understanding the work of holding companies

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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When you are talking about holding companies, Nick VIta Columbia Care LLC is the best example for this. The people handling this holding company are professionals on the field. Leading them is CEO Nicholas Vita, President Bob Mayerson and different board of directors.


Understanding the Work of Holding


Investing is a very complicated process of

earning money.

The money that you invested will earn money as time goes by depending on the

amount that you invested or the shares that you own in a specific organization.

What is a Holding


While looking for great investments, you will surely come across something like a holding company.

It is known as a company with employees, but it doesn’t have

any operations.

They don’t run any operations or sell products and services and

they do not have an active business.

The only thing that they have is assets.

Holding companies only

have assets where they can

earn money while the

businesses where they

invested also earn.

What is your Responsibility?

If you are the owner and CEO of a holding company, what are your day

to day tasks and responsibilities?

You have to make sure that they are

earning well because your

investments rely on this and this is where you obtain

your income.

If you happen to have a large amount of shares on a particular business, you will even have the ability to fire a manager and replace them if you think that they

are not doing well.

The more shares you have in a company, the more power you also

have over them.

Columbia Care LLC

When you are talking about holding companies, Nick VIta Columbia Care LLC is the best example

for this.

The people handling this holding company are professionals on the field. Leading them is CEO Nicholas Vita, President Bob Mayerson and different board of directors.

This holding company is focusing on

healthcare, real estate, clinical

research, education and

technology sectors.

It means that their interest when making investments is based on these categories.

They talk with the business owner, come up with a good deal

and they will their investment right away.

This is not only beneficial for the holding company because

the businesses where they will invest will also benefit greatly as their capital will


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