tn child support defense

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Here is a claim filed with State of TN in reference to Child Support. Many of us responsible parents are suffering being extorted by Mafia style collection tactics to support kids we already support without being threatened and coerced. This has been an epic David and Goliath battle against the Giant corporate state. It is my wish that this instrument be used as a weapon for self defense against the municipal corporate beast. Negative Averments can also be used as a valuable weapon against the beast. Child Collection is a 31 billion dollar a year industry where they make 10% off the top plus get matched dollar for dollar as an incentive on the collection of the debt. Its extortion by definition especially if they are profiting. Its just plain wrong, immoral and unethical and these public servants are justifying their actions on the moral high ground of just obeying and following the "law" because they themselves are mindless slaves. Same people running the organization are writing the rules which are unilateral social contracts they are enforced using threat, force and coercion. Only people of low morals use threat, force and coercion to "enforce" an idea.


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