understanding change to support adaptationquot;fisheries, food... · fisheries and aquaculture...

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Understanding change to support adaptation

Fisheries and Aquaculture DepartmentFAO

Fisheries, food security and climate servicesFifteenth meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea

29 May 2014New York, USA

Biophysical changes from GHG accumulations

Ocean currents


Sea level rise


River flows

Lake levels

Thermal structure

Storm Severity

Storm frequency


Effects on:

Production Ecology

Fishing &Aquaculture operations


Wider society & Economy

Impacts on:

Species composition Production & yieldDistributionDiseasesCoral bleachingCalcification

Safety & efficiency Infrastructure

Loss/damage to assetsRisk to health & lifeDisplacement & conflict

Adaptation & mitigation costsMarket impactsWater allocation

CC impacts on fisheries and aquaculture

Badjeck et al, 2010


Climatic information is key forthe planning of aquaculture

From the decision where to locatefarms to optimize fish growth to understanding and minimizing the risks associated to major

weather events

Predicted effects on fisheries ’ catch potential

Cheung et al. 2009

Economic costs to fisheries

The costs of inactionSEI 2012

Australia - net economic effect on fisheries due to

climate change for the year2030

Norman-Lopez et al 2011

Climate change impacts on fisheries in West Africa: implications for

economic, food and nutritional security

2050 versus 2000Lam et al 2012

Participatory environmental monitoring systemsas relevant climate variability

and climate change adaptation tools

�FAO is promoting at pilot level the development and implementation of environmental monitoring and early warning systems to improvefishers and fish farmers preparedness and resilience to climaticvariability and climate change

�Properly designed and operational monitoring actively involves fishers and fish farmers and include variables such as �water conditions/quality, �catch composition, � the condition of farmed species (e.g. signs of stress, diseases), �weather patterns (and other proxies) �Locally observed variables, e.g. fish mortalities, changes in water color and transparency etc.

�Monitoring information is linked to available meteorological information services to provide feed back and early warning advice to local users


�A pilot development and implementation is taking place in Nicaragua, Estero Real, a shrimp fisheries and shrimp farming mangrove area with two major outputs

�A monitoring manual based on a participatory approach has been developed leaded by Nicaragua fisheries and environmental authorities with support from local communities and relevant stakeholders and is being tested

�An information platform and feedback mechanism that links meteorological, oceanographic, aquaculture and fisheries information, and community level observations/perceptions (including vulnerability perception) is being developed. This includes the development of areal risk maps and early warning mechanisms.

9Sampling points

Simulation of flooding areasafter storm

A similar initiative is being planned for the Lower Mekong Delta in Asia

�Assisting the compilation of various monitoring systems available and that may be relevant to fisheries and aquaculture and

�A regional workshop to discuss the gaps and needs and planning the development of an integrated monitoring systems that can connect metrological variables and local observations including fish/shrimp diseases ti increase resilience and preparedness of the fisheries and aquaculture sector

FAO’s next steps

�Helping those who gather and analyze climate information understand the needs specific to fisheries and aquaculture and dependent communities

�Facilitating and enhancing accessing and use of information for decision making at all scales (e.g. policy development to local adaptation)

�Facilitating frameworks for integrating multiple sources of information – from local, indigenous knowledge to IPCC models

Climate Change Priorities – FI&AQ 2011 -2016 Strategy�Climate change partnerships to support cooperation and

to develop policy and management initiatives�Knowledge base for policy development and to raise

awareness of the importance of the sector, CC implications and vulnerabilities, science policy bridge

�Mitigation actions for sector at the global, regional and national levels; GHG emissions and mitigation potentials.

�Climate change adaptation strategies within sector development frameworks at the global, regional and national levels

�Lesson-learning and capacity-building processes with partners through specific tools, such as strategies and best practices.

�Communication strategy for a range of audiences and develop a coordinated approach to global planning and feedback.

�Resources to support prioritized actions

Thank You!

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