tool time with joejoemaster

Post on 25-May-2015






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By: Joseph E. Sanborn

A Band Saw is a saw that has an endless toothed steel band passing over 2 wheels.

A band saw is used to cut things. Ex. Wood.

A drill press drops down to put a whole in the material that is under it.

A sander is a tool that is used for making wood surfaces smooth.

A hammer is a tool used for hitting nails into wood or other materials.

A screwdriver is a tool that helps put screws into place.

Pliers are a tool used for having a better grip on the material you are working with such as nuts and bolts or screws.

A tape measure is used for figuring out the length or width of an object.

A screw is used for holding objects together better than nails would because their stronger.

A nail is usually used to hold pieces of wood together.

Nuts are usually used to hold the bolts into place on an object for it to be more sturdy.

A metal pin for passing through holes in two or more plates or pieces to hold them together, usually made with a head at one end, the other end being hammered into a head after insertion.

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