana Leadership Forum Class of 2011


As Presented to the Indiana Leadership Forum Class of 2011

By: Josh

Use of New Media in Grassroots

Defining New Media*Connect or reconnect with new and old friends




*Find like minded people and join their causes*Flip the pillow over to the cool side of the pillow

*1 million who support Barack Obama

*1 million who support Sarah Palin

*Chris Faulkner Hair Fan Club

*Social media lets you find a place to belong

Social Media and Politics

*Spreading your message to a larger supportive audience

*On Facebook alone:

*500 million active users

*50% log in at any point in the day

*Average user has 130 friends

*People spend over 700 Billion minutes per month on Facebook

*Twitter has 145 million registered users

Social media allows you to connect with a larger and growing number of potential voters and constituents will to repeat your message and cause it to go viral.

Best Uses of Social MediaObama Presidential Campaign

*Community based

*State based pages

*Group based pages

*Email Marketing

*13 million email addresses

*Played two critical roles – messaging and mobilization

*Capitalized on “everyday” websites


* iTunes



Best Uses of Social Media

#DontGo Movement

*Named to encourage the House GOP to stay in session even though Speaker Pelosi turned the lights out and the cameras off

*Members of Congress used Twitter and streaming video ( to get their message out. Held their own floor debates on the “All of the Above” approach to American Energy

*People following the action on twitter used the “hashtag” #dontgo to encourage members to stay in protest.

Best Uses of Social MediaIranian Green Revolution/Egyptian Revolts

*Because the media was controlled by the State, images of political brutality in Iran wasn’t covered. However, protesters used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to tell their story

*When the government shut down internet, protesters used their smart phone apps to communicate.

Where Are People Getting Their News?

* In March of 2010 a Pew Internet and American Life survey said that 61% of Americans get at least some of their news online

*92% get their news from more than one platform

*News is broken faster on twitter than in any other place

*Blogs are also a place for breaking news – even before typical news sites break stories

*People want a perceived unbiased take (or are at least comfortable with the bias they pursue)

Obama Style Online Grassroots

You too can run your own Obama style grassroots online campaign!

*The vast majority of social media sites are free

*Can you run a camera?

*Do you have a smart phone?

*Do you know someone eager to get involved?

*Get local and state bloggers on your side

*Access is the key ingredient to a healthy relationship

*Give them scoops or exclusive information

Where You Can Find Me







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