transformations around the globe

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Transformations Around the Globe. Chapter 12. China Resists Outside Influence. Section 1. Western economic pressure forces China to open foreign trade & influence 1793, China rejects gifts brought by British ambassador China is strong politically because it is largely self-sufficient - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 12

*TransformationsAround the Globe

Section 1

*China Resists Outside Influence

*China & the West*Western economic pressure forces China to open foreign trade & influence

*1793, China rejects gifts brought by British ambassador

*China is strong politically because it is largely self-sufficient*Agriculture, mining, manufacturing is highly productive

*China earns more from exports than it spends on imports

*British smuggle opium; many Chinese become addicted

*War Breaks Out*1839, Opium War erupts – fight caused by opium trade

*China loses the war to more modern British navy

*Treaty of Nanjing (1842) gives British control of Hong Kong

*1844, other nations win extraterritorial rights*Rights mean foreigners exempt from Chinese laws at ports

*The Taiping Rebellion*Late 1830’s, Hong Xiuquan recruits followers to build new China

*1850’s, Hong’s army grows large, captures large areas in southeast

*1864, rebellion defeated by internal fighting & outside attacks by British & French *At least 20 million people died in the rebellion

*Foreign Influence Grows* 1862-1908, Dowager Empress Cixi rules China *Reforms in education, government, & military *Prefers traditional way of life

* China suffers attacks from other nations & forced to grant more rights to other countries

* Europeans & Japan gain spheres of influence *Foreign nations controlled trade & investment

* U.S. declares Open Door Policy (1899)*Chinese trade open to all nations

*The Boxer Rebellion* Anti-government, anti-European peasants form secret organization – Society of Righteous & Harmonious Fists *Known as “The Boxers”

*1900, they launch the Boxer Rebellion – their campaign for reforms

*Rebels take Beijing, but foreign army defeats them, ending the rebellion

*Rebellion fails, but Chinese nationalism emerges

Section 2

*Modernization in Japan

*Japan Ends Its Isolation* Treaty of Kanagwa – Japan opens two ports to American ships

* By 1860, Japan has trade agreements with many nations

* Meiji Era – time of reform by emperor, Mutsuhito*Makes reforms & modernizing using Western models

*By early 1900, Japan had industrialized & is competitive with the West

*Imperial Japan *By 1890, has strong navy & large army

*In 1894, Japan gets Western nations to give up special rights

*Japan forces Korea to open 3 ports to trade with* *Japan & China agree not to send troops to Korea

*China sends troops to put down rebellion in Korea

*Japan drives Chinese out of Korea & gains Chinese territory

*Russo-Japanese War

* 1903, Japan & Russia begin struggle over Manchuria

* Japan attacks Russia in 1904

* 1905, the Treaty of Portsmouth ends the war; Japan gained captured territories*Treaty drafted by Pres. Theodore Roosevelt*Signed off the coast of New Hampshire on a ship

*Japan Occupies Korea* Japan makes Korea a protectorate

*1910, Japan completes the annexation of Korea

*Japan rules harshly in Korea which leads to Korean nationalism

Section 3

*U.S. EconomicImperialism

*Latin America After Independence* Economic system kept peasants in debt &

landowners grew wealthy

*Caudillos – military dictators – gain & hold power backed by the military*Ruled in most of Latin American countries

*Reformers sometimes gain office, but eventually forced out

*Wealthy landowners support caudillos; poor have few rights

*Latin American Economies* Depend on exporting 1 or 2 products

* Trains & refrigeration increase demand for L. Am. food

* L. Am. Imports manufactured goods

* Build few schools, roads, & hospitals

*Gov’t forced to borrow money from other countries

* Loans not repaid, property repossessed; foreign control increases

*The Monroe Doctrine

* Newly independent countries of Americas are insecure

*1823, Pres. James Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine *Europe cannot colonize anything in North or South America

*Cuba Declares Independence

* 1895, Jose Marti, Cuban writer, launches war for Cuban independence

*U.S. fights to help Cuba in 1898, leading to the Spanish-American War

*1901, Cuba nominally independent; US has significant control

*After war, Spain gives the U.S. – Puerto Rico, Guam, & the Philippines

*Connecting the Oceans* U.S. wants faster way from going east to west by ship

*Pres. T. Roosevelt backs idea of building canal across Panama

*Colombia rejects Roosevelt’s $10 million canal offer

*1903, Panama gains independence from Colombia with the help of the U.S.

*In return, Panama gives land to U.S. to build canal & the canal opens in 1914

*The Roosevelt Corollary*U.S. gains influence in L. America

*Many U.S. business investments in Cuba & in other nations

*1904, T. Roosevelt issues update of the Monroe Doctrine

*The Roosevelt Corollary – U.S. can be the police power in North & South America

*U.S. uses the corollary to justify repeated military interventions

Section 4

* Turmoil & Change in Mexico

* Santa Anna & Mexican War* Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana dominates politics

in Mexico*President four times from 1833-1855

* 1820’s Mexican officials encourage Americans to settle in TX*“Anglos” settle in TX & want more self-government *Cause problems with Mexico

* 1835, Texans revolt & win independence *Santa Anna looses power

* 1845, US annexes Texas; Mexico outraged

* 1846, war breaks out between US & Mexico

* Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends war*Northern 3rd of Mexico to US*Santa Anna, who had lost war, looses power again

* French Invade Mexico* Conservatives plot with Europeans to defeat Benito Juarez*Liberal reformer who wanted to make changes

*1862, French sent army to Mexico & take control of country*Put Austrian Archduke Maximilian as emperor

*Fighting continues for 5 years & Maximilian is defeated

*Juarez president again until death in 1872

* Diaz & “Order & Progress”

* Porfirio Diaz takes power in 1876*Builds power & suppresses opponents*Trades land for political support = elections meaningless

*Brings order to Mexico, but freedom is reduced

*Rich stay wealthy & poor suffer

*Unrest over harsh rule grows throughout Mexico

* Reformer Francisco Madero calls for armed revolt against Diaz

*“Pancho Villa” – leader from north* Emiliano Zapata – leader from south

*Both Villa & Zapata have significant victories over Diaz’s army

*Diaz forced to step down – new elections in 1911

* Revolution & Civil War* 1911 – Madero elected President – unrest continues

* 1913, Madero resigns & General Victoriano Huerta takes over

* Rebels start fight that last 15 months & Carranza becomes President

* Civil War ends in 1919 with Zapata’s death

*Mexico gets new constitution which provides land reform, education, & worker’s rights

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