understanding off page seo

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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A brief explanation into off-page SEO, detailing what activity is now being recognised and rewarded by search engines and what is old hat.


Understanding Off-Page SEO



Key Elements to SEO



Search engines have become our prime resource for individuals searching for a business, product, service, person or information. Over the years, people have changed their purchasing habits both in their personal and business lives. For many the internet has become like a third arm and as our dependence on it continues to grow, so does its power. What does this mean for businesses? It means accessibility is key, as the internet reliance consumes us, the importance of being found for businesses increases. Every business needs to adapt and embrace the client searching landscape, particularly B2B companies who lag behind their B2C counterparts. Businesses no longer need to spend thousands of pounds on advertising , invest in large sales teams, conduct a mirage of meetings. Every business with a website has the potential to get found by more clients online through search engine optimisation (SEO) and inbound marketing.



On-page Off-page

On-page SEO are all the factors taken into consideration within your website which attribute to your search engine results page (SERP).

Off-page SEO are all the factors taken into consideration outside of your website which attribute to your SERP.

Search Engine Result Pages

Last year, marketers focused on strategising which keywords to place across their web presence in order to increase their SERP. We witnessed a multitude of companies proclaiming to propel businsesses onto the first page of Google by using a multitude of techniques. But the landscape of SEO has evolved, with relentless changes by Google, its search algorithm has taken us into a different direction. And whilst keywords, links, meta descriptions remain important they now contribute a smaller proportion to the key ingredients of SERP.





Previous focus on keyword, content and website structure, known as on-page SEO only accounts for 25% of what actually impacts your position in SERP. The other 75% is made up of compelling content, news updates, blogs, co-marketing, social media, link building and PR, this guide aims to provide you with some insight into off-page SEO.

What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is all the activity away from your website but still online. The objective is to establish an authorative image, creating trust and confidence to enhance your reputation. Historically off-page SEO was defined through the quality, relevance and quantity of links from other websites to your website and thus influenced your search results ranking. In essence, off-page SEO was simply link building, but not anymore. Search engine ranking for off-page activity has now changed and although links remain important and a vital ingredient, other factors are now contributing to off-page SEO. Search engines are scanning the internet looking for conversations people are having about your brand or businesses. The net has been cast far wider, once again rewarding the authenticity of brand and genuine awareness. .



Key Elements to SEO


Key Elements of Off-Page SEO



Co Marketing


Social Media

Key Elements to Off-Page SEO


Links Link building is essentially the practice of building inbound links to help give your website authority. Link building remains at the very core of SERP but unlike the previous regime, focus on high-quality original content which provides value to the audience is recognised and rewarded accordingly.

Common previous tactics included obtaining links through free directories, which, search engines no longer recognise, nor do they favour paid links or blogs dissected to create multiple links. Dissimilar to previous link building techniques, this approach takes time but the rewards will harvest longevity and safeguard against future search engine algorithms, as authoritative and well managed websites. Creating content for other associated websites provides a relevant link back to your website as well as reaching a new audience. Guest blogging is becoming increasingly popular and is well worth investing some time into researching possibly options.


Content Content remains king for off-page SEO, with ‘content marketing’ being one of the top priorities for marketing professionals this year. Whether the content is for a blog, an affiliate partner, an associated industry website or PR focused, your aim should be to create unique interesting content that you are proud of.

As well as inserting links into your website, the more shares you obtain, the more the search engines will recognise them and rank you accordingly for the ‘online conversations. So, how do you create unique and interesting content? Think about your target audience, what are their problems, how can you solve them? Be creative, don’t delve straight into writing, take the time to brainstorm, think about a theme or an analogy that hasn’t been drawn before. Review what data or statistics you have – is it unique, will it be of interest? Creating compelling content will build a group of advocates, who will follow and share your content and of course search engines will reward you.

Content Engaging






Co Marketing

Co-marketing is a partnership between two or more companies in which they jointly market and share each other’s content. It’s an effective method of reaching another audience and utilising their social networks.

Of course it also increases both your links, and hopefully escalates your online presence through conversations, which as we all know search engines now rank. Obviously the content needs to be relevant but so does the audience, so choosing an appropriate co-marketing partner is vital. So, where do you start? A good starting point is to detail every associated company or professional body linked to your business. Think outside the box, be creative in your approach, consider your clients and suppliers. The next step is a strategy which you can propose to them, so you’ll need to consider content, what’s relevant and distinctive, what can you exclusively provide for them and how can you help them.

Co Marketing



Industry Bodies


PR PR is an excellent vehicle to distribute content and is an ideal accomplice to compliment off-page SEO. A well planned off-page SEO strategy must include PR in order to promote genuine ethical dialogue to improve organic search engine results.

Again, think creative. PR is not just about announcements it should be about opinion, foresight and an ignition for debate. Once again, the key to a successful strategy is, knowing your target audience, what will interest them, what is concerning them, how can you provoke engagement. Remember your objective for off-page SEO is both building up a portfolio of links but also encouraging ‘shares’, people will only share valuable and interesting content. Opinion


Debate Trends


Social Media

Social Media

Social media is now very much on the radar of search engines. Perhaps in the past little thought has been given to the potential of social media, seen by many as more appropriate for consumer brands rather than businesses.

But the goal posts have moved significantly and now social media is being proclaimed as an authentic communication channel, its transparency rewards genuine brands and businesses. More than any other marketing channel, considerable thought and planning must underpin a social media strategy. A cohesive approach rippled with creativity holds an abundance of potential that can reach beyond the boundaries of most marketing campaigns. Learn the secrets to social media planning in our guide The SEO Effects from Social Media.

Social Media



Key Elements to SEO



As we continue to live in a time precious society, our dependence on the internet will grow, as too will our obsession with accessibility, purchasing ‘on the go’ with our mobiles, culminating the internet into the most powerful sales and marketing tool that continues to yield our reliance.

How are you utilising this sales and marketing channel?

How are you nurturing your prospective buyers?

Are you still operating the old traditional one dimensional website?

Still not sure how to approach social media? Search engine algorithms will no doubt continue to evolve, together with the entwinement of social media and SEO. But one thing is abundantly clear, adaptation to the searching landscape means an holistic approach to everything online. Businesses need to review and react accordingly, otherwise they’ll fade into oblivion.

Sales & Marketing


Direct Mail


Trade Show

Sales Rep

Cold Calling

Direct Mail


Social Media


Trade Shows

Sales Rep

Virtual Events



Online Adverts

Mobile Marketing


On-page SEO

Off-page SEO Online


Slide Share

Animated Videos


Which era are you really operating in?

Links Content Marketing

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