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Transit Report for Today's & Cancer

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015

Interpretations by John Townley


Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 1Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software

For Today's & Cancer

Introduction Time Together 2Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software

Your Composite ChartA composite chart is simply a horoscope made up of the midpoints between the natal charts of two different persons. What results is a new horoscope that describes the interface between the two personalities: the shoreline where one leaves off and the other begins. Like any coastline, it may be even and easygoing at one point and convoluted and forbidding at another. And, like any shore, it is subject to fair and stormy weather. This astrological "weather" is the repeating transits of the planets.Watching these transits, you can spot a host of intricacies in your relationship that you likely did not know were there. Once spotted, you have the opportunity to take better advantage of what is already going for you and more effectively grapple with problems that were hidden or only partially-revealed before.

Today's ChartMar 18, 201503:50:16 PM EETZone: -02:00Athens , GRC023E43'00" 37N58'00"

CancerJun 22, 201204:30:00 AM GMTZone: +00:00Athens , GRC023E43'00" 37N58'00"





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The Composite Chart΅ 16Òή05' Moon in Taurus in the 10th HouseΆ 14Òή24' Sun in Taurus in the 10th House£ 16Òή39' Mercury in Taurus in the 10th House¤ 19Òή44' Venus in Taurus in the 10th House¥ 07Òΰ14' Mars in Cancer in the 12th House¦ 07Òΰ49' Jupiter in Cancer in the 12th House§ 13Òδ51' Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th House¨ 11Òέ52' Uranus in Aries in the 9th House© 05Òθ33' Neptune in Pisces in the 8th Houseΐ 11Òζ53' Pluto in Capricorn in the 6th House« 07Òδ29' Node in Scorpio in the 4th House¬ 25Òέ51' Midheaven in Aries­ 07Òα05' Ascendant in Leo

For Today's & Cancer Thu Oct 15, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 3Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:23 am



Serious IdeasPart of being in any relationship is becoming aware of its limitations and the ways in which it limits each of you. Now is a good moment to refresh yourselves about what you can and can't, should and shouldn't do without indulging in recriminations. You can't play the game if you don't know the rules, the boundaries, and the dimensions of the field.

Moon Conjunct Saturn


04:30 am



Full ExperienceSometimes it's important to feel where your differences meet as well as what you have in common. This monthly point allows you to get that into perspective, to get the feeling of the outward reach of the relationship, where you most swing apart in your dance before pulling back together again in rhythm.

Moon Opposite Sun


06:23 am


Dewdrop into the SeaThe power of a dream comes from refreshing it often enough to keep it alive and from not stretching it so far it becomes clearly an impossibility. You're at the outer limits of both, so it's a good time to take another look at your mutual hopes and goals, realize their limits and update their possibilities. Don't let a good engine run out of steam.

Venus Opposite Neptune


07:51 am



Emotional ExperienceThis marks the outer limit of your mutual monthly lunar handshake cycle and may bring to mind where there is distance between you and how you want to handle it. Making space for each other can and should be a positive thing, because even among the closest of neighbors, well-defined fences make you closer in the end.

Moon Opposite Moon


08:57 am


Mind ExperienceSometimes it feels better to agree to disagree than to try to come together on a plan that doesn't really work for both of you. Still, a good discussion will get how you feel and what you know much better into sync, so you'll know where not to go as well as what approaches you might explore with potential in the future.

Moon Opposite Mercury

For Today's & Cancer Thu Oct 15, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 4Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:05 pm



ExperiencingWhat feels right for the goose doesn't always turn on the gander, despite the common wisdom to the contrary, and this is a moment to find where your pleasures part but your friendship keeps you together. It may be that one does a special favor for the other, a trade for another special attention that otherwise might be neglected because it isn't all that mutual. That's when giving is most totally real, and appreciated.

Moon Opposite Venus


04:57 am


Examine SuccessThe limits of change in your goals together don't seem to alter much this year, but in fact growth is proceeding on schedule behind the scenes. When there's little conflict about your ambitions, they seem to develop of their own accord and you find yourselves safely ahead of the game without having to concentrate on it.

Jupiter Sextile Saturn (Waning)


10:09 pm



The PublicMixed feelings and confused messages get lost because you're at loose ends about just how to apply your separate imaginations to become joint reality. Let the mists pass and brush away each other's cobwebs without tarnishing any fondly-held fantasies and you'll find better focus down the road in a day or so.

Moon Square Neptune (Waning)


01:08 am



Emotional Stengthening ArisesThere's broad agreement that you're looking good today, so it can't hurt to get out and play, interact, generally have fun and shoot the breeze, indulge in bluesky imagination, and expand upon yourselves. The tide is running nicely in your favor, so ride it and see where it takes you, enjoy the scenery along the way.

Moon Trine Ascendant (Waxing)


02:46 am



SublimationSmall steps taken to match modest requests yield surprising satisfaction right now, so just follow your instincts and let the environment guide you in the direction of mutual reward. Contentment is available at a modest price, which has already been paid, so just relax and see where being in tune can take you.

Venus Sextile Mars (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Sat Oct 17, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 5Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


10:23 am



Caring ForThere is a giddy feeling when the ride is just bumpy enough to elicit squeals of delight but not enough to balloon into real fear. Catch that moment together in whatever you do today, as external elements conspire to give you that ride if you choose to let them. There's a fresh wind up, set full sail.

Moon Trine Uranus (Waning)


11:10 am


CriticalSlow and steady wins the race, and the winners often don't even know that's how they did it. You're in a similar situation, where what may seem like a lackadaisical pace could be more than sufficient to keep everything in its place and arrive on time ahead of the pack. Just keep on keeping on, and your're there.

Mars Sextile Saturn (Waning)


06:17 pm


Career PatienceWhen you ask for a little several times you tend to get more than when you ask for a lot just once. That's the pleasant key to the growth situation now, where little desires well-tended blossom into great satisfaction and reward, because the pressure is off and nature is taking its course.

Venus Sextile Jupiter (Waxing)


08:59 am


Success by EffortWhen the energy is flowing just right, it makes it seem like there's a strong purpose behind your being together, as if that allows you to tap resources you wouldn't have individually. That's particularly the case for the moment, so use the extra strong tide that is helping you out to make your statement, do your dance.

Mars Trine Sun (Waxing)


01:05 pm



Manage Emotional ConservationIt's a good time for tending to mutual work and finance matters as there's increased general support for what you do -- not enough to make you famous by yourselves, but certainly added encouragement to get you there under your own steam. Positive reinforcement is like having a second engine driving your vessel.

Moon Trine Midheaven (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Sun Oct 18, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 6Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


02:26 pm



Mental Understanding AppearsYou needn't get a word in edgewise to be understood -- in fact, you may not need to say anything dreadfully meaningful at all to make meaning flourish around you. No need for big talk when small talk says it all. It's the little things you say and do -- so rave on, it's a crazy feeling.

Mercury Sextile Ascendant (Waxing)


05:08 pm



Make a StatementGetting across to others just what you're doing may be an issue, as when you're both engaged in one activity, people get the message that you're hard at something else entirely. It may take a combination of repeated word and deed until it becomes obvious to everyone, but at the expense of time and energy wasted.

Mercury Square Mars (Waxing)


03:49 am


Building SuccessYou can easily and effectively ratchet up the relationship this year, with lots of support from the environment in which you work. Sufficient opportunities abound to keep you growing at a fundamental level, allowing you to share more and encompass more, the more you are willing to take on together.

Jupiter Trine Sun (Waxing)


04:22 am


Successful WordsSometimes a great idea or even a creative growth spurt can get all tangled up when you try to get it across to the rest of the world. Crossed wires and misread messages aren't helping clarify things right now, so you may want to cut back from full throttle until your course is clear not only to yourselves, but to others who will be involved.

Mercury Square Jupiter (Waxing)


07:15 am



Wheat From ChaffThe finest imaginings don't always spring up overnight like mushrooms but often grow up like grass in the spring until they become a field of dreams. That's the pace at the moment, watching grass grow and envisioning the meadow yet to come in which you both will lie. Not a bad situation, when you think about it.

Moon Sextile Neptune (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Mon Oct 19, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 7Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


10:21 am



ExperiencingThis is a moment when you may come to better recognize where you're pulling together and where you're not. You may both feel like getting up and doing something entirely different, but if you share the experience it actually brings you up to a higher level of understanding and respect. A moment to stretch the sinews as you both swing your partner.

Moon Opposite Mars


11:27 am



ExperiencingJust how far can you go with this relationship, what are its outer boundaries, the edge of the envelope? That's this monthly opportunity to explore and feel out how far out you can go before the mutuality ends. Your most ambitious plans don't always have to agree, but mutual recognition and respect of them is essential.

Moon Opposite Jupiter


03:38 pm



Manage Self ExperienceThis may be the best time of year to stay at home and enjoy the pleasures of solitude and mutual company, very exclusive. Similarly, it's a good time to address where the relationship really comes from, what your bottom line is together, where you expect to end up when all is said and done.

Sun Opposite Midheaven


06:55 pm


Public InterestDisagreement upon where interesting new change meets inappropriate or dangerous directions can make disputes break out more harshly than they might over smaller things. Short temper or intolerance spring from real feelings of insecurity and mismatched pacing, so be willing to pull back and take progress a little slower in the interest of resolution and harmony.

Moon Square Uranus (Waning)


06:57 pm



Ideas for ChangeThere is a point where you meet and decide on the larger issues of the generations you come from, the mutual background to the specific relationship you share. Those are the necessities that drive and control your physical and social environment -- how are these part of you and how do you jointly deal with them, plot your own course through them? Issues to touch on today, refresh your joint strategy.

Moon Conjunct Pluto

For Today's & Cancer Mon Oct 19, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 8Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


10:32 pm


PatienceThe strength of a good relationship is often taken for granted, and it is a measure of its strength that it can be. Feeling comfortable by simply letting things be is a joy unto itself, so why not mosey along and enjoy the safety and security of what you know to be right and supportive? A passive, but rich indulgence.

Moon Sextile Saturn (Waxing)


11:34 pm


Conserve the BestThere's a generally supportive atmosphere surrounding you, giving the feeling that you're both better in tune with your surroundings as a result of being together. It tells you the story of what's right and comfortable, especially in regard to how the rest of the world is treating you as a combo.

Moon Trine Sun (Waning)


02:38 am



Emotional ConservationThis is an easy time of month when the balance of feelings is easily handled, letting one person handle more than the other in a real helpmate style. Helping hands gracefully extended meet their willing and thankful counterpart as you both cooperate to move things along to the benefit of both.

Moon Trine Moon (Waning)


03:39 am



PreservationSeeing eye to eye comes easy as the world around you seems to support your joint ideas and signs onto your plans as hoped. It doesn't really matter who came up with what, the fact that you're on target together makes it easy to develop the next step, set down procedures for the next step in your joint strategy.

Moon Trine Mercury (Waning)


09:15 am



Caring ForIt's easy to please one another for the moment, or should be as the general environment is helping you both out to get what you want if you let it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, just mount it and go for a ride, see where it takes you. There's mutual enjoyment to be had, so jump right in.

Moon Trine Venus (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Tue Oct 20, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 9Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


08:15 pm



Manage Emotional ObjectivityAttention to personal matters takes precedence over professional ones and may even interfere with them. It's about you and who you are, not where you are or what you do, so get in there and mix it up, get intense about yourselves. The shoreline between you is where you step onto and off of the boat.

Moon Square Midheaven (Waning)


02:35 am



EmbodyingYou're both tapped into a river of strong, healthy feelings that inspire you to go the extra mile and the one after that without even noticing the addition. It's all about knowing where you're going and channeling emotions in a creative and effective direction. When you're engine is running smoothly, you eat up the miles.

Mars Trine Moon (Waxing)


04:08 pm



Emotional Experience ArisesThe spotlight is on how you view your own relationship today, not how others view it, so it's a great time for private discussion, emotional sincerity, getting to know each other more intimately. Shared feelings open up new rooms in your inner dwelling, greater balance and understanding promise to add support to the structure.

Moon Opposite Ascendant


00:23 am



Words to ActionThe opportunity to make endless schemes together happen all at once is upon you -- or at least it seems that way -- as plans seem to operate more efficiently and there seems to be plenty of fuel left for the next intellectual excursion. Enjoy it every bit, but don't bank on it being this easy forever, so don't overextend yourselves in regard to future commitments based on your current operating levels.

Mars Trine Mercury (Waxing)


00:27 am


Critical InsightThere's a nice stimulus going to add a little spice to your meal without crossing national borders to explore risky restaurants. It's easy to kick up the notch a bit, without blowing yourselves away in the process. In fact, at this moment, you can reach new levels of originality with relatively little emotional risk.

Moon Sextile Uranus (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Thu Oct 22, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 10Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


01:44 am


Keeping ControlIf you want to be certain about what you want, choose what's being offered right now, as there seems to be endless and positive assurance in the air for what you can achieve together. The trick is making it all seem so reasonable, which for the moment it does. Store that feeling for the challenges ahead.

Venus Trine Pluto (Waning)


02:29 am



The ExperienceWelcome comments and observations on the more inventive side of your relationship, as it's useful to know when you're skating the edge and just how well you're doing it. Embracing the new and original is essential to forward motion, but so is checking your balance so you don't spin out of orbit.

Mercury Opposite Uranus


02:42 am



Public ImpactSaying you're in charge doesn't mean you are, and that goes double when two or more people think it. There may be some debate as to who's on top, based on faulty communication, so don't push and shove when there's no real reason to. There may still be issues after you get wires uncrossed, but tend to first things first.

Mercury Square Pluto (Waning)


03:52 am


Sign of DisciplineHarsh judgments on small failing raise insecurities from the point of nervousness to hostility if you're not willing to forgive and take a second look. Brief circumstances make it easy to criticize what you've got going for the moment, but time is more likely to be on your side than not, if you are willing to forgo lingering doubts.

Moon Square Saturn (Waxing)


04:50 am



Objective ViewThis is one of two points in the lunar month which highlight the exchange of your differences and similarities and can sometimes put them into competition. You may feel that circumstances are putting unfair or irresolvable demands on the two of you or favoring one over the other. Avoid getting dragged into temporary issues and readjust.

Moon Square Sun (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Thu Oct 22, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 11Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


07:43 am



Emotional ObjectivityWhose feelings count for more may become a little bit of an issue right now as one or both of you can feel a little at odds with the other in regard for the amount of attention you're giving and getting. Don't go making lists of individual grievances, as this will pass quickly if you just brush it off and move on.

Moon Square Moon (Waning)


08:39 am


Looking AfterThere's a lot of energy around for doing good works this year, making dreams come true (yours or others') by putting your shoulder to the wheel in a good cause. You may not have to go far to feel the effect,just continue on what you were doing with the realization that its good effects are intentional and real.

Neptune Trine Mars (Waning)


08:41 am



Public WordsThis is one of two days in the lunar month when you may really not agree on what your plan ought to be or just how to implement it. You can get into a lot of diminishing returns and waste emotional and mental energy, or you can make a list of what's not really hitting things right, then discuss it on better aspects later. The choice should be obvious.

Moon Square Mercury (Waning)


01:57 pm


Public SentimentSometimes even the sweetest things cloy, or you can't immediately get what you want, while what you don't want is all around you. Don't let it get you all cramped up, as this twice-monthly moment will move on soon enough. Particularly, don't argue about it, because it's not really either of your fault. No blame.

Moon Square Venus (Waning)


00:20 am



Manage Emotional ExaminationThere's general support for you in the outside world, so it will be easy for you to go out there and take part in the action, though don't expect to be the focus of attention. A good supporting role will be easiest for a day or so, then decide how much further you want to get involved in the spotlight.

Moon Sextile Midheaven (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Fri Oct 23, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 12Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


04:33 pm


Inspired IdeasThere is a place between you where only the imagination lives and grows, that misty land of dreams and fantasies, hopes and fears, romance and reward which provide the seeds for growth. On this monthly lunar touch, now's the time to revisit it and see what new water springs within the well you both drink from.

Moon Conjunct Neptune


07:20 pm


Caring ForThis is a great time for pursuing actions already begun, feeling the measure of your joint strength and its distribution between you. It feels right to stay with your direction and increase it, not to readjust it. It's the moment of the swung bat, the released pitch, the downward serve, the leap arcing through space toward its destination.

Moon Trine Mars (Waning)


08:19 pm



PreservingFeelings of mutual plenty abound if you're willing to fall into that welcome space. Your ambitions and potentials seem to dovetail just right when you're working together and share a joint vision. You'll benefit even if you just let the moment drift, but seizing onto it will get you a lot more mileage.

Moon Trine Jupiter (Waning)


02:13 am


Keen AppraisalPenny savings mount to dollar deposits and little gifts are the things that most sustain affection -- and right now it's the small stuff that makes for the big support, both between you and around you. Reserved warmth turns into more than a glow if you let it have its way and stick around to play.

Venus Sextile Saturn (Waning)


03:00 am



Put Up with ChangeSometimes the limits of your life are so subtle that they entirely escape you, and that is all for the best at the moment. You feel you are on the right track, but not necessarily that you put yourselves there,but none of it matters when there is no storm in the offing. Faithful, prosperous emotional weather is a treasure, indeed.

Moon Sextile Pluto (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Sat Oct 24, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 13Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


06:13 am



Building DisciplineThere are moments when a relationship is more than an active dynamic, it's also something you can lean on. That's in part reinforced by outside events that make you glad you have the mutual protection with someone comfortably but actively watching your back. When you know what to expect, you can take the time to savor it.

Moon Trine Saturn (Waxing)


07:08 am



Easy HarvestA quiet moment of mutual reinforcement is welcome here, when you together seem to fit particularly well into your surrounding circumstances, allowing you to go with the flow without even noticing you're doing it. Just enjoy your mutual orbit and the natural forces which favor your presence in the same spot.

Moon Sextile Sun (Waning)


09:53 am


Emotional ExaminationThis is a good time for letting one of you express how both of you feel and give the other one a welcome rest. It's really all about passive agreement on issues that are so much shared that it doesn't matter who's forming the words, since there's no disagreement or competition over just exactly what's meant.

Moon Sextile Moon (Waning)


10:47 am



Critique StoriesSometimes you agree famously and other times you don't even notice you're on the same track. This is one of those latter occasions when it neither occurs to you to differ or to agree, since neither seems an issue. You're moving according to plan, so you have your eyes on the ball, not on the announcer analyzing the game.

Moon Sextile Mercury (Waning)


03:48 pm


CritqueIt's really time to smell the roses when you stop even noticing them. Taking a good situation for granted is actually a real pleasure, especially when you appreciate the ease and gratification in being peacefully in orbit together. It doesn't require an orgy of self-satisfaction, just quiet thanks for the moment.

Moon Sextile Venus (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Sat Oct 24, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 14Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:55 pm


Building RespectGeneral acclaim tends to bring the trappings of success and happiness right now, like flowers thrown at a wedding, but even while you gather them in together, understand that outside approval is a sometimes thing. Enjoy the appreciation, but cherish what you have that has sparked it off, for that endures.

Venus Trine Sun (Waxing)


07:43 pm



Emotional Conservation ArisesThere's broad agreement that you're looking good today, so it can't hurt to get out and play, interact, generally have fun and shoot the breeze, indulge in bluesky imagination, and expand upon yourselves. The tide is running nicely in your favor, so ride it and see where it takes you, enjoy the scenery along the way.

Moon Trine Ascendant (Waning)


07:56 pm



Public FeelingsArguments can be in store when stored-up energy gets blocked or there is uncertainty about actions already in progress. Like trying to check your swing on a bad pitch, your systems are in conflict but you can still cooperate to save the situation. Whatever you do, don't take it personally, just unite to meet the challenge.

Moon Square Mars (Waning)


08:53 pm


Public SuccessThe size and scope of your mutual ambitions and requirements for growth could appear to be at odds -- what seems too much to one may seem not enough for the other. But it's all about good things, essentially -- you can't have too much of them, or can you? In the end, compromise is achieved, or surfeits will be come losses.

Moon Square Jupiter (Waning)


03:20 am



Innovative IdeasKeeping the relationship new involves making it that way, and putting your toes into untried waters and going for the surprise option is definitely the road to fresh air right now. The trick is to avoid expectations, except for change itself, and give whatever pops up a chance to prove itself, integrate itself into your experience together.

Moon Conjunct Uranus

For Today's & Cancer Mon Oct 26, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 15Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:22 am



Signs of ChangeThe urge to engage in power play at this moment can be a little intimidating, but it's based on the fear of losing out to impossible odds. Trying to manipulate them in your favor results in a downward spiral, as you need each other to turn the corner and find more comfortable situations. Stay the course.

Moon Square Pluto (Waxing)


08:39 am



EmbodyingThere's a lot of emotional support around at the moment -- not the rock solid kind that sees you through hard times but more like positive social niceties that crowd around like flowers and candy to make you feel well-attended to and appreciated. When everything is in an affirmative spin mode, pleasure abounds.

Venus Trine Moon (Waxing)


10:03 pm



Building LoveImagining ways to please comes easy right now, so indulge yourselves in whatever comes to mind. Just kind words in and of themselves help you count your blessings, and mutual compliments are gifts that cost you nothing and yet abide like gold. A pleasing attitude gives pleasure all around, so share it, enjoy the reflections.

Venus Trine Mercury (Waxing)


01:17 am



Embody LoveGetting what you want out of each other is merely a matter of letting the available energy roll and push you along into the place you want to be. There is abundant power to follow your needs, so feel free to indulge yourselves at every turn. Exercising your desires only makes them more satisfying, at every turn.

Mars Trine Venus (Waxing)


01:33 am



Manage Practical EmotionsIt's a nice day or so to put yourselves into the limelight if you choose to, as the world's stray attention will find you in its path. Take the time for reinforcing your joint PR, let people know what you are up to, publicly admit to your accomplishments. A pulse of both ambition and reward come together.

Moon Conjunct Midheaven

For Today's & Cancer Tue Oct 27, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 16Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


04:58 pm



Long SufferingThe finest imaginings don't always spring up overnight like mushrooms but often grow up like grass in the spring until they become a field of dreams. That's the pace at the moment, watching grass grow and envisioning the meadow yet to come in which you both will lie. Not a bad situation, when you think about it.

Moon Sextile Neptune (Waxing)


07:25 pm



Emotional Objectivity ArisesRequirements at home or work may get in the way of personal needs and attention, so don't depend on getting everything you need until you've gotten necessities taken care of and out of the way. If your timing seems off, write it off to having to let others have their priorities attended to -- fair enough, sometimes.

Moon Square Ascendant (Waning)


07:39 pm



Feeling CriticalThere's a feeling of strolling along, what composers call andante, in which your feelings and energies are perfectly in tune, even to the point of barely noting it. Comfort comes less from getting what you want but from doing it, knowing you're both nicely in sync and quite sufficiently pleased with it as well.

Moon Sextile Mars (Waning)


08:03 pm



Emotional ExperienceThis time of the lunar month marks emotional rewards arising from the relationship, payoffs from having put as much as you have into it. You get back what you put in, so much of the nature of what you receive at this moment flows directly from how well you've been tending to the situation.

Moon Opposite Node


08:35 pm


Critical PathWhen enough is enough and plenty is plenty, you tend not to see just how full your cup is. Why? Because it's not empty, nor is it overflowing, just properly filled to satisfaction. So who would notice? Sometimes it's nice just to know you are preceding along nicely on your expected growth curve. Enjoy the moment.

Moon Sextile Jupiter (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Wed Oct 28, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 17Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:05 am


Embody ControlFaith moves mountains, and knowing that all will come out all right in the end is the first step in seeing that it happens. That feeling is in the air, and you can invest in it for the moment, simply by spreading the good word, the good feelings. It's more than belief, it's blind faith, of the guided variety.

Moon Trine Pluto (Waxing)


06:14 am



Experience ControlA relationship is defined not only by its generally accepted boundaries, but by the limits of them, how far they can be stretched. What comprises going too far to either or both of you? What do you think you just can't quite accomplish? Reflection on and recognition and respect of your individual limits allows you each to retain them without always having to share them.

Moon Opposite Saturn


07:08 am



A New VisionThis is the moment in the month where shared feelings and attitudes mutually reinforce each other, building on the joint personality that grows from regular interaction. It's all about not just admitting to your mutuality but feeling it, recognizing that there is a true, active shoreline between you and you can both feel the waves between your toes as you walk it.

Moon Conjunct Sun


09:25 am



Building on SuccessThis is a year of positive growth and regular emotional expansion, where you both find easy room to grow and become more inclusive in your mutual feelings for the world around you. It's easy to act with commonality, even when you're in new territory, as you both have a good feel about where it's going next.

Jupiter Trine Moon (Waxing)


09:50 am



Feelings Are AccentedThis monthly transit or "lunar return" is quite important as it is a primary cementer of the relationship. It marks the transfer of emphasis of the monthly emotional from one of you to the other, the handshake point at which you are truly emotional equals. Rebond well now, and it all builds for the better.

Moon Conjunct Moon

For Today's & Cancer Wed Oct 28, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 18Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


10:44 am


Fresh IdeasThis is the time of month to put your joint feelings into words and see how they are developing. It's also a good time for coming up with ideas and plans for a more thought-out relationship and for how you work as a unit. Good communication feels right, so talk it out and all kinds of new benefits come to light.

Moon Conjunct Mercury


03:42 pm



Insight Into FeelingsThis is the special time of month when you want to be emphasizing and building upon what you both want together, what particularly pleases you not individually but jointly. This is the stuff of which long-term happiness is made of, so take the time out to enjoy and truly satisfy yourselves in ways only you both know how.

Moon Conjunct Venus


09:24 am



Preserve PeaceCurrent external rhythms support internal imaginings, and what you might have only jointly wished for can be in the process of coming true. Capitalize on it to bring it down to reality, like pulling a fish on the line into your boat before it swims away. It may not be all it might, but it will likely be more than you have reason to expect.

Sun Trine Neptune (Waning)


05:34 pm



Spritiual SignsMixed feelings and confused messages get lost because you're at loose ends about just how to apply your separate imaginations to become joint reality. Let the mists pass and brush away each other's cobwebs without tarnishing any fondly-held fantasies and you'll find better focus down the road in a day or so.

Moon Square Neptune (Waxing)


08:07 pm



Emotional Examination ArisesIt's easy to be personable right now, as quiet support says yes to your rhythms in subtle ways you may not even pick up on except to notice that you're a little more comfortable in your shoes. Communication runs easy and commentary pleases whether it's just everyday chatter or something much more intimate and meaningful.

Moon Sextile Ascendant (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Thu Oct 29, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 19Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


11:15 pm



Building ValueIt's more than likely right now that you can get what you want together, especially if you put up a unified front, as the environment seems quite ready to cooperate if you do. Life is a gift waiting for response in kind, so the more you are ready to actively share, the more you will have coming in to share together.

Venus Trine Venus (Waxing)


04:06 am


Innovative AcceptanceThere's a nice stimulus going to add a little spice to your meal without crossing national borders to explore risky restaurants. It's easy to kick up the notch a bit, without blowing yourselves away in the process. In fact, at this moment, you can reach new levels of originality with relatively little emotional risk.

Moon Sextile Uranus (Waxing)


09:00 pm



Manage Intellectual ExperienceGathering notes on the nuts you've gathered for your personal nest is the order of the day. This is the opposite of your public persona, which can be put on the shelf for a moment as you inform each other of the hows and whys of the relationship itself. It's interior decorating, literally or figuratively.

Mercury Opposite Midheaven


10:20 pm



Self Progress ArisesFor either business or personal reasons you may be too concerned with or conflicted by other input to keep your own personal appearance together up to snuff. Your timing together can be affected, making moves you normally complete in a single pass have to be repeated, your effects reasserted until they get across.

Sun Square Ascendant (Waxing)


01:41 am


Success by EffortThere's a rolling rhythm going that helps you get a lot done together and makes joint efforts ever so much easier than individual ones. It's a little like the tide is on the move and you're feeling it rise beneath your boat. Tag on to it and run with it as far as it will take you. Feels good to be on the move.

Sun Trine Mars (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Sat Oct 31, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 20Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:56 am



Manage Accepting FeelingsThere's general support for you in the outside world, so it will be easy for you to go out there and take part in the action, though don't expect to be the focus of attention. A good supporting role will be easiest for a day or so, then decide how much further you want to get involved in the spotlight.

Moon Sextile Midheaven (Waxing)


07:47 am



Accent on YouThis day of the year generally reminds you of why you got together and what responsibilities you have taken on by having done so. In a way, it's a celestial wedding anniversary, since it marks a reinforcement of the whys and wherefores innate in the relationship itself and encourages recommitment to this particular mutual cause.

Sun Conjunct Node


02:30 pm



Word CareerYou can't say too much this year, and whatever you say leaves more to be gladly discussed later as your joint headspace picks up the pace and explores new ground on a regular basis. The opportunity to embrace new ideas and concepts makes every day an adventure in learning and education, about each other and the world around you.

Jupiter Trine Mercury (Waxing)


03:58 pm



Building SuccessSteady growth with no end in sight seems the order of the day for the two of you, so move ahead with confidence while the tide of expansion is with you. Positive approaches seem to yield just what they promise, which means the signal is still on to buy. Make sure you pocket some of these good feelings as reserve for mutual times and fortunes less assured.

Sun Trine Jupiter (Waxing)


08:57 pm



Embody InspirationThe imagination allows you to go together to places yet to come which you can conceive clearly yet wonder how they will ever come to pass. It's a feeling of hope mixed with awe, in that all things are possible and together you possess the key to their beginning. It's that confidence that if you dream it, it can come.

Moon Trine Neptune (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Sat Oct 31, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 21Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


11:56 pm



Motivational InsightThis moment of the lunar month accentuates your ability to take action together, telling you don't just sit there, do something. So, do something. Sitting still right now will only result in nervous dissatisfaction,frayed energies, while getting a move on will make the most of the moment, take the tide at its flood.

Moon Conjunct Mars


01:00 am



Ideas for SuccessThis is a moment that unites and reinforces your mutual ambitions, your inner urge to grow and grow together. Do something that takes you both beyond repetition and into some new direction you'd like to see yourselves moving into. Positive focus is strong and it's time to follow it in principle, leaving nit-picking details for resolution later.

Moon Conjunct Jupiter


08:16 am


Innovative StepsDisagreement upon where interesting new change meets inappropriate or dangerous directions can make disputes break out more harshly than they might over smaller things. Short temper or intolerance spring from real feelings of insecurity and mismatched pacing, so be willing to pull back and take progress a little slower in the interest of resolution and harmony.

Moon Square Uranus (Waxing)


08:18 am



The ExperienceThere are limits to what you can and can't do, jointly or alone, which include everything from location to health to the state of the union. How much space do you each control and where are the mountains that cannot be scaled, from which you must divert your paths? Are they the same for both of you? Update your realistic powers so you know what you really can and can't try to do. The thought for this day.

Moon Opposite Pluto


11:51 am



Keep ControlThere are moments when a relationship is more than an active dynamic, it's also something you can lean on. That's in part reinforced by outside events that make you glad you have the mutual protection with someone comfortably but actively watching your back. When you know what to expect, you can take the time to savor it.

Moon Trine Saturn (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Sun Nov 01, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 22Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


12:52 pm



Successful PlanA quiet moment of mutual reinforcement is welcome here, when you together seem to fit particularly well into your surrounding circumstances, allowing you to go with the flow without even noticing you're doing it. Just enjoy your mutual orbit and the natural forces which favor your presence in the same spot.

Moon Sextile Sun (Waxing)


03:55 pm


Accepting FeelingsThis is a good time for letting one of you express how both of you feel and give the other one a welcome rest. It's really all about passive agreement on issues that are so much shared that it doesn't matter who's forming the words, since there's no disagreement or competition over just exactly what's meant.

Moon Sextile Moon (Waxing)


04:57 pm



Work With IdeasSometimes you agree famously and other times you don't even notice you're on the same track. This is one of those latter occasions when it neither occurs to you to differ or to agree, since neither seems an issue. You're moving according to plan, so you have your eyes on the ball, not on the announcer analyzing the game.

Moon Sextile Mercury (Waxing)


10:37 pm


Long SufferingIt's really time to smell the roses when you stop even noticing them. Taking a good situation for granted is actually a real pleasure, especially when you appreciate the ease and gratification in being peacefully in orbit together. It doesn't require an orgy of self-satisfaction, just quiet thanks for the moment.

Moon Sextile Venus (Waxing)


09:59 am



Manage Emotional ProgressAttention to personal matters takes precedence over professional ones and may even interfere with them. It's about you and who you are, not where you are or what you do, so get in there and mix it up, get intense about yourselves. The shoreline between you is where you step onto and off of the boat.

Moon Square Midheaven (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Tue Nov 03, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 23Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


07:19 am



Emotions AppearThis is the monthly lunar spike to your physical presentation together, how you personally interact and how people see you as an entity. Great for putting on a show, with or without closed doors, so proceed like the spotlight is on you and the curtain has just risen. There's no business like show business, go break a leg as they say.

Moon Conjunct Ascendant


04:34 pm



Embody InsightsThere is a giddy feeling when the ride is just bumpy enough to elicit squeals of delight but not enough to balloon into real fear. Catch that moment together in whatever you do today, as external elements conspire to give you that ride if you choose to let them. There's a fresh wind up, set full sail.

Moon Trine Uranus (Waxing)


08:25 pm


Public ControlHarsh judgments on small failing raise insecurities from the point of nervousness to hostility if you're not willing to forgive and take a second look. Brief circumstances make it easy to criticize what you've got going for the moment, but time is more likely to be on your side than not, if you are willing to forgo lingering doubts.

Moon Square Saturn (Waning)


09:30 pm



Positive ActionThis is one of two points in the lunar month which highlight the exchange of your differences and similarities and can sometimes put them into competition. You may feel that circumstances are putting unfair or irresolvable demands on the two of you or favoring one over the other. Avoid getting dragged into temporary issues and readjust.

Moon Square Sun (Waxing)


00:47 am



Emotional ProgressWhose feelings count for more may become a little bit of an issue right now as one or both of you can feel a little at odds with the other in regard for the amount of attention you're giving and getting. Don't go making lists of individual grievances, as this will pass quickly if you just brush it off and move on.

Moon Square Moon (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Wed Nov 04, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 24Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


01:53 am



A Start is MadeThis is one of two days in the lunar month when you may really not agree on what your plan ought to be or just how to implement it. You can get into a lot of diminishing returns and waste emotional and mental energy, or you can make a list of what's not really hitting things right, then discuss it on better aspects later. The choice should be obvious.

Moon Square Mercury (Waxing)


07:57 am


Loving ActSometimes even the sweetest things cloy, or you can't immediately get what you want, while what you don't want is all around you. Don't let it get you all cramped up, as this twice-monthly moment will move on soon enough. Particularly, don't argue about it, because it's not really either of your fault. No blame.

Moon Square Venus (Waxing)


05:25 pm



Critique of ChangeFollowing the tide doesn't mean drifting with it, and this is a good time to let forces already in play take you along to some place nice, while you enjoy the scenery along the way. Whether or not you've got the time to take off, you're making extra headway simply because you're traveling in the same direction as fate.

Sun Sextile Pluto (Waning)


08:05 pm



Manage Emotional StengtheningIt's a good time for tending to mutual work and finance matters as there's increased general support for what you do -- not enough to make you famous by yourselves, but certainly added encouragement to get you there under your own steam. Positive reinforcement is like having a second engine driving your vessel.

Moon Trine Midheaven (Waxing)


03:32 pm


Inspirational DifficultySometimes the imagination is stretched beyond the point of access or believability, and that is a major boundary you want to keep track of. You only keep hope alive when you both think there really is some, you only share dreams which neither of you dismiss as impossible. Perhaps time to sort some of that out so you're on the same heading.

Moon Opposite Neptune

For Today's & Cancer Thu Nov 05, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 25Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


05:38 pm



Preserve the SpiritTime to put some clothes on your future selves, decorate the stage for the next act, get a feel for the script you're looking to populate in the time ahead. Half the fun is planning for your personal show together, and this is a good time to fill in the fantasy and even get a little cooperative help from outside in the process.

Mercury Trine Neptune (Waning)


06:55 pm



Sublimate FeelingsThere's a feeling of strolling along, what composers call andante, in which your feelings and energies are perfectly in tune, even to the point of barely noting it. Comfort comes less from getting what you want but from doing it, knowing you're both nicely in sync and quite sufficiently pleased with it as well.

Moon Sextile Mars (Waxing)


08:07 pm


Patience TriedWhen enough is enough and plenty is plenty, you tend not to see just how full your cup is. Why? Because it's not empty, nor is it overflowing, just properly filled to satisfaction. So who would notice? Sometimes it's nice just to know you are preceding along nicely on your expected growth curve. Enjoy the moment.

Moon Sextile Jupiter (Waxing)


04:21 am


ConservingFaith moves mountains, and knowing that all will come out all right in the end is the first step in seeing that it happens. That feeling is in the air, and you can invest in it for the moment, simply by spreading the good word, the good feelings. It's more than belief, it's blind faith, of the guided variety.

Moon Trine Pluto (Waning)


08:20 am


Critical ControlThe strength of a good relationship is often taken for granted, and it is a measure of its strength that it can be. Feeling comfortable by simply letting things be is a joy unto itself, so why not mosey along and enjoy the safety and security of what you know to be right and supportive? A passive, but rich indulgence.

Moon Sextile Saturn (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Fri Nov 06, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 26Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


09:28 am


Embody OutwardThere's a generally supportive atmosphere surrounding you, giving the feeling that you're both better in tune with your surroundings as a result of being together. It tells you the story of what's right and comfortable, especially in regard to how the rest of the world is treating you as a combo.

Moon Trine Sun (Waxing)


12:53 pm



Emotional StengtheningThis is an easy time of month when the balance of feelings is easily handled, letting one person handle more than the other in a real helpmate style. Helping hands gracefully extended meet their willing and thankful counterpart as you both cooperate to move things along to the benefit of both.

Moon Trine Moon (Waxing)


02:01 pm



ImplementingSeeing eye to eye comes easy as the world around you seems to support your joint ideas and signs onto your plans as hoped. It doesn't really matter who came up with what, the fact that you're on target together makes it easy to develop the next step, set down procedures for the next step in your joint strategy.

Moon Trine Mercury (Waxing)


04:02 pm



Mental Progress ArisesYou may have to use both words and body language to get your message across right now, and if the two of you can't make the point,try letting one or the other try it alone. Part of being together is knowing when one or the other is better suited for the task, at least until order is restored.

Mercury Square Ascendant (Waxing)


04:21 pm



Ideas of AuthorityThis time of year has the capacity to lift and lighten your mutual burdens while reinforcing the stability of your relationship. By throwing light into the sometimes neglected but important features of what you do, you see better what you have to work with, both your limits and your possibilities.

Sun Conjunct Saturn

For Today's & Cancer Fri Nov 06, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 27Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


06:04 pm


Words to ActionOrganizing your work and play energies comes easy right now because you've got an innate understanding of how they fit together so your heads and your hands are nicely in tune. Part of that is sharing the load with others, and the trick is knowing who's going to lend a hand and participate. Just ask, and it will be the right choice.

Mercury Trine Mars (Waxing)


08:18 pm



EmbodyingIt's easy to please one another for the moment, or should be as the general environment is helping you both out to get what you want if you let it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, just mount it and go for a ride, see where it takes you. There's mutual enjoyment to be had, so jump right in.

Moon Trine Venus (Waxing)


09:46 pm



Mental AccentThis is a day to give particular thought to why you have come together -- what was, is, and may yet evolve into the plan behind the relationship. Was it a good idea, and is it still? What was the working intention and are you still on the same track, or does it need a tweak here and there? A pause for thought.

Mercury Conjunct Node


02:45 am



Word CareerBig ideas and high ambitions together require brilliant coordination and planning, and now's the time for it. Take outside opinions and integrate them into your own to help pump up an already swelling balloon of possibilities. If it's new, aims for the top, and it feels right, start making plans into realities.

Mercury Trine Jupiter (Waxing)


05:44 am



Experience SelfThis week or so every year sees some of the usual support for who you are together seem to fade away in favor of what you do individually or even with other working relationships. It's a good time to let things drift like you were at the outer limits of your orbit or your radio reception and wait until the signal gets clearer again.

Sun Opposite Sun

For Today's & Cancer Sun Nov 08, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 28Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


07:42 am



Feelings of Acceptance AriseIt's easy to be personable right now, as quiet support says yes to your rhythms in subtle ways you may not even pick up on except to notice that you're a little more comfortable in your shoes. Communication runs easy and commentary pleases whether it's just everyday chatter or something much more intimate and meaningful.

Moon Sextile Ascendant (Waxing)


07:59 am



Strong StatementArguments can be in store when stored-up energy gets blocked or there is uncertainty about actions already in progress. Like trying to check your swing on a bad pitch, your systems are in conflict but you can still cooperate to save the situation. Whatever you do, don't take it personally, just unite to meet the challenge.

Moon Square Mars (Waxing)


09:11 am


Sign of SuccessThe size and scope of your mutual ambitions and requirements for growth could appear to be at odds -- what seems too much to one may seem not enough for the other. But it's all about good things, essentially -- you can't have too much of them, or can you? In the end, compromise is achieved, or surfeits will be come losses.

Moon Square Jupiter (Waxing)


05:26 pm



Feeling InnovativeHow far out can you go, what is the limit of tolerance for untrained or untamed experience for both of you? That's a question to explore for a moment, as it will tell you just how far to push each other for fun before it becomes scary, and what one of you may feel thrilled by that may in fact offend the other. These boundaries keep changing, so you need to keep probing them for mutual enlightenment (good) and emotional safety (essential).

Moon Opposite Uranus


05:28 pm



Public ControlThe urge to engage in power play at this moment can be a little intimidating, but it's based on the fear of losing out to impossible odds. Trying to manipulate them in your favor results in a downward spiral, as you need each other to turn the corner and find more comfortable situations. Stay the course.

Moon Square Pluto (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Sun Nov 08, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 29Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


09:55 pm



Full ExperienceThis time of year tends to pull you away from your emotional focus, leaving you to sustain the relationship through other factors you have in common. The first reaction may not be to agree right now but to realize that you don't have to agree all the time to have all the rest of it work out just fine.

Sun Opposite Moon


11:14 am


Mind of AuthorityYou can't always rely on knowing what the mutual plan is, and when you lose touch with it occasionally, let your individual instincts kick and operate on backup. There may be some things that you can't agree upon, but sometimes it's best to refrain from disagreement and wait until accord reearives of itself.

Sun Opposite Mercury


02:20 pm



Critical ViewAuthority issues don't arise when you're both going the same direction, so use this moment of deeply understood mutuality to reinforce the fundaments of the relationship. There are certain areas where you deeply agree, and now is the time to let them have rein, put conflicts temporarily to rest.

Mercury Sextile Pluto (Waning)


09:43 pm



Manage Emotional ExperienceA good day or so to tend to the interior front, see what you can do to make things more tidy, safe, and secure in your own mutual castle where you can shut the doors and windows on the world when you choose. Keeping the home fires burning has a cozy appeal, whatever the weather outside.

Moon Opposite Midheaven


05:09 pm



ConservingThe imagination allows you to go together to places yet to come which you can conceive clearly yet wonder how they will ever come to pass. It's a feeling of hope mixed with awe, in that all things are possible and together you possess the key to their beginning. It's that confidence that if you dream it, it can come.

Moon Trine Neptune (Waning)

For Today's & Cancer Tue Nov 10, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 30Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


07:14 pm



Ideas of DisciplineConsolidation and restructuring may be in the wind as you begin to further understand the more durable parts of this relationship and develop a more informed idea of what to keep and what to throw away. Priorities appear where it might have been a toss of the coin before, so get down to basics and build from there.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn


08:13 pm



Emotional Progress ArisesRequirements at home or work may get in the way of personal needs and attention, so don't depend on getting everything you need until you've gotten necessities taken care of and out of the way. If your timing seems off, write it off to having to let others have their priorities attended to -- fair enough, sometimes.

Moon Square Ascendant (Waxing)


08:30 pm


EmbodyingThis is a great time for pursuing actions already begun, feeling the measure of your joint strength and its distribution between you. It feels right to stay with your direction and increase it, not to readjust it. It's the moment of the swung bat, the released pitch, the downward serve, the leap arcing through space toward its destination.

Moon Trine Mars (Waxing)


09:00 pm



Feelings Are AccentedThis time of the lunar month reminds you of your emotional commitment here, perhaps even sparking off a twinge or two of duty and recognition of why you're involved together. It can also make unresolved issues come up which are at the heart of what you need to learn by being together, the nature and sometimes burden of the relationship.

Moon Conjunct Node


09:41 pm



Building on SuccessFeelings of mutual plenty abound if you're willing to fall into that welcome space. Your ambitions and potentials seem to dovetail just right when you're working together and share a joint vision. You'll benefit even if you just let the moment drift, but seizing onto it will get you a lot more mileage.

Moon Trine Jupiter (Waxing)

For Today's & Cancer Wed Nov 11, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 31Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:31 am



Mind of AuthorityThe pros and cons of this relationship are both probably making themselves clear, and playing devil's advocate to yourselves is healthy when it examines the boundaries of what you are together. Once you've described what too far is, pull back into the fold and better enjoy what you've got going for you.

Mercury Opposite Sun


05:45 am



Emotionally CriticalSometimes the limits of your life are so subtle that they entirely escape you, and that is all for the best at the moment. You feel you are on the right track, but not necessarily that you put yourselves there,but none of it matters when there is no storm in the offing. Faithful, prosperous emotional weather is a treasure, indeed.

Moon Sextile Pluto (Waning)


09:38 am



Serious IdeasPart of being in any relationship is becoming aware of its limitations and the ways in which it limits each of you. Now is a good moment to refresh yourselves about what you can and can't, should and shouldn't do without indulging in recriminations. You can't play the game if you don't know the rules, the boundaries, and the dimensions of the field.

Moon Conjunct Saturn


10:44 am



Full ExperienceSometimes it's important to feel where your differences meet as well as what you have in common. This monthly point allows you to get that into perspective, to get the feeling of the outward reach of the relationship, where you most swing apart in your dance before pulling back together again in rhythm.

Moon Opposite Sun


02:03 pm



Emotional ExperienceThis marks the outer limit of your mutual monthly lunar handshake cycle and may bring to mind where there is distance between you and how you want to handle it. Making space for each other can and should be a positive thing, because even among the closest of neighbors, well-defined fences make you closer in the end.

Moon Opposite Moon

For Today's & Cancer Wed Nov 11, 2015

Oct 15, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015 Time Together 32Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software


03:09 pm


Mind ExperienceSometimes it feels better to agree to disagree than to try to come together on a plan that doesn't really work for both of you. Still, a good discussion will get how you feel and what you know much better into sync, so you'll know where not to go as well as what approaches you might explore with potential in the future.

Moon Opposite Mercury


09:13 pm



ExperiencingWhat feels right for the goose doesn't always turn on the gander, despite the common wisdom to the contrary, and this is a moment to find where your pleasures part but your friendship keeps you together. It may be that one does a special favor for the other, a trade for another special attention that otherwise might be neglected because it isn't all that mutual. That's when giving is most totally real, and appreciated.

Moon Opposite Venus

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