unstoppable church / jason strand… · others the good news about god’s wonderful kindness and...

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ACTS 5:38-39My advice is, leave these men alone. If they are teaching and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourself fighting against God.

MALACHI 1:8-9“When you give blind animals as sacrifices, isn’t that wrong? And isn’t it wrong to offer animals that are crippled and diseased? Try giving gifts like that to your governor and see how pleased he is!” says the Lord Almighty. “Go ahead, beg God to be merciful to you! But when you bring that kind of offering, why should he show you any favor at all?” asks the Lord Almighty.

ACTS 20:24“But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus; the work of telling others the Good News about God’s wonderful kindness and love.”

ACTS 14:3But the apostles stayed there a long time, speaking boldly about the grace of the Lord.

ACTS 9:28Saul stayed with the apostles and went around Jerusalem with them, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord.

ACTS 4:29“Give your servants great boldness in preaching your word.”

MARCH 28/29, 2015




Acts 2:44-46Malachi 1:10Acts 4:31

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURERomans 1:16Acts 28:30-31Psalm 34:8

THE SAME SPIRIT THAT RAISED JESUS LIVES WITHIN EVERY PERSON WHO HAS PUT THEIR FAITH IN HIM.God gives all believers the same unstoppable power of the Holy Spirit. Starting today, every one of us can be bold in our faith and live a life of hope if we choose to tap into His power. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. We sometimes buy into the lie that God only uses the people who are smartest, most eloquent, and most knowledgeable about the Bible. But nothing could be further from the truth. He chooses those who are available. Where have you made yourself available, and where haveyou not? 2. The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s power is to boldly tell others about Christ. Who is God wanting you to bravely share your faith with sometime this week or year? 3. God gives us his power, so we may overflow with hope. How full of hope are you, these days? Where do you need to rely on His strength in your life? 4. You can be filled with God’s power by putting yourself in a position where the Holy Spirit can speak to you and simply asking for his power. Whether that’s spending time reading the Bible or praying, “Holy Spirit, fill me with your power,” what will you do this week to experience the fullness of His Spirit? JOIN THE CONVERSATIONGod wants us to boldly share our faith in whatever way or place we can. Whether it’s a Bible verse or a quote from today’s message, use 140 characters to share about Christ on social media using #UnstoppableGod. COMMIT TO MEMORYFor the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God's power. 1 Corinthians 4:20


WE HAVE ALL FACED THE PRESSURE TO BE PERFECT—IN OUR CAREERS, OUR MARRIAGES, AND OUR FAITH—BUT LET’S NOT FOOL OURSELVES. We all struggle, and we all sin. People fight in marriage. We all get irritable. Every kid has had a meltdown at Target from time to time. As a church, let’s stop pretending and commit to a life of truth above all else. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Is there an area of your life where you care about what other people think about you? When have you pretended to be someone you’re not because you feared the opinions of others? What consequences have you experienced because of living this way?

2. We have all fudged the truth, exaggerated, and lied, but how can we instead commit to verbal transparency? Because every lie is more vertical than horizontal, how may a habit of lying be affecting your relationship with God today?

3. When there’s no chance you’ll get caught and no likelihood someone will be disappointed by your sin, are you still motivated to resist? Character is defined as who you are when no one is looking. Who are you when no one is looking?

4. With whom or at what times have you felt pressure to be perfect? How can you lead the way and stop pretending like you have it all together? Where do you need to confess and forsake your sin? With God, you will find mercy. JOIN THE CONVERSATIONEvery church is filled with imperfect people, yet we feel the need to pretend to be something we’re not. How can you live with more transparency today? Share on social media using #UnstoppableGod. COMMIT TO MEMORYPeople who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will find mercy. Proverbs 28:13


THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE WE SEE A GOD WHO PURSUES HIS PEOPLE. We can try to ignore Him. We can try to run from Him. But He is relentless in His love for us and will never stop pursuing us. And the moment when you least expect it, He may bring another person into your life at just the right time.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What are some of your thoughts from the baptisms that took place during the service this past weekend? Have you been baptized as an adult? If so, share your baptism story with the group. If not, what’s holding you back? 2. Have you ever gone to church and found that the message, or maybe a song, was just what you needed to hear that day? Maybe you felt that the pastor was speaking directly to you. Share about your experience.

3. It’s often easy to come up with a list of excuses of why we don’t want to do something or follow what God is calling us to do. What are some reasons that hinder you from following God’s plan for your life?

4. Read Matthew 10:32-33. Baptism publicly identifies you as a follower of Christ. What are other ways that identify a person as a follower of Christ? How can your life and actions demonstrate your faith to the people around you? How can your small group, friends or family support you in this during the upcoming week?

JOIN THE CONVERSATIONHow has God pursued you or shown you his love lately? Share on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #UnstoppableGod. COMMIT TO MEMORYTherefore, if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9


CHRISTIANITY SPREAD SO RAPIDLY IN THE EARLY CHURCH THAT IT BECAME A THREAT TO JUDAISM, and Saul wasn’t about to let that happen. Saul was so far from Jesus that you’d never expect the love and power of Christ to reach him. He was on everyone’s Do Not Invite To Church list. But after his miraculous conversion to a follower of Jesus, he was unstoppable in reaching people with his message of Hope.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. How would you feel if you were part of the church in Jerusalem when Saul wanted to join it? 2. God used a crisis to get Saul’s attention, one that was out of the blue and that he couldn’t fix. Have you ever been hit by something that was beyond your control but that God used to convert or change something in your life? 3. True conversion is when you surrender your life to Christ and invite him to be Lord over EVERY part of your life, including your time, money, work and relationships. What area in your life is the hardest for you to surrender to Christ? Why?

4. Read Acts 9:23 and James 1:2-4. Sometimes our faith can come with a price. What struggles have you faced in your life because of your faith? How can God use these times to strengthen our faith?

5. Read Romans 7:15-25. What’s your initial reaction to these verses, knowing that Paul struggled with sin just as much as any of us do? As Christ followers, we should be increasingly more aware of our sin and more determined to overcome it. How can this group or a close friend/family member help hold you accountable this week in one area of struggle?

JOIN THE CONVERSATIONHow have you seen God at work in your life this week? Share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #UnstoppableGod. COMMIT TO MEMORYTake up your cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23


CHRISTIANITY SPREAD SO RAPIDLY IN THE EARLY CHURCH THAT IT BECAME A THREAT TO JUDAISM, and Saul wasn’t about to let that happen. Saul was so far from Jesus that you’d never expect the love and power of Christ to reach him. He was on everyone’s Do Not Invite To Church list. But after his miraculous conversion to a follower of Jesus, he was unstoppable in reaching people with his message of Hope.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. How would you feel if you were part of the church in Jerusalem when Saul wanted to join it? 2. God used a crisis to get Saul’s attention, one that was out of the blue and that he couldn’t fix. Have you ever been hit by something that was beyond your control but that God used to convert or change something in your life? 3. True conversion is when you surrender your life to Christ and invite him to be Lord over EVERY part of your life, including your time, money, work and relationships. What area in your life is the hardest for you to surrender to Christ? Why?

4. Read Acts 9:23 and James 1:2-4. Sometimes our faith can come with a price. What struggles have you faced in your life because of your faith? How can God use these times to strengthen our faith?

5. Read Romans 7:15-25. What’s your initial reaction to these verses, knowing that Paul struggled with sin just as much as any of us do? As Christ followers, we should be increasingly more aware of our sin and more determined to overcome it. How can this group or a close friend/family member help hold you accountable this week in one area of struggle?

JOIN THE CONVERSATIONHow have you seen God at work in your life this week? Share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #UnstoppableGod. COMMIT TO MEMORYTake up your cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23


THE BOOK OF ACTS TELLS ABOUT THE UNSTOPPABLE faith that grew across Judea, Rome and all of Asia. Nothing could stop people like Peter, John and Paul from telling others about Jesus, even though they were mistreated and arrested for it. Next, Paul finds himself in Athens, a place filled with very religious people who knew little about God.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. As Paul walked around Athens, he noticed that the people worshiped many gods. What do people in today’s society worship? 2. Paul says the creation we experience proves we have a Creator. What in creation grabs your attention? 3. Read Acts 17:16-34. How does Paul approach the Athenians? What tips can you glean from Paul when telling people about Christ?

4. We all struggle with some form of idolatry, whether it’s money, fitness or climbing the corporate ladder. What are some things that get in the way of trusting God and putting him first in your life? JOIN THE CONVERSATIONWe become what we worship. Wouldn’t it be freeing to say “God, you’re it, You’re enough”? Share how putting God first in your life has impacted you with #UnstoppableGod.

COMMIT TO MEMORYThe God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. Acts 17:24


JESUS SAID, “I’M GOING TO BUILD UP MY CHURCH and the powers of hell won’t be able to conquer it.” When the light of God’s people collides with the darkness of this world, the light overrules the darkness. The Church is unstoppable.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. The Bible refers to the church as the body of Christ. It’s an extension of Jesus. Why do you think some people say that they like Jesus, but not the church? How can we be the hope of the world through the church? 2. Read Acts 2:44. God deserves our first and our best; he’s not interested in our leftovers. Using Jason’s chicken wing analogy, do you tend to give God the first bite of the chicken wing or the leftover scraps? What makes it hard for Christians to give God the first bite instead of the last?

3. Read Acts 20:24. Paul’s assignment was to tell others the Good News about God’s wonderful kindness and love. What assignment has God given you? Are there things you feel called to do, but haven’t started doing yet?

4. The early church was characterized as bold. They often prayed to God to give them boldness while preaching his word. When you think about being bold for Christ, does that excite you or make you nervous? How can you be more bold in sharing Christ with people in your life? Think about someone who you could personally invite to church this Easter.

JOIN THE CONVERSATIONWhat have you found at church? Wisdom? Friendship? Acceptance? Whatever you’ve found, post it from your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #foundatchurch. COMMIT TO MEMORYFor I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. Romans 1:16


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