ui3 students guide - cultura inglesa

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Upper Intermediate 3 Guide - Cultura Inglesa - UPPER 3





estágio é composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliações e momentos

formais de feedback durante o curso. ♦ Communication Objective:

Aqui você encontra o foco do que será estudado em cada aula. Cada

uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situação específica relacionada à

vida real. O livro é apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para que

esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o conteúdo de cada

aula é exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. ♦ Resources: Aqui estão

resumidamente listados os principais recursos utilizados em sala de

aula. ♦ E-Campus Activities: Nessa sessão estão listadas as atividades

sugeridas no e-Campus/Culture World que vão auxiliá-lo na

consolidação dos itens trabalhados em cada aula. ♦ Homework: Aqui

você encontra as sugestões de exercícios que completam os tópicos

trabalhados em aula, proporcionando mais prática e o ajudando a

consolidar seus estudos.

Lesson 04

Lesson 03

Lesson 02

Lesson 01

Lesson 08

Lesson 07

Lesson 06

Lesson 05

Lesson 12

Lesson 11

Lesson 10

Lesson 09


Lesson 15

Lesson 14

Lesson 13

Lesson 20

Lesson 19

Lesson 18

Lesson 17

Lesson 24

Lesson 23

Lesson 22

Lesson 21

Lesson 28

Lesson 27

Lesson 26

Lesson 25

Lesson 31

Lesson 30

Lesson 29


Communicative Writing

Workbook Audio Scripts


Nosso curso foi desenhado tendo como principal foco vvooccêê, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em inglês hoje, tanto na sua vida profissional quanto na pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo é precioso e, por isso, o objetivo geral do curso é aumentar sua exposição à língua inglesa em contextos de uso real por meio de situações relevantes desde o primeiro dia de aula, dando a você oportunidades de melhorar sua fluência e se comunicar de forma mais eficiente. Portanto o UUPPPPEERR IINNTTEERRMMEEDDIIAATTEE você poderá melhorar suas habilidades comunicativas por meio de uma gama de atividades, das mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro, até situações mais complexas como participar de uma reunião de negócios ou argumentar a respeito de um tema atual.

O UUPPPPEERR IINNTTEERRMMEEDDIIAATTEE é um curso inovador justamente por isso: você participará ativamente das aulas, tendo muitas oportunidades de entender, aprender e utilizar expressões e estruturas da língua necessárias para a discussão de diferentes tópicos. Além disso, você também trabalhará com textos de maior autenticidade (tanto com foco em reading como em listening), que auxiliarão na aprendizagem e expansão de vocabulário, preparando você para o bloco de níveis avançados, bem como auxiliando aqueles alunos que querem obter um certificado internacional como o Cambridge First Certificate (FCE). O UUPPPPEERR IINNTTEERRMMEEDDIIAATTEE utiliza recursos complementares como trechos de vídeos (filmes, documentários, reportagens), artigos, sites e os materiais multimídia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e reúne indicações de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referência exclusivos. Este guia tem como objetivo:

1. auxiliar na orientação de seu estudo; 2. sugerir recursos para consolidação do que foi visto nas aulas; 3. oferecer suporte no desenvolvimento das Communicative Writing tasks; 4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da revisão; e 5. servir de apoio e referência caso você precise faltar às aulas.

Cohesive devices Reference

Workbook Answer Key



Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 2




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Discussing different work cultures

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Sayings Many hands make light work / all work and no play / a woman’s work is never / a little work never hurt anyone / you can’t burn the candles at both ends / the early bird catches the worm / burn the midnight oil ♦ Idioms Keep your nose to the grindstone / take it easy / work your socks off / work like a dog / put your feet up

RESOURCES Course book page 104 exs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Course book page 105 ex. 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ItNeIRad0

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • At work (Vocabulary | MVA004429) • How much do you earn? (Vocabulary | MVA004335) • FCE Paper 3 Part 3 (Exam Prep | MEP003910)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Describing codes of conduct at work in Brazil to a foreign co-worker or Describing codes of conduct at your school to a foreign student

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Talking about codes of conduct You’re expected to… / …is considered unprofessional / there are no formal rules about… / It’s up to you to… / …is frowned upon. / it’s not acceptable to… / It’s quite usual to… / We have no objections to … ♦ Collocations Unwritten (dress) code / smart dress / as far as X is concerned / stand on ceremony / …to a certain extent

RESOURCES Course book page 105 exs. 9, 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFiHaMdPPZE Reusable Set UI3_L02a Reusable Set UI3_L02b

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • The dress code (Listening | MLAB005388) • What is the speaker talking about? (Listening | MLAB004244)

HOMEWORK Work book page 61 exs. 1 and 2




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Discussing your skills and abilities for different tasks and jobs

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Adjectives to describe personality traits Apathetic / bad-tempered / chaotic / hesitation / idealistic / incompetent / reserved / thick-skinned / unimaginative / unreliable

RESOURCES Course book page 96 exs. 1 and 2 Course book page 97 ex. 13 Work book page 60 ex. 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMSNMvS9b4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRW5oUWTFBQ Reusable Set UI3_L03

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Choosing the right job (Listening | MLA003338) • Describing people (Listening | MLA003525)

HOMEWORK Work book page 60 exs. 1, 2, 3 and 4




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Using Relative Clauses to talk about your profession or a profession you would like to have

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Relative Clauses Non-defining relative clauses: Personality tests, which are very different kinds of tests, measure how you do things. / The best thing is to be natural, which isn’t easy, I know. Defining relative clauses: Employers want to know if you are a person who’s good at working with numbers. / ...is a professional who works in an outdoor sites...

RESOURCES Course book page 96 ex. 7 Course book page 97 exs. 8, 9, 10 Work book page 63 ex. 2 Work book page 62 ex. 1 Reusable Set UI3_L04

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Relative Clauses (Language | MLG001824) • Relative Clauses (Language | MLG003059) • Agatha Christie (Language | MLG000449)

HOMEWORK Work book page 63 exs. 1, 2 and 3


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about problems when interacting with people

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Asking for clarification: Sorry, what was that again? / What are you trying to say? / What do you mean by that? ♦ Checking what you think somebody has said: So what you mean is… / In other words, … ♦ Explaining what you mean: What I mean is…/ What I wanted to say is … / In other words, …

RESOURCES Course book page 102 exs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Work book page 66 ex. 3 Reusable set UI3_L05

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Stress for emphasis (Pronunciation | MPR003100)

HOMEWORK Work book page 66 exs. 1, 2 and 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Describing your professional and academic background & Writing your biodata (CW1)

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Language used in a biography/biodata: Lucy Bell is a senior instructor at Body & Soul in Wrexham, Wales / The centre offers ..., ranging from... / ... she is also part of the ... team, managing the allocation of instructors and delivering training sessions. / She went to ... School where she obtained A levels in... / She also obtained her GCSEs... / She has recently implemented a special recreational programme for... / The programme has been well-accepted and has increased the number of students aged between 50 - 60 years in 12%. / She is confident, self-motivated and has excellent organisational and interpersonal skills. / She is also very communicative, which is facilitated by... / These characteristics have made her a member of a group which raises money for UNICEF...

RESOURCES Course book page 103 ex. 7 Work book page 60 ex. 4 (optional) http://www.ehow.com/info_8410234_differences-between-cv-biodata-resume.html http://www.ehow.com/how_8537986_write-bio-data.html Reusable Set UI3_L06a Reusable Set UI3_L06b

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Interview questions (Listening | MLAB004118) • Letter of application (Vocabulary | MVAB004568)

HOMEWORK Communicative Writing 1: Write your biodata.

For a sample of the Communicative

Writing 1 and reference material, click here.




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about stress relief through alternative methods

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Double comparative: The more you stroke an animal and interact with it, the calmer and happier you become. / The more contact a person has with an animal, the more sociable they become with people. / The longer the therapy, the better the results.

RESOURCES Course book page 98 exs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Work book page 63 ex. 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E4S9elSOoA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWHifl2_W0Y (optional) Reusable Set UI3_L07

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Comparative adjectives: the ... the (Grammar Ref | GRU00144D)

HOMEWORK Work book page 62 ex. 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Sharing opinions about unconventional work (and life) experiences

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Vocabulary items: a pay rise / hypothermia / intense / remote areas / culture clashes / blank / fazed by / stamina / resolve / harvests / rugged / a glimpse

RESOURCES Work book pages 64-65 exs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • FCE Paper 1 Part 1 (Exam Prep | MEP003899) • An ideal job (Vocabulary | MVA006683)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 4




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Language Workout: Using inversions to talk about professional preferences

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Inversions: Under no circumstances can employees use business email addresses for private purposes. Hardly had I started in my first job, when my boss asked me to work overtime. Hardly ever have I enjoyed too much competition at work. Never would I keep a job which revolves around firing people. Seldom do I see the need for wearing formal clothes in the office. Little do I know about forming a good team for a project. Not only was my first job really stressful, but it also demanded a lot from me. Not until I learned something about my area of work did I decide which profession I wanted to choose. Only when I’ve found a rewarding job will I stop feeling upset about my career.

RESOURCES Work book page 63 ex. 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTL1FmvVCuA

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Inversion: statements (Grammar Ref | GRU00088A) • Inversion: with so and such (Grammar Ref |GRU00088E)

HOMEWORK Course book page 100 exs. 1 and 2




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Discussing consumerism in different lifestyles

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Collocations: notice and observe the relation; take advantage of; provide the answer; draw in customers; satisfy customers; strongly desire; consumer behaviour; basic needs; ♦ Collocations with “need”: satisfy the needs; fulfil the needs; determine the needs; have needs. ♦ Chunks: …is all about…; moving on to…; pretty much do anything for… ♦ Inversion: Not only have I learned…

RESOURCES Course book page 110 exs. 1 and 2 http://welcome2illyria.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_(shopping) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOm8giTUOXs

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • TOEFL iBT Listening 023: lecture (Listening Exam Prep | MEP015200)

HOMEWORK Work book page 68 ex. 4




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about materialism and self-fulfilment

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Quantifiers: Companies usually give little attention to customer service. / In Brazil people usually spend a lot of money with food. / Few new technological advancements can be put to real practical practice. / When it comes to advertisements, all you have to know is that they tend to make you buy lots of useless things. / With a little effort, it’s totally possible to survive the consumerism fever.

RESOURCES Work book page 69 exs. 1, 2 and 3 Work book page 70 ex. 1 Course book page 111 ex. 10 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/7591905.stm

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Determiners - quantifiers: little/a little, few/a few (Grammar Ref | GRU00097I) • The psychology of happiness (Vocabulary | MVA006558)

HOMEWORK Work book page 71 ex. 1 Reading – Read the article “When to use 'fewer' rather than 'less'?” from BBC News and answer the following questions: • What is the text about? • Based on the article, what have you learned about the use of “less” and “fewer”?


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 5




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about cost of living in Brazil

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Lexis related to wealth: rich / wealthy / well off / affluent / poor / destitute / hard-up / broke / loaded ♦ Colligations (verb+preposition): to spend on / to pay for / to charge for / to get sth for free / to waste money on

RESOURCES Work book page 68 exs. 1 and 2 Course book page 109 ex. 2

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • World poverty is shrinking rapidly, new index reveals (News Item | MNI130402-103) • Money, money, money (Pronunciation | MPR003719)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities.




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Language Workout: Using indirect speech constructions to report experiences

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Reported speech: He said he had found an answer to the problem / I told her not to tell anyone where he was / He said to the team that he had too many meetings this week.

RESOURCES Course book page 113 ex. 13 DVD “The Devil wears Prada” e-Campus: What did you say? MLGB005336

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • What did you say? (Language | MLGB005336) • An emergency meeting (Language | MLGB004157) • Reporting verbs: use (Grammar Ref | GRU00064A) ► watch the video • Reporting verbs: list (Grammar Ref | GRU00064B) ► Click on READ

HOMEWORK Work book page 70 ex. 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Writing a letter of complaint (CW2)

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Reporting verbs: to-infinitive (ask, encourage, urge, persuade, convince) Gerund (admit, deny, propose, recommend, suggest) Preposition + gerund (blame, criticise, forgive, praise, thank, accuse, congratulate)

RESOURCES Course book page 113 exs. 10 Reusable Set UI3_L14

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Reporting verbs (Language | MLG001822) • The Spy Granny (Language | MLG000383)

HOMEWORK Course book page 108 exs. 3 and 5 Course book page 133 ex. 2 Communicative writing 2 – write a letter of complaint to formalize your complaint after buying a product online which is faulty, and calling the customer service a couple of times to try to solve the problem unsuccessfully.

For a sample of the Communicative

Writing 2 and reference material, click here.


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 6




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Teacher’s choice of communicative objective / Catch-up lesson

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Teacher’s choice of language items according to choice of communication objective.

RESOURCES Course book pages 100-101 + Teacher’s choice

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Are they angry? (Pronunciation | MPR003097) • News items on the radio (Listening | MLA001382) • Quiz show (Language | MLG005565) • Recognition of company logos and brands (Language | MLGB005413)

HOMEWORK Teacher’s choice




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Language workout – revisiting grammar points seen so far in the course & CA 1 (Midterm Test)

It is important that you take notes on the date of the Midterm Test and get better prepared for it. Take advantage of the first 40 minutes of the lesson, which are going to be devoted to revisitation and consolidation of the main grammar and vocabulary points studied up to this point of the course. The Midterm Test focuses on communicative and functional aspects and the exercises are based on the objectives of the lessons 1 to 15. The estimated time of the test is 60 minutes and it is divided in three parts: ♦ Listening = 10 marks ♦ Reading = 10 marks ♦ Language in use (grammar and vocabulary) = 10 marks / Total = 30 marks*

*In the Progress Report (Relatório de Aproveitamento) the total of 30 marks is converted to 20 marks.




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about promising job sectors in Brazil

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Lexis to talk about the public sector: poor image / worse-paid / limited career opportunities / survey / record number of applicants / job security / job for life / pay gap / idealistic / contributing to something ♦ Indirect questions: Do you know what you will do next? Can I just ask what you are studying? Do you have any idea how easy it is to get jobs in journalism? Can you just explain what you mean by that?

RESOURCES Course book p. 118 exs. 5 and 8 Work book p. 71 ex. 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkwkwyBNoCs

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Embedded questions: use (Grammar Ref | GRU000148) • Interviewing a young star (Language | MLG005476) • Marketing strategies (Language | MLGB005342)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Making a proposal of a new kind of business

LANGUAGE ITEMS Asking for business advice: How do we go about ...ing? / What would you advise us to do? / Can you tell me how we...? / Is there a possibility of...? Giving business advice: My advice would be to... / From what you’ve told me, I’d recommend... / The first thing you should do is... / You ought to think carefully before ...ing

RESOURCES Course book p. 114 exs. 1, 2 Course book p. 120 exs. 4, 8 Work book p. 74 ex. 3

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Principles for success in modern business (Listening | MLA006525) • Arranging a loan (Vocabulary | MVAB004265) • Going global (Vocabulary | MVA006211)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 7




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Reporting the result of a meeting (CW3)

♦ Writing a report Introduction: the aim of this report is to... / It is based on…/ This report is intended to... / It draws on / This report looks at/describes... Reporting an observation: It seems/appears that… / It was found that... / The majority / minority of … Quoting: According to … / As X said… / In the words of … Making a recommendation: It is recommended that... / (Perhaps) it would be advisable for X to (do) Summing up: To sum up / To summarise / On balance / In short

RESOURCES Course book p. 120 ex. 9 Reusable Set UI3_L19a Reusable Set UI3_L19b

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Business meeting (Pronunciation | MPR005152) • What's on the agenda? (Listening | MLAB004238)

HOMEWORK Communicative Writing 3: Writing the report of a meeting ► Writing a report 2: http://fce-writing-nadeen.blogspot.com.br/2011/11/writing-report-2.html

For a sample of the Communicative

Writing 3 and reference material, click here.




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Negotiating financial responsibilities

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Expressions for negotiation: How much did you have in mind? / Would you be prepared to...? / Supposing I..., could you...? / Would you be willing to...? /What kind of warranty could you offer me? / I wouldn’t really... / Sorry, I couldn’t possibly... / If you were to come back later, I might be prepared to... / The fact of the matter is,... / Well, I guess I’ll have to leave it. / That sounds OK to me.

RESOURCES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=898OUCyBulM Course book p. 116 exs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Work book p. 74 ex. 1

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Video 9: Negotiating a price - Exercise 1 (Listening | MLGB006608) • Video 9: Negotiating a price - Exercise 2 (Language | MLGB006609)

HOMEWORK Work book p. 74 ex. 2




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about your personality traits and behaviour

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Lexis to describe personality traits and behaviour: You like to enjoy yourself / not afraid to make the leap / you are hardly hot-headed or self-destructive / when you take the plunge / I have confidence in myself / running at full tilt / you go for it full speed ahead / you are daring and innovative, even far-fetched, ideas / you do sometimes take a tumble / you pick yourself up and dust yourself off / make sure you don’t run yourself into the ground / you seem suspicious of anything that… / you examine in minute detail / you have an amazing capacity to… / you make decisions in a more positive light… ♦ Language to describe ability: You seem to have an extensive knowledge both of your limits and of what you are capable of. Perhaps you overestimated what you were able to do. You risk convincing yourself that you cannot be happy. It is too difficult. I will never manage to do it.

RESOURCES Work book p. 78 ex. 1 Course book p. 125 ex. 5 Reusable Set UI3_L21a Reusable Set UI3_L21b Reusable Set UI3_L21c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzUc3Eqzzos

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Ability: could, be able to (Grammar Ref | GRU00048C)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activity


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 8




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Using future forms in the past to talk about decisions

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Future in the past: I was going to see the movie, but… They were about to buy a big new apartment, but… I promised I would help you to paint the room, but… The council was to build a huge new shopping mall in the city centre, but…

RESOURCES Course book p. 124 ex. 3 Course book p. 125 exs. 7, 8, 9, 10 Work book p. 78 ex. 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX_oy9614HQ

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Future in the past (Language | MLG001071)

HOMEWORK Work book p. 79 ex. 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about ethics and social responsibility

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Lexis related to unethical practices: To put to detriment / to harm / benefit fraud / cause severe distress / cause stress / cause undue stress / have sth investigated / to get caught for... / to cause stress / to prove sth / to injure sb / to make allegation(s) against sb

RESOURCES Course book p. 122 ex. 4 Reusable Set UI3_L23a Reusable Set UI3_L23b http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-18560_162-2704565.html http://debatewise.org/debates/1663-should-we-pay-snitches-to-beat-benefit-cheats/

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Shoplifting (Listening | MLA003464) • Feet or fit (Pronunciation | MPR001095)

HOMEWORK Work book p. 76 ex. 1




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Discussing unethical practices at work/school

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Collocations related to unethical practices: offer bribes / win a contract / suspect unethical behaviour / suspect bad practice / sanction behaviour / turn a blind eye to / blow the whistle / have a particular dislike for / warn a colleague / conduct a business / take direct action ♦ Names of unethical practices: Bribery / conflict of interest / corporate manslaughter / discrimination / fraud / theft

RESOURCES Course book p. 122 ex. 5 Course book p. 123 exs. 7, 8, 9, 11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-wUPUbjmzE

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Spending time in prison (Listening | MLA003611) • Sang or sung (Pronunciation | MPR003686)

HOMEWORK Work book p. 77 exs. 1, 2, 3




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Talking about a nice place you have been to

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Language to describe places: remote place / experience the authentic culture / built-up area / unspoilt island / package holiday / guided tour / eco-friendly resort / genuine / extortionate / well-preserved / off the beaten track / a rip-off

RESOURCES Course book p. 126 exs. 1, 3, 4 Work book p. 72 ex. 1 Work book p. 76 exs. 4 and 5 http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27694.This_Rough_Magic

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • FCE Paper 1 Part 2 (Reading | MEP005009) • FCE Paper 1 Part 2 (Reading | E000023) • FCE Paper 1 Part 2 (Reading | MEP004469)

HOMEWORK Current Affairs (Questions) Background to the documentary;

The plot and the content;

The description of the quality of the documentary;

The opinion of the author of the text about the documentary;

The recommendations the author



Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 9




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Using modal verbs to give a friend advice and make suggestions

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Collocations related to giving advice: make up your mind / moral dilemma / follow advice / justify doing the wrong thing / take advice from / work through problems / formulate judgements / face a dilemma / apply a test ♦ Language to give advice and recommendations: you’d better / you’d better off / should(n’t) / it’s far better / It’d be better / You ought / If I were you, I’d…

RESOURCES Course book p. 128 exs. 2, 4, 5, 7 Course book p. 129 ex. 9

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Advice/Opinion: should, ought to (Grammar Ref | GRU00054A) • Advice/Opinion: had better, would rather (Grammar Ref | GRU00054B) • Advice from an old hand (Language | MLGB005292)

HOMEWORK Work book p. 79 ex. 4




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Writing a review of a voyeuristic TV programme or documentary (CW4)

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Useful language to write a review: Describing the background of the programme

The documentary was screened on national television / the latest episode in the popular series / it aims to record... / previous episodes have dealt with issues such as... / ...is part of a series... / it aims to describe... Presenting the plot of content It tells the story of... / It shows us how people... / The idea is to show that... / We are shown... Describing the qualities of the programme

beautifully filmed / well researched / unconventional / most of the film is done from a nearby hillside Summing up author’s feelings about the programme

I still felt uncomfortable... / it seemed voyeuristic / It left me feeling... / I found the music rather irritating... Recommending the programme to other viewers

...the Birdsview team have done a good job / I cannot give it my approval / It’s definitely worth seeing... / Don’t go out of your way to see it.

RESOURCES Course book p. 129 exs. 10 and 11 Course book p. 129 Useful Expressions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcMgWzxm3qE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrSULRKOUdU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qgpxXI1suU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqEdQDbJx1s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kdTZK3-fcY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtzmbPdS0EQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kON8qdWdho4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW89-wcKg4Y

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • What did you watch? (Listening | MLA003259) • Escape to Zalcabar (Vocabulary | MVA004022) • FCE Paper 1 Part 1 (Reading | MEP005008)

HOMEWORK Communicative Writing 4: Write a review of a TV show or documentary.

For a sample of the Communicative

Writing 4 and reference material, click here.




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Discussing the British sense of humour

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Lexis to talk about humour: play a trick on someone / see the funny side of something / take nothing too seriously / laugh at yourself / make fun of someone or something / tell a joke or a funny story / be witty

RESOURCES Course book p. 130 exs. 2, 3, 4 and 5 Reusable Set UI3_L28a Reusable Set UI3_L28b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_-jE_MAOdc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Tate

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Comedy in culture (Listening | MLA006310) • FCE Paper 4 Part 1 (Listening | MEP004495) • FCE Paper 4 Part 1 (Listening | MEP003933) • FCE Paper 4 Part 1 (Listening | E000037)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 10




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Comparing and contrasting British and Brazilian sense of humour

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Verb-Noun Collocations: crack a joke or a smile / toss a remark / rely on situations / deliver a line / raise an eyebrow ♦ Expressions: take myself too seriously / make fun of yourself / burst out laughing; ♦ Adjective-(Noun Collocations): witty, light-hearted remarks / physical humour / goofy pranks/ absurd situations / dark, biting and sharp humour / funny line / clever / gross / gory / hysterical

RESOURCES Course book p. 130 ex. 1 Work book p. 72 Reading tip Reusable Set UI3_L29a Reusable Set UI3_L29b Reusable Set UI3_L29c

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • FCE Paper 1 Part 2 (Reading | MEP003900)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities





LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ According to teacher’s choice of materials

RESOURCES According to teacher’s choice

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • What is social responsibility? (Listening| MLA006534) • Negotiations (Language| MLGB005297) • Active Reading (Language| MLG006505) • Future in the past (Language | MLG001071)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Language Consolidation & Communicative Activities

LANGUAGE ITEMS ♦ Inversions; ♦ Relative clauses; ♦ Indirect questions and Polite questions; ♦ Quantifiers; ♦ Ability in the present and in the past; ♦ Language to ask for and give business advice; ♦ Question forms; ♦ Lexis related to “wealth” ♦ Lexis used to describe personality traits and behaviour; ♦ Lexis to talk about the public sector; ♦ Lexis related to jobs and university.

RESOURCES Digital content e-Class Course book p. 134 ex. 5

E-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES • Conversation with a flight attendant (Listening | MLA006756) • Conference discussion (Listening | MLAB004187) • Listening to complaints (Listening | MLAB004188) • Relative clauses (Language | MLG003059)

HOMEWORK e-Campus activities


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 11




COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE Final Assessment (Final test)

The format of this assessment is similar to the CA1 (Midterm Test), which you took in the middle of the course. However, in this Final Test there is one more part which focuses on written production, so you will be required to write a text in appropriate style with no reference to dictionaries or other materials. The choices for the written production are based on the topics and language structure practised during the course through the Communicative Writing tasks. The estimated time for this Final Test is 100 minutes and it is divided in four parts: ♦ Listening = 10 marks ♦ Reading = 10 marks ♦ Language in use (grammar and vocabulary) = 10 marks ♦ Communicative writing = 10 marks Total = 40 marks*

*In the Progress Report (Relatório de Aproveitamento) the total of 40 marks is converted to 30 marks.


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 12

Communicative Writing Reference

Communicative Writing 1 – Writing your bio data Communicative Writing 2 – Writing a letter of complaint

Lucy Bell is a senior instructor at Body & Soul in Wrexham, Wales. The centre

offers an array of options to the local community, ranging from field sports such as

football, volleyball and rugby to physical activities focused on mental and physical

health, such as yoga, meditation and tai chi. In addition to working with most of

the field sports currently being offered at the centre, she is also part of the

administrative team, managing the allocation of instructors and delivering training


She went to Torquay Girls’ Grammar School where she obtained A levels in

English, German, French and economics (waiting for the results). She also

obtained her GCSEs (maths, English, science, history, geography, computer

studies, economics, art, French and German) in the same institution.

She has recently implemented a special recreational programme for the elderly in

the community. The programme, which is under her supervision and

management, has been well-accepted and has increased the number of students

aged between 50 - 60 years in 12%.

She is confident, self-motivated and has excellent organisational and interpersonal

skills. She is also very communicative, which is facilitated by the fact that she is

fluent in three foreign languages (French, Italian and German).

These characteristics have made her the President of School Debating Society and

member of a group which raises money for UNICEF through sponsored activities

and jumble sales.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about the purchase of a XYZ-1000 microwave oven that I

bought on 3rd May at the cost of $300. The salesperson convinced me to pay the

suggested price, which included a 60-day money-back trial offer. However, the $300

was immediately charged to my Visa International.

I would like to inform you that this product did not perform satisfactorily, and after a

week I decided to return it to your company. One of your representatives promised

she would cancel all the charges, including the shipping and handling ones. However, I

received the credit card statement but no credit has been applied.

I called the customer service and urged to have this sum credited to my account. To

my disappointment, the attendant criticised me for returning the product and

recommended going to the retail shop and talk to the manager in person. It is not my

responsibility to pay for your company's lack of quality.

I would like a quick solution for my problem and the amount credited to my account

immediately so that I may remain a customer of your company in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Jenson Staten

Structure of the text: 1 = first and last name; current position; name of company; area of business; short description of additional responsibilities 2 = summary of educational background; evidence of your training and qualifications for the job position 3 = your main responsibilities and experiences; show relevance of experience for the job post. 4 = list skills and highlight the most needed ones for the job; example(s) of work history linked with the skills informed

5 = mention associations you belong to; describe outstanding accomplishments

Structure of the text:

Beginning a letter of complaint = reasons for writing / providing the reader with

background information

The body of a letter of complaint = state what you have already done to solve the


Ending a letter of complaint = giving suggestions / asking for a solution







Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 13

Communicative Writing Reference

Communicative Writing 3 – Reporting the result of a meeting Communicative Writing 4 – Writing a review of a voyeuristic TV show or documentary


The aim of this report is to describe the discussion carried out last Friday (15.05.2013) with Claire

Thompson, our business consultant. It is based on information made available by her team via

market research, and on views expressed by local people who were interviewed.

Type of business

Claire’s team conducted market research in order to assess the viability of an internet café in the

region. Although there are two small cafés with reasonably priced home-made snacks in the area, an

internet café would be a good option, in the words of some local people who were interviewed.


West Street is a hectic area where lots of other businesses are already located. There is an array of

businesses ranging from pubs to bookshops there. This is mainly due to the fact that West Street is

quite close to the biggest university campus in the city and also because it has a good reputation for

its theatres. However, direct competition may be fierce because of two well-established cafés which

are popular with the local community. All things considered, the location seems to be a good choice

in general terms since there are no internet cafés in the area as mentioned previously.

Start-up costs

The start-up costs for the café will total to £5,000 as expected, considering the refurbishment of the

premises, the purchase of the furniture and the computers. Nevertheless, Claire pointed out that

future investments may be necessary if expansion is in the plans. Claire also recommended including

all the extra expenses in the business plan as an appendix.


The proposal of a café in the chosen area seems to be a viable option due to the characteristics of

the business demonstrated in this report. What is more, the location is convenient for university

students, who are likely to form the biggest part of the clientele. The start-up costs are under

control, but it is highly advisable to maintain funds for unexpected events.

Last night’s TV – The lost tribe of the Amazon

The documentary The lost tribe of the Amazon was screened last night on national television

as the latest episode in the popular series Disappearing Planet made by Birdsview Productions,

which aims to record parts of our natural world before they disappear. Previous episodes have

dealt with issues such as the melting of the polar ice caps and the extinction of the white


The lost tribe of the Amazon tells the story of one of the few remaining tribes still untouched

by western civilisation. The idea is to show that peoples like this are in danger from the logging

industry, which is creeping ever further into the heart of the world’s largest rainforest. We are

shown the unspoilt beauty of this part of the upper Amazon and the simple way of life that

these people follow: hunting, fishing and gathering the fruits of the forest.

The documentary is beautifully filmed and well researched, but it is unconventional in that it

tells this story from a distance. Most of the filming is done from a nearby hillside, some from a

helicopter. The human subjects do not talk to the camera; all we hear is the commentator’s

voice and the sounds of the forest. The filmmakers themselves claim that the tribe itself was

unaware that their lives were being watched and recorded. But we, the viewers, only have

their word for this. And whether they knew it or not, I still felt uncomfortable watching: it

seemed voyeuristic.

The documentary-maker’s job is to inform its audience. In this sense, the Birdsview team have

done a good job. But they also have a responsibility to get the permission of their subjects

first. And knowing that this was not the case with The lost tribe of the Amazon I cannot give it

my approval.

Structure of the text:

1 = Description of the background or aims of the programme 2 = Description of the plot or content 3 = Description of the qualities of the programme + Author’s feelings about it 4 = Recommendation to other viewers

The samples of language to be used in your writing task are highlighted in the text. Reference material:

• http://fce-writing-nadeen.blogspot.com.br/2011/11/writing-report-3.html

The samples of language to be used in your writing task are highlighted in the text. Reference material:

Aspire Upper-Intermediate Course book p. 129






Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 14

Cohesive Devices – Language items for writing a great text

A) Addition again equally in fact also furthermore moreover and in addition (to...) too and then indeed what is more besides

Examples: The house faces north, so it never gets the sun. Also, it is rather damp. The children do not like one another. Moreover, they often quarrel and start to fight. She hardly ever goes to the theatre. In fact, she has not been for months.

B) Comparison

compared with in the same way similarly in comparison with likewise

Examples: I used to work fifteen hours a day. In comparison with that, my present job is more like holiday! The doctor advised him to give up smoking. Similarly, he recommended him to eat much less and take plenty of exercise.

C) Contrast and concession*

besides naturally still but nevertheless whereas however of course while in contrast on the contrary yet instead on the other hand

Examples: He did not show anyone the papers. Instead, as soon as he got a chance, he burnt them. She is not as pretty as she used to be. Nevertheless, she is still a very attractive girl. His first novel took him only a few weeks to write, while his next one took over a year.

*Some of these can both be used for contrast and concession (for example: however), while others such as on the contrary, on the other hand, are more clearly connected with contrastive relationships between sentences.

D) Enumeration first(ly) second(ly) last on top of (that) finally next to (begin with) then in the (first) place more important

Examples: His job involves a number of things. First, he is responsible for general administration in the office. Secondly, he has to look after the financial side of the business... Finally, he has been asked to build up outside contacts. There were several good reasons for changing the plan. To begin with, it involved a lot of money. On top of that, it needed too many people.

E) Exemplification

as (evidence of...) such as for example thus for instance to show what (I mean) let us (take the case of...)

Examples: Most countries do not grow enough food for their needs. Let us take the case of the United Kingdom. Most people are superstitious in some way. Thus, a lot of people believe that the number 13 is unlucky... F) Inference

If not,... otherwise then In (that) case that implies

Examples: He left the country the same day. In that case, he must have had his passport with him. You must get some more petrol. Otherwise, we will not have enough to get us to the next town.


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 15

Cohesive Devices – Language items for writing a great text

G) Addition again equally in fact also furthermore moreover and in addition (to...) too and then indeed what is more besides

Examples: The house faces north, so it never gets the sun. Also, it is rather damp. The children do not like one another. Moreover, they often quarrel and start to fight. She hardly ever goes to the theatre. In fact, she has not been for months.

H) Comparison

compared with in the same way similarly in comparison with likewise

Examples: I used to work fifteen hours a day. In comparison with that, my present job is more like holiday! The doctor advised him to give up smoking. Similarly, he recommended him to eat much less and take plenty of exercise.

I) Contrast and concession*

besides naturally still but nevertheless whereas however of course while in contrast on the contrary yet instead on the other hand

Examples: He did not show anyone the papers. Instead, as soon as he got a chance, he burnt them. She is not as pretty as she used to be. Nevertheless, she is still a very attractive girl. His first novel took him only a few weeks to write, while his next one took over a year.

*Some of these can both be used for contrast and concession (for example: however), while others such as on the contrary, on the other hand, are more clearly connected with contrastive relationships between sentences.

J) Enumeration first(ly) second(ly) last on top of (that) finally next to (begin with) then in the (first) place more important

Examples: His job involves a number of things. First, he is responsible for general administration in the office. Secondly, he has to look after the financial side of the business... Finally, he has been asked to build up outside contacts. There were several good reasons for changing the plan. To begin with, it involved a lot of money. On top of that, it needed too many people.

K) Exemplification

as (evidence of...) such as for example thus for instance to show what (I mean) let us (take the case of...)

Examples: Most countries do not grow enough food for their needs. Let us take the case of the United Kingdom. Most people are superstitious in some way. Thus, a lot of people believe that the number 13 is unlucky... L) Inference

If not,... otherwise then In (that) case that implies

Examples: He left the country the same day. In that case, he must have had his passport with him. You must get some more petrol. Otherwise, we will not have enough to get us to the next town.


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 16

Cohesive Devices – Language items for writing a great text

M) Summary in all in short on the whole in brief in conclusion to sum up

Examples: She spends a lot of money on clothes. She is also fond of buying expensive jewellery. In short, she is extremely extravagant. The car is not new but it is in good condition. The price too is very reasonable. On the whole, I think it is quite a good bargain. The film has a very unusual plot, with plenty of action. Both the acting and photography. To sum up, this is a film you should not miss. N) Time* after (a while) before (that time) since (then) afterwards finally so far at first in the end then at last meanwhile (up to) then at (the same time) next

Examples: He tried to open one of the small windows. At first it remained firmly closed but, in the end, after a great deal of effort, he managed to open it a few inches. ... and the fire has finally been brought under control. Several men are still missing. Meanwhile the causes of the explosion are still being investigated.

*That is, indicating temporal relationships. This is a very open-ended group of devices, as the number of bracketed item shows. For example, instead of at the same time, we may have: at that time/at that moment.

O) Result accordingly for that reason then as a result hence therefore consequently the (consequence) of that is... thus

Examples: Most people were opposes to the scheme on the grounds that it was too expensive. Accordingly, it is now being re-examined to see if costs can be reduced. Seven inches of snow fell during the night, blocking most main roads. As a result, traffic conditions have been chaotic.

P) Reformulation in other words that is (to say) rather to put it more (simply)

Examples: Towards the end of the party he got up and danced on the table. In other words, he made a complete fool of himself. Most people felt that the project was not worthwhile in proportion to the amount of time it would take to complete it and equally the financial expenditure involved. To put it more simply, it was a waste of time and money.

Q) Replacement Again (better) still the alternative is... Alternatively on the other hand

Examples: It is very likely that we shall go by car, even though it is a long drive, because we shall need some means of transport while we are there. Alternatively, we might fly out and hire a car when we arrive. If things get any worse, we might have to arrange apublic meeting to discuss the matter. Better still, we could even organise a demonstration.

R) Transition As far as... is concerned now As for... to turn to... Incidentally with (reference) to...

Examples: We can leave most of the details of the proposal until the next meeting. Now, as far as money is concerned, this needs careful consideration. In the end, he decided to sell his car. This, incidentally, proved to be a mistake.

In order to make your text more cohesive and better to read, you also use of synonyms to avoid repetition. Examples: These cars were first made in 1972. When they were first produced, they were not very popular. If you have any thoughts on the subject, please let me know. I will be interested to hear your ideas.


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 17

Workbook Answer Key | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

Unit 8 Page 60 Vocabulary Exercise 1 Across 2 monotonous 4 secure 5 prestigious 6 badly(-paid) 8 rewarding Down 1 low 3 stimulating 4 stressful 7 (badly-)paid Exercise 2 1 rewarding 2 monotonous 3 prestigious 4 secure 5 badly-paid Exercise 3 1 efficient 2 organised 3 dynamic 4 creative 5 trustworthy 6 cheerful 7 confident 8 sociable Exercise 4 1 trustworthiness, trustworthy 2 efficiency, inefficient 3 confidence, unconfident 4 organisation, disorganised 5 logical, illogical 6 reliability, unreliable 7 dynamism, undynamic 8 motivated / motivating, unmotivated / demotivated / demotivating 9 sociability, unsociable 10 sensitivity, insensitive 11 competence, competent 12 literacy, illiterate

Page 61 Listening Exercise 1 – 1 E 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 C Exercise 2 1 follow a career 2 asked for anything better 3 afford to make any mistakes 4 runs the business 5 feel quite a lot of responsibility 6 term; monotonous; career prospects 7 pull together; support 8 electricians; make more money 9 lasted


Exercise 1 1 She_/j/_ is quite_ambitious_actually. 2 A lot_of people_ask you_/w/_if you can_advise them. 3 The_/j/_interview didn’t go_/w/_at_all_as_I_/j/_ _expected_it to. 4 I_/j/_applied for_a job as_a porter_in_a hotel. 5 I_/j/_ordered_a tomato_/w/_and cheese sandwich. 6 I go_/w/_out_of the_/j/_office_every two_/w/_hours to get some fresh_air.

Page 62 Grammar Exercise 1 1 which / – 2 who / that 3 whose 4 which / – 5 which / that 6 which / that / – 7 which / that /– 8 which 9 who Exercise 2 1 going 2 over-prepared 3 interviewing 4 trained 5 asking 6 advertised Exercise 3 1 you learn (about something) 2 better paid it is / better the pay (is) 3 the competition for skilled jobs (is) 4 older you get 5 more slowly the time goes 6 the better Exercise 4 1 does she raise a family 2 was the number of applications 3 had he heard the news 4 does he realise 5 should you attempt 6 have I come across

Page 63 Grammar Plus Exercise 1 1 who 2 which / that / – 3 which 4 that /which 5 which 6 which 7 which 8 who / that Exercise 2 2 Mrs Judie Onslow, who is my physics teacher, holds a PhD in astrophysics. 4 Poles, who became EU citizens in 2004, are famous for their mobility in the job market. 5 Renting a flat in the city centre, which you can afford easily with your salary, will save you two hours of commuting to work every day. Exercise 3 – 1, 3 Exercise 4 1 The greater, the more effective 2 The more monotonous, the more apathetic 3 The closer, the healthier Exercise 5 1 given responsibility for the project 2 attending the seminar 3 Arriving early at the lecture hall 4 Puzzled by what the lecturer had said Exercise 6 1 did they realise 2 did I find out 3 can our employees 4 do I come across 5 had the plane taken off 6 was the job rewarding 7 did he feel 8 did the company follow 9 had he sent 10 will I stop


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 18

Workbook Answer Key | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

Pages 64–65 Reading Exercise 1 – danger, loneliness, culture clashes Exercise 2 – 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 A Exercise 3 Phil Moneypenny has developed qualities he lacked before. Claire Skinner likes knowing she’s helping people and the challenge of living in basic conditions. Exercise 5 4 a) hypothermia, stamina b) intense, blank, rugged c) fazed by

Page 66 Everyday English Exercise 1 1 was 2 catch 3 missed 4 with 5 follow 6 by 7 other 8 saying Exercise 2 1 What do you mean by 2 In other words 3 So are you saying 4 I’m not with Exercise 3 1 I didn't quite catch that 2 you mean 3 don't know what you mean 4 other 5 was that 6 I mean is Exercise 4 1 missed 2 with 3 mean 4 by 5 wanted 6 words

Page 67 Writing Exercise 1 – 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 A Exercise 2 – a 6 b 5 c 1 d 4 e 6 f 2

Unit 9 Page 68 Vocabulary Exercise 1 1 rich 2 wealthy 3 well 4 comfortable 5 affluent 6 poor 7 destitute 8 hard Exercise 2 – 1 on 2 for 3 for 4 for 5 on Exercise 3 1 family business 2 NGO 3 e-company 4 civil service 5 multinational corporation 6 self-employed Exercise 4 1 tackle, solve 2 advertise for, train 3 search for, apply for 4 join 5 owe, repay 6 implement 7 assess, take 8 run, retire from

Page 69 Listening Exercise 1 1 supermarket food (buy one, get one free); (online) film rental; a network of homes you can stay in free 2 another of the same item; a free two-week subscription; a place to stay when travelling Exercise 2 1 supermarket 2 one week 3 waste 4 lucky one 5 online film 6 one film 7 your computer 8 extra charges 9 more film 10 stay overnight 11 own home 12 hotel bills 13 local people

Exercise 3 – 1 get one free 2 local rental store, mail rental company 3 hotel

Pronunciation Exercise 1 – 1 F 2 F 3 R 4 F 5 F 6 R 7 R 8 F (Question 5 you would expect to have rising intonation, but it’s not really an open question: it expects the answer ‘no’.)

Page 70 Grammar Exercise 1 1 a few 2 a little 3 little 4 a few 5 few Exercise 2 1 to buy 2 to dress 3 to let 4 for not taking 5 of taking 6 for putting 7 to put 8 to take 9 getting on Exercise 3 1 was / is 2 had started / started 3 had not tried / did not try 4 went / had gone 5 is /was 6 couldn’t 7 were 8 had started / started 9 had just used 10 hadn’t had / didn’t have

Page 71 Grammar Plus Exercise 1 1 a little 2 very little 3 a few 4 little 5 very few Exercise 2 1 organising 2 cheating 3 for being 4 to file 5 eating out


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Workbook Answer Key | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

Exercise 3 1 advised me not to buy / against buying 2 denied having seen 3 insisted on buying / that we buy 4 promised to help / that he would help 5 recommended going and seeing 6 told me to move out

Exercise 4 1 to deal / that he would deal with the problem the next / following day 2 that they had been waiting there for over an hour 3 her students that they would be writing a test the next / following week 4 (that) (perhaps) the advertisement could seem slightly misleading 5 if / whether I had ever been disappointed with one of those products 6 I met her there that evening 7 (that) he had not finished 8 where we were going to stay

Exercise 5 1 the current inflation rate is 2 much money you are ready to invest in this house 3 the cheapest youth hostels are 4 the best bank to obtain a student loan is 5 you were yesterday between 6 and 8 p.m. 6 you are coming back

Pages 72–73 Reading Exercise 2 – A Exercise 3 – C Exercise 4 – 1 A 2 B Exercise 5 – 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 A

Exercise 6 1 Eugene Ciewinski: a landscape painted on his living

room wall / Gerry Simons: 30 steaks / Kelly Holmes: nothing / Greg Parsons: a huge variety of things (restaurant meals, plasma TV screen, security gates) 2 You don’t have to do direct trades with just one other person and there are 75,000 members in the network. 3 That they will lose tax revenue because people do not declare goods that are traded.

Exercise 7 – 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C

Page 74 Everyday English Exercise 1 1 to lend 2 about appearing 3 would 4 went 5 in mind 6 share 7 good 8 ’ll take

Exercise 2 1 What kind of deposit did you have in mind? 2 Would you be prepared to accept just two months'? 3 That sounds fair. 4 How would you feel about two people sharing a room? 5 And if we were to redecorate the bathroom, would you share the cost? 6 No, I’m sorry. I couldn’t possibly do that. 7 Supposing we wanted to leave early, would we get a refund?

Exercise 3 1 go 2 recommend 3 possibility 4 try 5 thing 6 advising 7 going 8 would

Page 75 Writing Exercise 1 (suggested answers) 1 was 32, down 15 on last year 2 was only two-thirds of what they had before 3 people to give their ideas for recruiting more members 4 putting up some posters 5 performing a demonstration dance 6 agreed and suggested that the best place and time would be

7 that there was a problem with having club night on a Monday when most people felt too tired 8 she thought that was not a problem and that it was the only time the gym was available 9 the organising committee for screening only one film last year 10 the film club for this 11 that we should look for another space 12 to research this and report back at the next meeting 13 meeting again in a week to decide who was going 14 to put up some posters 15 everyone for their ideas

Unit 10 Page 76 Vocabulary Exercise 1 1 Use: common sense, reason, your head, your judgement 2 Follow: your feelings, your heart, your intuition 3 Play: by the rules, fair, straight, the game

Exercise 2 A theft B bribery C corporate manslaughter D discrimination

Exercise 3 1 naughty 2 tricks 3 spread 4 gossiping 5 told 6 insecure 7 fun 8 side

Exercise 4 – 1 d 2 a 3 f 4 c 5 b 6 e

Exercise 5 1 eco-friendly / green; rip off 2 unspoilt; off the beaten track 3 authentic / genuine; built-up / developed


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 20

Workbook Answer Key | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

Page 77 Listening Exercise 1 – a daytime TV talk show Exercise 2 1 To see what members of the public would do when faced with a moral dilemma. 2 Actors and passers-by 3 Yes, probably

Exercise 3 – 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 T

Pronunciation Exercise 2 1 second syllable 2 second syllable 3 second syllable 4 opportunity

Page 78 Grammar Exercise 1 1 I could swim 40 lengths. 2 I was able to swim 40 lengths. 3 I succeeded in swimming 40 lengths. 4 I managed to swim 40 lengths.

Exercise 2 1 could see 2 could hardly speak / was hardly able to speak 3 managed to get / was able to get / succeeded in getting 4 couldn’t get / wasn’t able to get 5 managed to arrive / succeeded in arriving 6 couldn’t believe 7 managed to control / succeeded in controlling 8 could see 9 managed to get / succeeded in getting 10 never managed to do / never succeeded in doing 11 could not wait 12 could not bring / wasn’t able to bring Exercise 3 1 is due to 2 was intending 3 would have kept 4 sold

5 was always going to 6 will drop 7 is about to 8 is going to 9 was going to 10 was expected 11 was about to 12 was due to 13 would have been

Page 79 Grammar Plus Exercise 1 – 1 couldn’t 2 managed to 3 could 4 managed to 5 could

Exercise 2 1 PO, was able to 2 PO, were able to 3 GA, was able to / could 4 GA, could 5 PO, wasn’t able to / couldn’t

Exercise 3 2 was sure they were going to announce the name of the winner the next / following day 3 have called Jeff (yesterday) to let him know I wouldn't be there until later 4 knew that she could always ask us to help her 5 would have finished revising for the exam by the end of that week 6 had to leave early that afternoon because I was meeting my landlord 7 was going to start learning Chinese 8 was worried that something terrible was about to happen 9 was due to arrive at ten o'clock 10 could have borrowed by bike any time you liked

Exercise 4 1 ’d better 2 ought not to 3 be better off taking 4 ’d better not 5 you should ask

Pages 80–81 Reading Exercise 1 (possible answers) Know: It’s the tallest mountain in the world. Lots of people try to climb it, but not many succeed.

Want to know: Why are they thinking of closing it? What will happen to the climbers?

Exercise 2 (possible answers) Everest is very polluted. The government of Nepal gets a lot of money from visitors and climbers. 20,000 people visit Everest each year.

Exercise 4 1 street children (living around the main station) 2 Indian visitors 3 uncomfortable 4 tired 5 learning much but are happy to be there 6 with finding food and safe places to sleep 7 more direct experience of the children’s working lives

Exercise 5 – C Exercise 6 1 rehabilitate 2 gape 3 (profound) misery 4 limbs 5 battle 6 spot 7 takings 8 lucrative 9 packs 10 peer

Page 82 Everyday English Exercise 1 1 ought to / should / had better 2 be better 3 were you 4 ask 5 better 6 think of / about 7 off buying / getting 8 should / ought to

Exercise 2 – 1 case 2 question 3 establish 4 duty 5 advise 6 interests

Exercise 3 1 our duty to make sure this doesn't happen again 2 a case of bribery 3 to establish (a/the reason) why he did it 4 advise against acting now 5 the company's interests (for us) to make a statement

Page 83 Writing Exercise 1 – 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 E


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 21

Workbook Audio Scripts | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

Unit 8, Listening, Exercises 1 and 2 [track 31] 1 In itself it’s not that stimulating a job, and I was never

going to follow a career in it. But I met some really interesting people. Usually I was just ferrying equipment from one place to another and fetching things from the nearest town, because the film location was out in the country, miles from anywhere. But I also got to take some of the actors to and from the set where they were shooting back to the hotel. The best was Dustin Hoffman. He was a really nice guy – very funny and not at all self important. As a summer job, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

2 It’s my sister-in-law’s business and I knew from her how

stressful it can get. It’s someone else’s big day and you can’t afford to make any mistakes: everything has to be just right. Sometimes people can get a little too involved. I remember on one occasion the bride coming to the reception hall about two hours before the ceremony to check that all the tables were laid out as she wanted. But she didn’t like the way that the flowers at the centre of each table had been done and she stood over us for an hour while we re-arranged them.

3 It was a perfect job for me because I love animals anyway

– I’m going to study veterinary science at college next year. I’ve known the lady who runs the business for years because we sold her some rabbits when I was about 12. (We kept rabbits at home and they were always reproducing.) What’s interesting about it is that it’s more than just selling pet food – a lot of times people come in to ask you for advice about animal care and I really enjoy that aspect of it. Also, when customers come in to buy a pet, you feel quite a lot of responsibility to make sure they know what they’re letting themselves in for and that the pet is going to be properly looked after.

4 I think the right term for this kind of work is a ‘Mcjob’ –

monotonous, badly-paid, with few career prospects, but do you know what? I really enjoyed it. The food we were serving was pretty awful, but because it was cheap, standardised fast food, the customers kept coming. So we were really busy on our feet most of the time … and I think what happens in that situation is that as a team you kind of pull together and support each other through what’s a fairly unpleasant experience. The rest of the staff were fantastic and I made some really good friends – we often used to go out together after the evening shift.

5 All my friends from university thought I was mad when I

took this job, but I’d read an article that said that people in trades like this – electricians, plasterers, roofers and so on – actually make more money than people following so-called professional careers like accountancy or law. And since I’ve always liked physically demanding work … and I’m quite good with my hands, I thought I’d give it a go. In fact I didn’t learn as much as I’d hoped to: it was all fairly mechanical stuff – cutting lengths of pipe, installing water tanks – and often working in really cramped and hot conditions in people’s attics. I only lasted two months and then I quit.

Unit 8, Pronunciation, Exercise 2 [track 32] 1 She is quite ambitious actually. 2 A lot of people ask you if you can advise them. 3 The interview didn’t go at all as I expected it to. 4 I applied for a job as a porter in a hotel. 5 I ordered a tomato and cheese sandwich. 6 I go out of the office every two hours to get some fresh air.

Unit 8, Reading, Exercise 5 [track 33] a pay rise, hypothermia, intense, fatalities, black spots, remote areas, culture clashes, blank, fazed by, stamina, resolve, harvests, rugged, a glimpse

Unit 8, Everyday English, Exercise 2 [track 34] H = Headmistress, NT = New teacher H: So, Stephen. How are things going? NT: Not bad. It was a bit of a shock at first, teaching the top class. H: What do you mean by a shock? NT: Well, at training college we focused on teaching Grade 1 literacy and numeracy. H: In other words, basic reading and arithmetic. NT: Yes, and the top class here is quite advanced. H: I see. So, are you saying that it’s too difficult? NT: Sorry, I’m not with you. H: I mean, perhaps you should stick to lower levels. NT: Oh no, it’s OK. It was just a bit of a surprise at first.

Unit 9, Listening, Exercises 1 and 2 [track 35] 1 Two loaves of bread for the price of one. Wow! That’s a

good deal ... Or is it? The trouble with most regular supermarkets’ buy one, get one free food offers is that often that second item goes bad before you have a chance to use it. How many times have you had to throw away a loaf of bread or a carton of milk because it’s past its use-by date? So, here at Lucky Shopper Supermarkets, on selected items, you can buy one item of food and get a voucher to claim the second item of food free any time within one week. This way you will save money and at the same time prevent unnecessary waste. So get down to your local Lucky Shopper and take advantage of our unique buy one, get one free offers! Lucky Shopper – aren’t you the lucky one?


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 22

Workbook Audio Scripts | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

2 Filmfifty is the new way to enjoy your favourite films at

home. We are now the biggest online film rental service in the country. At the moment you have two options: your local rental store or mail rental companies. Let’s face it, the local rental store isn’t great. They probably don’t have the film you want because others got there first. If they do, they will rent it to you for 24 hours and charge you another day if you fail to return it on time. The mail rental company is a little more flexible, but who wants to wait two days to get their film in the post? You want to watch it now. That’s where Filmfifty comes in. Subscribe for a year and then choose one film a week to watch. We’ll send it direct to your computer to download, where it will remain active for one week. No waiting, no disappointment and no extra charges. This month we’re offering customers a free two-week trial. Just go on to our website at filmfifty.com and sign up. Filmfifty – less hassle, more film.

3 Would you love to travel more but feel you can’t afford to

stay in expensive hotels? Couch surfing with Sleepsurf is the answer. We bring together a network of people from all over the world just like you, offering them the chance to stay overnight in someone’s house free. Yes, that’s right, free. All you have to do is make your own home available for other members as and when you can. Just consider the benefits. No hotel bills, a friendly welcome, the chance to meet local people in a place that’s foreign to you, receiving exotic visitors in your own home. Interested? Then visit Sleepsurf.com. There are no strings attached, no hidden charges. Just sign up and join the couch surfing community.

Unit 9, Pronunciation, Exercise 2 [track 36] 1 What is it going to cost you? 2 How much do you normally pay? 3 Can I help you? 4 Why should you pay so much? 5 That’s a good deal ... Or is it? 6 Are you looking for a new washing machine? 7 Is the Excelsior hotel too expensive for you? 8 Where can I find a supermarket?

Unit 9, Everyday English, Exercise 3 [track 37] BA = Business adviser, E = Entrepreneur BA Good morning. So, how can I help? E Well, I’ve got an idea for a mobile coffee shop and I want to know how I go about getting a street trading licence. BA Well, I’d recommend going to the City Council. Is it just one site you want to operate at? E Not really. I want to move around. The station in the morning, the main shopping street at lunchtime, and so on. Is there a possibility of getting a multi-site licence? BA Mmm. That’s tricky. I think you ought to try applying for a single licence to begin with. But actually the first thing you should do is go and talk to the Council about your plans. E So, are you advising me to be completely open with them from the start? BA Yes, they’re very friendly. But before going there, make sure you have all the details. My advice would be to write a clear business plan and take it to them. E Thank you. That’s very helpful.

Unit 10, Listening, Exercises 2 and 3 [track 38] I = Interviewer, R = Reviewer I So, you watched a re-run of The Oprah Show. Any surprises or was it pretty much what you expected? R It wasn’t the regular show, actually. It was her ‘What would you do?’ series that I saw. It’s a series of staged situations, where actors play out a scene in front of passers-by to see how people react. Basically the passers-by are faced with a kind of moral dilemma – should they intervene in some way or not? I What kind of situations? R Well, the first was a classic teenage bullying situation. It was in a public park and there were four girls and three of them are teasing the other one and being mean to her, saying things like, ‘You’re such a loser’ and ‘It’s no wonder nobody likes you’. Meanwhile, the girl who’s being bullied is getting more and more visibly upset. I And what do the passers-by do? Does anyone step in? R Practically all of the men just keep on walking, but most of the women do stop and give the three mean girls a piece of their mind. When they were interviewed afterwards about it, the women who intervened mostly said it was either because they empathised (they remember being in the same situation themselves when they were young) or that they felt worried for the girl’s physical safety. Quite a few thought that it was going to come to blows pretty soon. I And what did it make you think about how you would have reacted? R Yeah, well, that’s where it becomes interesting ...from a psychological point of view ... and I guess that’s the value of a programme like this. You could just say it was voyeuristic, but of course it makes you think about the right thing to do. I hope I would have told the mean girls to back off … I And what was the other situation?


Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo – 2013 23

Workbook Audio Scripts | Audio files (in MP3 format) available for download at: http://profesores.cengage.com.br/downloads/1285159446_Audio.zip

R Yeah ... I don’t know about this one. It was more sensational somehow, like it was trying to get a reaction from the audience. What happens is you see a well-dressed woman walking near the station during a busy commuter time and suddenly she collapses – you imagine from a stroke or something. Within seconds people are around her, covering her with a coat to keep her warm, calling for an ambulance. Then they do the same thing with an older man, badly dressed, a bit dirty – could be a homeless guy. About 70 people go past before anyone stops to do anything. Some even just step over him ... I Mmm, but perhaps people are afraid ... He could be mentally ill or a drunk ... R Yes, I know. That’s why it seemed a slightly unfair experiment. But then, when you think about it, that’s not really an excuse for doing nothing ... I So, overall would you watch the show again? R I might. I think it has a serious point to it. And if it helps people to be more aware of their moral duty to help others in difficulty, then I think that’s a very positive thing …

Unit 10, Pronunciation, Exercise 1 [track 39] 1 dilemma 2 intervene 3 psychological 4 teasing

Unit 10, Pronunciation, Exercise 2 [track 40] 1 aware 2 bully, put, but 3 commuter, opportunity, full 4 empathise 5 voyeuristic, boy

Unit 10, Everyday English, Exercise 2 [track 41] TA = Travel agent, C = Customer TA Hi. Can I help you? C Yes. We’re looking for a beach holiday this summer … for two weeks in July. TA OK. Did you have anywhere particular in mind? C Well, definitely somewhere hot. We were thinking of Spain, but we don’t want to go anywhere too crowded. We’d prefer to give the big resorts a miss. TA And have you got a budget? I mean, is money an issue

for you? C Well, we just wanted to get an idea of the price of things first. TA I see. Well, there are some fantastic deals on Spanish resorts at the moment. C Are they package holidays – with everything included? TA That’s right. I’ll show you some examples. C Could we look at some villas instead? TA Yes, of course. How many of you are there? C We’re a family of four. Two adults and two children, 12 and 14.

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