understanding mobile websites for real estate agents

Post on 13-May-2015






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As a busy Real Estate Agent, your mobile phone is probably one of life’s essentials, as it is for the vast majority of the world’s population today. Almost everybody has one, and it goes everywhere with them, always within reach. Around half of all mobile phones in use today, of which there approximately 5 billion, are smart phones with internet capability. Google, the world’s no.1 search engine, has seen an exponential growth in the number of searches being performed on a mobile device, and it’s predicted that more people will access the internet from their smart phone than from their personal computers by early 2014 at the latest. Google says that ‘HALF of all local searches are on a mobile device’


Understanding Mobile Websites For Real Estate Agents

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By: Ron Richardson

Local Biz Help www.LocalBizHelp.ca

Understanding Mobile Websites For Real Estate Agents

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As a busy Real Estate Agent, your mobile phone is probably one of life’s

essentials, as it is for the vast majority of the world’s population today.

Almost everybody has one, and it goes everywhere with them, always within


Around half of all mobile phones in use today, of which there approximately

5 billion, are smart phones with internet capability. Google, the world’s no.1

search engine, has seen an exponential growth in the number of searches

being performed on a mobile device, and it’s predicted that more people will

access the internet from their smart phone than from their personal

computers by early 2014 at the latest.

Google says that 'HALF of all local searches are on a mobile device'

These days, mobile phones are far more than just a calling device. Smart

phones are like a pocket PC, always on, always accessible to text, email,

Tweet and Chat. Smart phone users “check in” to the places they visit, they

take photos and videos of things they like, and share them with their friends

on Facebook and Instagram. They use their mobile to get directions to

where they want to go. They use it to shop, to browse websites of interest,

and to get information quickly, whenever they want it, and wherever they

happen to be at the time, whether that’s at home, waiting in line

somewhere, commuting to work or eating out.

In other words, the mobile smart phone has become an integral and

inseparable part of our daily lives.

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'Ron Richardson is a reference for me. His constant quest to learn, adapt and apply the lessons professionals demonstrate his ability to be an individual contributor and

active participant in any team. Anyone who work alongside Ron will confirm the quality of work that provides the positive attitude and consistent. Thank you, Ron! Keep up the good work'.

Nemanja Indjic

Marketing Developer at Tutor d.o.o.

Why Is A Mobile Website So Important?

We’ve clearly established that the general use of mobile, hand held devices

like smart phones, ipads and tablets has grown, and continues to grow,

exponentially. We’ve also established that the use of mobile devices to

access the internet is very soon set to surpass the use of desktop computers

to access the internet.

Businesses who want to take full advantage of this growing trend, and who

don’t want to be left behind, must give mobile users access to their website

and information in a format that’s friendly to the user’s device. In other

words, they must cater to the smaller screens on mobile devices.

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Although most websites can be displayed on a mobile device, traditional

websites designed to be accessed via a desktop computer or laptop are not

suitable for actually viewing on a mobile device.

The text is far too small to read without the user constantly “expanding”,

“pinching” and scrolling around. The file size of the images is too large to

load quickly on a mobile device, if they load at all. Navigation is slow and

difficult so the mobile user cannot find what they want or cannot easily visit

more than one page of the site. These problems cause a great deal of

frustration for the mobile visitor and leads to an extremely disappointing

experience for them, which in turn puts the business owner in a very bad


Just as internet users expect businesses to have a website, mobile internet

users expect businesses to have a mobile friendly website. Considering that

half of all Internet searches for local products and services are performed on

a mobile device, if your website does not load properly or makes it difficult

for people to find what they are looking for, not only is your reputation on

the line, you are also potentially losing hundreds of customers.

How is a mobile Website different?

A mobile website is coded specifically for mobile devices so it not only loads

quickly, but the layout is suitable for small hand held devices so the content

displays clearly on the small screen.

Navigation is simple, with large, thumb friendly buttons and links.

Text is easy to read and if any scrolling is necessary, it will be in a vertical

direction only.

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Images are optimized to load quickly.

A mobile website makes it easy for people to contact you, with tap to call,

tap to text and tap to email buttons.

It will have a contact form that utilises a virtual keyboard for ease of typing

the message.

Social sharing buttons like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus will also be

thumb friendly.

A mobile website is accessible on all hand held devices, including iPhones,

Androids, iPads and other tablet devices, and is served up automatically, via

mobile redirect, whenever any of these devices tries to access your content

through your normal website address.

A mobile website will also make use of the device’s GPS functionality and

incorporate Google Maps so people can easily get directions to you, or your


In other words, the mobile visitor would have everything they wanted,

quickly and clearly, right there in front of them, within seconds.

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'It was a pleasure to work together with Ron Richardson, who is a social media expert. Highly motivated, achievement oriented and energetic professional. His expertise in SEO, social media, mobile marketing and website design is second to none. If you ever need someone to deliver under pressure, no slip-ups, just results, Ron is your man! When you get to connect with him, you'll discover an amazing person with unique skills!' Robert Head

Independent Telecommunications Professional

How can a mobile website help you?

Typical Desktop Website on iPhone Mobile Optimized Site on iPhone

Understanding Mobile Websites For Real Estate Agents

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A mobile website can help you as a Real Estate Agent in so many ways, so

let’s look at a few scenarios to illustrate this.

- Out And About: Scenario 1

Bob Jones is in the market for a new house. Using

his laptop at home, he’s looked at houses on the

internet, shortlisted a few that look promising,

and is driving around looking at areas he’s

interested in. Suddenly he comes across a

house for sale that’s not on his shortlist. It

looks really nice, in a perfect location and Bob

would love to find out more. He pulls up to the

side of the road and gets out his mobile smart phone.

The sale sign has the realtor’s number on it, but he doesn’t really want to

chat at this stage, nor does he have time to chat, so he looks up the

website on the internet, using his cell phone’s network connection. Five

minutes later he’s still waiting for the website to load. Running out of time

and patience, Bob gets back in the car and decides it just wasn’t meant to

be. He’s got other houses to look at and hopefully one of them will be the

one. Bob drives off and forgets about that particular house.

- Out And About: Scenario 2

Like Bob in Scenario 1 above, Mike Davies is out and about

looking at areas he’s interested in living. He’s spotted a

house that’s for sale that he likes the look of and pulled up to

the side of the road.

Mike pulls out his smart phone and right there on the sale

sign, next to the phone number of the Realtor and the web

address, is a QR code. Excellent! Mike’s been seeing these

funny bar codes around places more and more and knows

that if he scans it with his mobile phone, it will probably open

up a web browser and direct him to a page on the internet.

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A few seconds later Mike has all the details of the house he’s standing in

front of, right there on his mobile phone. He can see what the kitchen

looks like, how big the bedrooms are, and what a fabulous back yard it

has. It looks perfect for him and his family!

He’s so excited about this house that he bookmarks it to his favorites and

then shares it with his friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. Mike

taps one of the thumb friendly buttons and quickly fires off a text message

to the Realtor to arrange a proper viewing.

If things all go to plan, Mike and his family will be in their new home

sooner than they thought!

Statistics show that it’s not just when they are out and about that people

use their mobile phones. Smart phone usage while at home is very

common. So let’s look at another situation where having a mobile website

would benefit you as a Real Estate Agent.

- At Home: Scenario 1

Sam Rodriguez is at home, relaxing on his couch,

leafing through the “properties for sale” section in

the local newspaper. He’s got his smart phone

right there beside him on the arm of the chair.

He’s also got a pen and is circling each property

that he likes the look of, ready to go and look up

the various Real Estate Agents’ websites on his computer when he’s got his

list together.

Sam doesn’t really enjoy this side of looking for a new house. It seems

quite a tedious process to him and he’s a busy man, but it has to be done.

He turns the page and there’s an advertisement for a really nice looking

house. Sam circles the advert, but then notices a QR code right next to

the Agents’ contact details. Sam grabs his cell phone from the arm of the

chair and scans the code with the phone’s reader. Seconds later a mini

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website dedicated to that property is loaded up on his screen. A slideshow

starts to play, giving him a virtual tour of the whole house. It looks


Sam is very impressed with the Agent for having such a great website that

he can actually read properly and navigate easily on his mobile phone. If

only all the Real Estate Agents were like this!

He taps one of the thumb friendly buttons and a location map for the

property appears. He taps another one of the thumb friendly buttons and

up pops a contact form, which he promptly completes using the virtual

keyboard on his phone, requesting a viewing as soon as possible.

Sam Rodriguez is a happy man! He’s found a house he likes the look of,

had a virtual tour and made an appointment to view it, all from the

comfort of his sofa.

- At Home: Scenario 2

Diane Peters is at home watching her favorite program on the television.

During the ad break she checks her Facebook and learns that her friend

Stella is totally fed up as she’s having to miss her favorite TV program

because she’s tied to the computer in her home office looking for a new


In the next ad break Diane hears an advert for a local real estate agent.

She thinks of poor Stella on her computer. Then she hears the Realtor

mention their mobile website. Curious, Diane types in the web address on

her cell phone’s browser, and seconds later a website appears that doesn’t

look like anything she’s seen before. She doesn’t have to pinch and scroll,

she can actually read it properly on the small screen of her phone. She

can even navigate around easily using the large thumb friendly buttons.

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All the pictures of the houses listed are loading quickly and are crystal

clear on her phone.

If only Stella knew about this website, Diane thinks, and then notices the

social sharing icons. She smiles and taps the Facebook icon to instantly

send Stella the Real Estate Agent’s website.

During the next ad break, Diane checks her Facebook again and is just one

of Stella’s friend to see her latest post: “Watching TV with the family and

house hunting during the ad break from the comfort of my living room.

Thanks Diane, this Realtor’s website is a keeper.”


Hopefully this short report has helped you to understand just how important

it is for today’s Real Estate Agents to have a strong mobile presence.

The question every business should be asking is no longer “Why should I

invest in mobile?”, but rather “How should I invest in mobile?”. The starting

point for any business to invest in mobile is with a mobile friendly website

for their property listings.

If you would like professional help with mobile websites for your listings,

please contact me at 855-432-6762 to setup a free consultation.

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'Ron did an exceptional job on the recent project. Ron is a detail oriented,

innovative and careful perfectionist - his ideas, skills, creativity and understanding of change requests made the project a dream. He has an extensive knowledge, and

his open-minded approach could not be overestimated. He denotes a strong experience in areas such as mobile marketing, local SEO and social media marketing'.

Mike Smity,

Owner, FFX Leader

Ron Richardson Local Biz Help

www.LocalBizHelp.ca 855-432-6762


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