unit 4b review game

Post on 19-May-2015






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MAD 2011

What event led to Lenin’s communist takeover of Russia? The Russian Revolution. The Long March. The rise of the Red Army. The Treaty of Versailles.

Why were Russian peasants angry with the government and Czar Nicholas II in the early 1900s? He refused to allow Russians to take part in WWI. He signed the Versailles Treaty that ended WWI. High taxes, low pay, bad land for farming, involvement in WWI, food shortages. He formed an alliance with Hitler and Mussolini.

At the end of the Russian Revolution, Russia became known as the… Soviet Union Sudan European Union Zone of Communist Beliefs

What treaty officially ended World War I? Treaty of Verdun Treaty of Walachia Treaty of Paris Treaty of Versailles

Why was Germany punished severely by the conditions of the Versailles Treaty? So Germany would not be able to wage war in the future. Because Germany changed its mind about protecting the environment. Because Germany was gaining strength at the end of WWI and seeking alliances (friendships) with Great Britain and France. So Germany would not be able to tear down the Berlin Wall.

What were German citizens and leaders angry with the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? It led to the rise of Vladimir Lenin It left Germany unable to defend itself if attacked by another country. It marked the transition from democracy to communism. It punished France severely (Germany’s longtime ally / friend)

What did the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles intend to do to the size of Germany’s military? Increase the size to 2 million soldiers Increase the size to 1 million soldiers Make it smaller Make it larger

What made Adolf Hitler widely popular as he attempted to restore German pride? He allied Germany with the United States. He paid $7 trillion in reparations in a short period of time. He led Germany to victory in WWII with superior tactics. He completely ignored the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and created more jobs

How did Adolf Hitler create jobs during the worldwide depression? He put people to work by implementing the lottery. He started the New Deal in Germany. He put people to work by turning schools, churches, and factories into prisons. He put people to work building tanks, fighter planes, warships, guns, etc.

Why did the worldwide depression spread to the European continent in the years following WWI? A. The steam engine made it possible to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a short period of time. B. Immigrants were kicked off to Ellis Island and returned to Europe. C. Cities and factories were destroyed during WWI, fewer people wanted European goods, fewer workers were needed as a result and many could not find jobs.

What term was used to describe the systematic murder of more than six million Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, disabled people and political opponents? A. Totalitarianism B. Alliance C. Holocaust D. Third Reich

Who was the leader of the Nazi party? Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hitler unfairly blamed the ___________ for the existing economic problems in Germany. A. Russians B. Jews C. Italians D. Japanese

How were the Jews treated while the Nazis were in power? Given large plots of land Given high paying jobs Driven from their jobs, homes, businesses, and schools Given leading roles in the government

During World War II all of the following were allies of the United Kingdom EXCEPT A. France B. Soviet Union C. United States D. Germany

With the defeat of Germany, _________ became the strongest nation in Europe. The United States France United Kingdom The Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was formally known as A. Russia B. Italy C. Spain D. Portugal

After WWII Germany was divided; the United State, France and the United Kingdom occupied West Germany and _________ occupied East Germany. A. Germany B. Soviet Union C. Italy D. Ukraine

What was the name of the political barrier of Eastern Europe after WWII, restricting people’s ability to travel outside the region? The Iron Curtain The Government Barrier The Big Fence The Great Wall

Most Western European countries were constitutional monarchies or democracies. Most Eastern European countries had Soviet-controlled __________ governments. A. Confederate B. Democratic C. Communist D. Parliamentary

The _________ was a time of great political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union which never resulted in the two countries fighting against one another. Holocaust Cold War Hot War Warsaw Pact

What prevented the two superpowers from starting a war against one another? Nuclear weapons could cause global destruction. Deep down they were really friends. They didn’t want to see soldiers shot. They had a treaty against war.

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