umdegree sep planner training manual part 1multiple plans can be created and saved using ‘save’...

Post on 17-Jun-2020






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UMdegree SEP Planner Training Manual

Part 1


Table of Contents

Getting Started 3

Planner Views 4

View Plan 4

Edit View 5

Still Needed Sidebar 6

Courses Sidebar 6

Notes View 7

Audit View 8

Creating a Plan 9

Blank Plan 9

From Template 10

Requirement Types 12

Additional Ways to Add Requirements 13

Saving and Approving Plans 14


Getting Started

From the general Student Worksheet, select the ‘Plans’ tab.

If the student has a plan that is not marked ‘Active’ you will be taken to the ‘View Plan Lists’ screen.

Please select the plan you wish to view by double clicking on the appropriate plan.

If the student has an Active Plan, you will be taken directly to the ‘View Plan’ view to see the courses

planned for each term.


Planner Views

View Plan

From the View Plan screen, you can

View the courses and placeholders planned for each term

View the total number of credits planned for each term.

View basic course information by hovering over the course name.

Access detailed course information including the catalog entry and section information (CRN,

seats open, meeting times) by clicking on the course name

View Plan, Term, and Course Notes

View basic Plan information such as Plan name, degree, active status, lock/unlock status,

tracking status, and if the plan is approved (Active AND Locked) tracking information for the

current term.


Edit View

To Edit the Plan, select the ‘Edit’ from the ‘View dropdown

From the Edit view, you can

Add/Edit specific course requirements (i.e. ENGL 1010) for a specific term

Add/Edit Choice Requirements (i.e. Math 1710 or Math 1730 or Math 1910 or Math 1830) for a

specific term

Add/Edit a Placeholder Requirement (i.e. Gen Ed Social Science)

Specify a minimum grade, campus, or delivery type for each Course and Choice Requirement

Mark Choice and Course Requirements as Critical which is defined as a course that must be

completed in the planned term in order for the student to remain on track for graduation

Add Plan, Term, and Course notes

Add additional Plan Terms

Move requirements from one term to another

Once the user is satisfied with the plan, the appropriate ‘Plan Type’ must be chosen from the

dropdown before the plan can be saved.

In order to be tracked, a plan must be marked ‘Active’ by student or advisor and ‘Locked’ by


Multiple plans can be created and saved using ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ but only 1 plan can be Active

for each student


Also available in the Edit View is the ‘Still Needed’ and ‘Courses’ sidebar

The ‘Still Needed’ sidebar displays only the requirements that the student still needs to plan for

(i.e. requirements not satisfied with completed or planned coursework)

Courses from the ‘Still Needed’ sidebar can be added to the plan via drag and drop into a

planned term

Once courses are moved from the sidebar to a planned term and the user clicks ‘Refresh’ the

sidebar will no longer display the requirement that the course satisfies.

The ‘Courses’ sidebar is a listing of all active courses in the UM course catalog. Courses can be

added to a student’s plan from this sidebar via drag and drop into a planned term.


Notes View

To view all Plan, Term, and Course Notes in one view, select ‘Notes’ from the View dropdown

From the Notes view, users can

View Plan, Term, and Course notes

View date/time each note was created as well as the user who created each note

Important factors to NOTE about NOTES

Notes in an SEP plan follow a student’s plan regardless of changes in declared major

In the legacy Planner, plans were only accessible while the student was declared for the major in

which the plan was associated meaning any notes attached to the plan were effectively lost

when the student changed programs.

SEP Plans will remain in the student’s Plan List until deleted by student or advisor

After a student changes majors they will be prompted to assign their current plan to the new

degree program when accessing the Edit View

Notes not marked as ‘Internal’ are visible to the student and all faculty/staff users

Notes marked as ‘Internal’ are visible only to faculty/staff users

Each note can only be edited/deleted by the user who created the note


Audit View

To Audit the Plan against the student’s program requirements, select ‘Audit’ from the View dropdown

From the Audit View, users can

View the student plan (right column) with the same information that is available in the ‘View

Plan’ screen

View the student’s degree audit (left column) that shows degree requirements satisfied by

completed/in progress courses as well as degree requirements that will be completed by

Planned courses

Add courses to a planned term from the degree audit using drag and drop

Move planned courses from one term to another using drag and drop

(IP) indicates courses that are In Progress. Example: ENGL 1010

Course names in (blue) indicate planned courses. Example: ENGL 1020 and COMM 2381

Still Needed indicates a requirement that has not been completed, is not in progress, and has not been

planned. Example: Literature- 1 Class in ENGL 2201, 2202

Courses without an (IP) and not in (blue) are courses that have been completed and are fulfilling a



Creating a Plan

Plans can be created in two ways

1) Starting from a Blank Plan

2) Selecting a Template

If a student does not have an existing plan you will be prompted with the following choice

Creating a Plan from scratch (i.e. Blank Plan)

When prompted, select Blank Plan

Enter a description in the Description field

If student is declared for multiple degrees, please select the appropriate degree. Otherwise, the

student’s current degree will default

Click on the ‘Add Term’ button in the upper right corner of the plan header and select the term

you wish to plan for

Click the Add Requirement button in the upper right corner of the Term header and select the

appropriate requirement


Creating a Plan from a Template

Click ‘Select Template’ when prompted

Double Click the appropriate template from the template list

Select the term you wish the plan to begin when prompted


Select ‘Unedited Template’ from the Plan Type dropdown and adjust the plan Description if desired

Click ‘Save’ to save the plan

Users can now make the appropriate selections from Choice Requirements, add courses to fulfil

placeholder requirements, and rearrange requirements as needed

When satisfied with your changes, select the appropriate plan type, mark the plan active and

locked (if appropriate) and then click ‘Save’


Requirement Types

Course Requirement- type course name into course requirement field to specify a particular course. A

Minimum grade, Campus, and Delivery type can be specified

Choice Requirement- click on the course requirement field to specify any number of courses for the

student to choose from. Campus, and Delivery type can be specified

A lab may be paired with one or more courses in the choice requirement options by clicking on the ‘Add

a paired course or lab’ button within the choice requirement selection

Placeholder Requirement- select a placeholder from the Placeholder Requirement dropdown to specify

a general category to be planned

A brief note in the Value field is required and can be used to guide the student’s choice


Additional Ways to Add Requirements

Select a course from the Still Needed course bar and drag and drop course into the desired term

Select a course from the Courses sidebar and drag and drop into the desired term


Saving and Approving the Plan

Before saving the plan, you must select the appropriate Plan Type from the dropdown

Mark the plan as Active if it is to be the student’s current plan

Mark the plan as Locked if all choices and placeholder requirements have been chosen/fulfilled

and the student does not need to make any selections or changes

Locking an Active plan also acts as the approval needed to track the plan

Click ‘Save’

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