trip to england · fondé en 1860 et installé dans un magnifique bâtiment de style néogothique,...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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Trip to England

(from February 9th to February 14th 2019)

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Nous te souhaitons un excellent voyage et d’agréables expériences à vivre !

Tu pars à l’étranger et vas rencontrer d’autres personnes, découvrir une autre

culture, expérimenter des choses nouvelles, différentes mais néanmoins fort


Observe, écoute et parle le plus possible anglais !

Nous te demandons de compléter ce dossier. Les questions sont diverses. Elles

concernent les déplacements, les visites, la vie quotidienne et tes impressions. Fournis un

travail sérieux car ce carnet de voyage sera ramassé et évalué au retour. N’hésite pas à

l’agrémenter de photos et de documents. Tu pourras ensuite le conserver comme souvenir.

Profite bien de ce séjour et bon travail !

Grille d’évaluation

Recherches et contenu / 7

Quantité et qualité des illustrations (photos, dessins, cartes…) / 6

Soin / 2

Investissement personnel pendant le voyage et comportement / 5

Note ……………/ 20

~ 3 ~


DAY 1 : Sunday, February 9th

Departure from Pau - coach - Eurotunnel - coach - arrival in Wallington

DAY 2 : Monday, February 10th

London : - Walking tour from the Houses of Parliament to Buckingham Palace

- Changing of the Guards

- Thames river cruise from Westminster Pier to Tower Pier

- Tower Bridge

- Walking tour along the River Thames from Tower Bridge to St Paul


DAY 3 : Tuesday, February 11th

Oxford : - Christ Church College

- Walking tour: Christ Church Meadow, Botanic Garden, Magdalen college,

New College, Bridge of Sighs, Sheldonian Theatre, Radcliffe Camera

- Bodleian Library

- Oxford University Museum of Natural History

- Cream tea

DAY 4 : Wednesday, February 12th

London : Walking tour: Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square (M&M’s World),

Piccadilly Circus

Leavesden : The Making of Harry Potter – Warner Bros Studio Tour

DAY 5: Thursday, February 13th

Canterbury : Canterbury walking tour

Departure from Folkestone - Eurotunnel - coach

DAY 6 : Friday, February 14th

Arrival in Pau

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DAY 1 Your trip

Complete the sentences in the past with the 10 verbs from the list at the bottom:

I ____________ the group at the school at 11.30 p.m.

The coach driver __________ waiting for us outside the school.

We ____________ all our luggage in the coach before getting on it and choosing our


The coach _____________ the school at 12.30 p.m.

We ______________________ the Channel through the Channel Tunnel in 35 minutes!

Then we _____________ to Wallington on the

left side of the road! How strange!

When we _____________ in Wallington, all the

host families ____________ there.

After a hot meal, I __________ to bed and

_____________ asleep at once.

What a long exhausting day!

arrived / crossed / drove / fell / left / met / put / was / were /went

base verbale simple past (passé) traduction

arrive arrived arriver

drive drove conduire

fall fell tomber

get on got on monter dans

leave left partir, quitter

meet met rencontrer

put put mettre

go went aller

be was / were être

cross crossed traverser

~ 5 ~

Quiz : How much do you know about

The British Isles?

Complete with the elements from the list at the bottom:

GB stands for _________________________ __________________________ .

The UK stands for the ______________________ ______________________ .

Great Britain includes ________________ , ______________ and _____________ .

The United Kingdom includes GB and __________________ _________________ .

The _____________ ______________ are made up of the UK and ___________ .

The ______________ separates Britain from the continent. (« la Manche » in French)

__________________ is the capital city of the United Kingdom.

The biggest city in Southern Ireland (Eire) is __________________ .

The inhabitants of England are called the _____________ . The people who live in Wales

are called the ____________ .

In Scotland the people are called the _________ , and in Ireland, the ____________ .

All _________________ citizens carry a British passport.

The British flag is called the ______________ _______________ .

The legal currency is not the Euro, it’s the ______________ .

The current Prime Minister is called _____________ ___________ .

The Queen’s family name is ___________ . Her husband is called Prince __________ .

British / British Isles / Channel / Dublin / England / English / Great Britain / Irish /

Northern Ireland / Pound / Scotland / The Republic of Ireland / Theresa May /

London / Union Jack / Scottish / United Kingdom / Wales / Windsor / Welsh / Philip

Tool box:

GB stands for: GB est mis pour / Flag: drapeau

Currency: monnaie / Current: actuel

~ 6 ~

My host family

Name: ..........................................................................................................................................................

Address: .......................................................................................................................................................

The father:

His name: ......................................................................................................................................................

His birthday: ...............................................................................................................................................

His job: .........................................................................................................................................................

The mother:

Her name: .....................................................................................................................................................

Her birthday: ..............................................................................................................................................

Her job: ........................................................................................................................................................

The children (if any):

Their names: ................................................................................................................................................

Their ages: ...................................................................................................................................................

Their schools and their forms: ...............................................................................................................

or their jobs: ..............................................................................................................................................

Their hobbies / likes and dislikes: .........................................................................................................

The pets (if any):

What pets have they got? .......................................................................................................................

Their names: ................................................................................................................................................


Did you like it? ............................................................................................................................................

What did you usually have for breakfast? ..........................................................................................


~ 7 ~

My room:

Who sleeps in your room? I’m alone in my room.

I share my room with ..............................................................

Colours: The walls are ..........................................................

The bedcover is .....................................................

The carpet is ..........................................................

The view: I can see ..........................................................................................................................



Your opinion: .............................................................................................................................................




~ 8 ~

DAY 2 London

A map of London

Circle the names of the places and monuments you’ve seen in London (the list below)

and highlight them on the map:

Big Ben / Buckingham Palace / Churchill Statue / Covent Garden / Harrods / HSM Belfast

/ Horse Guard Parade / Leicester Square / London Bridge / The London Eye / London zoo /

Mme Tussaud’s / Nelson column / River Thames / Shakespeare's Globe Theatre /

St James’s Park / St Katherine’s dock / St Paul’s Cathedral / Tate Britain / Ten Downing

Street / The British Museum / The Changing of the Guard / The Houses of Parliament /

The London Millennium Bridge / The Monument / The National Gallery / The Natural

History Museum / The Royal Albert Hall / The Science Museum / The Tower of London /

The Tube / Tower Bridge / Trafalgar Square / Westminster Abbey

~ 9 ~

Famous places in London: which is which?

London’s Most Famous

1. __________________ is the official home of the Queen.

2. __________________ is where the Prime Minister lives and where official guests are


3. __________________ is the name of the biggest bell within the Clock Tower of the

Houses of Parliament.

4. ____________________ is Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece, built between 1675

and 1708 to replace the previous cathedral destroyed in the Great Fire of London in


5. __________________ is the most famous church in Great Britain. The kings and

queens of England are crowned there, and many rulers and famous men of Britain are

buried there.

6. __________________ , also known as the Palace of Westminster, is the seat of

Parliament, the legislative assembly of Great Britain.

7. __________________ is a large square in central London. It was built in honour of

Admiral Nelson after his victory in 1805 at the Battle of Trafalgar.

8. Throughout its long history, _______________ has served as a royal palace and

fortress, prison and place of execution, an arsenal, royal mint, menagerie and jewel


9. __________________ is the highest building in London.

Big Ben / Buckingham Palace / No.10 Downing Street / St Paul’s Cathedral /

The Houses of Parliament / The Tower of London / Trafalgar Square /

The Shard / Westminster Abbey

Tool box:

Church: église / Crown: couronner / Throughout: tout au long de

The highest: le plus élevé

~ 10 ~

Museums and Galleries

1. ___________________________ houses one of the greatest collections of European

painting in the world.

2. _____________________________ is a place where you can find huge collections of

plants, animals, insects, fossils and minerals.

3. _____________________________ has been rebuilt on the south bank of the River

Thames in London.

4. ____________________, opened in May 2000, is Britain's new national museum of

modern art.

5. Situated in Exhibition Road, South Kensington, ____________________ contains all

the wonders of our industrial and technological age.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre / Tate Modern / The National Gallery /

The Natural History Museum / The Science Museum

Tool box:

Huge: énorme / Wonders: merveilles / Age: ère

~ 11 ~

Tourists Attractions

1. ____________________ is the famous London landmark at the junction of five busy


2. ____________________ is the longest and most important waterway in England.

3. ____________________ is a gigantic wheel from which you can have a great

panoramic view of London.

4. ____________________ near Buckingham Palace is a great picnic spot for foreign

students on a royal itinerary.

5. ____________________ was the first ever underground railway in 1863.

6. ____________________’s deck is raised on average 500 times a year to let ships in

and out.

7. In ____________________ you’ll find London’s major cinemas on three sides of the


8. The ____________________is the first pedestrian bridge built across the Thames

in London in more than a century.

Leicester Square / The Millennium Bridge / Piccadilly Circus / The River Thames /

St James’s Park / The London Eye / The Tube / Tower Bridge

Tool box:

Landmark: point de repère / Busy: très fréquenté / Wheel: roue

Foreign: étranger / Raise: soulever

~ 12 ~

Monuments de Londres

Cite le surnom des gratte-ciels de Londres.

.................................................. .....................................................

.................................................. .....................................................

Illustre les monuments de Londres avec tes propres photos en inscrivant le nom des

monuments représentés.

~ 13 ~

The Tower Bridge (le Pont de la Tour)

C’est un pont basculant qui permet aux véhicules motorisés et aux piétons de

franchir la Tamise mais aussi le passage des navires les plus hauts grâce à son tablier

ouvrant. Il est situé près de la Tour de Londres dont il tire son nom.

Au moment de sa construction en 1894, le Tower Bridge était le plus grand et le plus

sophistiqué des ponts basculants jamais construits. Il est célèbre dans le monde entier

grâce à son architecture très particulière, de style néogothique.

Dis ce qui t’a le plus intéressé et pourquoi. Illustre avec tes photos.













~ 14 ~

DAY 3 Oxford

A map of Oxford

Circle the names of the places and monuments you’ve seen in Oxford (the list below)

and highlight them on the map:

Oxford Castle / The Ashmolean Museum / Christ Church College / The Carfax Tower /

The Martyrs’ Memorial / Corpus Christi College / Folly Bridge / The Sheldonian Theatre /

Christ Church Cathedral / The Botanic Garden / Radcliffe Camera / The Magdalen Tower /

The Bridge of Sighs / New College/ River Thames / The Museum of Natural History /

Exeter College / Bodleian Libraries / The Museum of History of Sciences / Balliol College /

The Pitt Rivers Museum / The Covered Market / Magdalen Bridge / Trinity College /

The Museum of Modern Art / Christ Church Meadow / Merton College

~ 15 ~

Famous places in Oxford: which is which?

1. Founded in 1683, _________________________ is home to world famous collections

ranging from Egyptian mummies to contemporary art.

2. Situated in an impressive neo-gothic building, _________________________ offers

a variety of different permanent collections, exhibitions and events.

3. _________________________ is one of the most ancient libraries in the heart of

the historical University of Oxford.

4. Comprising 38 Colleges, ___________________________ dates back to the 11th-

century and is one of the world’s leading academic institutions.

5. Founded in 1884, _________________________ has a collection of over 500,000

archaeological and ethnographic objects from all parts of the world.

6. Founded in 1621, _________________________ is the UK’s oldest botanic garden

and is one of the most compact yet diverse collections of plants in the world.

The Bodleian Library / The University of Oxford / The Pitt Rivers Museum /

The Botanic Garden / The Ashmolean Museum / The Museum of Natural History

Tool box:

Ranging from… to: allant de… jusqu’à / Impressive: impressionnant

Dates back to: la création de… remonte au / Leading: principale

The oldest: le plus ancien / Yet: mais

~ 16 ~

Monuments d’Oxford

Illustre les monuments d’Oxford avec tes propres photos en inscrivant le nom des

monuments représentés.

~ 17 ~

The Museum of Natural History (le Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de l’Université d’Oxford)

Fondé en 1860 et installé dans un magnifique bâtiment de style néogothique, il

possède aujourd’hui une collection de sciences de la vie et de la terre d’importance


Trouve dans le musée et photographie :

- La Parade des Squelettes : une partie de la grande diversité des adaptations

évolutives des grands mammifères se révèle sous tes yeux !

- La galerie des Dinosaures : prends garde aux mâchoires géantes de ces créatures

préhistoriques !

- La Baleine tueuse : jette un coup d'œil au squelette suspendu de ce mammifère !

- Le mur de Trilobites : ces anciens animaux remplissaient autrefois les océans !

- L’Ichthyosaure : ce fossile du Jurassique contient les restes visibles de poissons

préhistoriques dans son estomac !

- Le Dodo d’Oxford : c’est l’un des trois uniques spécimens existants de cet ancien

oiseau de l’Ile Maurice !

- La météorite de Nantan : âgée d’environ 4,5 milliards d’années, elle est aussi

ancienne que la Terre elle-même !

~ 18 ~

Puis dis ce qui t’a le plus intéressé et pourquoi. Illustre avec tes photos.













~ 19 ~

~ 20 ~

DAY 4 The Making of Harry Potter - Warner Bros Studio Tour -

Raconte ta visite et illustre avec tes photos.













~ 21 ~

London: The Science Museum

Il accueille une collection de plus de 300 000 objets, instruments ou machines

témoins de la science de leur temps. On peut y observer une série de machines à vapeur

toujours en état de marche, des avions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le module de

commande de la mission spatiale Apollo 10, ainsi qu'une collection d'instruments médicaux,

et suivre l'évolution des techniques de chirurgie à travers les âges.

De nombreuses expositions temporaires aident à comprendre les dernières

découvertes scientifiques de tous niveaux.

Dis ce qui t’a le plus intéressé et pourquoi. Illustre avec tes photos.













~ 22 ~

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DAY 5 Canterbury

Suivez le guide… ! Ecoute bien pour pouvoir répondre aux questions suivantes :

1- Dans quelle région se situe Canterbury ? .......................................................................................

2- Quel est le monument le plus emblématique de la ville ? ............................................................

3- Quel est le personnage le plus important aujourd’hui de la ville ? ............................................

4- Que représente-t-il ? ..........................................................................................................................

5- Certains personnages ont marqué l’histoire de cette ville ? Dis pourquoi et qui ils étaient :

a. Les Romains : .................................................................................................................................


b. St Augustin : .................................................................................................................................


c. Thomas Becket : ...........................................................................................................................


d. Geoffrey Chaucer : ......................................................................................................................


e. Henri VIII : ...................................................................................................................................


f. Christopher Marlowe : .................................................................................................................


6- Que remarques-tu en te promenant dans la ville ? (architecture, époque…)




7- Cite l’objet le plus insolite rencontré : ............................................................................................

~ 24 ~

DAY 5-6

Raconte le voyage retour (+photos)










~ 25 ~

How much did you enjoy your stay?

Your best memory/Ton meilleur souvenir : ..........................................................................................





Do you think your stay was long enough? Why/why not?/Penses-tu que notre séjour a été

suffisamment long ? Pourquoi ? ..............................................................................................................





Would you like to go back? Why/why not?/Aimerais-tu revenir ? Pourquoi ? ............................





Things you would like to do or see next time/Les choses que tu aimerais faire ou voir la

prochaine fois : ...........................................................................................................................................





Classify the places you have visited, according to how much you have liked them/Classe les

lieux que tu as visités, selon ton ordre de préférence :




~ 26 ~

The British currency


one penny (1p = 1 cent) two pence (2p = 2 cents)

five pence (5p = 5 cents) ten pence (10p = 11 cents)

twenty pence (20p = 22 cents) fifty pence (50p = 55 cents)

one pound (£1 = 1,11 €) two pounds (£2 = 2,22 €)

Bank notes:

5 pounds (£5 = 5,55 €) 10 pounds (£10 = 11,10 €)

20 pounds (£20 = 22,20 €) 50 pounds (£50 = 55,50 €)

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