tuesday, march 17, 2015 edition

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Edition







pgÜ Ü Corruption Watch

County News

VOL 9 NO.49 TUESDAY , MARCH 17, 2015



These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.

Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department,

Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1


L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1


FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2015


Education - pg.11

p pÜ Ü

Glitch on transparency as CSOs take MFDP, MIA to task on funds










“I want to go to school that is why I am demonstrating. The school does not want to pay our teachers, so the teachers don’t want to come to the classroom to teach us. We want

them to pay the teachers.” Comfort Johnson Catholic School Student



Page 2 | Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015


Liberia is the oldest Black African Republic and will turn 168 years by July 26, 2015; a little over four months from now but the country continue to have some of the worse records

in terms of living standard, infrastructure and other poor indicators based on international reports.The country recently celebrated one decade after civil wars which ended in 2013 but it is yet to really recover from the impact of the crisis with its Capital, Monrovia reported as the poorest city in world during the 2012/2013 report by the UN agency, UN Habitat.In its 2012/2013 State of the World’s Cities report, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat) reports that Monrovia is amongst five cities with weak prosperity. “There are only five cities with very weak prosperity factors (CPI below 0.500) in UN-Habitat’s worldwide sample – Bamako, Antananarivo, Monrovia, Niamey and Conakry. Their common feature is that they have recently experienced various types of conflict with various degrees of intensity. In each of them, production, quality of life and infrastructure indicators are very low”, states the report.

Sluggish economic growth

UN-Habitat states that the worse performing cities have complex problems including a hallmark of dysfunctional systems, institutional failures, sluggish economic growth as all widespread poverty.The report states “Cities with very weak prosperity factors (CPI below 0.500): Cities in this bracket feature contrasted patterns among the sub-indices in the CPI. For some, the dispersion of index values across the ‘spokes’ reflects institutional and structural problems. For others, the five dimensions of prosperity do converge, only at very low values, a hallmark of

dysfunctional systems, institutional failures, sluggish economic growth as well as widespread poverty and destitution”.In the report, Monrovia performed poorly becoming the least on all the indicators including City Prosperity Index (CPI) -0.313; Prosperity Index (CPI)- 0.285; Productivity Index-0.048; Quality of life Index-0.381; Infrastructure Index-0.411; Environment Index-0.886 and Equity Index-0.457.The UN agency observed that research shows much lopsided focus on purely financial prosperity which has led to growing inequalities between rich and poor and is generating serious distortions in the form and functionality of cities, also causing serious damage to the environment –not to mention the unleashing of precarious financial systems that could not be sustained in the long run.Joan Clos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and United Nations Executive Director, UN-Habitat says there is a need to develop a fresh approach to prosperity which will be more holistic and integrated.

“The Report proposes a fresh approach to prosperity, one that is holistic and integrated and which is essential for the promotion of a collective well-being and fulfilment of all. This new approach does not only respond to the crises by providing safeguards against new risks, but it also helps cities to steer the world towards economically, socially, politically and environmentally prosperous urban futures”, said Under-Secretary-General Clos.The UN agency is advocating for a new type of city to resemble the 21st century that is good, people centered and capable of shedding off the inefficient, unsustainable forms and functionalities of the city of the previous century.“In this Report, UN-Habitat advocates for a new type of city – the city of the 21st century – that is a ‘good’, people centered city, one that is capable of integrating the tangible and more intangible aspects of prosperity, and in the process shedding off the inefficient, unsustainable forms and functionalities of the city of the previous century. By doing this, UN-Habitat plays a pivotal role in ensuring that urban planning, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks become an instrument of prosperity and well-being”, the report indicates.Monrovia continues to face huge challenges including drainage issues as during the rainy season the country is plagued by flood water which makes moving almost impossible.Main streets get clutch during the rainy season with drainages leaking waste materials from homes including feces and others. There is no constant and reliable supply of safe drinking water and electricity to homes in Monrovia.The city is surrounded by slums including West Point, Clara Town, Soniwein, Buzzi Quarter, PHP and other slums, where people are living in awful conditions, lacking access to basic social services.  

FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 3



THE SUPREME COURT of the Liberia has the final say in all legal matters as the decision by the court is binding on all within the confines of the country with no other legal remedy at home for anyone dissatisfied with the high court decision.THIS IS WHY individuals serving on the Supreme Court bench should be some of the best in the country in terms of thinking and acting because they have a huge task to decide the fate of all Liberians in legal matters.INDIVIDUALS SERVING ON the Supreme Court should be above the fray and independent in all aspect whether in fact, presentation, opinions and whatsoever to be able to judiciously dispense justice for the over four million people and other foreigners alike living under Liberia’s legal ambit MEMBERS OF THE High court should not make comments like ordinary Liberians do since what their say is a policy statement and goes a long way in impacting their decisions when it comes to deciding the fate of people.LIKE OTHER COUNTRIES including Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania with good and independent judiciary, the Chief Justice of those countries are not ordinary talker who go out making comments on issues unfolding in the country since they bear in mind that some of the issues discussed in the public domain will end up before them for final decision making.THE CHIEF JUSTICE of Liberia, His Honor Francis Korkpor has proven the other way round as the man heading the highest court has always made comments on issues which seem to undermine his independence when it comes to making decision when the same issues appear before him.IN TIME PAST when the debate surrounding the state emergency declared by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf accordingly due to the Ebola outbreak was raging, the President attempted to expand her power by insisting on restricting certain rights of Liberians. PRESIDENT SIRLEAF DID not list the rights of Liberians she was endeavoring to restrict prompting widespread commendations from political actors and other stakeholders, some of whom were even threatening to take the matter to the high court for interpretation.WHILE THE PUBLIC debate was ongoing, the Chief Justice, His Honor Korkpor publicly declared that the President had the right to restrict certain rights of citizens during a state of emergency. Whether the law provides that, as expressed by the Chief Justice, the best forum for him to express opinions on issues is in the Chambers of the Supreme Court and not a participant of public debate. THAT WAS A strong show of support to the presidency against the wishes of Liberians who felt they could get rescue in case the President was acting dictatorial by going to the Supreme Court for redress.EVEN WITH THE matter yet to be taken to the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice who heads the high Court has already rendered his opinion on the matter which in itself signified that had the some Liberians reverted to the court, the Chief Justice could remain firm on his position in support of the President, which he had already expressed publicly.THERE WAS NO need to go to the Supreme Court when the head of the Court has already taken a side in the public debate.AGAIN DURING THE opening of the March term of court the Chief Justice His Honor Korkpor devoted his entire message to the Liberian media, branding the media as spreading falsehood and discrediting the work of the Judiciary.HE WENT TO extent as branding some members of the media as people who spread falsehood and blackmail judges in spite of what he described as the judiciary’s effort to restore credibility and integrity in the court system.WITH SUCH STRONG statement from the Chief Justice, it is no secret that any member of the media having to go to court and end up before the Supreme Court will not have a fair trial, since His Honor devoted his entire speech lashing at this particular segment of the population.THE CHIEF JUSTICE has already branded the media as blackmailers, how can they get justice when they appear before his gavel.HIS HONOR CHIEF Justice Korkpor has already rendered his opinion on the work of media which summarizes the decision he will prevail on other members of the full bench of the Supreme Court to render when members of the media appear before him.MEMBERS OF THE media, beware that His Honor Chief Justice Korkpor already know your character and his gavel will not hesitate to render judgment when you appear in his chambers.



BIAS AGAINST MEDIAAde Wede Wee-Wee Kekuleh, Contributing Writer


Ebola is slowly, but surely leaving Liberia and the sub-region. This is due to concerted efforts from both Liberia and her international counterparts who have braved the storm to

assist us in this our time of need. I recall the promise made by Her Excellency Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission when she paid a solidarity visit to Liberia on behalf of the African Union during the peak of the Ebola Virus Disease upsurge in the country. I need not say how traumatic it was to see human beings like myself trucked to a crematorium for cremation, a mode of burial completely foreign to Liberians, but that is another story for another day. But Liberia has taken a 360 degree turn; from being pursued by the EVD, she is now the pursuer of Ebola. But this intruiging twist of events did not just happen, as the lawyers would say, sua sponte (on its own). There were people who worked overtime, introducing new dynamics into the fight that has brought us today to the point of being about halfway to the 42-day incubation period. About a week ago, I went to the William V. S. Tubman High School in Sinkor to make arrangements for a tutorial class, when I noticed several large polytanks placed strategically on the campus. This is smart, I thought. A very good long-term assistance plan that will be of use many years after Ebola is finally chased out of this country. In a country still struggling to provide pipe-borne water to its citizenry, even those in the capital, the polytanks would provide water, and inadvertently good sanitary practices for the school’s many washrooms, which is key to good health. Knowing how densely populated Tubman High is, probably due to its past glory, buckets containing chlorinated water would do them little good. I was also pleasantly surprised to learn and see that the Monrovia Demonstration and C. H. Dewey Public Schools in Montserrado and Bomi respectively were also beneficiaries of this gesture. Of course I was curious as to whom the benefactor is, who is this silently impacting Liberia’s long-term recovery. I soon learned that the African Union Support to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (ASEOWA) is the benefactor. Not satisfied with what I would call sparse information about the AU Mission to the sub-region, I decided to gather more information, which I found to be amazing, before finally penning this piece. Through a conversation with the principal of Tubman High, I learned the mission had also honored the school’s request to completely revamp its plumbing system. A most welcome feat. ASEOWA apparently hit the ground running. They moved in with ready-for-deployment medical personnel, visited the Ebola Response Team at the Ministry of Health, toured health centers and talked to health workers, both local and international. Not wanting to duplicate efforts, the Mission first endeavored to know what other partners were doing to help eradicate Ebola. ASEOWA soon realized the broken down health system led to many deaths totally unrelated to Ebola. Pregnant or bleeding women for example, died simply because they bled. Restoration became the Mission’s first intervention. They went in to the health centers

with their medical personnel, and began treating and providing medical care for patients. This action of bravery by the Mission’s medical personnel gave cue and courage to many other health workers who were afraid for their own lives. In reality, one can hardly blame them, judging from the number of health workers that lost their lives in the pandemic. Seeing the AU medical staff working and still alive meant they too could go back to work and continue executing carry out the task for which they took oaths: to save lives. So, the ASEOWA Mission succeeded in taking the lead in restoring confidence in the health sector, even in the midst of Ebola. Other international organizations also gained confidence and followed the AU Mission’s lead of restoration.ASEOWA then also embarked on bringing in epidemiologists, contact tracers and surveillance teams. These three together, went into the communities and carried out door-to-door surveillance to ensure there were no probable cases hiding in homes. Today, in the words of Liberia’s president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, ‘A few months ago, Ebola was chasing us; today we are chasing Ebola.’ Well spoken. Now that the Ebola Virus Disease is being eradicated out of the sub-region, though the other two countries, Sierra Leone and Guinea are slowly but surely trailing along, the Mission is taking lessons learned from Liberia to them, so they too can soon reach the point of having zero new cases, and begin the incubation period. It would really be a good thing; because Liberia will not be totally free if her two neighbors are still struggling with the virus, especially considering how socially and culturally united the three countries are.Based on the experience in the West African sub-region, the African Union now realizes it has to be prepared if any such outbreak occurs in any other part of the continent. The African Union is moving with the times, and has become conscious that preparations must be made in the event of any other humanitarian problem. The Union has to be prepared to respond not only to military but also humanitarian interventions such as this. Doctors, nurses, clinicians, lab technicians and other medical personnel have to be especially trained across the continent and prepared so that they can move in immediately there is a humanitarian concern in another part of the continent. This way, the AU will not be sitting there, twiddling her thumbs or waiting for the international community to take the first step while so many lives are being lost. She will be equipped to act immediately to bring whatever outbreak it is under control, and fast too. This Ebola Virus Disease is the longest outbreak ever recorded in history. It began in March 2014. One year on, strides have been made and valuable lessons learned.In the meantime, the African Union Support to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (ASEOWA) is continuing its mission: ensuring an Ebola-free sub-region.

About the Author: Ade Wede Wee-Wee Kekuleh is a Liberian woman, women advocate, journalist, author, student of Law and an accounting technician. She can be reached at adewede@gmail.com.

Page 4 | Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015

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The Reader's Page

Jallah Grayfield · Vice President at Press Union of LiberiaFor me this research or report is not late, those who killed our people in the name of liberation will face up to their own sins. Front Page Africa continue the good work

Quiwonkpa Zuo · Top Commenter · Providence CollegeWhat else is new? Not a single metal or any other finished good is made in Liberia, where else do you think the weapons came from? If you don't learn anything in life learn this: Business/Profit does not have morals, irrespective of what you've been told! Why do you think cheaply made $3 duck tape is being sold for $50 in Liberia? Only laws and the enforcement thereof, can force businesses to conform! Until we learn this in the Third World, and personally for me in my beloved Liberia, we will ALWAYS be taken advantage of. It is that simple.

George Farcarthy · Top CommenterAll these losers from Europe used African leaders to kill their own brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. Any one that uses arms to gain power is sponsored by some mafia in Europe. These African leaders get away with a lot in Africa. That is the new form of slavery by our African leaders. We need to stop Europeans using our continent as a battle ground. Corruptions with impunity is Africa's Bill of rights. They turned the riches continent to a welfare continent begging Europeans for help. What is wrong with us? Can anyone sincerely answer this question? Mother Africa should do better.

Deh G Vowal · Trinity Christian CollegeA child that does not listen will feel pain. The research was good but very meaningless at this point. See how many people have to die while someone was getting richer? We need to stand for something and not fall for anything! Wake up Africa!

Sylvester Moses · Top Commenter · Works at Self-EmployedSpoken like a true statesman; thank you Senator Sherman for clearing the air on recent, relevant issues. We admire your position that there is “no bad blood” between you and the standard bearer. Mrs. Sirleaf is still president, and if there should be meaningful reforms in the next two years, her cooperation and commitment become necessary despite the vaunted two - thirds majority to override a presidential veto. Nonetheless, the UP Chairman shouldn’t forget the adage “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” - to which we add: “fool me thrice, I need this head examined“. Political leaders who sign agreements, and ignore the terms, or are untrustworthy, or unconscionably use others for their own political and pecuniary aggrandizements aren’t only surfeit of integrity, they are as worse as those who threaten the tranquility of society..As for accusation that Sherman has been silent on the issues; it can’t be true. He has been outspoken as any chairman of a ruling party can be anywhere, including the US, the epitome of democracy today. Let someone point to a party chairman in any democracy who used a national occasion to warn the standard bearer that ineffective governance is deterring the prospects of their country. Indeed, it takes courageous maturity to incur the wrath of a despot.

Alpina Clay · Top Commenter · Outreach Officer at DEN-LThe position of the well learned Cllr. on this issue that has being lingering in the corridor of Liberia’s body politic has been astutely articulated and finally lays the matter to rest. Thank you Cllr. Sherman for habiting such high level of political mature. May God bless you and safe guide the work of your hands at the Liberian senate.

C. Alpina Clay, II lead contact person (Friends of V.G. Sherman)Gbarnga, Bong County




The Editor;

In any functioning constitutional democratic institution, citizens have the right to support a political partythey believe can better serve their will and interests. With the Unity Party at the helm of power, I yet to see a strong opposition

party as an alternative to guarantee the people of Liberia the basic fundamental values for sustainable growth and empowerment. Evidently, the ruling party and its leaders lack the political will needed to genuinely tackle corruption. The self-proclaimed “Almighty Congress for Democratic Change” has been gallivanting for state power with the newly elected Montserrado County Senator, George Weah as the supreme leader for the party. Make no mistake about it. No member of the party dares to challenge his authority or else you may feel the full weight of those toxic elements groomed by the executives of the party. Former Party Chairman George Solo who openly called for Mr. Weah resignation as leader and head of the CDC was tormented and subsequently kicked out of leadership. The statement recently delivered by another new Chairman, Nathaniel Mcgill is a mere Verbal Diarrhea with the same old rhetoric since the formation of the party with chairman out, chairman in. With this, the symptom of political deficiencies have been surfacing within the rank and file of the executive committee and they continued to engage in hostility towards one another. Comparatively, CDC has the highest number of lawmakers which made many Liberians to believe it was a sign of strength to champion their cause. The party lawmakers led by the then loquacious Acetous Gray became voiceless to speak against corruption in the shortest period of time and it has become crystal clear that the CDC lawmakers have being consumed by greed, dishonesty, unscrupulousness, deceitfulness, bribery and all that is related to anti- social norms. Therefore, it is not surprising to witness our so-called CDC lawmakers dancing to the tone of selling oil blocks for personal gain and not listening to the outrage coming from Liberians, civil society, advocacy groups and International organizations. This has provided a clear picture that the Congress for Democratic Change is not a credible partner in fighting corruption and therefore, does not have the moral authority to chastise Unity Party on corruption.

The CDC legislative Caucus in unity, could have given hope to the many jobless youth by sponsoring bills to reduce their gigantic salaries and benefits and use some of that money to construct vocational schools across the country to provide skills and opportunities to the many jobless and hopeless young men and women supporting the party. Besides its candidates, the political programs must be the merchandise of the party, which it offers to the electorates. Let us understand that opposition has certain responsibilities and obligations to discharge to the nation and people. Notwithstanding, it has become a common misconception that the role of the opposition parties, as the name suggest is limited to opposing the incumbent administration without any constructive alternative. I strongly believe that Liberians are tired with empty promises and it is time for politicians to demonstrate their commitments in words and deeds and stop the pussyfooting.

As the CDC sojourn her new political dispensation, too soon defection of their lawmakers became to emerge and this created confusion and disintegration amongst partisans. Nonetheless, those who crossed carpet to the ruling Unity Party and others who openly supported non CDC partisans were publicly rebuked. Notwithstanding, some of the CDC party officials are given the privilege to fly first class with Madam President on her frequent presidential trips and wouldn’t hesitate to anxiously extend hands to receiving big brown envelopes stuffed with United States dollars. Even though abandoning the visions of party that elected

you to gain political recognition is considered betrayal of the trust and confidence to the party’s faithful. In this light, attack and counterattack took center stage in newspapers and the airwaves. Allegations of senior party members including Ambassador George Weah allegedly receiving bribes became an issue and the fundamental question comes to mind is, why should Liberians continue to elect individuals with questionable character? It is a big deficit in building a strong and prosperous country because, it gives the country negative image and open doors for criminal investors to exploit the weakness of government officials by offering bribes to take advantage of the country’s resources at the detriment of the downtrodden. In recent public diagnosis, it had revealed CDC officials DNA 99.9 percent matched “bribery” and therefore cannot be ruled out as far as corruption is concerned. The Liberian people must be alert that self-proclaimed Almighty Congress for Democratic Change is another Unity Party in disguise. Please don’t just take my words for it. Go and check the CDC lawmakers’ records in the last 10 years and tell me if they are true representatives of the people that elected them.

The party has become its own worst enemy and lacks the moral rectitude to stand as an alternative and viable opposition party to field a presidential candidate in 2017. Let us carefully look at a statement by Mr. Jefferson Koijee of CDC. “Ambassador George Weah who is the political leader of the CDC is the right person to lead the country and is capable of redeeming the Liberian people from poverty and other economic hardship when elected as Senator of Montserrado Country and also president in 2017 presidential election of the country.” How can a party that is severely suffering from political malnutrition proudly talked about redeeming the Liberian people from poverty and economic hardship? Let me unequivocally state here that any political party with the foundation of falsehood, negativity and “desperate for power than peace in order to take state power” by deceiving the masses will be rejected in every shape and form. What the CDC exhibited in the case of former Senator Joyce Musu Freeman must be considered uncivilized and undemocratic for a party to conduct upright political business with fellow party members.

It was in disbelief as we watched how a national party representative was dehumanized by her own party leadership because of the party Godfather’s political interest. Even though, she too miserably failed the people of Montserrado as Senior Senator but, the inflammatory and bully approach by Mr. Weah and his loyalists made the aggrieved senator to resign from the party. After the fire-bombing of Eugene Nagbe personal property, another vindictive action is unfolding against the CDC former Secretary General who also leaped to the Unity Party in search of more gravy and now serving as Youth and Sports Minister. Lately in the news, our newly elected Senator for Montserrado County is showing off power to subdue the minister. I have therefore come to conclusion that many of our officials sees politics as a “Gravy Career” to get rich as quickly as possible and jumped into it without understanding that democracy is government of, by, and for the people. In addition, the people are the ultimate source of authority and in no way must be intimidated by those who find themselves in power.

CDC must be reminded that Montserrado County is not Liberia and the fact that Monrovia is over populated with overzealous soccer fan, let the leadership of the party be aware a well-organized political movement that may provide massive voters’ education can change the direction of politics in Montserrado County ending the political era of CDC.

Charles B. RussellPhiladelphia


FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 5



Wade C. L. Williams, wade.williams@frontpageafricaonline.com


In Liberia the condition of roads are dilapidated and continue to pose a huge challenge to

prospects for economic development. Montserrado County where the capital city Monrovia is situated with its entire commercial prowess, continues to endure these challenges. Many communities in Montserrado County lack access to good roads, schools and safe drinking water, something that has led them to be forgotten. Travel to Cheesemanburg one of the oldest townships in the county is difficult and residents say that the last time they saw an earth moving equipment was more than twenty years ago.Like Cheesemanburg, many communities in and around

Montserrado County are crying out to the government to help open up the roads to emancipate them from the many years of hardship and unproductiveness.These communities are now beginning to embrace a private individual Mr. Abraham Sesay of the Abraham Sesay Foundation who has taken upon himself the responsibility of opening up roads in several communities around the county.Thomas S. Cassell, Commissioner, Cheesemanburg Township, is excited that the frontend loader and tractors are on his long forgotten road in the township of Cheesemanburg, refurbishing it to enable the free movement of vehicles and motorbikes in and out of the

area.“We are highly elated and impressed by the level of work that is being done by Mr. Sesay, since his entry into the township of Cheesemanburg,” a smiling Cassell said.“Since the demise of Samuel K. Doe, up to present, no grater has come on this road to have it reconditioned. This is a milestone for this town.”Mr. Cassell said the only school building in the community is in a dilapidated state and there is no health center for residents and their children. “When it is raining, the very class where the children can sit; the nursery is leaking profusely; the school is up to grade six,” he said.“Since the foundation of this community, there has never been a clinic here. There are

over five thousand people living here.”

Matters in their own hands

In the newly established Christopolis Community, located in the Virginia area, residents have taken upon themselves the initiative to develop the roads and bring relief to the community. Mr. Peterson Faryan, Co-Chair, Block C said the community wrote Mr. Sesay a letter, seeking for assistance to build the road and he sent his machines and the work was done. “Mr. Sesay has been doing a lot in this community. We had a very bad road condition in this community, we talked to Mr. Sesay to help us and he gave his grater (Road equipment) to the community and the


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is calling on all Liberians to unite, take advantage of

opportunities to move the country forward.“I appeal to all Liberians to do your part, whatever that part is, to ensure that we move the country forward so that the goals we have set we can achieve those goals through a united, collective effort of everybody,” the Liberian leader urged.According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the assertion when she addressed the gathering at the Effort Baptist Church in Paynesville during a Special Thanksgiving and Welcoming Service held for her safe arrival back home late Friday, March 13, 2015, after a three-week visit to the United States of America and Europe.The Liberian leader indicated that the country’s progress in the Ebola fight has presented it with a window of opportunity that can be used to come together as a people, work together to achieve the goals as a country, put aside all the bickering and to move the country forward while this

community used it to open major alleys and roads in the community that cars are using now. The road condition was very6 bad. The first thing he did was to open a recreation center,” said Mr. Faryan. He said communities have decided to turn to individuals for help to alleviate the burden of underdevelopment faced by these communities.“The government has lots of constraints and it has to deal with the whole nation. So if an individual is willing to assist a community, I think he is one way or another helping the community. Individually, we all need to build our nation,” he said.In the VOA community, women and children are seen crossing a small lake that divides the Blamacee community from other areas. There is no bridge to cross to the other side, so they have to walk in the water. Residents say they face a lot of difficulties because of the lack of bridge in the area and during the rainy season, students cross the lake taking off shoes and socks. The residents are elated that Sesay has started the construction of a make-shift bridge. “I’m happy that they’re building the bridge. I feel so happy that the road is being fixed because rainy season we can suffer here, for car to enter here it can be hard. We want

CRAVING DEVELOPMENT“The government has lots of constraints and it has to deal with the whole nation. So if an individual is willing

to assist a community, I think he is one way or another helping the community. Individually, we all need to build our nation.” - Mr. Peterson Faryan, Co-Chair, Block C, Christopolis Community, Virginia area

him to do more. I live here and built my house. The war took us from Lofa Bridge. I have three children,” said Adama Kamara, a resident of the area.The initiatives by Abraham Sesay, CEO A.B. Carlison Sesay Foundation may be considered by many as a political initiative, but he said he is doing it because communities have reached out to him for help. Said Sesay: “We intervene based on request from communities. Currently we are talking about around 25 km in the district that we have covered and we intend to go an additional one hundred, so the target from now to the end of April, we intend to cover at least 150km of Feeder roads connecting communities.”Sesay puts the cost of community roads his organization has rehabilitated in several communities at over US$ 22,000 and said by the end of April he expects the cost to double to around US$ 45,000.He said the foundation is a humanitarian organization, based in District 17 it is involved in various projects adding that it is self-supported through the membership and individual volunteers.Many of Montserrado County rural dwellers live in extreme poverty where many families still struggle to find food to survive. With the deadly Ebola outbreak, matters have been made worse.In 2010, Liberia’s GDP per capita was US$400, and more than 80 per cent of Liberians were surviving on less than US$1.25 per day.Three quarters of the poor live in rural areas. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations classifies Liberia as a low-income, food-deficit country, reporting that about half of the population is food-insecure or highly vulnerable to food insecurity.


window is opened.President Sirleaf warned that this window will not remain open forever as there was a likelihood that some other global threat or circumstance might arise that could divert the attention of the international community. She emphasized that each individual has to take responsibility for the progress of Liberia.President Sirleaf reiterated that others, including the international community, are there to support our efforts; but reminded Liberians that they will not do what we are not

willing to do for our country. “The primary responsibility will rest on us.”The Liberian leader admonished everyone to put aside their differences, take responsibility and work harder than ever before with commitment and dedication for the development of the country including achieving the country’s Agenda for Transformation while the window remain opened.She indicated that her mission abroad was that of a messenger on behalf of the Liberian people to go and say thank you to all those who came join the

country in its fight against the Ebola virus disease.President Sirleaf said she was also an advocate to inform her US counterpart, and other officials in the U.S. and the international community that even though they have brought Liberia this far, the fight against Ebola is not over yet. “We still needed that partnership to go the next mile to ensure we fix those things that needs to be fix, including more support to rebuild out broken health system and to work towards those targets set in the Agenda for Transformation.She said she also used her visit

to advocate for the two sisterly countries worse affected by the Ebola virus disease, noting that they all had to come together as a region because whatever they did for Liberia will not have the ultimate effect unless they did the same for Sierra Leone and Guinea that are also battling Ebola. “When this is done, then all of our three countries can move together with the same level of progress and we can all resume our development activities and our efforts for regional cooperation and integration,” the Liberian leader stressed.President Sirleaf stressed that the overall response was very encouraging and there is an abundance of goodwill for Liberia and this was demonstrated in all the meetings she had during her visit. “I can say to you that the love for the Liberian people, the appreciation for all that the Liberian people and the communities have done to ensure that we are where we are, I bring to you their goodwill and their appreciation for what you have done to ensure that the global threat has been contained,” she said, adding that it was a big thank you from

them to you.The Liberian leader indicated that she accomplished what she had set out to do during her visit which was not only to give thanks but to also get the commitment for the continued partnership so that Liberia can make up for the lost time that the country faced because of the virus.She extolled the team of the Incidence Management System, Vice President Joseph Boakai, Defense Minister Brownie Samukai, who chaired the Cabinet in consultation with the Vice President, all local and international organizations for helping Liberia combat the Ebola virus which has now declined to the extent that the country has begun the countdown to being declared Ebola free by the middle of April 2015.“A big commendation to our health team – the Incidence Management System - who enable our trip to be successful because the good news kept coming from them,” she said, noting that there was great appreciation on the part of all Liberians for all they’ve done – consistency, effectiveness and commitment to ensure that Liberia reached this far.


President Sirleaf Calls on Liberians to Unite

Page 6 | Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015

A Tale of Local Transformation Over Perceptions

Now that the number of Ebola cases is zero and life is fast returning

to normal after the disease has claimed thousands of lives and nearly brought the economy to its knees, the next thing many are hoping to see is sustainable economic growth and development. At the heart of it all is the provision of basic social services that would scale the economy to new heights. One company which stands tallest to respond to these demands is the Liberia Electricity Corporation, LEC.Back in August at the height of the Ebola crisis, all foreign contractors and management team members left the country using a force majeure clause in their contracts to do so in time of crisis. Liberian managers were left with the burden to do the heavy lifting and clean up. And the only way to this was face the challenge and find technical and financial solutions to what was faced by the LEC at the time. Long before this happened, 11 of the 22 units (which produced 22 megawatts of power) had shut down and more breakdowns followed due to the lack of maintenance plan and spare parts. And customers experienced long power outages when they needed it most due to the breakdown of the equipment which has outlived their 5-6 year life span. The power shedding plans designed by management could only leave a bitter taste in the mouth of customers, who could only describe the power supply they were receiving as “Christmas light”. Some communities received electricity supply once or twice a week for a few hours while others hardly receive it. The perception in many quarters was that Liberian managers were incapable of managing the LEC, which nearly saw “red” in its bank balance while its internal debt rose exponentially to its fuel suppliers to about US$5M. Not aware of what was amiss, everything was blamed on Liberian managers, who had no day-to-day involvement in the company’s financial management The managers had to undergo some soul searching to try and resuscitate the plants to produce more electricity supply to kick-start a fragile economy which had nosedived to the doldrums, attend to customer queries and making things happen. All these were on the plate as the threat of the Ebola hung over the company after one of its employees died of the disease. The management moved quick to strategize


to remedy to the situation. Failure would have meant dancing to the perception tunes. One of the first issues the management tackled was to categorize Monrovia into three zones to be able to effectively respond to customer issues. Three fleets of trucks were assigned at three strategic substations to avoid long delays due to bumper-to-bumper traffic which impeded the quick response of emergency vehicles traveling only from the Bushrod Island substation. With this in place, some customers are now reporting at most 20 minutes or less of response time from the LEC as customers are served from nearby substations.With support from the Board of Directors headed by Cllr. Benedict Sannoh and the sector Minister, Patrick Sendolo, the LEC was able to source funding to purchase spare parts to repair the engines. The Finance and Development Planning Minister, Amara Konneh also deserves some kudos for his personal intervention and support as well as arranging the payment of government arrears and making advancement payments for government’s electricity consumption. This enabled the LEC to pay for spare parts.Soon after the spare parts arrived, local engineers and technicians worked aggressively to ensure the restoration of power supply in a reasonable time. The technical crew has so far repaired and brought online 18 of the 22 engines that were broken down. This critical overhaul boosted the LEC’s power generation capacity from four engines to 18 engines with nearly 24-hour electricity supply to most customers. Customers cannot contain their delight on live radio talks shows and at various amusement centers and gatherings-expressing

their experiences of receiving improved electricity, which they had been promised by the Liberian managers left in charge at the LEC. With this, the LEC will shortly connect to its grid, the new Central Bank building on Ashmun Street, the National Port Authority and the Liberia Revenue Authority located in the NASSCORP at ELWA Junction. Other critical achievements by the LEC were the improvement of the company’s arrears collection efficiency, reduced the US$5M debt owed to fuel supplier to US$1.5M. The Management of LEC has planned milestones to be achieved in the distribution systems in four (4) distinct areas in the City of Monrovia. These projects will be implemented with an additional funding from the Liberia Electricity Sector Enhancement Project (LESEP) with an amount of US$4M. The materials for this project have been procured, surveys and designs concluded and the LEC is now awaiting the “No Objection” from the World

Bank for implementation to commence.At least 18 communities in four localities will benefit from the project divided into lots. Lot One includes the Freeway of Monrovia, Somalia Drive and the following communities are included in the distribution expansion project: NTA, St. Francis, Snow Hill, Lower Johnsonville and Kesseley Boulevard. Lot Two communities are located in the Sinkor and Congo Town areas. They include, Lakpazee, Matadi, Chugbor and Paco Island. Lot Three includes the following Paynesville and Robertsfield highway areas: GSA Road Community, King Gray Community, RIA Highway up to the Baptist Seminary, Speaker Hill Community, DuPort Road and Lower Police Academy Communities. Lot Four are communities which fall within the Bushrod Island. They areas are King Peter Town Community, Bilema Community, Sayon Town Community and Saw Mill CommunityThe management has also designed a system where new

customers can immediately buy units after receiving their connection and meter cards. In the past, customers would visit the LEC head office to get their cards activated before vending. Along with this system, a huge backlog of customer-in-waiting (due to Ebola) for connection has reduced. We wish to note however, that the solution to the energy needs of Liberia rests in the completion of the four Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) plants totaling 48 Megawatts of power, the 80 MW Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant as well as other rural projects such as the Cross Border, Transco CLSG and WAPP among others will provide sustainable electricity to the people of Liberia. Construction works on these projects were suspended in late July after engineers and expatriates left the country due to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. The first 10 Megawatts HFO being constructed through a friendship grant from the Japanese Government was due to have been commissioned on December

15, 2014. But the project came to standstill in July during the installation of the engines when the deadly Ebola virus broke out. Thanks to Her Excellency, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, who appealed to expatriates to return to complete the various projects, some have begun arriving. The first group to arrive was the Japanese delegation who came on an observation mission to report their findings to the Japanese Government. This was followed by the Project Implementation Unit of the Mount Coffee Hydropower plant. Liberia can accrue immeasurable dividends from the multiplier effect of making electricity available-capable of bringing sustainable growth and development to the economy. As well as serving as a catalyst for economic growth, it will also serve as a magnet to attract direct foreign investments, enable local manufacturing companies to produce finished goods at affordable prices as well as provide job opportunities for the country’s jobless population.Despite all these ambitious undertakings, the LEC is overwhelmed with some drawbacks-POWER THEFT. It accounts for 15-20 percent or more which represents US$200,000 (two hundred thousand United States Dollars) monthly in revenue loss to the company. Plans are being drawn up to curtail power theft. This program will soon be unveiled. All these are testimonies that Liberians are capable of managing a company. Whether now or later, the management of Liberia’s resources and basic social services will one day be left to Liberians themselves. So, let us appreciate are very own and change perceptions that we are incapable of doing.


By: Information and Public Affairs Department, LEC

Jamila Massalley connecting customers Technicians and engineers work to restore electricity


FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 7



Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@frontpageafricaonline.com



Glitch on transparency as CSOs take MFDP, MIA to task on funds received and spent


Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), under the banner of Civil

Society Ebola Response Taskforce, has called on the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to audit all expenditures related to the fight against Ebola and publish said findings. Addressing a news conference on March 12, a member of the taskforce called on the government to take prompt action to ensure that transparency is the hallmark of all Ebola-related

transactions.“The taskforce calls for an independent audit of all institutions that can’t be audited by the GAC due to statutory limitations. The taskforce is calling on the Ministry of Finance and Development (MFDP) not to release additional resources from the county development funds to the counties mentioned until they submit and make public detailed expenditure reports of previous monies received,” Lamii Kpargoi stressed. Kpargoi, an attorney-at-law, also wants the MFDP and Internal

Affairs (MIA) to provide a report on the use of US$831,150 by six counties from their development funds to fight the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). They are Montserrado, Bong, Margibi, Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu and River Gee. Kpargoi disclosed that freedom of information (FOI) requests was sent to the counties and their legislative caucuses but only two responded.He said Bong and Margibi acknowledged receipt of the money in the MFDP’s November 2014 situation report while the


As part of effort to develop a new strategy for the Global AIDS

response, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV&AIDS (UNAIDS) has concluded a-day’s consultation with stakeholders in Liberia. The consultation was organized with support from UNAIDS at the Royal Hotel, Sinkor-Monrovia on 12th March, 2015. Speaking at the opening of the consultation, Dr Betru Woldesemayat, UNAIDS County Director said the UNAIDS Global Strategy on HIV&AIDS of 2011 will expired at the end of 2015 and thus the need to develop a new strategy has become eminent. “We are presented with a critical opportunity and obligation to discuss and arrive at an understanding of where we have succeeded and where challenges remain – and collectively define what we must achieve by 2021 and what must be done differently to get there. Hence, the country consultation seeks to solicit the opinion and recommendations of government partners, private

rest refused to give a response. “The Bong and Grand Gedeh Counties’ superintendents stated that they have reported on their expenditures to the Ministry of Internal Affairs but wouldn’t make said reports available to civil society.“For its part, the Ministry of Finance and Development has consistently told the taskforce that it is not in possession of the expenditure reports from the six counties. “As the statutory institution responsible for finances in the executive branch, it is strange that even the Ministry of Finance and Development will be refused access to expenditure information by the counties concerned,” Atty. Kpargoi disclosed. He said FOI requests were also sent to the MFDP and 23 local and international organizations for explanation around US$244,270,515 as cash and income in donations made and disbursed by various actors. “The vast majority of organizations in that category have failed to respond to the information request. “It is worth noting that at the height of the Ebola Virus Disease in September 2014, the minister of finance and development planning while addressing a MICAT [Ministry of Information, Cultural and Tourism] press conference promised prosecution and jail time for anyone found guilty of misdirecting money intended for the fight against the Ebola virus,” Atty.Kpargoi said.But Atty. Kpargoi finds it strange that Minister Amara Konneh is yet to translate last year’s tough talk into ensuring that expenditure reports around these finances are made available to his office and the public.Through its public health cluster, the taskforce, which comprises about 35 diverse CSOs, said it paid assessment visits to five counties and 57 primary

health facilities to evaluate their readiness to address public health challenges, conducted outreach and advocacy activities and monitored the implementation of EVD related action and expenditures.Atty. Kpargoi believes government must salute those who successfully contributed to the fight against Ebola as Liberia recovers from the disease. “As the nation manages the transition to the recovery phase, the Civil Society Ebola Response Taskforce is calling on the government to recognize the effort of diverse stakeholders in the fight against EVD and calls on the government and the donor community to include the active participation of civil society, opposition political parties, affected communities and the private sector in the design and implementation of the recovery plan,” Atty. Kpargoi concluded. Last September, a row ensued over how US$5 million was spent by various actors, including the General Service Agency (GSA)’s call center.FrontPageAfrica (FPA) gathered that the call center received US$100,000 for its 118 employees, who were paid between US$265 and $US290. A breakdown of the funds showed budgets for feeding and transportation for employees but the employees, who spoke to FPA, explained that they were neither fed or nor given transportation.But in a stinging denial, Wadei Powell, Barkue Tubman, Stephanie Duncan and Kimmie L. Weeks said they were not given a penny by the government.“We want to make it unequivocally clear that we did not receive a disbursement of US$100,000, or any portion of it, and we did not leave Liberia as a result of this, as was reported by FPA. The details of how any disbursements were made will be clarified by the taskforce, which is very aware that we did not receive these funds.”

“We want to be cleared that we volunteered our services with no expectations of salaries and or benefits. We are not, nor have we ever been, paid by the taskforce. Our role was to propose the operational framework for the call center and work on implementing its execution.“All of our actions had to be cleared by the taskforce and at the top levels of the Liberian government. Our involvement did not extend to financial matters and none of us were or are signatories to any taskforce financial accounts. “We do not have any decision-making power on financial matters, nor are we privy to disbursement of any funds. All of this is information that FPA could have easily gathered if its intention was to write an accurate story of the events that unfolded and we encourage anybody to verify this account with the taskforce,” the quartet wrote in a letter to FPA on September 17, 2014. The special presidential taskforce, including its incident management system logistics coordinator Dorbor Jallah, didn’t comment on the US$5 million mystery. A bill sponsored by Senators Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence (LP, Grand Bassa), Sando Johnson (NPP, Bomi) and Geraldine Doe-Sheriff (CDC, Montserrado) for an audit of the US$5 million is yet to be passed into law. Despite the establishment of integrity institutions like the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, transparency and accountability have been largely lacking in the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf-led government. And Sirleaf’s professed war on corruption, which was labeled as ‘public enemy number one’ in a January 16, 2006 inaugural address became a ‘vampire to development’ in an annual address on January 25. Will the waiting game continue unabated?

Attorney-at-law Lamii Kpargoi


sector, development partners, CSOs, people living with HIV and other key populations,” Dr. Woldesemayat noted. Earlier welcoming participants, Dr Wilfred Boayue, the National AIDS Commission (NAC) Commissioner for program emphasised that a lot has been achieved since the UNAIDS, soon to expire, strategy was developed in 2011 and prospects for collectively defeating HIV by

2030 is very high.Dr. Boayue further said that NAC and its partners have developed a new National Strategic Plan (NSP 2015-2020) to help address most of the gaps in the National HIV and AIDS response, as such, he encourages participants to reflect on specific interventions in the NSP(2015-2020) towards achieving the global targets.“If the NSP is fully implemented, Liberia will be able to

significantly reduce new HIV infections, eliminate mother to child transmission, scale up treatment, provide the enabling environment, reduce stigma and promote the rights of key populations, who are major drivers of the epidemic in Liberia,” the NAC commissioner maintained.For his part, Mr Tony Sonkaly, assistant minister for administration and safety of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), who officially opened the consultation, praised national and international effort to address the HIV pandemic in the Country. He said the government of Liberia will remain committed to protecting the rights of everyone in the country towards achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services. Also, making a PowerPoint Presentation on the priorities of the consultation, Mr Isaac Ahemesah, UNAIDS Rights, Gender, and Community Mobilization Adviser, said significant progress has been made since the establishment of UNAIDS in 1994.

“Since 2001, new HIV infections have fallen by 38% - to 2.1 million new HIV infections in 2013 (15 countries accounted for 75% of these new infections. New infections among children have fallen by 58%, dropping below 200,000 in the 21 most affected countries in Africa for the first time. Record numbers of people (13.6 million) are accessing life-saving antiretroviral medicines, contributing to steady declines in the number of AIDS-related deaths and further buttressing efforts to prevent new infections. The scale-up of collaborative HIV/TB activities (including HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy and recommended preventive measures) prevented 1.3 million people from dying from 2005 to 2012,” Mr. Ahemesah maintained.However, the UNAIDS Official noted that if the world is to succeed in defeating HIV and AIDS totally, much will depend on plans and programmes to be implemented by countries and regional groups over the next 6 years. “The “6 I” - Information (evidence) for sound Innovations, Investment,

Integration of services delivered and Implemented through Inclusive engagement of key populations,” He said would be better approach to defeating AIDS by 2030.He further that the new 2016-2030 plan would focus on the need to frontload investment to fast track the achievement of the 90-90-90 target which is the new plan UNAIDS hoping to achieve in the next 6 years. “We must ensure that 90% of people living with HIV know their status; and that 90% of the people who know their status are on treatment and that 90% of those on treatment have suppressed viral load. Our future response should be about people, place and innovations.In achieving the new plan, Mr. Ahemesah further said there is the need for countries to focus on hot spots, urban centres and slums where majority of the new infections occur. “We must ensure that that HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services target people and places where they are most needed,” Mr Ahemesah emphasized.


Page 8 | Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says her government will provide financial

help to companies that were affected by the Ebola crisis as part of efforts to restart the country’s stalled economy.Before the epidemic erupted last year, Liberia’s economy was projected to grow 5.9% annually. But the outbreak ground it to a halt, as construction projects stalled and companies fled the country.On an official visit to the U.S. to lobby for new aid, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf, who gained international acclaim as Africa’s first female head of state following her election in 2005, said her priorities were to rebuild Liberia’s health-care system, restart infrastructure improvement projects and attract foreign investors.“I will implement my agenda,” she said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday in New York. She acknowledged the damage done by the outbreak, including mistakes by her government in responding to the crisis, but argued that the cooperation generated by the campaign to combat Ebola could be harnessed to help get her country back on track.Liberians accounted for more than 40% of the 10,000 people in West Africa killed by the epidemic, according to the World Health Organization. Earlier this month, the last confirmed Ebola patient in Liberia was discharged from a clinic in the capital Monrovia.The country won’t be declared virus-free, however, until 42


The people of Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties have agreed for National

Government to use the Global Positioning System (GPS) to resolve a long-running border dispute between the two counties.Stakeholders of the two

counties reached the decision at the end of a three-day boundary harmonization meeting held in the towns near the disputed boundary. The delegates resolved that the use of the GPS in the disputed area would establish the main points between the two existing customary boundaries.

The disputed area is located between Killepo, Kanweaken in River Gee County and Putu Pennokon in Grand Gedeh County.The towns are on the main highway linking the capital cities of the two counties---Fish Town, River Gee County and Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County.

Roland Zinneh, 38, of Darby, Pa., was taken into custody Wednesday, after police say he strangled Connery Dagadu, 57, inside a modest two-story Germantown home, which doubled as an alternative church.

Dagadu, who specialized in “deliverance ministry,” was the lead cleric of the Beautiful Feet World Impact Center. Parishioners, like Precious Treasure Israel, reverently referred to Dagadu as the “Apostle,” their “Spiritual Father” and/or “Grandpa.”"He was a man of God, a true man of God, and very humble,” Israel remarked. "He counseled, he prayed for people, and he casted out demons."Dagadu led worship services in the Germantown home’s two-car garage, which houses a wooden pulpit, mini sound system, drum set and bright orange walls. When not preaching in the makeshift sanctuary, Dagadu routinely counseled friends and strangers who felt evil spirits had invaded their souls.On Tuesday, Zinneh and his girlfriend traveled more than two hours from their apartment just outside Philadelphia to Germantown in search of Dagadu’s divine direction. Court records indicate the 38-year-old was suffering from, “auditory command and visual hallucinations.”The two men spent most of Tuesday night performing religious rituals in Dagadu’s basement bedroom, and even shared a bed together. However, by Wednesday morning, things had gone terribly awry."I heard a loud noise, like banging, ‘boom, boom, boom,’” Israel, who was sleeping in a second-floor bedroom at the time, recalled. "When I got downstairs, Grandpa was sitting down, leaning against the television stand with his tongue out … I panicked, I couldn't believe what I was seeing."Israel says she sprinted up two flights of stairs to her bedroom, where she locked the door and dialed 911. Zinneh reportedly scurried outside, picked up a snow shovel and charged at a parked minivan while yelling, “Get out of the car! He is dying!” Fearing for her safety, the van’s driver quickly reversed, but not before Zinneh shattered her windshield and a rear driver’s side window.By the time first responders arrived on scene, Zinneh was standing in the home’s front doorframe, pacing back and forth, jumping up and down. Court documents say it appeared as if he were “dancing.”Officers ultimately had to tackle Zinneh to the ground. While placing him in handcuffs, he allegedly began shouting, “I kill demons!” While undergoing treatment at Holy Cross Hospital, Zinneh told a security guard, “Yesterday I killed many witches,” and went on to say, “Yes. I do that. I killed them.”During a sit-down interview at Montgomery County Police headquarters, Zinneh told homicide detectives he did indeed have a physical squabble with Dagadu, which ended when the revered pastor became unresponsive. An autopsy in Baltimore determined Dagadu died from asphyxiation."Grandpa was doing what he knew how to do best, pray for people and take people through deliverance,” Israel stated, with tears filling her eyes. "This is hard, but I know that he is in heaven."Since February 2014, four people have been killed in Montgomery County because someone feared an evil spirit had taken hold of their body. Religion and mental illness have been key factors in each case.








days pass without a new case of infection. Given the generally poor sanitation and crowded urban living conditions that persist in the nation of 4.1 million people, health experts haven’t ruled out a resurgence of the disease.Although Chinese contractors have resumed road projects and three airlines out of 13 have resumed regular flights to Liberia, investors seem to be waiting for the World Health Organization to issue the country a clean bill of health, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf said.“We hope that will bring back the airlines, bring back all the investors…and bring back all the business people and bring back the Liberians who themselves left the country in large numbers, “ she said.ArcelorMittal and some firms remained in Liberia throughout the crisis and undertook measures to protect the health of their workers. Still, the mining giant has announced layoffs of 280 workers—a major blow in the impoverished country.

To prevent further job losses, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf said her government would work with ArcelorMittal and other companies to offer financial relief such as reduced fuel prices and waivers on taxes and royalties.She declined to identify other companies that would be offered financial aid.Before her visit to New York, the Liberian leader met President Barack Obama at the White House to request additional aid and won agreement from the International Monetary Fund for additional debt relief and a $45.6 million emergency loan.Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf stressed the importance of cooperation with the U.S. and other nations to build a stronger health care system in Liberia. The 3,000 U.S. troops sent to help build Ebola treatment centers had already played an important role to help stabilize the country.”The U.S. became the turning point to mobilize even the additional support that we

got,” she said.Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf’s government was heavily criticized as the Ebola outbreak swept the country, in particular the densely-populated Monrovia.It was accused of failing to properly equip medical personnel and deploying the military to enforce quarantines in some neighborhoods of the capital, a move that triggered riots by some residents of the districts.Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011, conceded there were missteps during the crisis.“One of the main lessons is the need to ensure that we have more community participation in addressing any development,” she said. “And so when we started off trying to restrict movement and use a more military-security approach, that wasn't the best thing to do.”Last year’s Ebola outbreak compounded the challenges facing a country that has struggled to recover from an almost nonstop civil war between 1989 and 2003 that left up to a half-million people dead.Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf said her government has often labored under the burden of expectations that are unrealistic for a country in which more than 80% of the population live on less than $1.25 a day.“It is a difficult country,” she said. “Everything is broken and there is a need in every sector.”


Roland Zinneh's mugshot. (Photo: MCPD)

Pastor Connery Dagadu. (Photo: WJLA)


The meeting was attended by the Superintendents, District Commissioners, members of the Legislative Caucuses, Elders, Traditional Leaders, Women and Youth Groups of the two southeastern counties.A release from the Ministry of Internal Affairs said the proceedings were held in a peaceful manner.The delegates from the two counties recounted both the historical and traditional bonds that unite the people of Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties. They advised their citizens against any form of violence while awaiting the survey and affirmed their commitment towards the peaceful resolution of the boundary dispute.The boundary harmonization meeting was organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and facilitated by the Carter Center.Meanwhile, the Ministry praised the leaderships of the two counties including their Legislative Caucuses for the peaceful manner in which the meeting was conducted.The Ministry of Internal Affairs also commended the Carter Center for the level of support to the government’s community level peace initiatives especially involving traditional leaders.


FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 9



1.The Ministry of Education has received additional budgetary support from the Government of Liberia and intends to apply part of it fund eligible payments under the contract for the Supply of Office Equipment.

2. The Ministry of Education now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Supply of Office Equipment as stated below:


1.1 Laptop Computer 30 Pieces 1.2 Network Printer 30 Pieces 1.3 Photocopier 30 Pieces

3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure specified in the Public Procurement and Concessions Act (PPCA) and approved by the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCA), and is open to all qualified eligible bidders.

4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Procurement Unit on the 1st Floor of the Ministry of Education located on 3rd Street, Sinkor, and inspect the Bidding documents from Thursday, March 12, 2015 to Wednesday, April 8, 2015 beginning at 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM.

5. Qualification requirements include technical and financial capacity as detailed below.

Technical Capacity

The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that is meets the following experience requirement(s).

• Completion of contracts of similar nature and value for at least 3 years (include copies)• Current Tax Clearance and Business Registration Certificates• Bid Security of 2% of your told bid price from a reputable bank• Past performance and list of Clients to whom you have supplied similar goods.

See Bid Data Sheet in the bidding documents for additional information.

6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders for a nonrefundable fee of USD 50.00 from the Finance Division and shall obtained an official receipt from the Finance Division and upon displaying same to the Procurement Unit you will be issue a full set of bidding documents.

7. Bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope into the bid box within the Procurement Unit on the 1st Floor, Room #034 of the Ministry of Education located on 3rd Street, Sinkor not later than 10:00 AM. Thursday, April 9, 2015. Late Bids will be rejected.

8. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend on Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 10:00 AM on the 2nd Floor, Room #055 of the Ministry of Education Conference Room, 3rd Street, Sinkor. Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days after the deadline of Bids submission. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security worth 2% of your total bid price from a reputable bank. Please note that electronic bids are not acceptable.

9. All Bids must be addressed to:

Procurement Unit 1st Floor, Room # 034 Ministry of Education 3rd Street, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia

Signed: Head of Procurement Unit

Approved: Head of Procurement Entity



IBI International seeks a Human Resources Supervisor for a 14 month assignment for the USAID-GEMS Program in Liberia, West Africa.

Background: IBI International is implementing the USAID-funded Governance and Economic Management Support Program (GEMS), a five-year technical assistance program to improve performance through strengthening public sector capacity in Liberia. The HR Supervisor will coordinate, direct and supervise HR functions in the GEMS field office. He/she will ensure compliance with IBI policies and Liberian Labor Laws as they pertain to personnel matters.

This is a long term position for a Liberian national/resident.

Responsibilities: The HR Supervisor will report to USAID-GEMS Deputy Chief of Party-Operations (DCOP-O) and will be responsible for the following tasks:

Direct HR management through the development and enforcement of project procedures, personnel-related policies, and employment contracts.

Serve an integral role in the local recruitment process: develop and/or edit job descriptions; identify qualified candidates; attend interviews; oversee the vetting process; assist in salary negotiations. Ensure that the hiring process is in compliance with Liberian Labor Law, IBI and USAID policies and procedures.

Conduct orientation for all new staff, including new local hires and short-term and long-term international advisors.

Facilitate approval of local staff contracts by the appropriate entities within the Government of Liberia.

Liaise with legal counsel, as needed, to ensure compliance with Liberian Law. Process work, residence and re-entry permits for expatriates. Supervise the day-to-day work activities of the HR Assistant. Coordinate staff performance evaluation process. Ensure Project Accountant has accurate and up-to-date payroll information for all Liberian

employees. Ensure project compliance with government social security scheme, group life and medical

insurance policies. Serve as a focal point for the allocation and review of monthly scratch card distribution. Ensure a monthly update of USAID-GEMS CUG listing with the local telephone company and

at the same time verify bills originating from the local telephone company. Ensure the timely enrollment of CCNs and Resident Hires into the local health insurance

scheme. Serve as primary point of contact for local health insurance provider; liaise with provider, as

necessary, to address staff concerns. Inform all newly hired CCNs of the local bank through which IBI International process staff

salaries through direct deposit scheme, and where necessary, encourage all newly hired CCNs to open an account with this local bank.

Maintain a complete and up-to-date record of personnel files. Respond to any staff queries regarding their personnel records.

Track the accrual and use of GEMS personnel leave time for both local and international staff. Review, verify and approve leave request forms. Respond to queries regarding leave. Monitor personnel leave schedules, including usage of vacation hours, local and U.S. holidays/floating holidays, and sick leave.

Address employee complaints and concerns. Mediate employee disputes. Enforce IBI Personnel Policy Manual and other policies. Other duties as requested by the GEMS DCOP-O.

Period of Performance: The estimated level of effort for this assignment is not to exceed more than 330 days, starting as soon as possible.

Location: Monrovia, Liberia

Required Qualifications:

Master's degree in Business Administration, Organizational Development, Human Resources or related field

At least five (5) years of professional experience in administration, operations and human resources. Previous experience on USAID-funded projects highly preferred. Demonstrated ability to lead teams in the delivery of successful projects; Demonstrated ability to work with diverse stakeholders Proficiency with relevant computer software programs, especially with a firm understanding of MS

Office Word, Excel and related systems and applications Excellent command of written and spoken English with good presentation skills

To Apply: Please see complete posting on our Careers Page at http://www.ibi-usa.com/job.html. Please include information about your availability in your application. IBI appreciates all applications, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.

For full consideration, please apply by: March 25, 2015

For more information about IBI International, please visit www.ibi-usa.com.

IBI International is an equal opportunity employer.

Page 10 |Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015

By Edwin G. Genoway, Jr-genowayedwin@gmail.com (231886458910)


Police brutality is said to be returning to the Airfield Police depot otherwise known as

Salem since the act departed over two years.For two years police brutality disappeared from the Airfield police Station when the Depot was continuously discussed after the then police commander Harry Bai brutalized inmates in the cell and subsequently pepper sprayed the entire cell, something that led to the death of a Fula inmate Mohammed Dialo leaving 18 other inmates unconscious.Police Commander Bai at the time sprayed the cell because he was reportedly preventing the inmates from demonstrating in the cell and carrying out jail break.Few months after the death of Dialo in the Salem Cell, the police commander again allegedly pointed gun at a lady head and allegedly raped her in his office. Bai was immediately disrobed and thrown behind bars and was replaced.There are fresh reports of police brutality, exploitation, harassment and other forms of treatments against residents are once again surfacing at the depot.The Salem depot is currently being commanded by Officer Malachi Kolubah.Residents of the Airfield community and its environs have threatened demonstration against the police commander Malachi Kolubah and his Executive Officer (EO) Emmanuel Jarwee and the entire Airfield police depot for what they (residents) are describing as constant harassment and brutality meted against peaceful residents.The residents noted that the Salem Depot has turned a place where officers allegedly request money and no one is able to carry a complaint

POLICE BRUTALITY RESURFACESat Airfield Depot Residents threaten Demo

without paying money for their case.According to the angry community dwellers and business people of Sinkor, the Airfield Police station is no longer a place of rescue, rather it is a place where people pay money to buy protection and justice, saying if anyone who will pay the highest money normally wins a case at Salem Depot.One of those planning the demo Matthew Gibson of Matadi Estate in Sinkor said they will not relent to expose their chests to any bullet coming from police officers during the time of their protest against the depot.“Why should we be living in our own country like we are strangers, every case you bring here is money, can you imagine my two little sisters fought and one of them brought complaint at the police station but as family we decided to take the

case home, both complainant and accuser agreed to withdraw their case but the police officers at the desk asked the girls to pay LD$500 each to clear the desk,” Gibson explained to FPA in anger.Gibson narrated that the Salem police station is now a commercial site where some police officers collect money from complainants and defendants.He described the recent police reshuffle by LNP authorities as evil to Sinkor residents that the Salem depot covers, “I said it is evil because we never use to pay money to carry on arrest or pay money to withdraw cases, this act is just starting here since this guy took over as commander,” he noted.Gibson said when he threatened to complain the entire depot to the Professional Standard Division the commander told him that he’s (Malachi) is untouchable

because he is being protected by 117 of the Liberia National Police. Marie Johnson 23 explained that she and her friends had a fight and they all were taken to the police station and the police requested that the two of them pay LD$1,500 each to withdraw their case since it was being settled as family.“Since the commander say he’s up the hill and no one can do anything to him, only demonstration can make his bosses to intervene on our behalf now, we will join any group with our placards in a peaceful manner to express our dissatisfaction against the altitude of the commander and his men,” she noted.Another victim, Melvin Coleman of Sinkor Community accused the EO, Emmanuel Jarwee and an officer only identified as Rescue of beating him on Thursday morning March 12, 2015.


He told the FPA that his tablet phone that cost US$300 was taken from him by the officer identified as Rescue on the order of the EO.Investigations into Melvin phone case is currently ongoing by authorities of the Liberia National Police or LNP.Another victim only identified as Anthony body was on Saturday March 7, 2015 seen lying in front of the police station helpless with officers forcing him to leave the area.It is reported that Anthony was thrown in jail by the police commander on ground that he (Anthony) was beating his own girlfriend. Anthon was reportedly thrown behind bars on Wednesday March 4, 2015 at night. He stayed in the cell from March 4, 2015 to Saturday March 7, 2015 without food according to eyewitnesses.Anthony could not speak louder because he was hungry, the community people however found food for him afterward he started to explain his ordeal.“I and my girlfriend were fighting when the police commander came to divide us, I was surprised after the girl explained to him and another two officers who names I don’t know started to push me to carry me to the police station, I tried to inquire from them why were they carrying me, the other police officer said I was acting rude and he slapped me, I got afraid when I saw the Commander took out a single barrel pistol, I immediately started walking with them and they throw me behind bars without investigation,” he explained.He further explained that he and his girlfriend had have misunderstanding around the

Mount Nebo Baptist Church and the both of them got into fight, “big brother let me tell you all of what was going the both of us were already hungry and we were walking on the road at Shark’s Junction to find food when I met my bad luck and my sleeping place changed for three days without food,” he told FPA Saturday March 7, 2015.Business people on the Airfield are also complaining that the depot is not in their interest, some of the business owners complained that some police officers collect money from them whenever there is problem at their business areas.The police commander and EO both refused to speak to the FPA on the numerous allegations against him and the entire depot. When Commander Malachi Kolubah was contacted by FPA, he said he was busy and couldn’t talk, for the EO; he promised to talk but didn’t up to press time.Deputy Police Director for Operation Abraham Kromah promised to look into the matter after he was following an FPA inquiry.Meanwhile, police officers of the Salem Depot are said to be divided since the arrival of Officer Malachi, some of the officers who asked not to be named told FPA that the Commander is running the depot with division.The officers accused the commander of always threatening them to remove them from the depot. According to them, Commander Malachi, Executive Officer Emmanuel Jarwee and Deputy Operation man, OPSD Edward are all on one side while the rest are on another side.

Reverend Varnie S. Yarwoo of the Abundant Life Apostolic Pentecostal

Church (ALAPC) International, in Harbel, Margibi County, was on Saturday, March 14, 2015, crowned as Bishop of the Church, 18 years after establishing it as a five-member congregation.The colourful conoration program was held at the Harbel Multilateral School Auditorium, with Bishop Nathaniel Zarway of the Greater Refuge Temple in Monrovia, leading the consecration.

Other consecrators included: Bishop John Kun Kun of the Church of God City of Light in Barnersville Estate, Bishop Matthew Worjloh Kantan of the Evangel World Outreach Ministries on Somalia Drive in Gardnersville and Bishop Allen Klayee of the Jubilee Praise & Worship Center in Old Road Sinkor.In the packed Harbel Multilateral School Auditorium and amidst applaud, Bishop Zarway declared: “You are hereby duly consecrated as a bishop.” Bishop Zarway’s declaration

followed other religious rituals including presentations of cross, ring, cope, miter, and crozier as symbols of the bishopric office to the newly inducted Bishop.Delivering the coronation sermon, Bishop Zarway called on Christians to follow Christ in whatever role they play or title they bear in the Church. “Whatever role you play or title you bear, whenever you are called to follow, follow Him,” he said.The Greater Refuge Temple Bishop, who preached on the theme, “The call to follow

The helpless body of Anthony after allegedly being beating by police and staying in jail for three days

“I AM WILLING TO SERVE”-BISHOP YARWOOChrist,” with the text: Matthew 4:20, noted that God always chooses the least in the world. He said: “We might not be the people the world has recognized. The people whom God desired to use have always been the ordinary people.”In this direction, Bishop Zarway urged people not to underestimate the value of anyone, mentioning some people who became great persons, according to the Bible, including David.According to him, if a Christian fully puts his or her trust in God, his or her location is not permanent, but a transition to next achievements.He was, however quick to note that the call into the Ministry of God is an opportunity to be made only by Him, adding, “To be useful for God, you need to relinquish activities not acceptable to God.” For his part, the newly crowned Bishop praised the congregation for the level of support over the years and being given to him in the Church. Bishop Yarwoo accepted the call to duty by God, saying, “I am willing to serve.” He

assured the Church that, with the power of God, he will perform the duty as He has commanded him to do.According to the Abundant Life Apostolic Pentecostal Church new Bishop, he had not dreamed of becoming a Bishop; but the preferment had come with the grace of God. “I never dreamed about this; I saw no significance in myself; but by God I have come this far,” Bishop Yarwoo told the crowd.He further said his ascendency as Bishop is an indication to humans that “God is not fair” because there are many people who are qualified than he does. Bishop Yarwoo spoke from the background where God does not look at CVs or other credentials.Bishop Yarwoo then praised Bishop Zarway and other consecrators for the occasion; but appealed to them to orientate him as he enters the next higher level in serving God. He also lauded the efforts of his wife, Rev. Moth. Cecelia Johnson-Yarwoo, other family members and friends who continue to encourage him

to serve. He commended Firestone Liberia for partnering with religious institutions in making sure that God’s words are proclaimed in Margibi County and Liberia as a whole.In their testimonials, several institutions and organizations including Margibi branch of the National Union of Organization for Disable said Bishop Yarwoo deserves the bishopric post. The head of the Margibi branch of the National Union of Organization for Disable described him as “Pastor without boundary” because he (Bishop) Yarwoo always attends to their calls and activities.Born June 4, 1972, in Firestone, Bishop Yarwoo is legally married with five children. He is a graduate of the Harbel Multilateral School, and has obtained certificates from several biblical institutions in Liberia and other foreign countries.Bishop Yarwoo established the Church on June 13, 1997, with five members; and on August 13, 1999, the Abundant Life Ministry was adapted into the United Pentecostal Church of Liberia (UPCL), after which it gained autonomy.


FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 11

“I want to go to school that is why I am demonstrating. The school does not want to pay our teachers, so the teachers don’t want to come to the classroom to teach us. We want them to pay the teachers.” Comfort Johnson Catholic School Student


The deadly Ebola epidemic has subsided and academic activities

are returning to normal after several months of delay. But the University of Liberia which is expected to reopen on Tuesday (March 17) seems to be facing a lot of hurdles. The faculty and teaching staff of the university have threatened to boycott Tuesday’s reopening due to the delay by the university’s administration to pay salaries owed for several months.Several weeks ago the Vice President for Financial and Fiscal Affairs of the UL, Associate Professor Wilson Tarpeh and Professor Ansu Sonii both resigned from the university faculty. Associate Prof. Tarpeh had stated in his letter of resignation that the government was withholding funds from the university because of political differences it had with him. “It is my ardent understanding from authoritative sources that the withholding of the funds is because of my association with an opposition political party”, he said.He further stated in his letter “It is my understanding from authoritative sources that the withholding of the funds is because of my association with



an opposition political party.”Associate Professor Tarpeh stated that the education of over 35,000 young Liberians is more important than his personal interest.Stated Associate Professor Tarpeh: “The education of our young people, which is being adversely affected by the lack of funding, and the interest of the university are more important than me. I have, therefore, decided it best to step down instead of holding the University, its 35,000 students, and 1,500 employees hostage because of politics. I am also resigning to protect my hard-earned reputation from further willful, calculated

and baseless attacks and machinations”.But students of the university are threatening to demonstrate on Tuesday because they believe that teachers will not show up to teach them. Some students of the university joined protesting Catholic School Students Friday when they besieged the Education Ministry demanding the ministry to prevail on the Catholic Church to pay their teachers. The President of the UL, Dr. Emmet Dennis, appealed to faculty and staff of the University to accept a two-month salary payment as the school re-opens Tuesday.

Dr. Dennis stated that the Ebola outbreak had a negative impact on the government and its operations which include funding to the UL.Speaking in an interview with journalists at programs marking the 206th birth anniversary of Liberia’s first President Joseph Jenkins Roberts held at the First United Methodist Church on Ashmun Street in Monrovia, Dr. Dennis said due to Ebola the university will not be expecting all its students to return on campus at once.He said the freshmen and sophomore will be allowed after the first five weeks to prevent congestion on the

campuses and in the buses.Dr. Dennis said the university teachers and staff should exercise restraint as central government is doing everything possible to ensure that the UL operates smoothly.

Monrovia on lockdown

Student Comfort Gibson was seen in the middle of the street in her green and white uniform, chanting anti-Catholic Church slogans. Gibson and her friends locked down Central Monrovia and Sinkor for most of the day on Friday.“I want to go to school that is why I am demonstrating. The school does not want to pay our teachers, so the teachers don’t want to come to the classroom to teach us. We want them to pay the teachers,” said Gibson.Students were blocking the streets just as President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her government officials including the Education Minister were attending a prayer service after the President’s arrival from a post-Ebola world tour.“This is something that the government should be on top of here; how could they be in a church while the rest of the city is put through this embarrassment,” said an angry Musu Kamara who said she

Monrovia —

U.S. Ambassador Deborah Malac was among several speakers who

participated in the African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program Liberia (AWEP-L’s) commemoration of International Women’s Day (IWD) in Tappita, Nimba County. March 8 is designated as International Women’s Day, and every year celebrations are held worldwide to highlight women’s social, political, and economic achievements. AWEP-L, an NGO dedicated to the development and support of women entrepreneurs throughout Liberia, was founded on International Women’s Day in 2012 and hosted the IWD event in Tappita.“I can think of no better way to recognize the achievements of women in Liberia than to celebrate the third anniversary of AWEP-Liberia,” Ambassador Malac said. “The initiative was conceived by the U.S. Government, and launched by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Lusaka, Zambia in 2011 to help strengthen African women entrepreneurs to build their capacities so that they contribute to the


economic development of their countries.”“Ambassador Rugge Barry, with strong support from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, took that concept from Lusaka and ran with it,” the Ambassador continued, “building a powerful network of Liberian businesswomen committed to strengthening women-led business and industry and increasing trade regionally and to U.S. markets

through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).”In Liberia, women comprise more than half of the labor force in the formal and informal sectors and carry out more than 80 percent of trading activities in the rural areas in addition to daily household chores. For those engaged in enterprise, 99 percent of women entrepreneurs run small businesses. The incomes generated by these businesses

sustain households and ensure investment in education and health for families. Liberian women entrepreneurs have the ambition and drive needed to succeed and grow their business. AWEP aims to provide them with other necessary tools.“Here in Nimba County,” Ambassador Malac said, “where agriculture is a critical part of the economy, women play an even more specific


role. As I’ve often heard the Minister of Agriculture say, the typical agriculture worker in Liberia is a woman and she is about 40 years old. These women are essential in the Government of Liberia’s strategy to turn agriculture into entrepreneurship, and then generate additional on- and off-farm employment.”Mary Broh, Director-General of the General Services Agency, encouraged women to continue working with AWEP not only to be able to start successful small businesses, but to grow those businesses and create value-added products that can be exported. She said there is a large market for Liberian products from Liberians in the United States. She also said that by growing their businesses, women entrepreneurs will improve their ability to make their voices heard in Liberian government and society.Ambassador Malac also took advantage of the trip upcountry to visit several USAID projects in Nimba and Bong counties. She drove along a 29 kilometer farm-to-market road, linking Tolomai and Palala in Bong County, which is currently under rehabilitation through USAID’s Farm to Market Road Rehabilitation activity.The U.S. Ambassador met with young women supported by the USAID Liberian Agricultural Upgrading, Nutrition And Child Health (LAUNCH) activity at another IWD celebration in the Blapa Community in Nimba County. The young

women of Blapa have led their community in improving economic opportunities such as improved poultry production; improved water, sanitation, and hygiene practices, including anti-Ebola messaging; and rehabilitated their community school and strengthened the Parent Teacher Association.The U.S. Ambassador also visited Domah Town, Nimba County, where the community, led by carefully selected “natural leaders,” was able to completely eliminate open defecation in only three months. Of the 283 communities that obtained “open defecation free” status through the USAID-supported Improving Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (IWASH) activity, none was affected by Ebola.Ambassador Malac also ceremonially “flipped the switch” on a newly-installed solar lighting system at the Nyakoi Bee School in Palala, Bong County. The system, supported through the USAID Advancing Youth Project, will allow adult learners to attend basic education classes in the evenings since most are occupied with income-generating activities during the day.The Ambassador also commented on International Women’s Day and her experiences in the counties through appearances on radio programs at Radio Gbarnga and Radio Kergaimah in Ganta.

had been in the traffic for over four hours on Friday.“Do you know how much some of us have lost due to this carelessness? Where is the minister of education or the head of the Catholic Church? Let them take their children from the streets. Pay the teachers and the children would return to class.”Catholic-school teachers abandoned the classroom in demand of five-month salary arrears allegedly owed them by the Catholic Education Secretariat.But sources at the secretariat have maintained that the do not owe the teachers; they maintain that the teachers are contracted and since the Ebola epidemic teachers were not in the classroom.Acting Information Minister Isaac Jackson has called on the students to abandon strike action as government is exerting efforts to resolve the salary issue between their teachers and the Catholic Education Secretariat.Minister Jackson made the comment at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia on Friday as the demonstration was ongoing.The ministry of Education has also urged teachers to abandon their stay-home strike action in the interest of the students. With the demonstration by the Catholic School students and pending demonstration by students of the UL on Tuesday, pundits believe that the challenges to the government’s post Ebola recovery through civil disorder following the deadly outbreak are just

Page 12 |Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015

Buchanan, Grand Bassa County-

Just two months ago several Liberian owned businesses based in Buchanan, Grand Bassa

County were setting targets that could had impacted their investments but with news emerging that steel giant ArcelolMittal Liberia (AML) is gearing up to slice jobs looks to shatter plans.One local contractor, Fair Play Construction and Business Services is even constrained to cut down its work force by about 35%. AML has awarded lucrative contracts to several Liberian contractors including Fair Play and on the other hand these Liberian contractors have hired hundreds of locals, some of whom are to lose their jobs.Fair Play CEO, Matthew Joe told a local radio station that the company’s 2015 plans have been severely affected after they have earlier planned to open sub-branches in other counties, purchase more equipment, and hire more work force.“This company employs Liberians and we have about 150 contractors in Buchanan and Yekepa (Nimba County) but because there’s no job, we all decided to lay-off some of these people to reduce financial burden on our entity,” said Mr. Joe.Recently, the company informed the local union about its plans to reduce its workforce by about 20%. Mittal Steel blames the job cuts on the unfavorable market conditions. The price of Iron ore on the world market is drastically dropping and according to the world bank for February 2015 Iron Ore Spot Price (Any Origin) is at a current level of 63.00 per dry metric ton, down from 68.00 in January and down from 121.37 one year ago. This is a change of -7.35% from January and -48.09% from one year ago.Experts say the operation of steel companies is heavily reliant on the price of iron ore on the world market and considering the harsh drop in



ALPHA DAFFAE SENKPENI,daffae82@gmail.com

price due to global economic factors, one could only opt for the economic variables to become favorable. The steel giant decision is already drawing concerns from many people in the port city pressuring some to suggest that the government must have a stimulus plan in other to curb the socio-economic constraints this may cause for many families and their livelihood.Bob G. Smith has just lost his construction job with Fair Play; he told FrontPageAfrica that it feels very devastating.“It really affects me negatively because my children schooling is my worry,” he said. “In 2005 they (Mittal Steel) told us they have 25 years contract with us and at this time they are putting down over 200 people and not awarding contract so

we see this as a problem to our economy and even our own family.” Smith asserts that job cuts often leads to high criminal rate in the port city adding that the government can intervene by reducing the company’s tax. Some employees and contractors of AML who spoke to FPA on anonymity said work-environment has been overwrought ever since the company made the disclosure to scale down its work force.“Right now nobody knows who will be slice, so everybody is very worry,” the source said. “We hope the global economy can recover because it’s terrible to lose a job,” the source added.Meanwhile, several families are expected to be hit hard by the economic challenges associated with the global

economic crisis coupled with existing factors. In most cases job cuts don’t only affect employees but dependents as well. Archie-boy Glay does not work with Arcelol Mittal; he claims that his brothers are working with the steel company and admits that losing their jobs will directly affect him.“At least when they (my brothers) take pay they can help me and now with the cutting down of jobs it will affect me,” Glay said. “As we speaking now, in Grand Bassa, even those who are security guards are been dropped from jobs by Mittal steel.”AML’s job cuts may affect about 270 persons related to the mine support infrastructure, as well as some indirect contractor jobs associated with the mine, so this means employees and

contractors in Nimba County might be lay off as well. AML CEO Antonio Carlos Maria in a recent statement said the company understands that the decision is difficult for people who work at the mine that may be affected. He also assured that any action taken will fully conform to Liberia’s labor laws and AML wider obligations to employees and other stakeholders.At the same time, several other businesses operating in the port city will also experience some level of declines although in recent years much has been said about the county’s economic potential.“Once people don’t have money they will not buy,” said John Freeman Zar-Bah, manager of first post war stationary store in Buchanan City. “When a person lose a job


The Republics of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire as well as the two United

Nations Missions in both countries have concluded the 3rd Quadripartite Meeting with parties reaffirming their commitment to strengthen the existing bilateral cooperation and tighten border security between

Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire.A Foreign Ministry release says the parties, on the issue of security and humanitarian situation, expressed deep satisfaction over the ameliorations in the security situation, especially progress made regarding the consolidation of peace and security in both countries. They hailed efforts by both Governments to stabilize the

his children will be affected, their allowances will reduce so once the company reduces its staff or workers businesses will be affected seriously.” Several observers say the alternative is to reduce pressure on the mining sector which means the government must attract more investment or investors to the agriculture sector. With the AML job cuts currently at a low scale it has not attracted much interest from economists and politicians but it may intensify an already crumbling economy left by the scourge of the Ebola virus.For Fair Play Construction and Business Services which is now condemned to operating a skeleton team until contracts are acquired or Mittal Steel gets back on track, Mr. Joe agrees that most of his company’s 2015 plans might fail but he’s confident about new opportunities.“I’m actually disappointed because for me I’m a humanitarian and to see our brothers and sisters going home (without job) it is very much sadden,” he said.A recent review showed that Arcelor Mittal Liberia optimizes costs and improve productivity with a greater focus on operational excellence are now necessary in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the operation. Antonio Carlos Maria, CEO ArcelorMittal Liberia said: "We deeply regret that the current economic environment is not allowing us to maintain employment at current level; but the reality is that we are struggling to remain profitable in light of the lower iron ore price. Our priority is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the operation whilst maintaining as many jobs as possible."




region through genuine peace and reconciliation.They also acknowledged that the security situation remains fragile in the border regions; hence the necessity to pursue the reinforcement of their cooperation for peace and security consolidation through regular cross-border meetings, confidence building measures, and sharing of information between the security agencies of both countries.The Governments of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and Operation of the United Nations Mission in Cote d’Ivoire (UNOCI) during the event held on 10 March 2015 also agreed that the Second Session of the Joint Council of Chiefs and Elders Meeting (JCCEM) will take place in May 2015 in the Western

Ivorian city of Guiglo. It can be recalled that the first session of the Session of the Joint Council of Chiefs and Elders Meeting was held in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County in 2013 and brought together Presidents Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Alassane Outtara of Liberia and Cote'd' Ivorie repectively along with scores of chiefs from both countries. The parties also agreed to hold the sixth edition of the Liberia-Ivory Coast Joint Commission Meeting for Bilateral Cooperation in April 2015.The meeting also reaffirmed the importance of the support of both United Nations missions to the security institutions of both countries in conducting joint security operations in the border regions.On the humanitarian front, the Parties lauded the resumption

of the Tripartite Commission meeting taking place on 12 and 13 March 2015 in Abidjan. The Tripartite Commission is currently meeting to discuss issues concerning the voluntary return of Ivorian refugees in Liberia, the institution of control mechanisms to prevent the spread of the Ebola Virus Disease across the borders, amongst others. The Ivorian Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Charles Kofi Diby in his opening remarks welcomed his Liberian counterpart and delegation to Cote d’Ivoire, and saluted efforts of the Liberia Government in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus. He reaffirmed his government’s fullest support and solidarity with the Government and people of Liberia in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease t the

opening session.The Liberian Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, for his part recalled the success of the first and second editions of the Quadripartite meeting held in 2012 and 2013 in Abidjan and Monrovia respectively, and the Joint Council of Chiefs and Elders’ meetings held in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County in 2014. Also speaking at the gathering, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) of the United Nations, Karin Landgren reiterated the United Nations’ commitment to working alongside the two Governments to address the challenges of Ebola and other security and health related issues in the border areas of both countries. Ms. Landgren further acknowledged the efforts of the Governments of Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia to facilitate the voluntary return of Ivorian refugees from Liberia back home.


FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 136b


The Liberia Music Awards will be at Kennasaw State University - Marietta

Campus June 27 2015. The Awards will consist of 28 categories and 2 achievement awards ( to be announce at a later date).


* DenG* G-Rize* Jodi* K-Zee* Georgee B* 2C


* Khalil Fofana - Liberia* Usher - Liberia* Fresh Mohammed @ ADHD Films - USA* Alvin Nyemah - USA* DaddyRich Productions - USA* Gerald Barclay - USA

3. TRADITIONAL ARTIST OF THE YEAR* Marvelous MC* Marie Nyenabo* Master Black* Sundaygar Dearboy* Winston P. Karr* Mr. Henries IV


* Killa Lu* Jon Bricks* Lil Beshop* Chiller Coolnanee* Tru Storry* JD Donzo


* Mayson, Sayon T.* Bernice Blackie* Pst. David Sayndee* Min. Ivan P* Min. Kanvee Adams* Famous Boo


* Theo De Franco* Da Vero* Quincy B* Miss Menneh* Joseph Dean* PCK & L' Franklin


* K-Zee* Joseph Dean* Kingface* Karnyea Man* Georgee B* Casi Money


* Shadow* Black Diamond* Ne-oh William* M'press 1Love* Jyounkonde Suah* Ragga Hilton


* Sweetz* Lady Mouthphy* Lady Skeet* Skylett White* Munnah* Faithvonic


* Jon Bricks* Scientific

* Eric Geso* Douk De Lib* Yung Muse* Togar Howard


* Soul Fresh* P.C.K & L' Franklin* Tag Team* Big Hands* New Generation* Co Star

13. PRODUCER OF THE YEAR* Melo'D* Beat Master* De-Boy* Stone Luckshine* Just Prince* Infectious Michael


* Shawty - Quincy B & Scientific* Cutting My Heart- Douk De Lib Ft. Killa Lu* Ebola In Town - Shadow, D12 & 2kings* I Beg You Ya - DJ Don Ft, Soul Fresh And Chiller Coolnanee* Spoil You With Love - Joseph Dean Ft. Marvelous MC & K-Zee* Tsumakya - Melo'D Ft. Saga AP & Rawpekin


* Scientific* 2C* Mezonic* CO- Z* C-Needle* Trigg


* Efinxace* Jodi* David Mell

* Munnah* Bryan Doe* Quincy B


* Eric Geso* Benevee* Pitty D' Best* F.A.* DenG* Jodi


* Yung Muse* Theo De Franco* Jon Bricks* Togar Howard* Jodi* Soul Fresh


* Ebola In Town - Shadow, D12, & Kuzzy* Da Who Say - K-Zee ft. JB ( Soul Fresh)* Basima Basima - Togar Howard* They Vex - DenG* 911 - Theo De Franco* I Wanna Be - 2C ft. Ruff N Smooth


* Theo De Franco - 9-1-1* Melo'D - Tsukaya* Black Diamond - Angel* Saga AP - How We Do It* Trouble Maker - Rawpekin ft. F.E.J* Gronna Men - Royal DeBusta Pain


* Dj Switch ( Boakai Kamara)* Dj Weezy

* Dj Mcgrady ( Prince Togba)* Dj Blue* Dj Flexxz* Dj Shine D' Beast


* Tutuley Tu Ley- Killa Lu Ft. Shadow* Let's Party - Lil Beshop* Dqq-Young Hovor* I Beg U Ya- Dj Don Ft. JB (Soul Fresh), Chiller Coolnanee* Still Hipco - Jon Bricks Ft. Zheng Zheng* You Think Dat Joke - Noy-Z


* Da Who Say - K-Zee Ft JB (Soul Fresh)* Spoil You With Love - Joseph Dean ft. Marvelous MC, K-Zee* Fatu Jebeh - Georgee B* DJ Song - G-Rize* Da Ma Choice - Karnyea Man* Feeling You- Casi Money


* Basima Basima- Togar Howard* Yenyenkana- Peaches K Ft. Quincy B* Lib Ladies - G-Rize* Too Much- Peter G* Tsumakaya- Melo'd Ft Rawpekin & Saga AP* Jebbeh - F.A.


* Mr. Smith-Lib Money* Young Hover* Rawpekin* Mighty Blow* Takun J* Noy-Z


* Nothing - Min. Ivan P* 24 Hrs - Famous Boo* Thank You Plenty Papa - Mayson Sayon T.* Give You Praise - Tracy Jones* Heart Desire - Kanvee Adams* He's Coming Back - Success Zeon


* Vision - Jodi* Explosion - Georgee B* King Zulu - K-Zee* Hipco Revolution - Mr. Smith Lib Money* Born To Win - G-Rize* Black Out - Black Diamond


* Shuravee* Mr.Smith Lib Money* Mighty Blow* Linblinmilitary D Militaryman* Scienific* Soul Fresh


* Jodi* Togar Howard* Peter G* G- Rize* Georgee B* Black Diamond

About Liberia Music Awards

The Liberia Music Awards Foundation and it's owners are the sole owners of the nameLiberia Music Awards. Liberia Music Awards is registered and trademarked in Liberia.They are also the sole register owners of the Liberia Music Awards in the United States of America.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) may relocate its clinical trials of Ebola

vaccines to Guinea, since there are no longer enough Ebola

cases in Liberia for a proper efficacy trial.On Feb. 2, the NIH launchedan initial safety trial for two vaccines to protect against Ebola in Liberia. The plan

was to test 600 people for overall safety and then launch a second phase of the trial in 27,000 people to see whether or not the vaccine prevents infection with Ebola virus

compared to a placebo.The safety test was successfully completed the week of March 9—but around the same time, Liberia announced that it had released its last




confirmed patient from its Ebola treatment centers. The West African country began the count to 42 days without new cases, at which point it can declare itself Ebola-free. That’s great news for ending the outbreak, but it poses a problem for Ebola vaccine trials.Now that Ebola is not the risk it was to Liberia several months ago, the trial is unlikely to continue according to the original plan. “It doesn’t make sense to expand the study in Liberia when there are fortunately no new infections occurring,” says Dr. H. Clifford Lane, the deputy director for clinical research and special projects at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “We need to be sure we enroll a population that is still at risk for Ebola virus infection so we can show the protective effect of either or both of the vaccines.”Lane says the NIH is now in discussions with other countries, predominantly Guinea, to move the second part of the trial.When asked if there is any fear that the trial could be cancelled due to lack of cases, Lane said, “I hope not.”MORE: American Health Worker With Ebola Heading to U.S. for TreatmentLane says the reason the NIH

is concentrating more on Guinea than Sierra Leone—the country hardest hit by the outbreak—is that there are already several large-scale vaccine trials unrolling in the country compared to Guinea. “I think the greater opportunity is [in Guinea] because there isn’t as much going on with vaccines,” he says.“I hate to give a timeline, only because it never comes out that way, but we have to move quickly if we hope to get a result,” he says. “I actually hope the standard control measures will begin to show results in both of the countries that still have cases.”One of vaccines being tested is developed by the NIH and pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and the other vaccine comes from the pharmaceutical company Merck.On Thursday, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that deaths from Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have surpassed 10,000, and total cases number more than 24,500. The NIH also announced that an American healthcare worker who was volunteering in Sierra Leone tested positive for Ebola and arrived on Friday for treatment in the NIH’s specialized unit in Bethesda, Maryland.

Scientists are racing against the clock to create a vaccine before the outbreak is over


Page 14 |Frontpage Tuesday , March 17, 2015





Nigerian troops discovered a Boko Haram bomb factory this week after they

seized a northern town from the extremists, the military said. The factory was tucked inside a fertilizer company in Buni Yadi town in Yobe state, according to officials.Islamist fighters took over the town in August, one of many seized in the troubled northeast. Troops have battled the militants for months to regain control, and said they recaptured it last week. Militants planted explosive devices along the highway on their way out, which delayed the soldiers' advance. Four soldiers were killed during the operation. Soldiers have been scouring the factory and have found suicide bomber vests and improvised explosive devices, the military said Friday.





London (CNN)

An 18-year-old British man has been arrested on suspicion of preparing to join ISIS

in Syria, UK police say.Counterterrorism officers arrested the man at his home in Hodge Hill, in the city of Birmingham, early Monday, West Midlands police said."The operation was pre-planned and intelligence led. There was no immediate threat to public safety," they said in a statement.The arrest follows that of three teenagers from northwest London on Sunday after they were intercepted by Turkish police in Istanbul.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has laughed off speculation about his health after

making his first appearance in public since 5 March.Life "would be boring without gossip", he told Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev at talks in St Petersburg.The 62-year-old appeared relaxed and smiled before the television cameras.His disappearance from public view had sparked rumours that he might have fallen ill, died, been removed in a coup, or once again become a father.Earlier on Monday, Mr Putin ordered the Russian navy's Northern Fleet on to a state of full combat readiness in the Arctic.



Annonciate Haberisoni sustained minor injuries to the head

The wife of prominent Burundian opposition politician Agathon Rwasa

has been shot and wounded at a hair salon in the capital, Bujumbura.The gunman fled after opening fire on Annonciate Haberisoni as she was waiting for her hair to be

done, witnesses said. Mr Rwasa accused the government of attempting to assassinate his wife. It has not commented on the allegation. Tensions have been rising in

Burundi ahead of elections in May and June.Mr Rwasa said at a press conference that his wife was being treated for head injuries at a local hospital, and her condition was not


South African doctors have achieved what they call the world's first successful penile

transplant operation.The nine-hour operation occurred on December 11, 2014, involving a team of doctors at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town and others from Tygerberg Hospital.The young man, whose identity "is being protected for ethical reasons," has made a full recovery -- a result which the doctors did not expect to occur until about December 2016. The recovery includes, "restoration of all the patient's urinary and reproductive functions," according to a university press release Friday."It's a massive breakthrough. We've proved that it can be done" said Professor Frank Graewe, head of the division of plastic reconstructive surgery at Stellenbosch University. "We can give someone an organ that is just as good as the one that he had."The patient's penis was amputated after complications arose from a traditional circumcision, which was performed during a coming of age ceremony. Such initiation practices are common in African nations, but have increasingly come under scrutiny for risk of complications.Doctors used techniques developed, in part, for the world's first facial transplant. Dr. André van der Merwe, the head of the team of doctors said, "We used the same type of microscopic surgery to connect

critical. He would not be intimidated by Sunday's shooting, he added.Mr Rwasa accused the government of compiling a hit list of people to be targeted in the run-up to parliamentary elections in May and presidential elections in June. Police said they were investigating the attack. Witnesses were quoted in the local media as saying that Mrs Haberisoni's life was probably saved by her hair dresser who saw the gunman taking aim and pushed her out of the way. Mr Rwasa is a former rebel leader and an influential member of the opposition Forces for National Liberation (FNL) party. He came out of hiding in 2013 and said he would contest this year's election.President Pierre Nkurunziza has not yet indicated whether he will step down or run for a third term. He took office in 2005 following the end of a 12-year civil war, which killed more than 300,000 people.

small blood vessels and nerves, and the psychological evaluation of patients was also similar."Psychological factors are important for the success of any transplant operation.Dr. John Robinson, professor of psychiatry and surgery at Howard University, told CNN, "The anxiety of waiting for a transplant creates a lot of anxiety and tension. Once you get the transplant, the anxiety of rejection keeps people pretty nervous."This isn't the first penile transplant. Doctors in China performed an unsuccessful

transplant in 2006. That patient rejected the transplant due to "a severe psychological problem," and had it removed, though no medical rejection was found."Any type of therapy that returns men to normalcy is beneficial, but at the same time, we need to keep in mind the person as a whole," including the personal and psychological aspects, says Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and member of the American Urological Association. "At the same time, it'll be important to

have a follow-up to ensure that we don't have what happened in China."In the United States, doctor-performed circumcisions result in fewer than 2 in 10,000 complications, including bleeding, infection, and injury to the penis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Complete statistics are not available on the numbers of nonmedical circumcisions in Eastern and Southern Africa, though reports from the World Health Organization show wide-ranging numbers: as low as 2% in parts of South Africa

and up to 35% in Kenya.The South African doctors celebrated the success of the procedure, but also recognize the donor who made it all possible. Van der Merwe said, "The heroes in all of this for me are the donor, and his family. They saved the lives of many people because they donated the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, corneas, and then the penis."

By Joseph Netto, CNNUpdated 0024 GMT (0824 HKT) March 14, 2015

FrontpageTuesday, March 17, 2015 Page 15

22 to be added to the 10 old players before the resumption of the season.The coach believes he can repeat history and do for the Anchors as he did for BYC but warned the players to be

prepared for the hard work warning that every player has to justify their inclusion on the starting lineup. It can be recalled that Coach Sese took over BYC from the third division stage of the LFA

in early 2000 and through his coaching experience he was able to qualify the team to the second division stage in 2005 and the first division stage in 2007. In 2009, he again qualified the

team for the highest division of the league the premiership at the time and under Coach Seee, BYC won the knockout and super cup titles.


Manchester United and skipper Wayne Rooney significantly

boosted its own chances and delivered a probable knockout blow to Tottenham Hotspur's hopes of Champions League qualification with 3-0 home win Sunday.First half goals from Marouane Fellaini, Michael Carrick and Rooney effectively ended the EPL match as a contest, with the win leaving United

in fourth spot, but only two points adrift of second-placed Manchester City. Tottenham is seventh, six points adrift of the top four.Rooney's third after another piece of disastrous defending from the visitors led to an impromptu and topical goal celebration, which was certainly the main talking point.A national newspaper had posted a video on on social media Sunday which appeared to show Rooney being felled

by fellow EPL footballer and former United teammate Phil Bardsley as both donned boxing gloves for a "friendly" fight in his kitchen.After he had converted following a mistake by Nabil Bentaleb, Rooney threw a few mock punches then keeled over backwards on to the Old Trafford turf.Tottenham's players and fans were probably the only people not to see the funny side, but the joke was on them, having gone into the match



The 33-year-old sparked outrage for criticising the country on Saturday

before later apologising for his remarks on social mediaZlatan Ibrahimovic has been told to leave France by the nation's far right National Front leader Marine Le Pen.The Paris Saint-Germain star caused a storm when he was filmed making several angry remarks relating to incidents in the club's 3-2 Ligue 1 defeat away to Bordeaux.Footage released by Canal + recorded him saying: “In 15 years I’ve never seen a [good] referee in this s*** country ... It doesn't even even deserve PSG.”


Britain's Lewis Hamilton made the perfect start to his world title defense

by winning the opening race of the F1 season in Australia Sunday to lead a Mercedes one-two in Melbourne.Polesitter Hamilton controlled the race on the Albert Park street circuit to win from teammate Nico Rosberg of Germany.Four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel took the final podium position for his new team Ferrari, holding off Felipe Massa in the Willams.It was the 34th career victory for two-time world champion Hamilton and underlined the continued dominance of Mercedes as he and Rosberg pulled well clear of their nearest challengers.




Sunderland have sacked manager Gus Poyet after a run of just one victory in 12 Premier

League games. The Black Cats are one point above the relegation zone after Saturday's 4-0 home defeat by Aston Villa. "Sadly, we have not made the progress that any of us had hoped for this season," said chairman Ellis Short. "We find ourselves battling, once again, at the wrong end of the table. We have therefore made the difficult decision that a change is needed."

The newly appointed Head Coach of NPA Anchors has told FrontPageAfrica that

his appointment as head coach of club is a challenge and he is demanding an independent job. Abraham Sese who is counted among the best and successful coaches in Liberian football said he is pleased with his appointment and said he does not want any interference from officials of the NPA Sports Association when it comes to the selection of players on the team. Coach Sese pointed out that his appointment by officials of the NPA Anchors Sports Association as head Coach of the Anchors was based on his Curriculum Vital (CV) and not based on friendship.He said the association officials believe he can help place their team among the first five at the end of the upcoming 2015 Liberia Football Association (LFA) national league season.“My CV spoke for me during my selection from among several other well-known coaches in the country but it is just the matter of demonstration. Now I need to put NPA Anchors on top of the map in Liberian football as I did during my days with Barracks young Controllers (BYC)”. He acknowledged that when he was appointed as Head coach of the Anchors about two months ago, he dropped six out of the 16 players he met on the team and brought in 78 new players to justify their inclusion on the team with only 22 out of the 78 still justifying.The new NPA Anchors coach said he is to select 15 out of the


A. Macaulay Sombai, sombai121@gmail.com


seeking a third straight away win at United and five games unbeaten against the Red Devils.From United first significant attack on nine minutes, an unmarked Fellaini was found by Carrick and the Belgian international beat Hugo Lloris with a low shot.Fellaini caused chaos in the Tottenham defense for the second with Carrick left free to head home from distance.Rooney's emphatic strike after Bentaleb gifted him possession, proved the icing on the cake.The victory eases the pressure on manager Louis Van Gaal and his expensively assembled side after some lackluster recent performances and last Monday's disappointing FA Cup exit to Arsenal.It meant Tottenham, off the back of two straight wins and with Harry Kane in top form, was favored going into the crucial match, but the young striker barely had a glimpse of goal, until having his side's first shot on target after fully 88 minutes as United dominated.Chelsea held at homeEarlier, Chelsea extended its lead at the top of the EPL to six points but was held 1-1 at home to Southampton in another less than convincing performance from Jose Mourinho's team.

Off the back of a disappointing Champions League exit to Paris Saint Germain, Chelsea again struggled to find its best form at Stamford Bridge despite going in front from Diego Costa's 18th league goal.Read: PSG sees off ChelseaDusan Tasic equalized from the spot for the Saints after Nemanja Matic was adjudged to have fouled Sadio Mane, with Chelsea protests waved away.Chelsea found Fraser Forster hard to beat and the visiting goalkeeper made fine saves from Oscar, Eden Hazard and Juan Cuadrado to deny the leaders three points.However, it has a commanding lead plus a game in hand over chasing Manchester City, which lost 1-0 to Burnley Saturday, in a severe blow to hopes of retaining the title.In Sunday's other EPL clash, Everton eased its relegation fears with a 3-0 win over Newcastle, who had Fabricio Coloccini sent off for a foul on Aaron Lennon, who is on loan at Goodison from Tottenham.Read: Man City stumbles to defeat at BurnleyBale double lifts RealIn La Liga, Gareth Bale snapped a recent lean spell of scoring form with both goals as Real Madrid beat Levante 2-0 in the Bernabeu.


PRICE L$40VOL 9 NO.49 TUESDAY , MARCH 17, 2015




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CAUGHT-UP WITH TIME?By: Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@frontpageafricaonline.com

It is almost a year since the Liberia Football Association (LFA) closed the 2013/2014 national league ahead of an elective congress in Buchanan,

Grand Bassa County.Off season tournaments like the President’s Cup or Who Owns The Land should have reawakened the passion for football among die-hard local fans.With a dead air hanging over those tournaments, the Liberia Football Players Union seized the opportunity to organize a 16-team community league in June in Montserrado County that drew the support of Robert Sirleaf, Mustapha Raji, Sekou Konneh, Andy Quamie and Representatives Adolph Lawrence, Edward Forh and William Darkel.And when the LFA banned all football activities in July due to Ebola, the national league was over and Liberia were eliminated from all international competitions. With Liberia winning the war on Ebola, the LFA drew-up new measures club must meet in order to participate in the 2015 national league. It appeared all was done and dusted when the LFA announced that the Super Cup, Liberia’s version of the Community Shield in England, would take place on March 15. Barrack Young Controllers (BYC) and FC Fassell, fresh from continental assignments, were expected to lock horns at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS), which is under renovation, but that was no sign that a ball would have been kicked when our reporter visited the ATS on Sunday. But LFA secretary-general Alphonso Armah said the traditional curtain raiser will now take place at the Blues Field on Friday.Armah said the postponement was necessary in order to give clubs who had not met the new measures time to do so. “And that is why our members were informed that some of the clubs had not met the requirements [for taking part in the new season] and the committee [for that purpose] is also submitting a report so that we can have it sent to the public [in order] to know which of the clubs had met the requirements and what are some of the things that need to be done from now to a given period. “So as far as the LFA is concerned, we are in the position of organizing our league for 2014/2015 but we need to take into

consideration some of the issues affecting our clubs. While we want to ensure stringent measures in the LFA, we are also glued to the reality that there are some things that the clubs are lacking which we need to set down as an institution,” Armah told UNMIL Radio’s Sports Extra program on Monday. Last year, the LFA announced that it has begun the enforcement of the Caf clubs licensing program aimed at standardizing African leagues and football development.President Musa Bility held a meeting with representatives of clubs on June 20 to explain the regulations.At the meeting, Bility said Caf mandated all affiliated national associations to implement the new licensing system or their clubs would be banned from all club competitions.Key amongst the requirements are a practice pitch (up to three clubs could join), an office space with a secretary and an accountant, proof of financial capacity to bankroll salaries of

up to US$10,000, a technical director (high school graduate minimum), a feeder team and a certified medical practitioner. The clubs were given July 17, 2014 to officially communicate with the LFA on their willingness to complete these requirements.Asked how many clubs have met those requirements, Armah said: “That will be mentioned by the president when he organizes a press conference on Tuesday where he will be informing the public on key issues within the LFA.”Armah disclosed that issues like indemnities or perdiems for match officials, who regularly protest before and during the league, have been resolved, boasting that the LFA owes no one. But how prepared is the LFA to successfully run a national league was the question put to 72nd FC board chairman Tugbeh Chie Tugbeh, whose club was bizarrely relegated to the third division last season, to save Mighty Barrolle from successive relegation.

LFA moves Super Cup to Friday at the Blues Field as ATS undergoes renovation

“Your question is laughable. Well, I don’t want to believe that the LFA is in readiness to commence a new league season. I think they have a lot of unresolved issues with clubs and they have to work tirelessly behind the clock to make sure that the regulation that they intend to enforce this league season is met by the clubs,” Tugbeh said. He added that it was impossible for clubs to satisfy new requirements due

to an age old problem.“The way football is run in our country makes it very difficult for clubs to meet these requirements even though these requirements are all good requirements. It will help improve the face of the game in our country. “We don’t have that sense of belongingness where a man will feel that ‘Oh, I am from 72nd community. I should support 72nd Football Club or I am from Gardnersville. I should support Gardnersville FC.’ Everybody relies on the club president. “I ran a second division team for five years. The investment looks like as though someone just dug a hole, put their money there, covered it and turned their [his/her] back. [There is] no returns. So it is difficult for the LFA [to implement these regulations]. “More besides, if the LFA knew that there was a timeframe set by Caf for all teams to meet these regulations the LFA should have started the implementation some two or three years back. Every year they make sure that one of the regulations was satisfied by clubs,” Tugbeh told UNMIL Radio’s Sports Extra program with Armah denying the US$10,000 regulation.It remains to be seen what Bility will be unveiling on Tuesday.

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