twitter for business

Post on 16-Aug-2015



Social Media



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  1. 1. Twitter for Business Grow your business, 140 characters at a time Smith & Leigh Productions Jerry Smith 407-496-2927
  2. 2. Twitter Inc. Twitter was launched July 2006. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million users who in 2012 posted 340 million tweets per day.The service also handled 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013Twitter was one of the ten most-visited websites. As of May 2015,Twitter has more than 500 million users, out of which more than 302 million are active users. Revenue US$ 1.4 billion (2014) Employees 3,600 (2015) Subsidiaries Vine
  3. 3. Social media site usage by year as a % of the adult population 67 20 15 13 16 71 22 21 17 18 71 28 28 26 23 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Facebook Linkedin Pintertest Instagram Twitter 2012 2013 2014
  4. 4. Instagram andTwitter have a large overlap of users.Turning to sites other than Facebook, a significant level of overlap exists between Instagram andTwitter users58% ofTwitter users also use Instagram, and 52% of Instagram users use Twitter. Among non-Facebook sites, this is the highest rate of reciprocity between user groups measured Instagram and Twitter have a large overlap of users.
  5. 5. Twitter users by age 57.3 million user predicted 2016 11.7, 26% 11.3, 25% 8.2, 19% 6.7, 15% 4.1, 9% 2.7, 6% MILLIONS Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65+
  6. 6. If this is your target is.... Men Under the age of 50 White (non Hispanic) Annual household income of $50,000 or more College graduates and urbanites Then twitter may be for you
  7. 7. Erik Qualman is author of book the Socialnomics The fastest growing demographic onTwitter is the 55-64 year age bracket 60% ofTwitter users access it from mobile 25% of smartphone owners ages 18-44 say they can't recall the last time their smartphone wasn't next to them 93% of marketers are using social media. However, only 9% of marketing companies have full-time bloggers Around 46% of web users will look towards social media when making a purchase Social Revolution 2015
  8. 8. Down side of twitter Yes,Twitter and Social has its good points and the more I learn the more I enjoy it and increase my own activity. However, just because everyones talking about it does not mean it is right for you. With that in mind, here are reasons NOT to tweet.
  9. 9. #1 You do not have the time One tweet a week is going to achieve nothing it needs consistency, not complacency. If you do not have the time yourself then create a team of tweeters who can help create and post content. Ellen does this particularly well
  10. 10. #2 You have nothing to say No one cares that you cannot get the kids to sleep or that you are off to buy a chocolate bar (unless you are planning to buy them one too). Think about what you are saying does it give value? The odd personal or sales tweet is fine but you also need to source third-party articles, and multimedia videos, SlideShare presentations, and podcasts. Build up a bank of websites suitable to your sector that you can draw on for content useful for when you have nothing to say yourself that day!
  11. 11. #3 Your customers are not there If you sell microwaves would you go to a networking event for baby clothes retailers? No because your audience is not there. You know your industry well enough (or should do) to know if your clients and customers are on social media. If not, why bother?
  12. 12. #4 You do not bother listening You want to tweet but you do not want to listen. Not good. Run searches for your brand and industry and respond where you can
  13. 13. #5 You ignore everyone I have seen some classics of this the last few days. It is like someone saying hello and you, at best, ignoring them and, at worst, saying p*ss off. Check your DMs and @ messages every day and reply! RTs you can get away with although I always think it is nice to say thanks if you can.
  14. 14. #6 Youre not ready to let go If youre going to outsource your tweeting or leave it to the marketing department you HAVE GOTTO LET GO OF APPROVAL!!! Twitter should be about instant engagement and speaking to real people not track changes and streams of amendments. A good approach is to set out a social media policy stipulating tone and content. If there are any tricky situations that is where approval becomes necessary.
  15. 15. #7 You arent going to evaluate Theres still lots of talk about ROI in social media but as a minimum at least track the rise in followers, RTs, @ mentions and DMs, as well as clicks on the links youve posted (check out Hootsuite which creates some great graphs).
  16. 16. #8 Doing it because you feel you should If you are only onTwitter because everyone else is then is it really worth it? Because the likelihood is that, you will certainly not be spending the time and effort on it that it needs to work.
  17. 17. #9 Youre not willing to wait It takes time. Loooots of time. Not seeing a return in three months? It is really not surprising its those who persevere who will see results.
  18. 18. #10 It sounds ridiculous You cant take anyone seriously who speaks theTwitter language - If you hear someone saying the words Twitter Tweet Tweeters etc, and you instantly think the word tw*t then the whole thing probably isnt for you! In fact I have had a fair few conversations with people where part of the reason they are not onTwitter is because it sounds ridiculous. Which, you cannot argue it really does.
  19. 19. Back to the good Stuff If none of this bothers you and you are ready how do you start? You have to use twitter to be on twitter
  20. 20. is your friend Basics Solutions Success Stories Resources Blogs
  21. 21. * Manage social networks, schedule messages, engage your audiences, and measure ROI right from the dashboard. *Hootsuite University
  22. 22. Social Mention A social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including:Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.
  23. 23. Hashtags Using hashtags to categorizeTweets by keyword: People use thehashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in theirTweet to categorize thoseTweets and help them show more easily inTwitter Search. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all otherTweets marked with that keyword.
  24. 24. The Good #sfbatkid On November 15, 2013, the world fell in love with 5-year-old cancer fighter Miles (aka BatKid) as he became a superhero for the day. San Francisco became Gotham City thanks to the Greater Bay Area Make-A- Wish Foundation and the help of 16,000 actors and volunteers. BatKid, dressed in full costume, saved the city from the Riddler and the Penguin while hundreds of thousands of people followed along with the hashtag #SFBatKid on social media. The story an estimated 1.7 billion social impressions.The number of tweets reached over 545,576 in three days and came from 117 countries. Celebrities like Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, and Britney Spears used the #SFBatKid hashtag. Even President Barack Obama gave Miles a six- second shoutout
  25. 25. The Good #tweetfromtheseat Toilet paper company Charmin doesnt hold back when it comes to using potty language onTwitter. In 2013, they launched the humorousTwitter hashtag #tweetfromtheseat to take advantage of the staggering number of people who use social media in the bathroom (40% of young adults, according toTime and those are just the ones who admit to it!)
  26. 26. The Bad #susanalbumparty Susan Boyle, the Britains GotTalent sensation, drummed up some serious publicity for her album party in 2012 but not the kind she was hoping for. Susans PR team sent one tweet promoting the party using the hashtag #susAnalBumparty before they realized it wasnt a great idea.
  27. 27. The Ugly #notguilty, Entenmanns Entenmanns, known for their baked goods, used the hashtag #notguilty to promote their low-calorie food options at the same time that #notguilty was already trending in the wake of the controversial Casey Anthony Not Guilty murder verdict.
  28. 28. Smith & Leigh Productions Internet Marketing, Website Design, Graphic Design and Software Development Sometimes the internet can be extremely frustrating to the point where you feel isolated with no clear help or assistance available, this is exactly where we can help Jerry Smith 407-496-2927

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