truth is a lie - 7 myths of human annotation

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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Anca Dumitrache

Anca Dumitrache

Anca Dumitrache

Anca Dumitrache

Anca Dumitrache

Which is the mood most appropriate for each song?

METHYLERGOMETRINE is a blood vessel constrictor most commonly used to control excessive BLEEDING.

What is the relation between the highlighted terms?

Anca Dumitrache

ANTIBIOTICS are the first line treatment for indications of TYPHUS.

With ANTIBIOTICS in short supply, DDT was used during World War II to control the insect vectors of TYPHUS.

Is the TREATS relation expressed between the highlighted terms?

Anca Dumitrache

Which mood cluster is most appropriate for a song?

agents are useful for patients with renal impairment, but in patients with severe renal failure requiring dialysis it presents a risk of nephrogenic systemic .

☒ ☑

What is the relation between the highlighted terms?


Anca Dumitrache

Does each sentence express the TREAT relation?

ANTIBIOTICS are the first line treatment for indications of TYPHUS.→ agreement 95%

Patients with TYPHUS who were given ANTIBIOTICS exhibited side-effects.→ agreement 80%

With ANTIBIOTICS in short supply, DDT was used during WWII to control the insect vectors of TYPHUS.→ agreement 50%

Anca Dumitrache

Does each sentence express the TREAT relation?

ANTIBIOTICS are the first line treatment for indications of TYPHUS.

is not a reliable cure for .


Anca Dumitrache

What is the relation between the highlighted terms?

He was the first physician to identify the relationship between and

What is the (medical) relation between the highlighted (medical) terms?

• 91% of expert annotations covered by the crowd• expert annotators reach agreement only in 30%• most popular crowd vote covers 95% of this

expert annotation agreement


Anca Dumitrache

Which are mentions of terrorists in this sentence?

used money from his own construction company to support the in Afghanistan against Soviet forces.

• Annotator disagreement is signal, not noise.

• It is indicative of the variation in human semantic interpretation of signs

• It can indicate ambiguity, vagueness, similarity, over-generality, etc, as well as quality

Anca Dumitrache

• methodology • disagreement-aware

crowdsourcing to collect gold standard data

• metrics to capture disagreement

• software• online platform for

crowdsourcing task workflows and data analytics

• ground truth collection• medical relation extraction• salience in news and tweets• sound annotation

• Goals:

○ collecting a relation extraction gold standard

○ improve the performance of a relation extraction classifier


0 1 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 5 1 0

Unit vector for relation R6

Sentence Vector

Cosine = .55

• methodology • disagreement-aware

crowdsourcing to collect gold standard data

• metrics to capture disagreement

• software• online platform for

crowdsourcing task workflows and data analytics

• ground truth collection• medical relation extraction• salience in news and tweets• sound annotation


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