unity plans book

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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United Native Indian Tribal YouthUNITY


Executvie Summary.........................................1Company Analysis...........................................2Consumer & Market Analysis..........................3Competitive Analysis.......................................4Target Market Profile.......................................5Research.........................................................6SWOT Analysis............................................7-8Objectives.......................................................9Creative Strategy.....................................10-11Creative Executions.................................12-14Branding........................................................15Broadcast &QR.............................................16Media.......................................................17-18Social Media..................................................19Media Flow Chart..........................................20Communication Tools...................................21Relationships...........................................22-25Festivals & Events....................................26-28Donations.................................................29-30Budget...........................................................31Evaluation......................................................32Appendix & Team..........................................33

Table Of Contents Executive Summary UNITY has been a national Native American non-profit for nearly the past four decades. It has managed to spread its reach across the nation and has developed programs to help countless number of Native American youth. UNITY has such a strong presence in so many states except for the one it is ran out of. This has been BNC’s primary objective throughout this campaign.

BNC has taken a direct look at getting UNITY onto an equal playing field as all the other major non-profits in Oklahoma City. BNC has targeted some of the top corporations in the metro area to help support the growth of UNITY. Continental, Ozarka, and Loves are some of these companies that BNC believes can help this company start its journey in the capitol city.

Due our limited budget, which is common among a majority of non-profits, BNC suggests to devote a large effort into digital and social interactions. Our idea include an online presence with this sites such as Groupon and text messaging based site M-Give. Both these sites will increase brand awareness while presenting the opportunity to increase UNITY funding. Groupon Grassroots is a new branch of the company picking non-profits to display on their site. It will give viewers the opportunity to donate $10, $15, $25 and offer a t-shirt incentive for higher donations. M-Give allows people to text in donations from virtually anywhere in the world. Both these platforms will help UNITY burst into the non-profit spotlight.

For a social presence BNC recommends attending both the Paseo Arts Festival as well as the Red Earth Festival. This will give UNITY the chance to provide a face for their company. By being able to talk to people directly and to hear and see how they respond will give a tremendous insight as to what people are expecting. It will also help UNITY expand their awareness on a personal basis. These events combined with the Spirit Run and Pow Wow will create buzz and increase word of mouth awareness.

With BNC’s campaign UNITY can realistically plan on reaching 678,,425 gross impressions. This will give you the proper awareness and platform to begin to build a powerful presence in the non-profit marketplace. BNC believes that the implementation of this campaign will help UNITY effectively reach its target market and continue to succeed for many decades to come.

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Company Analysis Consumer Analysis Unity national headquarters was founded Oklahoma City in April 1976 with a plan to foster the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of American Indian and Alaskan Native youth and to help build a strong, unified, and self-reliant Native America through greater youth involvement.

UNITY is a national networking organizational promoting personal development, citizenship, and leadership among Native American youth. Among all it’s councils tribes Unity represents 232 tribes.

The councils that form UNITY are responsible for conducting community service, cultural heritage, environment, and healthy lifestyles. UNITY has a vision for which Native Americans are proud of their accomplishments from their ancestors and who maintain Native American tradition. UNITY believes making a maximum use of their resources while exceling in their chosen fields.

Oklahoma City is where the UNITY foundation resides. Through research, new designs and perception among nation wide councils; we plan to make UNITY well known with the help of donations from large corporations and grants from Oklahoma.

The businesses that BNC recommends UNITY to partner with are looking to give back to the community and are invested in the strong Native American heritage in Oklahoma. They have a history of donating to non-profits and seek a charitable image. Businesses gain visibility and revenue from being involved in organizations that give back to the community. When searching for a charity to donate to, the target looks for a well managed organization that has a strong presence in their community.

The consumer market for UNITY is non-existent due to the lack of involvement and awareness among Native American youth. Without a presence of youth councils in the OKC Metro, businesses are unaware and unwilling to donate due to uncertainty of the organization. The businesses BNC target are willing to donate to a local cause that they can follow and see results in. They want to be as active as possible in their community because they want to connect and build a relationship with their consumers. They want to invest in the preservation of history and pride of Oklahoma.

Market Analysis In the competitive market of Oklahoma City there are very few non-profits that offer the heritage of the state that UNITY represents. UNITY portrays the deep Native American history that Oklahoma is known for and preserves in todays youth. UNITY is noted on a national level, but remains unknown among the Oklahoma City non-profit market. There are many non-profit organizations in the OKC Metro fighting for the share of donations from businesses. In order for UNITY to stand out among other strong non-profit organizations in the eyes of businesses, changes must be made.

Even with the struggling economy, the market for non-profits are doing better than most industries. With the incoming generation heavily focused on philanthropy, now is one of the best times to move forward.

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Competitive Analysis Target Market Profile Since Oklahoma City is known for its Native American heritage, it is important for businesses to be involved in local communities that emphasize a social responsibility. UNITYrepresents a national network promoting personal development, citizenship, and leadership among Native America youth.

Geographic:• UNITY is targeting corporate businesses located in the Oklahoma City area and surrounding metro. Requiring large corporate businesses such as Continental Resources, Ozarka, and Boeing will help UNITY become known on a Oklahoma state level.

Demographics:• The prospect definition is going to be different than your typical list of demographics. Since BNC’s campaign is going for corporate business sponsorships rather than new memberships, the demographics are extremely wide.

Psychographics:• The companies UNITY should aim to target are ones that are deeply embedded in the Oklahoma culture. Ones that are committed to investing in the rich heritage of this state and impacting individuals on all different levels of communication. BNC will also look for companies that are respected among all members of the community. Companies who consistently aim at improving those around them and are viewed as problem solvers, notproblem makers.

Buying/Use Patterns:• These companies invest in non-profits to improve their image. BNC is looking for prospects that will have a continuing donating relationship rather, than one time donators.

Benefits:• The primary benefit that businesses can take away from connecting with UNITY is the strong investment to an endangered lifestyle that the state is based around. Once individuals see the link between the two, perception of both will increase.

• The main reason to accept the benefit above is to observe Oklahomans and see how entangled the Native American culture is with every day life. You will find buffalos on street corners downtown, a soon to be built National Museum, and Native American warrior posted atop the Capitol.

The difference between these organizations and UNITY is that they have a noted presence among youth in the OKC Metro. Organizations like Boys and Girl Scouts have groups functioning all around the OKC Metro, keeping awareness about their activity active among the community. These competitor organizations have members present among Chambers of Commerce meetings in order to ensure consistent funding for their organization. Many of these groups are also members of the Oklahoma Center For Non-profits; which helps organizations be the most effective they can be. UNITY is unique in the fact that it is the only non-profit in the OKC Metro dedicated to Native American youth and heritage.

• America’sChallengeFoundation• AymeForSuccess• BigBrothersBigSistersofGreaterOkc• CASAofOklahomaCounty

• EagleRidgeInstitute• EducationandTrainingInstitute• GirlScouts• SouthYMCAofOKC

Running Strong:Helps Native Americans meet their immediate survival needs while also providing programs designed to promote self sufficiency and self-esteem.

The Notah Begay III Foundation (NB3):This organization reaches out to Native Americans by providing youth sports programs in Native American communities.

Boys & Girls Club in Indian Country:With over 200 Clubs in Native American communities across the country, Alaska and Hawaii, this organization provides after school fun every day in sports, education, health, arts, character building and more.

Native American Sports Council:Conducts community based multi-sport programs and athlete development programs which enable emerging elite athletes to be identified and developed for national, international and Olympic competition.

Wings of America:Runs clinics, camps and national competitions and uses running as a catalyst to empower American Indian and Alaskan Native youth to take pride in themselves and their cultural identity.

The National Indian Youth Project: Empowering the lives of Native American youth for over 25 years through year-round adventure based learning in mid-schools, Project Venture seeks to foster youth leaders who are culturally sensitive and promoting healthy lifestyles as an example for future generations.

Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Native American Mentoring Initiative:Big Brothers Big Sisters recognizes how important it is for Native American children to have positive role models in their lives.

Indian Youth of America (IYA):On a national level, IYA seres Indian youth and families through its summer youth camp program, resource center, newsletter, scholarship assistance and sponsorship of Indian students to leadership programs and sporting events.

National Competitors For Native American Youth

OKC Competitors

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Research SWOT Analysis



Social MediaStatistics

Weaknesses• UNITY has a strong cultural affiliation within

the target Oklahoma City area. Oklahoma also known as Indian Territory has a very rich and diverse Native American history. It is home to many tribal national headquarters as well as UNITY National Headquarters, reservation, and a large American Indian Population. This relates directly to the mission of UNITY which is to preserve the Native culture and enhance the future of Native Americans.

• UNITY has a strong national reputation with over 50,000 student members, representing more than 230 Native American tribes, with youth councils spread across the United States, and by being a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce.

• UNITY offers great benefits to its youth members through positive reinforcement to improve teamwork, self-esteem, social, communicational, organizational, leadership skills, philanthropy, responsibility, and education of Native American cultures and practices.

• To discover how UNITY is perceived among Native Americans.

• To discover how visible UNITY is among businesses.

• To determine how many Native Americans UNITY can potentially reach.

• To determine who is receiving the majority of grants.

• In 2009-2010: 2,377 non-profits participated in a Fundraising Effectiveness Survey which stated they raised $1,645,470,816 for an average of $692,247 a company.

• Donor retention can be increased by 50% or more by investing in communications to donors about their gifts at work and other aspects of donor relations. A 50 percent increase in the FEP survey‘s 45 percent gifts retention for 2010 would increase gifts retention to nearly 70 percent.

• The number one benefit of social media marketing is standing out in an increasingly noisy society. 88% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. Improving traffic and subscribers was the second major benefit, with 72% reporting positive results.

• Nearly 2/3 of marketers indicated a rise in search engine rankings was a benefit of social media marketing. As search engine rankings improve, so will business exposure and leading generation efforts. This will also cause overall marketing expenses to decrease. Slightly more than half of marketers found social media generated qualified leads.

• Arts and cultural groups also received the greatest number of donations from boardmembers. Those groups reported that 80% of their trustees made donations.

Fundraising Email Response Rate

Nonprofitsratedtheir websites very effective

• There is no Oklahoma City UNITY Council. Although UNITY’s membership target is plentiful in the OKC area, a youth council has not been established. For this reason there is no visibility of the organization in the OKC area. Absence of a council may provide a challenge to rally support and funds for the organization because people like to know where their money is being spent.

• UNITY has a substantially small starting budget of $25,000, which means that advertising and public relations will be significantly limited.

• UNITY’s staff is very small considering a per capita workload responsibility. Because growth and recognition is the goal, that means there will be more pressure and responsibility placed on an already minimal staff.

• There is no transportation means set up for UNITY members to gather. This may provide unappealing commutes for its members. Restricted budget cannot afford to purchase transportation to and from events and gatherings.

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ObjectivesSWOT AnalysisOpportunities Threats Marketing Objectives Advertising Objectives

Commication Objective

• Since there is no OKC UNITY Council, there is a need and opportunity to establish multiple groups. Although the Indian population in the OKC metro is not centralized in any one district or school, it is still a substantial amount of the youth population. UNITY’s national headquarters is also located in OKC allowing a local youth council convenient access for face-to-face interaction, guidance, and fellowship with UNITY staff that is not available in other cities. These ingredients promote growth of not only an OKC Council, but growth of UNITY’s visibility in the OKC area.

• If a council in OKC gains recognition and visibility, then that opens up the doors to fundraising. People, businesses and corporations are much more likely to contribute to a cause that is visible and proximate to their communities and businesses.

• Oklahoma City is currently in a state of economic growth which means that money is being spent. Companies are establishing themselves not only in terms of product or services, but in their personality. In order to be considered a community friendly business, the local consumers expect business to contribute back to the community through the means of philanthropy or donations to positive causes in the area. UNITY is an organization that is non-profit and based on preserving important national Native American heritage. UNITY promotes growth and well being of future generations which means that this stage of economic growth in the area could correspond directly with an increase of funding.

• Currently, much of the media coverage in Oklahoma relating to Native American affairs is directed to the Water Rights Lawsuit. This lawsuit is detrimental to the focus of UNITY’s mission. Many Oklahomans see the lawsuit as Native American tribes not wanting to contribute to the water supply of all Oklahomans, rather keeping it for tribal use. Many people see it as Native American hesitation to contribute to the well being of the state of Oklahoma, and in return people and businesses in the area may be reluctant to contribute to any cause that is of Native American relation, such as UNITY.

• There is also currently a large push for funding of the Native American Cultural Center in Oklahoma City. UNITY will be competing for the same dollars but on a much smaller budget and less initial visibility.

• There is also a common misconception about casinos involvement in funding Native American affairs. Casinos are privately owned by tribes, and the revenue produced is much more likely to be invested in that specific tribe than a common cause that isn’t directly connected with that tribe. Once tribal casinos invest money in things such as health care, commodities, school grants, housing, and employment, there is often little money in excess to be granted.

• To increase donations by 40% within the first year of implantation. We plan to increase visibility among surrounding companies. This will propel UNITY into the existing non-profit market place.

• Aiming to receive 2-3 grants in the upcoming fiscal year, UNITY will establish itself in the non-profit market. They will continue to compete for grants year after year.

• Joining the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce will increase creditability among major businesses in the metro area, making it easier to network and indefinable possible donation sources.

• Within the first year of this campaign BNC aims to bring the Oklahoma City UNITY council up to par with exciting councils around the nation.

• These objectives will help lay the groundwork for UNITY to grow and establish creditability within the state, becoming the leader of UNITY councils.

• The main point featured in our advertisements is going to be that UNITY is ready to take a professional step forward in getting the funding that it deserves. UNITY will represent our state as a National home to Native American Youth.

• The actions BNC seeks from our targets are going to primarily come from funding and grants, allowing UNITY to evolve into a prominent

BNC’s communication objective is to establish creditability among major businesses and other non-profits in Oklahoma City metro area. By bringing our purpose to the minds of others, we will develop into a true national

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Creative Strategy Creative Strategy

The Problem

The Marketing Problem

The Product of Service

Competitive Consumer Benefit

Positioning Statement

Advertising Tone

The core problem that UNITY faces is not being the center of a highly concentrated Native American based area. This is paired with the lack of funding that has limited UNITY to expand through its entire target market.

Advertising can solve UNITY’s problems by creating awareness in the Oklahoma City market. Since Oklahoma is UNITY’s headquarters, they must increase creditability among influential businesses and their target market. UNITY should raise awareness because it is essential for providing financial support to local non-profit organizations. Joining the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce is another key aspect in increasing recognition among business. Having the Chamber of Commerce present at their national Oklahoma City headquarters will add creditability for UNITY. Word of mouth is crucial in todays environment. It is how consumers connect with each other to become comfortable with a company.

Social media is imperative to non-profits due to its exponential reach of their target market. Being social is inexpensive for the company and the best way to speak to your target market directly. Facebook is

UNITY is a non-profit organization. Their national headquarters are located in the Oklahoma City area. They develop councils throughout Native American youth to network organizations, promote personal development and leadership. UNITY helps build strong, unified and self-reliant Native Americans through numerous leadership involvements. The perception for UNITY does not reflect what the reality of the organization is. It’s not that UNITY is perceived bad, it’s that they are not perceived at all. A strong media push will bring UNITY to the forefront of Oklahoma City’s non-profits and prove to major companies that its perception is on its way to matching reality.

Prospect Definition Our prospect definition is going to be different than your typical list of demographics. Since we are not going for new membership, but company sponsorship; the demographics are extremely wide. Instead of aiming towards one individual we are aiming towards large corporate businesses. The companies BNC aims to target are ones that are deeply embedded in the Oklahoma culture. Ones that are committed to investing in the rich heritage of our state and impacting individuals on all different levels of communication. BNC will also look for companies that are respected among all members of the metro community. Companies who consistently aim at improving those around them and are viewed as problem solvers, not problem makers.

The primary benefit that businesses can take away from connecting with UNITY is the strong investment to an endangered lifestyle that our state is based around. Once individuals see the link between the two, perception of both will increase. The main reason to accept the benefit above is to observe Oklahomans and see how entangled the Native American culture is with our own, such as buffalos on street corners downtown, a soon to be built National Museum, and Native American warrior posed atop the Capitol.

To businesses in the Oklahoma City metro area, UNITY is a non-profit organization focused on self-reliant Native Americans through greater youth involvement.

The tone is set to be serious and compelling while placing a major emphasis on the heritage of the Native Americans. In the competitive market of Oklahoma City there are very few non-profits that offer the heritage that UNITY represents. UNITY portrays the deep Native American history that Oklahoma is known for and preserves in today’s youth.

the leading social media website worldwide. The advantage of Facebook’s new timeline is UNITY can tell their story. UNITY has been around for 36 years, and Facebook’s timeline can exhibit and provide creditability to their target market. UNITY will be able to put in stories of their history. UNITY’s target market can tag themselves on Facebook and be able to communicate with their councils. Facebook can keep all councils connected allowing members to communicate freely and frequently with development of Facebook groups. UNITY should update Twitter more frequently with news about what is happening within the organization. It is quick and easy and will keep your target market up to date.

UNITY will be pursuing a large majority of its competitors’ donors. Currently, UNITY has little to no sponsors. This will change in the fiscal year due to being a member of the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce, updating your social media and developing a youth council in Oklahoma City.

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Creative CreativeBig idea


TaglineCatching Dreams,

Building Futures

Poster The major aspect of the entire campaign is to start from the ground and begin to build this company into a household name. By placing the key values of UNITY into the mainstream media, as well as showing the importance of the Indian culture, we will build a brand personality that people will feel compelled to be apart of. It will be an organization that companies want to associate themselves with as well as watching them grow into a competitive non-profit.

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CreativeBrochure The brochure will add to UNITY’s creditability and gives a way for potential donors to understand the UNITY core message. There are directions for how to donate on the inside as well as directions to UNITY’s social media and the QR video. These brochures will be sent out to businesses along with the business gifts. They will also be passed out at the festivals UNITY is participating in and available in local art galleries that feature Native American art.


We made the decision to shift UNITY’s logo from a photo base to a more universal design. The previous logo was busy and hard to read. BNC kept the dream catcher theme, but decided to make UNITY the key visual mark. This allows the logo to be placed on everything such as pens and t-shirts to banners and billboards. It can also be recognized from far away without any confusion as to what it is.

Typeface- Garamond

Color- C: 62.5%, M: 71.88%, Y: 65.63%, K: 83.59%

Rules- The UNITY logo may be used in the three options given. One in full color, one in black and white, and one inverted black and white.

BNC recommends consistently using all caps when spelling “UNITY”. This makes it clear that UNITY stands for individual words and creates a more unified image for the brand.


New Logo


Black & White:

Inverted Black and White:

United Native Indian Tribal YouthUNITY

Russell Coker Director of Communicationcheech@unityinc.org405-236-2800

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QR Codes will be placed on all posters and brochures. In addition they will have QR codes on Facebook, Twitter, and after every YouTube video. The QR code will feature a UNITY representive talking about the company while pictures of past events flash by. Below is a story board illustrated of the video.

QR Code Video




• To strategically place ads to acquire the maximum number of business clients while still maintaining relatively low media costs.

• To completely re-vamp UNITY’s social media experience in order to engage business professionals throuh Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, thus increasing brand awareness for virtually no cost.

• To establish UNITY as a respected non-profit organization in the Oklahoma City area by utilizing billboards, print and specialized events to generate awareness.

• We will allocate a billboard along a high traffic roadway leading to the Oklahoma City metro. This location is strategically important because it is a high traffic area for Oklahoma City professionals and business owners, particularly because they are leading to downtown OKC.

• A strategy that BNC feels is necessary, is joining the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce. By doing this, UNITY will add creditability to their company. Connections will be made easier through the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce since businesses from OKC area attend meetings.

• UNITY should utilize social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to better reach our target market and keep them engaged with more frequent postings.

• BNC feels to gain awareness from surrounding non-profits, UNITY should take part in Native American festivals. UNITY would have an information/selling booth at the Red Earth Festival where it will sell dream catchers that represent “UNITY”. The dream catchers would be made by the buyer to have the experience and would be a great way to start a conversation about UNITY.

• UNITY will send potential business donors a basket full of items that represent the organization. The basket will include a novelty UNITY items such as a t-shirt, pen and dream catcher.

• UNITY will develop a Groupon for potential donors to donate through Groupon’s Grassroots by partnering with Continental Resources.

• In order to reach a broad consumer base, UNITY will place brochures at many local companies that provides a way to instantly donate

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MediaTactics• Billboard- In order to create awareness for UNITY, BNC recommends placing a

billboards along I-235 southbound between Edmond, OK, and OKC.

• At the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce UNITY will speak at one of their many luncheons. In addition to having a representive from the OKC home office speak, UNITY will invite an council president to become involved and help companies see that UNITY is an active organization.

• Brochures- These add to UNITY’s creditability and give a way for potential donors to understand UNITY’s core message. There will be a page to donate to UNITY directly.

Social Media All marketers have indicated that social media generated an 88% increase exposure for their companies. UNITY must remember that no social media account should exist in a vacuum. Your goal should always be to direct fans, followers, connections, everyone to your own site. Use your social media accounts as little traffic cops, giving people just enough information to wave them through that intersection to arrive at your site. BNC recommends utilizing these social media

BNC likes your Facebook presence now. BNC recommends enhancing the Facebook experience by updating your status at least once a week. Councils would interact with each other through Facebook groups. When a company is looking for your Facebook page they will see councils and have a feel for what UNITY actual does.


Through Twitter you can create a UNITY hash tag, inform council members new ways to give back to the community and othercreative ideas!


LinkedIn is a great way to connect with professionals. After establishing yourself as a member of The Greater Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce, you will be able to network with professionals you meet there and any other events.


Instagram is a new social media platform that has photos as your “status update.” UNITY will feature photos from events, and councils and promotions.


YouTube should feature videos from all events. This will utilize a visual for business to watch.


Myspace has shifted towards a more music based social media site and no longer fits UNITY’s needs.

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ia F



rtCommunication ToolsObjectives


• To reach out to potential donors by placing ourselves in highly visible areas.

• To involve ourselves in the general talk about non-profits by placing ourselves in the same atmosphere.

• To build and maintain previous and future relationships with donors by constantly maintianing a direct link newsletters, thank you notes and gift baskets.

• To show that UNITY is not only actively involved but also concerned with the health of community members.

• BNC will participate in public events such as the Red Earth Festival and Paseo Arts Festival. UNITY will host a booth that specializes in aquiring email addresses for future relationships. This places UNITY among the public eye, creating brand awareness.

• A strategy that BNC feels is necessary, is to send a monthly newsletter to maintain relationships with donors.

• The Spirit Run is a new aspect that UNITY is going to target. It will be a cross between a traditional 5K and a mud run. This event will host mini events synonamous with Native American Culture.

• UNITY is planning on hosting a Pow Wow that will bring Native American culture to the forefront of maintstream executives. It will give an inside look at the activities and customs performed in traditionsl pow wows as well as a modern twist to stoke curiosity.

• BNC recommends that UNITY continues its annual golf tournament. This is a great way to allow corporate executives to combine both their passions and their hobbies.



For every donation of $25 or more, one will receive a UNITY t-shirt. The shirts will feature the UNITY logo on the front and their sponspors on the back. The sponsporship logos on the back will be UNITY’s way of a thank you and will not cost their sponspors.

RelationshipsUnity will send gift baskets with items representing the organization as a whole to local businesses. These businesses will include Contintental, Lamar, Boeing and many others. The baskets will have a flyer that informs the businesses what the organization is about. These baskets will start a personal relationship between UNITY and local businesses.

UNITY Gifts to Business

T-Shirt Promotion



UNITY Business Partnership Recommendations

Large Businesses

Medium Size Businesses

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A personal connection is key to what UNITY is striving to do. This is why providing thank you cards to all major donors (not M-Give and Groupon) will receive a thank you card appreciating their contribution.

BNC recommends joining the Greater Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce, Grant Station, and Oklahoma Center For Non-Profits. Greater Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce will be a great way to network with business professionals. Grant Station is a website that lists all grants for non-profits. Oklahoma Center For Non-Profits helps give non-profits creditably and discount opportunities.

Thank You Notes


• 5,000 Businesses are involved in the Greater Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce.

• 6,000 Foundations & Corporate Giving Programs.

• Over 165 Areas of Interest• 30 Types of Support

Thank You


BNC recommends UNITY send a monthly newsletter to donors and youth council members. This newsletter will keep donors updated with what UNITY is doing in the community. Having a direct email newsletter will ensure donors that their money is being put to an active cause. It is important for UNITY to share everything that the organizaiton is doing. UNITY will provide an email sign-up list at every event they are participating in.

BNC recommends that UNITY start youth councils in Oklahoma City. Through our campaign and social media, UNITY will gain the visibility that it needs to gain membership. It is crucial that UNITY gain membership to maintain visibility among the community. It is important for donors to see how their money is being used, and that can only be done if it is used locally through youth councils.

Monthly Newsletter

Email Newsletter Header

Council Membership

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BNC recommends UNITY placing a booth at the Red Earth Festival in June of 2013. Red Earth is a festival specializing in Native American culture and is a great place for UNITY to gain visibility. The booth will provide information about UNITY’s background as well as the organization’s National presence. It will also go in to UNITY’s future plans as well as the growth opportunities in the Oklahoma City market. UNITY will sell dream catchers handmade by UNITY youth council members. BNC recommends the sale of dream catchers because of the visual association it will have with the UNITY logo as well as the meaning behind

The Paseo Arts Festival has over 60,000 visitors and is a great way for UNITY to connect with the community. BNC recommends having a booth at the 2013 festival. The booth will be located in the kids zone, and UNITY will teach kids how to make dream catchers. A represenative from UNITY should be at the Paseo Festival to inform parents about what UNITY represents. They will be passing out flyers, brochures to donate, and business cards to contact the represenative if needed. The festival would generate buzz and add creditability to UNITY.

Red Earth Festival The Paseo Arts Festival


UNITY will host the Spirit Run annually on June 15th. The event location will be at K&W Wrecking and Demolition at 4920 SW 134th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73173. The Spirit Run will consist of an Native American themed obstacle course. Participants will be put through various tasks and challenges such as archery where the participant must shoot a target with a low power recurve bow, the tomahawk toss, where the runner must hit the target with a prop tomahawk, the rope swing over the mud pit, along with other various obstacles. The course will be 3.1 miles in length through terrain of dry, wet, slippery, and muddy conditions, but it will be lax enough to encourage participation among people of all capabilities. The event will cost $40 for pre-registration and $50 the day of. All proceeds will go towards UNITY. Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a UNITY t-shirt. All potential business donors that are receiving gift baskets will receive, with it, their invitation to the event. BNC also recommends creating a Facebook event page for the Spirit Run.

5K Spirit Run

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This past year Unity hosted a golf tournament at Cherokee Hills Golf Clubthat was very successful. We recommend that Unity continues the event to make it ayearly staple. Golf is viewed as a business outing for most corporate executives. Thiswould be a great opportunity to target these individuals to increase participation. BNC recommends UNITY hold it again in October.

BNC suggests that UNITY utilize guerilla marketing tactics in order to generate buzz and enthusiasm in the Oklahoma City downtown area. Guerilla marketing is a tactical approach to advertising that is unexpected (POW) and unconventional (WOW) aka POW WOW Marketing. This event will take place Saturday April 20th, 2013 at 6 P.M. It shall be held outside the UNITY National Headquarters in downtown Oklahoma City. Native American dances and songs will be performed in full traditional dress. Flyers, information, and t-shirts will be available to those that are interested. Donations will also be expected. This event is targeted to reach an optimal amount of viewers in a high traffic area during the evening drive time to produce a substantial amount of buzz among the community.

UNITY Golf Tournament



Groupon is an app that is offered on both the Android and Iphone App platforms and is commonly used to present coupons from local businesses. Consumers can buy these coupons from the app as well as on the website and is primarily based on the location of the given consumer. Recently Groupon has begun to develop a new type of coupon. These coupons are essentially donations to a specific charity. This charity will go through an application process and overviews by Groupon. Once accepted, Groupon presents a $1,000 grant to the chosen charity and allows them to have a donation coupon on the website as well as the app. This is a great opportunity for UNITY to take advantage of, due to the limited number of non-profits aware of it. It is also a great way to present your brand in a very cost effective and creative way.


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M Give is a digital donation platform that allows individuals to donate fromvirtually all around the world. Its most recent success was with the Red Cross andthe disaster relief effort in the gulf. By using this site on all UNITY’s billboards,posters, brochures, and business cards it will provide a constant source of moneyflow into the organization.


BudgetOklahoma Center For Non-Profits.............................$100.00Grant Station................................................................$34.95Greater Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce...............$600.00

1 Billboard for 5 Months........................................$10,344.00 $1,800/month $1,344 Lineal

Red Earth Festival...................................................$1,000.00 $500 Booth fee $500 SuppliesPaseo Arts Festival....................................................$600.00 $300 Booth fee $300 Supplies


Business Gifts............................................................$900.00 100 Dreamcatchers $500.00 2,000 Pens $400.00

Total: $24,759.67Total Impressions: 678,425

Brochures(10,000)......................................................$680.46Posters(500)...............................................................$414.75Business Cards(4,000)...............................................$380.88 (500 each employee)Thank You Cards(1,000)............................................$104.63 (4x6 front and back)

Spirit Run................................................................$2,000.00Pow Wow................................................................$1,000.00Golf Tournament........................................................$1,000.00





Sales Promotion:




32 33

EvaluationBNC’s most specific area of observation to evaluate our campaign will be theuse of our social media outlets. With both Facebook and Twitter Analytics, we willbe able to closely monitor our social presence. Using this with the combinationof “likes” and “follows” gives us a precise number of new UNITY prospects.

UNITY’s 5k Spirit Run will be a little more difficult to evaluate. This will be acombination of participants as well as community members coming to watch andsupport. We will do this by having members of UNITY in the crowd and count andmingle with guests. By adding this as well as race participants will give us a goodestimate at how impactful the event was.

BNC proposes UNITY place a strong digital emphasis by doing both GrouponGrassroots as well as an M-Give text-to-donate application. Both of these are verycost effective ways to acquire constant funding as well as an increase in awareness.This will also be very easy to monitor by just viewing the amount of donations raised.

Our billboard, which already has a fairly high media reach, will be highlyvisible to the public. Being placed on one of the busiest highways in Oklahoma willallow UNITY to reach a large majority of their target. Also on the billboard will beour M-Give text number which will give us additional info about the amount ofpeople reached.

UNITY already has a great idea to host a golf tournament that took place lastyear. We suggest to continue this and make it a yearly staple. By consistently tryingto increase participants and donors this is an excellent way to stay connected to thebusiness community.

BNC also suggests placing a QR code on all print media. This will direct viewersto UNITY’s Youtube channel and play a video explaining what UNITY does and plansto do. Buy monitoring the views of the Youtube video as well as additional channelviews UNITY will get a clear image of the QR code impact.

The Paseo Arts Festival and Red Earth Festival are two events that UNITYmust be a part of. We will have T-shirts and dream catchers for sell as well as ane-mail sign up sheet for curious passersby. This e-mail list will give UNITY a strongbase to send out a monthly news letter informing the public as well as donors ofupcoming events.

Appendix• http://www.urban.org/publications/412535.html

• http://www.nptrends.com/nonprofit-trends/5-troubling-nonprofit-statistics.htm

• http://bohse.com/images/File/Board_of_Director_Series/Non-Profit_Board_Statistics.pdf

• http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0583.pdf

• http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/SocialMediaMarketingReport2011.pdf

• Getty Images

• Lamar.com

• Uprinting.com

• Forimprint.com

• Thetshirtland.com

• ThePaseo.com

• Redearth.org

• Themgivefoundation.org

• Groupon.com

• Oklahomacenterfornonprofits.com

• Grantstation.com

• Okcchamber.com



• Ashley Laws

• Matt Farthing

• Carly LeMay

• Tyler Hall

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