trade tips: 9 trends affecting pr

Post on 12-May-2015






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9 Traditional Media Trends Affecting PR: how digital technologies have shifted the media landscape and delivery of public relations.


Trade Tips:9 Trends Affecting PR

By Nicole Hayes

In the PR Daily article “9 Traditional Media Trends Affecting PR

,” authorJeff Domansky explains how

digital technologies have shifted the media landscape and

delivery of public relations.

A recent report from the Pew Research Center suggests that with the fall of newspapers, television is the next

traditional medium victim in a transition to increased online viewership.

Here are the following nine trends Domansky notes:

1. Digital news surpasses newspapers, radio

Percentage of Americans who saw news or news headlines on a social networking site doubled—from 9 percent to 19 percent—since 2010.

2. With young, newspapers lack relevance

33 percent of those under 30 get their news via social networking sites, 34 percent from TV, and only 13 percent from newspapers.

3. Newspaper free fall continues

Just 23 percent of those surveyed read a newspaper yesterday. That’s down by nearly half (47 percent) since 2000.

4. Magazine drop continues

Only 18 percent read a magazine yesterday, down from 26 percent in 2000.

5. TV stable for old, tumbling with young

55 percent watched TV news or a news program yesterday, but only 34 percent of those under age 30 watched TV news yesterday, down from 49 percent in 2000.

6. Local TV news slips

Local TV news dropped from 54 percent in 2006 to 48 percent in 2012. Only 23 percent under 30 watched cable TV news.

7. Reading still popular

51 percent enjoy reading though there is a shift to electronic or digital formats.

8. Digital growing

Of those who read a magazine yesterday, 9 percent read digitally, while 20 percent of those who read a book did so in electronic format.

9. Online news is more mobile, or social

17 percent got news on mobile devices and 38 percent saw news on a social networking site, doubling from just 19 percent two years ago.

So how should PR firms and professionals adjust to this

new landscape?

Take courses, attend workshops and connect with colleagues who

have harnessed the benefits of social media tools.

Last, be nimble! Life is always subject

to more changes.

This presentation was adapted from our Voice Matters Blog.

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