(translated) sapolicesexualassult.ppt

Post on 01-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Sexual Crimes Ti phm tnh dcPresented by - Trnh by bi

    the Special CrimesInesti!ati"n #ranchPh$n! %i&u trati phm %'c bi(t

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Session ObjectivesMc tiu phin tho lun

    To provide an overview of theinvestigation of Sexual Offences

    by S!O"# $ %h&' ()a ra'*t c+i nh,n t-ng .uan

    v/ .u+ tr,nh nghin c0u

    t*i ph1' T,nh dc c2a3nh s+t %a' 4c S!O"

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Special 3ri'es 5nvestigation 6ranch

    Ph$n! n!hi)n c*u ti phm %'c bi(t

    7esponds to Sexual 3ri'e 8 3hild !rotection through!roactive 8 7eactive 5nvestigations#

    3h9ng l1i t*i ph1' t,nh dc v: bo v; tr< e' th=ng .ua(i/u tra phn >h+ng v: ch2 (*ng

    ?etects 8 prevents Sexual 3ri'es through 5ntelligence "ed!olicing#

    !h+t hi;n v: ng@n chAn t*i ph1' t,nh dc b&ng c+c chBnhs+ch t,nh b+o "ed

    ?rives effective "egislative 8 !olicies in the area of Sexual3ri'es 8 3hild !rotection#

    ThCc thi c+c chBnh s+ch v: ph+p lut cD hi;u lCc trong >huvCc bo v; tr< e' v: >hu vCc cD nguy cE xuFt

    hi;n t*i ph1' t,nh dc

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    !rovides 5nvestigative "eadership 8consultancy to "ocal Service reas#

    G)a ra t) vFn v: tiHn h:nh (i/u tra (9i vIi >hu

    vCc dJch v (Ja ph)EngSupports Kicti's of Sexual ssault throughoutthe 3ri'inal Lustice !rocess and beyond#

    N tr n1n nhPn bJ xP' h1i t,nh dc trong su9t.u+ tr,nh t9 tng h,nh sC v: c+c .uy tr,nh v/sau nQa#

    Special 3ri'es 5nvestigation 6ranch

    Ph$n! %i&u tra ti phm %'c bi(t

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Sections of the Special3ri'es 5nvestigation 6ranch

    Phi)n th+" lu,n ca ph$n! n!hi)n c*u ti phm %'c bi(tR Sexual ssault 5nvestigation Section

    R 6an (i/u tra t*i ph1' t,nh dc

    R %3O7 ustralian %ational 3hild Offender 7egister#R %3O7 6+o c+o v/ xP' h1i tr< e' t1i 4c

    R Loint gency 3hild Uxploitation Tea'

    R %hD' c+c (En vJ tha' gia (i/u tra v/ l1' dng trh=ng ()c x+c (Jnh bi.un lV c2a S356

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    5nvestigation of Sexual ssaultsGi/u tra xP' h1i t,nh dc

    Sexual H==ence inesti!ati"ns are split int" t7" tiersMi&u tra x3m hi tnh dc %5?c chia thnh ph3n DhcTier [ H==ences usually re'ain with the local 356\ th)ng dng l1i 356 (Ja ph)EngTier H==ences are usually investigated by S356

    th)ng ()c (i/u tra bi S356 v: nh,n chung Tier H==ences are !enerallyo 3o'plex or 6ikarre 3ircu'stances nhQng tr)ng hp ph0c t1p igh !rofile Kicti' Suspect %ghi can %1n nhPn cD h sE l)u Multiple Offenders Kicti's %1n nhPn T*i ph1' (a d1ng Stranger 7apes 6J hiHp dP' bi ng)i l1 Solvability cD >h n@ng gii .uyHt ()c ggravated nature weapons or extre'e violence bn chFt nghi'

    trZng vm >hB hoAc b1o lCc cCc (oan Serial or !attern 3ri'es T*i ph1' .uen thu*c hoAc lin tiHp

    5'pact on "S resources $ nh h)ng tIi ngun lCc "S

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Child Pr"tecti"n Serices ;ch b+" ( tr emC"nduct inesti!atie interie7s "= children

    under years Ti2n hnh phn! 8n %i&u tra trem d5:i tuqi

    Statement and Interie7sALi Dhai phn! 8n

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Child t" [[ years Tr tg [[ tuqi5nterviews are conducted by S!O" 'e'bers who hassuccessfully co'pleted an pproved 3ourse# G)c phngvFn bi c+c th:nh vin S!O"X nhQng ng)i ( xuFt sqc ho:n

    th:nh >hDa huFn luy;n

    Statement and Interie7sALi Dhai phn! 8n

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


    Children "er [ years adults Tr tr)n [ tuqi n!5Li l:n#est practice is ="r the CI# inesti!atin! member t" taDethe statement Tjt nh8t n)n %f c@c thnh i)n %i&u traCI# l8y lLi Dhai

    Pers"ns 7h"o - Kh5n! n!5Li$are illiterate Dh9n! bi2t ch

    $hae a si!ni=icant c"!nitie impairment nh,n th*c b; suy!i+m %@n! Df

    $hae a si!ni=icant c"mmunicati"n impairment Dh+ nn!!ia" ti2p b; suy !i+m %@n! Dfare interie7ed by members "= the Qictim ana!ement Secti"n "=SCI# - M&u %5?c phn! 8n bi c@c thnh i)n #an vu+n l4 nn nh3nca SCI#

    Statement and Interie7sALi Dhai phn! 8n

  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt


  • 7/26/2019 (translated) SAPoliceSexualAssult.ppt



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