univ laurel nd applied unclassified u iiiiesoones · ile scrt sor modul %%c as boosted itto a 23 -j...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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1W \PII 1(, 1 4 1111 API. lU 1374


I .fJin I l4I..iL1 I t ''~ S-1t NAVPRO, L aurel. Mlar~landS 'JPr' I ,in) rr

7b ADDRESS ,Cay, Stafe, ana ZIP Coae I

FlpE:L' (3~j Johns Hopkins Road1 \1) 20 Laurel, MarY land 2007


0Aopl rable,



k AT in hiod \1 1. Heroics


yuI\lc~radumN sSeptember 1989 40


- .Ct' SBGR~t Command and control SD10

- -Delta 181 Sensor module command center-- ~Ground system Telemetry monitor

Real-time operations

-"-....nssa' 1 anrl ;aerl,fy by biock niumber)

1I cruaL. 19Nx an .\PI-designed sensor module %%as launched into orbit and performed a number of significant SDI Delta 181 program experiments.r:T c1-orhit :omnmand and control operations involved a network of worldwide facilities called the control complex. A major component

'- erjsor moodule *ommand center, Ahich wsas designed, installed, and operated by APL.h;, Jo,uIimcit prcscnt, an iOserview of command center system design. Particular emphasis is given to the hardware design and interface to worldwide

P'ertinent detail It the D)elta 181 control complex and command center mission operations is given to place the design in overall context.I omn~and enrter desiRti is described within the contest of the Delta 181 mission. After completion of the Delta 181 mission, a modified version

-,timi 11.1 i rntcr -,a, used to successulls support the Delta Star mission in Mlarch )989, Mission control center and network design concepts deve-7:!'7'hc'c 7rr ilrams hems2 carried oser to ongoing development of similar applications.


N v- 7 0 'AVE AC, m'T 0 OTIC USERS UnclassifiedV ~ I ''22b TEEPHONE flnrrade Area Code, 22c OFFICE SYMBOL

N \ '9t' N (301) 953-5442 S F





E Copy No.





A'pp'owd fo~r pijblic reeae. distribUtion is unlimited.




In Fciirua!\ I 9"S ill AN~ -dCehlted seIi"0t n1Odle11 lauinched into orbit andIperformIed a 'number ot SDntIct D111elt'l 181 ploi'iail e\pelilnlcii. seltYormiodlule ott-oilhit command and coiitrol operationix ittmol'ed a nctmE rk o!.crd

\\ ide I aci lili e~cal lcd the co n I l corn plev A ilia iolr ci moilit \ ax 111 he Yen of modulec:ommand center, \\hich %kias dexigned . installcd, and operated b\ API..

Thi, documnent pre.emst an k'.r'.e% ocot.maidcntcr vtndei~ie. Particu-

Ii o Iperatis I,, Li'.e to pilae hev- dexin din te ra kon ...oe\ti1- ts P'

S- .~.,., -~ o'.ui~ 111 the cimic\t oj' iei Dcita 10- I IIIIY

,,ion. After cotinetiom of tile D)elta 181 mlixxionl, a moditied \Crsionl of tlie comn-nand center %\a., u'eCd to xn1ccesxtullr xupport thle D~elta Star mioion in March 1989.

\l iootrol center and tiet''ork dexign concept,, de'. loped lor thtewe proeratuxl

i, beitiL carried 0'.er to ong-oitiC de'.elopment of ,iniilar application,,



. , H . MARN, LAND

3 It('()NENl'Is

I I i, t o l lliu s [ a A !W H ................. ..... ............. ............ .. ........................

1 . O E R \ I Ii \ .............................................................................. II I 1 Iitumth:f\

1. io-L nh Oeri'n...... ... ....................................... 2

1 . ..2d.a n d [1r , ................. ................................................. I1.2.2 aa , Rere ala \ c l ........ ...... ....................... ..............

Da.3 a P e t 1 au e Op " a .. .o.trol.l ......... ....................... -

I ., 31 q4 ~ a( m : h ['[" r{I: ( ' 0oI [I a 1t 1p in........... ...........................1.1. 1 C m m and ad e lc r ite ......................................................... 2

a i.d Do-,F atripe .... . . . ............ ................

". ( io d u er...............................................................4

2. ,sEN ()R \iOI)iIE (OMMANI) (I'. [IFR lN ,IALIA]ION .......... 4I1..1 omn:zcnd (onte Operation, ........Room .......................

2.2 . . (o m oa n iRr tmo C enter........................ ...................................3. 1 . (' u r .. . .. ... .. .. .. . ................................. 4

3.2 1 Com m a nd Center l Sndnia L .... ...........................................

3.1 CL onInK C ie Era Ion .. .... . .................. ....................... 82.1 1 C o m man d / eit rtio n . ..................................................................11.LC ) M O er t o

'.1.2 R utstate . ...................l...e............................................... 93.2 Com mand Authentication Room .. ........................................ 103.2.1 Authentication Vord ............................................10

3.2.2 Authentication W ord Verification............. .................................. 1032.3 Verification of Command Execution...........................................103.2.4 End-to-End Command Verification .............................................3.3 Interfac to the Central Computerication .................................. 1

3.3.1 Achta 2 Guidance Computer Command .............. ......................... 13.3.2 Delta 2 State Vector ...... ... ........ ............................... I3.3.3 Health M essa-c e ............. .. ........... ............................. 1

3.3.4 Interface and m m nde riae Iorm n .. .......................................... 123.4 Con rand tiplink Hardw are Desin Features .................................. 23.4.1 Command Formatter........................................123.4.2 Idle l 2 eSa e c .....................N e.......................................... 2

3.4.3 R ed t ndan c v ... ...................... ............................................. 33..5 V'er ficti on o " the (iri ti Fo . ............pli...............................3. 23.5.1 ( om m atnd F cho .................. ............................................ 3

3 .5 .2 F le N,. l I...... . ..................... ........................................... 3I~~ (. . olu an ,_h ; i l/ lon .............................................................. .... 11

3; .4 -, F h o ",1: l l l l , ................................... ...................... ........ 13I3.5.2.1 Ievel I ........... .................. *......... ..... 13

II c ...-. .....*.. ..... ...*. ....1


4. 1) OV 'N 1.IN K St BS Y S 'IT M I) ............. ........................ .... . 1

4.2 I 1elvCM.t , lo , I, ptn, and l)c ,'ont lIIitatim ..................... 16-2.1 1 [ clm cu l' 1 0 c, ine ... .. .. ......................... 6

4.2.2 it hci D ecomin ut tol 1 u tnctions .................... I........................... 16 14.2 3 E ncr\ption D ecr.ptio n P air' ..................................................... 16

4.3 Data Loc Capabilitic , .......................................................... "

A(KN O \\ 1.1- I I "I NT S .......................................................... i's


APPENDIX A: Sensor Module Command and lelemetr% L.inks ............

APPENDIX B: Telemetri and Uplink Station Contact................... 21

APPENI)IX C: Sensor Module Commanil Message ! cr:na ............... 24

APPENDIX D: Formal of Command (enter Output Io the -S(",, ..........2 IIII


1-1 C om m and center interface ............................................................. 22-I Com m and center block diu:gram .......................................... .....2-2 Command center operations room ................................ 62-3 Com m and center equipm ent ;-oom .................................................. 7

3-I U plink subsystem block diagram ..................................................... 8I

3-2 U plink software data flow diagram ................................................. 93-3 M ajor loopback points for ground uplink test ...............................4-1 D ow nlink subsystem block diacram ...............................................

A-I Uplink command tlowN for orbiting sensor module, Delta 2,a n d test o bjects ...................................................................... .. 19

A-2 Orbitine sensor module, test objects, and Delta 2

telemetr\ links ................................. .................... 21C-I tLplink cmiinmand message format ........ ........................ 24

D-I A f',(\ 4x hit tranc format ...... . ..... ...................... ........ 25

)-2 ( omn td center o.Upui to the .\I.(N ........................... 25 III


I. V5, FA\ 1-A

III I -2Oili1 WA9\ lS aI \III -d'ci~~ cnil niofidilic \\' kitiijlikl I;11(, ol Oil I'\

aM_ fl)ciamkct to petfolmt a Inth'I 'l ci d1.1Cttle JJittitian '-D)I ) 1pi s1tin~xpc ;;ant I lb5 priltcipaiI sAi. c ': ItQ istittltl0n01 ot ah u"C~l databha'c Ior

ati'c ktDl piannuts' \tct kiutch 'Cilhst i)!klltic sItlitii.ll tt. tisi sli-

.rl 01"ratioll' \\ cr pertottnicd troi a Ilihit -aIcsI the 1110r tiodiie cso~litli aid:ciiter. lhK :onnid kccntcr. isl~ailek) a; (ilpe ( mlticral A\ir Forec Stationl. I-lit.,\\t ssdc'i'nIed und ocrated i)rA . I h.i, Ipc! pcln'e u all o ec oil tile :oll-

U allc cetim nntcr i tmtftld iioIltwunif'tc

SItIctIt ro00M. Il11k O'peranot'ofll 111 %,s~ statfk' LI the sen O tdItIC j 0ltst!-'itiort lcarii anid eonttatned tile cowtrol icrtinlJ. dLit dJt'plJ\x Xid %k oic,:0t11IillTICdlt to!- ccarI 10 co11duct 'Ctisor nlodule Coimtand 1dInsititor opeCtiss.IliC cquip'.1cttt rOoil o c eted oil a eljtrc :'r ill !Ilk ,tincbtle lsiltt hoticd

I tol contpte\ and Inlterlaced to it as Ihos nI i 1 1-1 It 'hotlid I": noted thlt~ h'n.S-1 sho\\ oif\ those~ onltrol co: tt11k: as-ct' thau kIk: mwI %: \ki cIc

Interface or operations. The cntirc: -onitrol cotniplc\ 1,1 o tar otecttpictdAs Qim~ in hJ,. 1-I, real-imec contutanld- kcill 110ot1 tlk commnand ccntcr and

tccerdata returnled to thec conmmandcuc kxI jk~ 11,tho- ol

irol.':0111L ti ihtr cou l otol .ist ntp0lc crt0!t Ihk '011ci11 t ctir C Sc oeel

Si ith a detailed descriptiori 01 coittitititd cc:Itcr c'c eai' ilLin to tilceonl-trl complex and 'hc rnisiton ate iS n bclim wi pllc III, 'o;M" 4id :citter dcx'iL't

inI osemail corlcnt. Fi- additional hacku'rouid, an1 S en IcstIiiodilc cornl-nliand1 and t-lcmtv rr ik is prctttlcd ilt Vcid


ile scrt sor modul %%c as boosted itto a 23 -j ie Ii ti ot orb it h, De)l ta 1 81. I a itic bedtr om Cape Cana eral. The (tn-orbit spacecrairt assemlk inclUded (tn additionl toI Pc11k scttsitr tItoditle) tile Declta second stage (Delta 2), s Inch proS iild attitudce con-([r)I anld orbit adjustmtent dnitneL Fie mission). ilie scisot muodule pat- load includeda cankster blat honsed reference and expecrintetital tcst objcct s. At rer orbit insc-I lion, tile test objct" s sire dcploeed it) a cont rolled sequeiceIC. Inst Mutnen1ts Oil b[ltdthc ,cn~ior modiule (pasiv ittlmarcd and Ultra iolet sensors, lascr radars, aid a ti-

I iaerdat I ohibses d and t iacd tile test ohiccts mki r a rnc ol emusironI'.'Ite-a) back%?;m1IIid ciOiidiil.I IuririLe t he first itl orbits. alli c\pcriiteits si crc conducted atIld seto nlodnlle

iti't riitt scictict, data %ka stored ont ott-board rec:order,. Aiko prcparatioti' \\ercmadel lor doliiiiitkitit teL corded data. Dulirte tIhs plba'e oI ithe tni's"ioal (called thle




Toie,,el-y st05 Uplirk to~ometry soes

~. A A 4

o.:,y y

CA~' -CA;

Fig. 1-1 Sensor module command center interface.

1.2.2 D~ata Retrie, al

At thle end of' the data-collection phase. itt accotrdatnce Oth ithe rtis'tott plan,Uthe :ommiand center loaded the sensor miodle1 %%ith instructions to begin \\ al \ as,called the data-retrie\ al phase. During that phase. the sensor instrumentsCIII v\ CrC off:the task of' the control complex w as to retrieve the instruntent science data pre, i

onsly1 stored On board the sensor modu0Cle1. Vhc data-retriev al phiase consisted of'U.1round operations to control playb-ack of' stored Censor-modole insttumentm dataantd record those data at uround t rackine_ iteI.

As called for h% tilie rission plati, sen sor modu n Iccommand and cont rol opera-tiowS wkere shifted' to the A-ir Force Cnsolidated Space lest Cienter in) Snnns v\ale.Cal., tbr the data-retrieval phase. D)uringi th JAishs, the command center at CapeCanaveral sva, onl standby tfor cont in,_entic, commnand operations , and operators

eont inuned to monitor atid cx aluate sensoi" module healthI. Pik pericd, approxi-Imaosone \veek inI dnrat iotn. ended whe tocomplete dUm~ps of' sens or module

instrumlent scienice data vere recorded at control complex spaeecraft traeking sitts.1


1.3.1 Commatnd andl TFeemetr% SitesII le co nt rol com ples cor ,isted of a conibi rat ion of) .oridv' de , st of, thle Fast -

CTi I)Ie"' Ronge. tlie Kenned.% Spac ( enter. thc t All\t Force, and thle U.S. Arms\j (III paerfracl'Iti site' ccle for c tIitiati plink and )1 Niescrc

rec'. e tlccir \s . I lie sites,, all1 daoarcos, to thle eqiuttr pro\videdI0P1i[ITIoI £'TiNIii coo:M2 crtor stpo coMMInad ipliik itd teletiiitr doss 0-hik (tperam ions. 11 [le iii'ii matld l pillk site, located at1 ( ili K(ITS5), 1 Iak~aii

I f\\ St. \anedlnIireL (k [SI., 1111 tile lliiti Occur: (HIf) )SI. repart of the'Air F orceIS (mlir~ iti Netxrls (A\I S(N).


1 1.3.2 Valrr(,.d Il IiI N% idthi I I l)aft L it? k

I,:' lIlo l1 t 1 11, itIt d '1 I \,i c ' i dx 1111k x c dCi Ii j' .:!

'Il:l,'l.!ill, 11 t l ' \ Ih 011) ~ i t' ~ c I

J , lc t. !IL , II I , .'ltt.l~ .. l. l ( I~p I II C I I I J 71 J I i

1.3.4 Oil ier% ( Ornllal( 11[ enAe 1 , , 010% 10 iie11 \

1\1 11!lii ix 111 .I ~ll C i2. .1 IP- I l 1111,111j, Illl J "fl.L CL , ~ 1' ,.J 1111Ctl -, l 21

I ~ ~ ~ a Ipilk i!tAlhci *i:\ il ipnKIIiitLt

InI10 110 UI'-0111 il ' i CI~ t ltc*M \IiI'lctxt thhc \ii ISk N I0lil

111c ItxxIm i iol t Oilr l til d l Al') t ll\ lillt: lL IllPW 11xx xtil lfl .

I It! tlll.'IX'T11l aIll ,ll''ii I lN 'ill t i 'lll t'' LIIL(i lXipIC 1Illl11,_tx lI t

If1(\ (I 'hh c! 1' :1L ox dIlll'onln~in , klh ,:f,! "!"- Ic 1,1

IlIit\o h~ i' lIlclc B:t! "a h II~ dp , 11Ial n d~~~I,11k l~t'c D ilt" a mli'id w 1o

APPLIED) PHYSICS L At3OIPA 1OR' 4 n criI I imlij)ir minlpic I .. -! it J

wIal t1 1 11

t.IJ ll d l' I k 11

111 - la - IT1 \It1 e I t '1 I JC 1

lk 1k2

l HalI a A~ofl Jciiui \\pc( ALIIr ll 8' 0f CIAIiC0Il Pie \CI>Iiv c il iC, '!I -

;1i) tti l M!W~l1. P Iulfilg oA' oth acC0II 'and IX.Jw i I IXk \\ C ' 111, 0 1. IKNO IU.I (OMMANI (I1NIIKl (If I ,W" -I.I.dl'd'dh , N\IO !I

11k I 'Il illdII : cii c It~ [I l lII ll iv t m II,1 1 c ~ 111, 0ofIIPIII ',hN1171,041 110I

-ll \() o ili 1nd i rakl ir omicc TheUOI cq~i hA \X ml lct -I,,! fl0IX. Wllin ~1CI Ino1IHl0O i,:. cthpil~''' h ' l l o dctlrit

Il I111 I~ll I ! CI X I I IC 0p;ral tll 01 )l) " , 1i1

i hL:1~ ml tx~iun I'I d shoin ,tl) m l inke tCIi the Iiiii~ 1 h -4 kh\li ro\%halld llld cetr Xp L.I lmtlIicd allX. 1 0 (llifl ! 11112 CIIkC ilsh

~~',r~l~ ladJhc dl loli l-l e k I w M1,M 71o' fl.k IhcJ ci~ll I 1001 tI'lIdI

-C & ' 1 o k~lto lil ",1,(IM 11,1i' '' '

,PPt 1 E ) PH'Y H.1 s i ABORA T OH Y

I (AI \\ I A P ?k t\%R

11 t

I .,, km!

.1 2


E T R. oeo E T R_ IC:K

dm Sp ay dyt

'g" A

Fig. 2-2 Command rene ape ratios room

101-OT ono ci en"Or nodule health an tatr.[lepional 2oimputcr, t~ c,pccialized data anai\ k and graphic dkpa o h fight pio~exo! dati a nipo-lient of telentetlrx

ihe commandztfclne compu suppor e dhrc;plav terninaVl anld a Ifl on l llP c t i t er located utIli 1 I i',10o i i co lci i n dilpla i IC1111 nal

!c:cd inlf thc Sanidia Nat ional Iaoao t~kii% lh- dcics pro\ ided telemie-tr% ia capab-ilitie' :dei cl to tho,,Q a~ ailable %ithin the commuanld center.

[imrcc terminal, anld a pers"ona'l comtputer ill (lte oprt~ rooml were connlctl-Ied to :he uplink co~\st m rputer. The A PL(( )N (.\Il :omtmunicationm Ian-

cci :inal (at thie uplink controller locatioti) . Zls file onl1N termtinal frlom %lhicli, cn or mnod ule :oimmainds, Delta 2 guidance coniputc[ commamtd~l~, Or test objec:T

Woitn'culd be 1,enil (ommII-and \ eritication remult \\ere al\o p)osted to ihi'1clinital. ihe Odle, r--1ifa m ial ad pers01 onaloputer' ,Uppo0ted the corn mattd centc!-diiceetor. the alert, at and enior module ad\ ~kor. -They \er usedCtlC to ioiitor

en itral (iomlputet (Yomper\ interlace tt c to LleraLte updated station alcrts,. Lid i!"nl utilit\ proutrith in Llpport ot tiplinlk planning.V\ pirC% ioulrI noted, a i tibr of the operation' room stat'l' po,,i!ion inclulded

Iuatr cm et Ratite-generated data di,,plays. Thiose displayNIrCLCIC inle ll ~e rMod-I! Ic mlhit al grou nd track , selected Delt 2 t elenet r\ prelaunch coLntldlo\ n e\ eti

Xl !%t c kn iioii Ofert atControl conmplex fa,,cilitiel, (IMIuCh1 pad, IioniI Direc,-Fil tcTe di'l\ \\ete tl'efliil to the( Command ceniter 'tafft inl keepingL1 I' :J" "j 11d M ilio l Ojel'ltio l'I

2. ( ()M NI) ( IN II I-I FQI IIPN I R(OM

I :qplpflicu i . M\liih huou,,ed the uplinik and dlo\%tnlink hxb~~eti tlinl ukded the do~s ulituk and (1111t1k \ licro0Va\ 11 compUter \tmai itn

ii !cil Liiud -c ei 'lma i ( it 11c ilc alld \c~ ui le nti . I I,, 'cn iil\

equ pilcil 1 ,wi-I)illI .L! o C IIlit) \ cI


* A A A


Rack Layout

Fig. 2-3 Command center equipment room.

[h~ >\tcn,%.a- ritliird bcjdn~c o! lhc p\ crin ani n1 an,, OMLtIC\ :0ill*mordti' %"\pL~ f1Cn'i( at (apc1( ( I L i I) \Ce cr d l C QMI H Ut't XiUI)ICI L'LjtijIT)Clliinlclvding thc: fernnnalx and pintcu :oncatcd il ithc opc: tiow, loomi. 1hlik

Jll 11m timi c r a: cctlt!~ttmtcPuC ''cl ~liCiiitiptnI~n I ric, "] ltd at V 1\ \~ci and nlclnded pkm\cl colndinincil

ddci c c tmtt~immlpicc p tolC a ilmlitilo 17' Imimumc'. hlIw w: thi I t' il1C,1nel~ lzlcm~illd n ' Icli

II , )p J t T, I I Ii Ii I a 11 \ t!:mc itt i c 1back - I ;1LK C k )

TE -C'-\ S -')P-%S N 1 E0,S



"'euc -I ho a IloI" d ,iailed %ICA 01 lih UIlII1k I o!\ : I X Iot\ ,il 31,path U l atl u th' ~l pxo titteicrt, ~t Ilk: at iott eq(utwI'll aItex c o 11 o (mI"- olle ot the nlote: kclmtn1ol. Lt1ed iite et IVI atltl are it.a I).% oh a [IedLte.

I it, corc of hel ttphttk, 1A the c t\\ 11 cotItIteIIr ~r~et.It 1%%oiedt\~

-50 Nlb.\te hatrd di~k and a tape transport unit. L-plink \ot\ ereidettt m tilt,'<'ottIPtI-er :ould ecnrae.ed, anld %erif Coll)tInand". -The , otttIanld tontat er.

ett..t\ ptor. and .-\F~scN forniatter equipnents 11unctioned" tO ttCLtcrt a'.e aphk Mte~-ae OutpuILt hr% the computeM fbr trattNttttta to the 'ettOF or TIal. Fhe' echo) pro

,cc' )r. decr ptor, \17S(\ dcpackct iter, and hit 's's, ttc qui lneujt. p o0esed tilt::ottttttattld MWlt !reLtrted 11t0ttt 01C AF\S( N, and ev)tihe operat tn ot thLt CItINteroun.11d por1tion o the1 upJhitk.

I phltk contttiand and conttttiattd \erit'i~Ott IttttcttN' \%eCl cttpletttetttett tII IhIhar-dttare and 'softxare. A desci tino ke\ tirlittk tunciOu'tllou 1k.


'S 5L%.,:

Fig. 3-1 Uplink subsystem block diagram.I

3.1 C'OMMAND) (.NFi~iR(N5

3.1.1 XPL.COM Operationigure 3-2 hot a top-lecid data t]Ott dia~tram of the uplin k computer ,oft tttare.

I of '.IniT ltf.itl's the- ha'sic ate shlownI. Plea'e refer to Pie. 1-2 a,, tcircd in, thetolIlo.,III,,( t i d 'ii-iott. Ilie: \I'lCC)\ stttt plttratit, re.detttl Ill tlte ulphiuk ;orn

pflts pt'.led IK 2 t oit' t :Ied and 'seit conlIntattd\s to t11C 'seii'o tIlodttle.Ie il tttt t)pefttte: dia Ie \I'I ( OM )\I eilal. ha,' jstt-tttlt\,illt

S\f11 ( (M1 LtItune 0111MI tlktuc \\llttd tHe 0h)VI tot~ to Xse it td 'scud ettit1-1!(I~t !h Mle5r o tsdule. II~ ole cileet hclittd ANI~ ( (M )\1 tte dC'seopIt xt

\11 I 1111 11111 n'. tO S Iit tpt tilts 111L Itth~s Ie tl \t.~t A I ( (M \Isr s~ss ttuutlccutittalli ;tttd c~ttl


I I,. Ipv. -MW K' I

Ai.32 Uln otar aaIlwdarm

ollu and %ICteeln re~ih\ lieuplnk ontillv an se t i' (h sC11,f m dul

in ilerorll f' t :nliand A ' lle tr ofa w ilan 1C1,1L ( A -IO aUlW lt101,AT O o pldabtiiv f h i ,g nP&,sICIit o IIC Ll~liikhar %%aC fo to til 1el,0 111JUI. Ihe oln

l~an leNat:hi ~nt'efomi! ""h~k ilApeld\ . " IO~ll aCl7.ln3csaz cosse1' oH)cnnac mede l kraigP00~.M onmanI niss ., cu iutoed sil ot ieD C11t !IILM CCe., )LM 1 tl

I lie~ prcs of edn, n ei'A t lgl olna n lesg 1\p al to M3o 20' Ueco n copniu t ncs, l Cllu r and t Ie

fils.Antnta> a\ cr C ntd file ofpITIk \ ontrol le nd 11l~d sent to the cn o o ne

01- In nc not- an111111C on ). Iill' A N I' (1C (Atoopld ahtia o h cessg andullpa.;sed fite tochc the plitt hards and or rattntitc to tenrmd, nhtle. A crun-

mandtt metsae.- ne~iniocte ltoe des-tt~ j itl lie 1elt 21 giansIce cfilnerrtltest ohtil e e w reio pa nd in l [this f ormat li-1 T oe co manc d he ci her rel timecfor. exeteda linc diatel when reeci. ed heo -lensor imd l, o ela (ie.

U trill0 sec o d 1p1tdirt on1"i~) itessace lctu t l n d lc type. ~ C~lf~'ll

or more~l co til d tasai opril .~ ( (1, )\ as dsi n to access )C

stat tlese ci tie 1 tl d opetator (IIttd toexctecntttdsit ha il nt

T-,E J, .-'.S 3 p " S oN S I


3.2 (0NMAND At Xl lii NI XYlIN AND I)E R11I M (XIN

InInc il 2 01 fa -c11raIii orn and l il tile wl Illtt1aild ct ttt-atiott pr(' I\A'a t, c1N.ct flccau-c of fihc natnic ()I kI uplinm l. e Ihcc a)-

.\a I smal p' olk i% that Ntt Cort 551C.i ithcoliikp Rc1I 11

r' hc, ra,,ceiatlt ot bit crrols il thle comimanid tnclauc \\ ill -elcralIN prc~el ctilhc"CC tIt tO or ) tttOI: of til hc connand. 1 hcrcflorc, Ior rciiah~e control ot Ihe

pacrtI he :iotd uplink deci-n must include a nlcalm It) \ cut\ :ottlII1InI :\- I1*0liti l01't Dla ]ttO nj'ioll h)CCan'c of tile c\ItctIcdI Qround nct's <k hiroitch

\\,: h Illtttilattd, lo 0:1.d. 11ttallnd vcrificzttionl anld antlticnticationl (declctihcd be-os A) %sCcrc c..pcial]\ c!itical tnn'll .]),:I luncllt 55 -Trcs pcrtormcd11 \%,2ton1101II-

c:all\ hr \P sol( ) I sarc: al brief I,, cr5n C' gscii chr

3.2.1 Authentication \% ordInl additon to command %crjticatiott. thc comimand center maintaitted and \ Si

tied the command atIthentication \\ ord. ( fhe sensor mnodule command \vstem1 rc-quircd that each commattd nessage include thlt correct aut hentication ss ord: see.Xppcndix C.) Te command an-t hentication w\ord, as \\ ell as ecryption offi th(ill-ink. ss crc t'caJ nr,& Siencd to enhance securnv\ ofthc commnand linLI. The aut hci-Ii cat on %x ord \\a,, a -key' that alloss ed thc command mcssatc to, enter thle scn~or

mlodnlC COtImatt sn e~- c ns.e ctd olsl f the scnlt authenticationt \s Odmnatched thce ant hcnticat ion wrd internal[\v maintaincd b\ thle 1,Ct1br mo1duic.

Af'ter each command messaue \\a,, sent to and accepted b\ th-c sensor miodulc.the authentication ss ord internal to the sensor m1odleI chanued. API.CON auto-inaticallN cotmputed a new matching au.thentication wrd. Thle nlew% authenticationssord. after sent ication in APILCONI, ssas saved for inIcIlionl inl thle nlext cn1-Imand message. Computation of the new\ authentication w.Iord \\a,, based onl thle

valule of thle an.t hentication wordl just sert.

3.2.2 Authentication 11ord V'erificationThe change in sensor module, authentication word status that occturred as each

command message wka.s accepted wkas immediately do\Nnlinked in telemetryN. API.-

CON! monitored change in status and verified the ntess authentication \%ord. ThleIIe\authentication word, comptited by AP[CO C loih,\a \r di'i

matched the authentication ssord imputed from telernetered status. If' the nessant hent icat ion svord cotild not he verified, A PLC-ONI reset thle authent~iCatitil \w rd(to be packed inl thle neXt Uplink conmmand message) to its plevious vaIlue. Failure Ito verify thle authentication w ord indicated that the pres ionis commattd tnes-agc%\s not accepted and executed. In this ease the normal procedu-re follo\sedl h\ the

operator ssa., to simply resend the previous nes,,age.

3.2.3 Verification of Command E'.xcutionIlhe iless iiithcn11icationl \sord. \sl cn verified h% AIPI.MM ON.ndtcatvd that the

contmtand nic\ac s rcceiscd and comniatd processitte, \\as initated. To 5 erifvcottttnand :CxctttI1r htltc V11no1 tio0dItle Comt111nd sr stciuI .API C'()I Comparcdrcplica" (it tilc cxc.utcd commtand s hIichl \Nec rcttirned itl thle t11TMarstIld tclemI-CtI Is sx ith :orItinIaItd, scnt inl thc pre is~., command tuessaize. Itl thle es ent the coml-

naltild tmicssau~c loadcd dcla ccl Comtmands ito~ thle senlsor tioilile comtmand storememilory., Its :011m1natld mIcssae1c \%Its atithenticated anid veriticd b\ \11I C ONI as,

wc Cittls C..ii'Cd. Ill ddition.\P CN comintded thce sensor~ tlodlile ito

\t tcitr escc tltctt critiesl h\ coin pari~oti o it It all image of tile scnt ctntiandNs


'ceotil' ~ ~ ~ 0 ttAkt\ mi n' t'ii'oi~ cactI tLic HfoOLc' . ii ln Ict\II-

HOTi sell: fl.Lil! il'- ' t ,[- i ti tl tAc ii .\ 11 ti It, is I ll uid 1 fsk i ll' .itsni ti-e

'-A s I ti t k \ tL1 ! %\i tt50%CI C1 c 1~f tCILcti ' Ie I

3.2.4 Fnd-tn-I-nd ( ommand \ crificationIlPC ANI ( ( )N I w 1IMItii!iiij.110! Mid \ iitttT It~ scritior jrun sC des,> hcde

lb 2 5 critlcd c\ceittttii of all1 :onIIIIIIld' hi ouch1 thc scnMi isl(,Iii :ouIIItI1Idss'CtILI lhc\ Il:teJc \\th i h IIL~ 1)1 hahtllt, tliot tice trismluitcd :ollili ld \titi S cIcx-ted 1)tyiletjCit 1,1110i iolac iustci tem, Delta 2 guidance comipulct .0"r test tjI Iol .olllplecte il-ts-ciud 5 citj-catjii" 1cicnictcrcd statuis daitai 101

I utile sl x'tent-. 'hi P\a crttnvd h% hcl healthu ailatli anid Ills tcai. locatedill tile conlinillik ccrtIltic operaton', :ootit [litle c pp-oprmatc tceiiictrs li-pla\ pa-cs'th, %elics c thit 'u' tci>tt - \as reflicu c 01comitiards packedill hIe p)rcsions Oiiihij tc-wcIc :I' hicc com anlds s crc 5 eriftici nI, a simii-

PICUfcit\. Mi II theD!a2wiansuh an (cese clii a -2 117tnw

3.3 IN FFIRI- '&L- 10 (H (IINI Al. (OMPF' IR COM 0~PLEX-

3.3.1 Delta 2 ( ,'ifidance Computer (onm~andI-ot re'oii prcviolsklv otCd Delt a 2 gu1.idance computer comminads could not

bce piccotiturcd and toreCd in the commianld I unStates dalta base. I hlese commandsw\crc Coll I kurlcd inl rcal tiice and ,cnt to the command center- fromt the CentralCompuiter ( omlplex. A-s slioss n in Fig. 3-2, tile Upikcomputer inlddsottware

to process input from tile Central C omputcr C'omplevi When Delta 2 guidance com-puLter commilanck 55 crc received, tilc\ \%crc au-tot naticalk lc I to AP- N. APT_-I CONAI :onvcrtcd tucsc conuru1anlds inito a scensor niodule command inesee andout 1puth til Icssaile for' tranlsmlission to thle sensor module. Operator interaction\\ a, rcquircd to send thle mcssagc.

3.3.2 Delta 2 State Vectorfilc linik to thle Central ( 011utpcr Comiple\ also carried other u.Seful in formna-

tioni to thle command center, which ,\as processed by uplink computer soitware.I',lost notable of these data w as thle Delta 2 state vector periodically computed bythle Central Computer Coniplex. 'Fhe command center used thle Delta 2 state vec-tor to com1pute Updated stat ion alerts (i.e.. t he times at whlich each telemet rs sitew as in \ iewk of thle orhiting Delta 2 auid sensor tmodule). These \%ere generated byI an alerts prograirsident in tile uplink conipiter. Alerts were required and ti'edinl ocrall opecrations platinitig. I lie latest alerts, ae~ccssedl b\ thle do" littnk coml-piuter display proe'rai.l sserc placedl ol all telemetr data displars.

3.3.3 Health MessageHeeau-sce Of thle nat tire of tile mission, flec reliablit\ and as ailahlitv of tilc ititer-

lace link to thle ( etttrai ( ort1iputer Counp11IC\ i as, a pittl concern. If' thle opportn-I iiit\ to sendc Dllia 2 21&iXiac cott1)Ipnt Cotiliiands w as lost dule toi link failure.

thesc cotmmiand operations, penerall\ could mit ble 'ItiadeI tIlt)" at thle ne'it available



ato. Cto cenhancc thC leliablit, Of (Ilis link. tle (,cntral ('omputer (iompl,.CItr~inminIttcd lcahthi ,ace, t 3-'ccond intcrsalk. I hc intcnt of the health mc,-,agc %\a, to allo\ tihe uplihk coi ptter to detect link problen scl helore crucialDeltu 2 uplink operation,, o a, to aliow sufficient time foi correctike action. Todetcci any link failure, uplink Computer soflware conlinuouslv monitorcd [he in-terracc for an\ lo,,s in licalth tcs,., activitv. Loss of acti, ity implied a link fail-

irC and resultd in appropriatc operator notification.

3.3.4 Interface and .Message FormData transnivsions bet%\ con the Central Computer Complex and command cen-

ter s cre carrie6 o\er a single RS-232 standard interface (9600-baud rate, asyvn-chronous character, full duplex). Each messagce was sent in the form of an ASCII Icharacter text ,tring and ins olved a *'handshake" operation. File specification of

all mesa,-c types and interchange protocol is detailed in Ref. 2.


To send a command message to the sensor module, the uplink computer packed Ithe command message into an uplink image as described in Appendix C. Hossey-er, command uplink hardware was required to transform the computer image toan electrical signal suitable for communication through the AFSCN. In addition,encryption of the command message was performed in the uplink hard\are. Thisequipment was made up of the command formatter, the encryptor, and the AFSCNformatter (Fig. 3-1). 33.4.1 Command Formatter

To send an uplink message, the computer passed an image of the command ies-sage to the command formatter. After receipt and error check, the command for-matter propagated the message, in the form of a 1 kb/s command bit sequence, Iinto the encryptor. (Because of AFSCN transport timing requirements, tle accuracyof the bit rate, set by the command formatter, had to be better than 0.02%Th ofnominal.) For communication through the AFSCN, the encrypted message was Ipacked into contiguous AFSCN 48-bit frames by the AFSCN formatter. See Ap-pendix D for a description of the AFSCN format and additional AFSCN interfacedetail.

3.4.2 Idle Null MessagesThe AFSCN formatter, in addition to formatting the encrypted uplink message,

generated and transmitted "idle null" messages between propagation of uplink mes- Isages. As will be discussed in the following section on verification of the grounduplink, this allokked command center operators to easily determine the functionalstate of the entire ground portion of the uplink at any time.

The "idle null" messages, continuously output by the command center betweencommand messages, also allowed AFSCN equipment to maintain continuous syn-chronization to the 48-bit AFSCN frames (during each pass). This allowed theAFSCN to be configured such that no action by AFSCN operators was requiredto ',end or verify individual command messages. The command center output directlcontrolled the RF uplink modulation at the active uplink station. As described inAppendix 1), "idle null" messages resulted in an RF carrier \ith no uplink com-mand modulation. When encrypted command messages wacre sent, they resulted 1in "I" and "0" tone modulation of the carrier: this modulation reflected the bit



th! otli the \l 1 s 11e .. , l i x Ili,' betCcen Ii II o tir the. 0U Nlant.i];~ eii-

I ~ I and Is ecids

3.4.3 Redud iiau'

Ii) rciitnc di't st h a Ielks _wrtid lii.' eninnland !1('sse 1))i

hcctilen til e l ( Nl)il 11laster 1 I (Nn thee i cInt laja it pr .tpc

cabHl n tailnIe. it coaLldl \iI nh oser t no tieacknip uplink cable.

3.5 % L*RIII( A I1O IO 0'11 (,Rot NI) UPLINK

IThe uplink srLIh\LII setn tChtlCd tile c:,IpabiliI\ to %crit\ ttill IoItIlit% in hIe en1-Ikie poition of the _,round uiplink. inJhdn h I( set.Ihs\a et'eatu ce of corn ni and center des i n. I \pca , during_ each resoli ot ofltie in-orbitIcrlnsor IodrIle. co11Mmand 1.iphitiking \\,as pertortuned f ronm more than otte ipjlttk>ite. The uplink hnws is a reesctablished and s erified a1 number of' time, dtiritt eachorbit*al pcriod. A- iacani, ,,) qnickiv detemilne hie fuLnctional stl' 'III( link be-f'ore each pass. and take COrreCti', Niact io it nccssar\, \ as %ital to mainta itumiI reliability and availabilit\ of' the commnand link. Thle f'olloss i paragraph,, dlescribehie design of, thle corninand cettter's calpabilit v to ct-if - thle ent ire vrotind Uplink.

3.5.1 Command E'choIn order to perform verification of thle grTound1C uplink, thle AL-S(N w\as con"figured

to return to thle command center a real-timie image of' A[-SCN command input.-This signal, called the commiand echo, \\ as derived during supported uplink passesIb\ dletection of RIF carrier modkriation at the Uplink Site. The command echos werereceiv~ed in the identical tot mat as Output to rile AFS('N, i.e., packed in AFSCN48 hit frames. -The retUrti echo was Continuous and included thie "idle null'' me1s-saue,% inserted between command miessaues. Thle command center included equip--tuent (igt. 3-I) to process, the commanid echo, and to ventk f unetton alitv ot' thleground uplink.

1 3.5.2 Echo Processing Lee1. I.-lie commntd center performed echo processing at two differ-ent levels. I lie ttrst level, referred to as evecl I, .. ,,oked onkv tht. bit 55 tic 411d ,vJ'CN

depacketi/er sho\i n in Vi.3-). A lev el I cheek w as a simpl ve) t po\s erltl test thatcotuld be perf'ormed at ann% time. It required only that the commntd Centel bepcitwered and that an echlo loophack he coninected at wome point in thle .- Sf 'N.When po55 ered . the: comtmattd celtCl coat iii noisl senlt "'idle tnull- ' messages tothle AFS( N. as presC onsLlsl described. -1 ie conitnand echo thenl contissd of a Ntreami

tt "'idle null'"iescs I hec depackcti,r ss hich pecrtnted thle itscisce tttmetiottio! the AIS'( N tormuatter, COtttttIIOUisl ntott1itored thle ret lilt etitititiatidl echo for

framfe svnchroni/'ation, parity, atid niessage Content . It fS *\j( Iratie aid parIlt\\%lsasMUOd coiinouslIItaInd. tisl, ittdicated Iss itlt a Nill probaiilit\, ) thtat tie litnkkkas funtctional thironuh thi.' loophack poiti - Itdicator oti theC depaCh L/er 1,10ittIpaiiil tie~ o 0(tpi'rCit 11r11a1c1.t! t Inou rditig_ 0I It plitk sltt It. I hIs' test \\asl \Cen a'C-ill, as it eniabled thle utplink toP be easil chccked at ;in\ tsitic.



3. 5. 2.2 Lc- ci 2. 1[he :01tn:11attd 'center echo pr ocessing equ n pmen t al so per-orited a le\ ci 2 tetthat tt \ols ed a dlirect check of u plintk Command niexae.

I'ltiN irisol\ ed the dcrvp\tol andl echo -11-01:010 eq1Uipment~l sho% i iLe. 3-1. \\)telluljiik ttte'saee' kker cf. :he tet urn conuitlatd echo, aIfter dopaekcti/al won, 5a

decivpteu _-:1d coiplarcd ii) 'he ech;Io proces',or %% ith the tran~intitted commtand nc'-sac.e. Ilte cc ho p Joc'oral" \e t iedcc that t hes.c command messages ss cre packedin] thle correctI selnsOr tuodale f0orMtna . ' 1-2 tes1tin2 \% a, used to directly\ C\amttte.ait thle conmii-and :eniter, e:ach uplin k messace radiatdJ t ron thle uplink se

3.5.3 Echo LViiiiationT-he command echo, frotin an operational perspect \ e, \\& as ued a,, tolloss ,. Pri -

or to each pass, the A VCS(\ recottfigured to establish a Comtnattd lin k to the alp-

propriate nplink ie.(;enerall\. about 201 minutes before the pas,,. thle link %% asestablished and the command echo \aslooped back from that ,ite. Conunand centeroperators. etutplovitte both etchC ) and Iet ci 2 Jccks, er1_ified that ieC contin1and

link \\ a, read\ to support the pass. In tite evenit a problem was detected, commnand

looping back fromn poitnt, w\ithin thle .A'I-SCN and comtmand center, thle fanl~lt\ la-cilit% or equipment w\a,, readily determined. Fiurie 3-3 shlo%%,s typical loophack potint,,V. it hiti thle AFSC-N and command center.

3.--.4 Echo Nionitoring

During thle pass,, command center operators continued to tmonitor thle commandIecho. It should be stresed. host ever, that thle RE uplink transmission of each cornl-mand message w\as not contingent on ground uplink verification. Commands wecresent and verified by APLU ONM program software as previously described, The com-mland echoes w ere monitored so that, in the event of failure to command, it couldIbe quickly determined w hetier the fault was in the ground Uplintk or the sensormodule. In general, for pre-laUnch test operations and post-launch mission opera-

tions, command center gr-ound uplink test capabilities provided great insight intoIAFSCN performance.

Eastern Vehide Consoldafed Urin

Chreckoui Space T'st Ft10

Favikty Center (lOS CftSCommard H-TS VTS I



E::,no,LEE l-----------


n'.<~~"(" rf I. AsN orrnsot

Fig. 3-3 Major loopback points for ground uplink test.



4. D)OWINh 'NK tWS s D -S I )I$(N

f hw h II , ~lI 10 1 Of IlkF\ do 111nk ILUh\ ZI tod hc cCil4 l lth11 d ccll-<F IcI*ML i' d 10 MoilitF. .. Ffd 1' ,1t

4 P -'4 I~' LFBFI ,I di'plu\. p1 ild tc~lilIL.

F.'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u 71 \ F'.-F.J4 Il F FI(


i Bldg A

Fi.41 DwlnIusytmbokdarm4. FIPA COPUE

__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ fi____r ~L~III(Jo ,ro dn,((Imarddnn adprniecphl

file~~~~~~~~~~~ Io\1hl ir~\1 o ptr( L, 41.la o ptrpoie

!i,-,t ~ ~ ~ Fig 4-la L downh.in subsysem bloc dl iram. 3 ilnitee

p lc ictr i l>IFILICl cuuliiimaf i A(:11' r 111 p111 iiF)IIh Frcoml C c tNInlFiall tileCIopel(0r, d c a i'a Np Fa l pfI hoIFt r M l~~i NM MIRFII lldM)'IPpr

P S U's',h' T


I lie do%%inliitk comiiter also :oa on, U '~ Ill pttlr III the Coll)-

niand :_,wer cral~tions, rom and inll 11I\ - , 1 I~~o ae.- liese Jo\N nllitkperIsonal :0ompu1.ters, were us~ed rulainil\ wo i pe~ie tahlular and graphicdIspjlaN Of SCInsor moIdnlC Hliht proceo! Yo in c ce passes2 t., a

"ita 0 test ohject location anld I,.' I '.1' :_ J)-,cn !shte oiit)LIMe stored lall real-time flight processor dalta to a dftsK t an1\ the, l pass, Ite stored Iiht

process or data cOuIL he acscdh% ii :ipt r:Fhe do\\nlink compu)Lter als o pros dd vI 11 dCxomnimitatcd tel!Icnttr and1, anC toL 1 the uLIjInk Nlicro\ ,,l> ' !i It iL' link. (hi, tCereIene U%\ e, quircd h\ the ultnlk :011pltie t0 IpC: a~o ;In dale witttIIIJIId anld Ineiti-

oi\ rlitic:atioii. Fihe tinic tags %%eic - , phink omntetr clock.

4.2 1 tAF11 M IN 1.T DI(RN PI 10s. ) k~l NDEC(OMMI I VI IO\

IHe 11L1 -4 t'acilit\ pros ded rcdummlaa : . 't11'2501 nodule 'Cleinlt\ inl-IpuLt to the doss nllink suhs\ stcnt. Thle rcdilndat!Ii a :11" each consistilln ol serial 31-kh

ie comnmand centcr dossnik could Kcawrdt s eithier inlpt

4.2.1 TelemnetrN ProcessinoFinureI_ 4-I shoss s thle doss link equipatI 11 H oeedad Interfaced telentec-

r\ data to the doss nun k computer. Tele' ie'iu esui cni t ot hit ss nchroi-Ilat ion. decr\ption. atid deconlmuttation. l s ahoniiin performecd b\ at i)SI

mode 77, %a-.rcquired to extract 'I it and lc intlijo til fromt thle 111 -4input signal. The bit synchronized data ss t dec I pted and iniput to a Loral inodelIADS-I (X) I dConimu11tator subsyste[m. The decot nt inator srichroni/ed to thle teleti-

;etr\ framne and proc ided dlecommutated datt to thie doss rilirik CoMitetIM. Thle hadsiedecry pt ion unit was a KGX"'-28 Keyed to thle -s"or module telemeitrs ecrvpt ionl.3

4.2.2 Other Decornimuiator F~unctionsThe decommutator performed a miibe of tucasitt ad Iitit to deCcommaII.-

tation and interface to the dow~nlink computer . It pros ided additional formattedIdata display~s and printout capability, data limits, checking, arid a dccr\ypted datalog. A video monitor unit loca-ed in the operationls room presented decontmntotatornlenerated data display pages. The decommutator time-tanned each rceived em-ctrv frame, and logged each telemetry data frtune and ecspectise tim~e tag to adigiUtal tape recorder. Logged data could be played hack and processed in the doss nlinkcomputer inl the samec manner as real-titme data.

'The data limit feature of the decommutator alloss ed the operator to speeilr high

and ltoss alarm limits to selected telemectry data parameters. 'When this test featurlewkas enabled, received data that exceeded the specified limits would cauIse a visualand audible alarm message to be posted. [ his feature allowecd quick and automiat-

ed cheeks of' setnsor module health aind] status, dluringi selected passes during themitssion.

The comnmand cetnter received IR I( - 2(1 l ime stantdard inrpuat hior thle Fast -emn "Iest Rartee. This trte irnformation %ka, intputt to thte L oral decommutator sftb-

system to set -locks both in the ILoral I ecotttl at or attd MiicroVax compu)Lters,.

4.2.3 Encr~ ption/DIecr~ plion PaiirsPlease note that, for secturity reasons, itfia Iequired t0 h'IVtd'' enICrYptionl hard-I

ware in its mottnting racks. Also, theseC decrypt litl tilts did not has e ati\ 4talkti


14.3 1) A I M, (AIP ItII 1I. IIFIs

Ii l IJ i 2ICT ph 'iC l [. I 4 I I i I I T I I I I dI Ilk: 1 kk: Ill Ol l l cc C I IIT

) II. V lo ; C);10: C t" 1,1 11 IiIC\ hk, t I IIT ~ Ik U ! li2IT [TCiTT aIC ll'-

wIc I ailk:( u TI A\l r.l, It'lIlpij I Tll Ill ITITThd l ri!k :lI

I oTTpI... .I! Iill: I I .I ~ ~ IIi ILCTTjIuIIIT.TNfVTC. P A~~~ T T TI III CT I C I 101. I l



I hc I)MIlt~ I, I 'ecli0n nnldnlc' ',srninalnd ,nAIM %I dc'iL'Incj. In1tflc a nI d ni:C J'1( ( \ 1S' :I in ~hn o 1111c t I nn/c nbvOLt l IVc \ C~l1). 11 dc'~ i Jci' I nII

1)1I A 181 1PR0)RAM 10( DOC IKI IEI h toiloIII iL, Jno//mcwt pC/ ti/c DIItd PI 'Io ai/n/ p/Ik)I'm fl/ nn t I

I. A'"SI lliuolI limnum I'i,c I -Ania ( (( i/un 1n' V nmns, I ( R' w:,!~RI! I)nn'nhnA Operatins. lil \P'I S -'( ()(V' (Jan 19,1S).IA/fa 181 in 1I: R lnicr/acc spc '/111( a'n. III, )n~Inl~l Dk)'Uw1il~ ' //

( nipami ( cc I1987).AmIne A1, [A/ta M8 (h)b/aa/ Rt'tiircm'nr, \1J )niincl I \mi Ij ol V

!i,.i, ( ompnn> FRI) ( )R RI) 'i 3 1 5 (Dc,: I98-III JIsit unil'tioL4 Oelco L /)JLI bi I//C n I/lo 1//IA/ I ,1////Swi/ li''~ I'lics Ia/'norainrv lor- \n- ti I' ~/(('nlil t AN SI )( )-4 I(X R cp1%/Iia 181 AIisam I1clW(///al( e A(IAk/n Wporlr .11W1 AN 'IS) ) -S(6\1'ir 198S).I


( \I1 \I) I Pl INK

J- 10 whi

* A,

Fig. A- I Uplink command flow for orbiting sensor module, Delta 2, and test objects

ItIf"', l 11111/ C 1 %C ,1 ~ C I1 1," 111il

Id " 111 11il 1 '\ C M IIl W 1J ( ,Iil 11 Id



I N I II "l ' 01~ 1110 1 Ih I I Id th l , I l Ihcti\ djo\\Inlillk' t I c lI I II Iic. 1:i

1 2. 1 lic cr~s)! modilL hadl ti - I niumln link>, Lt itk m ~ hand 133 kh I!\ , \sILL~h,11ij I I\1!) "I link' I I-, i nmxm link :- ricd cn~o! :nod

hq IiCd hv IlkC '01t11in 11d LcI ! '1' ~ ;M 011 h~l II11 C )IImih dIh tj l IInd l

oIIr~~ i tc C\ L . wt1vl ,:: lC\ I kiii 1 0iiC> Uih l L nm Cll

I du c i I t l ~I~lc i nk i I I10Cdit ! ~tCl. C plc o I'l 'ill

I \at II I) I irI Itl'I Ilt C-ll, I' ) 'II Il IIXI h, t ll \liII IiC I>,h I I I I I'h il J* It IC ' I t 'l I i i I I Cli k I 'I II h'I I I I I Ih Ld htI I c 11111 11

I i mllCtI C lc v t lmk x> 'tiL :,,n h ll,:c dLLI ! n i :ctiCci: 1)n tlhC LmnLoI n. titt. Imiii I h ~I at-rt.\a Ofd> 'I h tthh-''m , h. \ , i c handL l dtt ~ i

l~ni~~ LIC C t kC clfl.ia tra;ickine lli~t _ c>,I d11L pmc cd I I i c l 11111c 1n.11 \\ t

,.It tcn. Dwni e da ija'in term> o 1A IrLC ihC 111 C 011 nnl atll iii 01.IIC." hit eiicnccine, laI cr bals tkiI - npilAll 1 tri-hotan f'n'II a)~1 1! I jclmki h cci onhp lC a LI 3I S iaS -JOL I ink ivprl. n tl1 \int ' 111'c 1111ah 11M \\ lcCC

1in';I~ i,)1i \( I I 01 ICCiTC M Ictto C IMttp CIC a kijn n l 'Cii n ciii Inl I,IM ovle LatelI t(p nvca i O SainIeelik c ti

LIIt lhc cirndlceminter ll uleel'o fre'iIci% K lClcctinehI lmoiul'lo intulhnit h Co i ntndCtie (,c~ palo n I OTIJ iNC. llx1t, LIdt I' i il~ihi i m11',

,:Il111ol LthhIiCIhtC\ \cr,,:t(1te S IIot\i ink I ia iiic t liu\ Rl-ti me ueia IIIhi.

Ptici~ lta. 2 Clltii tad the ICltli pI\ L i >i li.LI. D t I cIc ilLCii IllO1chid

I' ne t eda ni aih l-lsii l C anaphtira Ahitiihd OC 01111 >etai n t h trill \K otiil 1p~i r, heco mad crrc he ker, [fOC cdh Ma~ollC1 D mulI!lll 011id I~cco ilan encr O ccalnochm cci l a Ii-110i'llIo

:h ITIJI IKM C O I-IId dilD hi d m m ea-ii tcia

10II~f_. d la t crlccrd 0 11 c nfo)co pi"\ t~c t \ ri_ cid-oIn


Ip I_

IFig. A-2 Orbiting sensor module. tes, objects. and Delta 2 telemetry links.

IF 1.j~\~~~\ FA F'N F IN N IN TTO C;!;CIJclcnclr ilk: .aNi t the cwir miodulc, Iario\\ band tlCniA r\ \wt' rcturnclld

:o lh ollilialld CC1c. I C tl,~l \' data V. Crc dkpL1\Cd ill order to tlltitltlt 'i bo111d~lc halli ald lail":tlu deploit> ott nd t rz!Am ti it oftct ollicct, ki k

Til" onac',dil-ngCahorbit of llhc ni t ll i k, &, i re~ullt Ccnt i c lcopcrat oliN i t. i t',c 111 pl C Cc colititlluk '1 atnd iftt'voc.

Vo jir 'pli cn tI il~ ai t Y an 0 1ill CIii \ Ct h i 10C& ' 01-C tIl tjttLil

i h i~ik j(Ifrtoid tiN Jcc , ai Iitiot )I t~llt aitd tiplit. 'JIC., It.' LC\Cltit R I c cr I I ', I oiiiaid 'c C ctt!i D clta 2" ticijal ctiidaiilic

iiiilphtc: ctttttait~ ai (l \C l l&itli l c cw wx i ll Ill(-t~' . \'11 1 dC11ljijI CHid i k1 - I, .i I I j 2 c o t t i t tiA nd ~ t c t oit t r l ,; c Ii i .l t,LtI l c otp l tt C 1In li! ) w l u i C l , I ' I11111 C l ,(1 I C I'I(1A ~ l''l )(


t1I.It t C II1fl. Ilie~k Collhii! \Clo: 'Ci III Rl~iillC 1o cO IIIIi CliciC that

I " ir l l Iun1 L tile nlii ioiI ( olinIIijiid ribitttC, to[ thc~ ~ii ji:i~C \',ClC :L)I)

IicLll d hetorc C ilili1li ..*\ko iIotc. at ihe (IFS ((dian iiC n ithlcIIk nifnth orhit , tileoiiiiitd center npIlinkCd~ a1 nIC\ lod to tile lellr 11o0d1.ic COM ininhd ',iorc inlcin-

"I % . il loald plok idco clwe :OC ofiilanid illtlo.Iicoii to til scii~oi IiiodiiLc tlolI

,Lota !etriC\ al oprdtiolts. I3o:Liliiiii ol tile it 111 olbit. tihe \l1( hc~aln feifci\ at

o t d a a p Iancd haek ht01o 0in n-hboard rc e rId Cridebaiid tclclctr\ Collacl, \ ith :onltrol collplC\ 1insi, al'o Ilin\ 11. \oe,

t\C.ihati IN,\ datit8zj nots (JU1 ~ctt Coinlilidii Centel . it Ad logiuv d onl tape

,1 HIiC, ariC Id pi)CC'.s Cd IA101he iC iisott.

Table B-1Delta 181 telemetry and uplink site sensor module

contacts tor the data-collection phase.

(i1rbii SitC NB \13 Lplink

2 LSA KA \


2 \S \




4 :\N A NN

4 [11W S


5 f115

6 Il\\ A W6 III's

6 l()S NI


iTable B-1

Delta 181 telemetr/ and uplink site sensor modulecontacts for the data-collection phase. (cont'dlI

\1 \\v

(lIS\N N

I9 ([I% N

9 . \ S ( C

.- FS(\ begin,, data ictric\,al

! t) (;IS N N N

Not ,: N11 narro\s haid tclmctr ic contact\V B \\,ideband telemetry contact

L-plink comntztd uplink conact

Liplink and telemetry ,,ites:

I Ail l oe Suie'lite ('ntrol Netwolk (< '.'N)lOS - Indian Ocean StationG[S - Guam Tracking SiteIITS - Haw\aii Frackine SiteI TS - Vandenburg -rackine Site

Goddard S TD.\ SitesNil .A - Nlerritt I,,land lauLnch AreaG\\M - GuamHAW - tavaiiA(N -,scension Island

Lastern and lf'vsterli Test Rantge SitesID1I1 -. lohnathon )ickerson Instrumentation

facilit\AN I .A\ntigua IslandA.S(* .Vew' ioll IslandV I Rl, + Vatncnburu T rackin , Site.

L :SAK\ - i.S. Arm K\sajalein Atoll



IEH J ) i H s H 0 P K I N S ' N 1I ,'E S I T V



(_ornr]tan(1d, %,cre packed and sent to fte ,,1nWso module in the form of a coin- Iin ald r Ltg. [ ach muessage \sas a bit sequence organized and formatted as show n

in H C. -I .hc bit sciuence s as encrypted and modulated onto the RV uplinkcarrier it I kb ,. A dccryptor on board the sensor module recovcred the plain textmcsace. Ihe command messagce ormat is an art iact o' tlic sensor module coin-mand sytem: therefore ,ensor module, Delta 2 inertial guidance computer, andtest object commands \,ere all packed and encrypted in this same format.

A,, shos n, each command message included a preamble, an authentication \\ord,

a sync \word, a commands field, and a postamble. The commands field %kas %ari-able in length and contained up to 100 commands. Each cornmtmand mapped intoa 64 bit sub-field. The commands field \%as alw\aNys terminated with an cnd-of- Imessage command, thus, tile shortest command lessagc alwkays included at least

two command-,. The commands could be either real-time (i.e., executed immedi-atcly Mien receiked by the sensor module), or delayed (i.e., stored in the sensor

module commands store memory for execution at a later time). However, a partic- Iular command message could consist of only one type.

At the appropriate AFSCN uplink site, the command message was modulated(SGI.S format) onto the RF uplink carrier. The shortest command message took Iapproximately 0.6 second to transmit. The longest message (100 commands) tookabout 7 seconds. The transmission of each message required only "I and "0"bit modulation ( no "set" bits) on the uplink carrier.

An important aspect of each command message was the inclusion of a 32-bitauthentication word. The sensor trodule would accept the message and initiate com-tiand execution only if the transmitted authentication word matched the authenti-cation word maintained in the sensor module command system. When the sensormodule accepted the transmitted authentication word, it processed the commandme'.sage and updated its internal authentication word. The value of the updated

authentication word was based ol the previous authentication word value. The nextcommand message sent, in order to be received and processed, had to include theupdated authentication %Nord. I

I1 to 100 commands

Preamb Authentication elaY Sync Command Command Command Postamble

256 bits word 160 bits 8 bits 64 bits 64 bits 64 bits 16 bits3 26 b it s 0 b t s1

Fig. C-1 Uplink command message format. I






( (otum1"and lllCssa2Cs getterated by the sensor mnedu lk commnand Cente! \%Ncrc snto the orbit inc sell.or Iodule a the -',[-S('N. I his required that ennitn1and tile,,-saoes Sent froml the command Center- hic packed in the .\I-S(N 48 bit framle formatI as defined in lu. D- 1. Ini the command center, a componenit called thle Af[('jformarter packed the commiand rtlessafge into the AFSCN format for t ratnsmisstonthrough the Al-S( N. .t thle remote uplitnk lite, thle inl\ erse form11atting~l process s% asperformed, i.e.,. the comnmand hit s c~re "Unpacked" frotn hie 48 hi! traules loI modulate the uplink carrier at I kb's,.

As shown in Fig. [)-I, cach 20 hit s.peemet of the contmand ttessage (cotmmandhits) wNere converted to a 48 hit AFSCN frame cotmtsttne of 7 sync hitl, a 40 hitI data field, and at parity hit. The 40 hit data field resulted fromt a di-hit conversionof the 20 coniand bits. Trhe cons ersion process w\as in real-time and continuousand the AFSCN formiatter Output data rate \%as exact[\ 48,20 times thle I k-b/'comtmand hit rate.I The command center AFSCN fortuatter, between Uplink tnessages, pro\vided antoutput of' idle null miessages (Hig. D-2). For the idle null mnessage the data field

111 -AFSCN 48 bit data frame -

7sbit 40 bits data ____ 1 bit

word (20 command bills) parity

1 coriimand bit = 2 frame bits

Sync word Command data bits Frame bits Parity

1 i10010 1 10 fndicatos bit parity0 01 within command bitInull 00 segment of framne.

set 11 Even parity.

Command data bits -20 -1 Wbs Frequency accurate

Frame bits 48 -2.4 kb/s to00021%

Fig. D-1 AFSCN 48 bit frame format.

Gommr,,iCommand upirnk message-encrpied

Comm'I* . "Ocommand bits atI kb/scenteroutput

Uln esg akdrt

U ___

48 br AFSGN frame2 4 kblsI Fig. D-2 Command center output to the AFSCN.




of the 48 bit field consisted of di-bit-converted "null" bits. Transitions betweenthe idle null message and the encrypted uplink message was accomplished such thatclock and frame synchronization was maintained. This allowed AFSCN equipmentto maintain continouous synchronization and error check of the command centeroutput throughout each pass, irrespective of the data content of the 48 bit franes.

AFSCN equipment was configured such that command operation was automatic:i.e., no AFSCN operator interaction was required to send individual command mes-sages. The idle null messages resulted in no uplink modulation of the RF carrier(the RF carrier was on continuously throughout each pass). Uplink messages wereautomatically detected by AFSCN equipment and resulted in command messagemodulation of the carrier.


26 II

* INITIAL DISTRIBUTION EXTERNAL TO THE APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY*c' i T( I 1 t 4 .ias cone under- Na'' tCtnract \IA(t39 t89-C -1i and isrefated to Task Zl'% IS'(i, upported by 'DI(9


De!t. n e i'c iatcj organtization V. ashington. DC t0 Maj. C. HudiecLTC M. RenciineLTC R. WNilbanksMai. A. 1. Green

\r-ai'c rc5Ariington, VA A. Barnes


\IXtelDci.,s \stroniauiic& Hungtington Beach. CA G. BenedictN BeerJ V. liicR. Hagihara

zrarri;a Natonai Laboratortes Albuquerque. ',M K. Shrock3 E picr lest Ranee PAP!- Patrick AFB, FL J P Stroud

IA F Kenineti\ Space Center Cape Canaveral, Fl- J. R. Zeman

A. J. MactieN

(Gener ai Electric Government Service Cape Canaveral. FL D, E. KoontzB. Beadell

CSTC SID. De!tf i ID% ) SunnNvale. CA R. N ol

Fairctnild Space Co. Germantown, MD . A. G. JohnsonIT..lcd~ne Brown Envineertng Co Huntsville, AL T Poole

Reussfrcpe fti eotfo o ciite n otatr hudb ietdt TCCaeoIttoAeadiVrii 21 sngDI om1ad tncsay TCFr 5

IIiilds-uino hsdcmn ihnteApidPyisLbrtr a onmd nacrac ihals nfl nteALTcnclPbiain ru


I ammmm 5, 0


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