tips for choosing a tax return preparer

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Tips For Choosing a Tax Return Preparer

A large number of taxpayers hire a return preparer to prepare and file their tax returns. Most return preparers are legitimate and honest. Unfortunately, there are

unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of the taxpayers who hire them. These dishonest tax preparers are known to file fraudulent tax returns on their

clients’ behalf for monetary gain. Here are some points which will indicate the type of preparer you’re dealing with.

Personal Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

The IRS has mandated that every paid tax return preparer must have a Preparer Tax Identification Number or PTIN. A return preparer is required to include his or her PTIN on every tax return they file. Confirm that your return preparer has included his or her PTIN on your tax return.

Better Business Bureau (BBB) Complaints

Check the BBB website to see if your return preparer has consumer complaints or any punitive actions were taken against them. For CPAs, check with the state board of accountancy. For attorneys and enrolled agents, check with the state BAR association and the IRS Office of Enrollment, respectively.

Compare Fees

Avoid preparers that charge extravagant fees, claim that they can get you a bigger refund than others, or base their fee on a percentage of your refund. Do not allow a preparer to have your refund deposited in their bank account or at their address.

Check their Qualifications

Do a little research to check if the preparer is affiliated with a professional organization and/or attends continuing education classes. These are signs the preparer is honest and takes professional improvement seriously.

Check Business Lifespan

Look up how long the preparer has been in business. Fraudulent return preparers disappear quickly after filing season, leaving their clients stranded when there is a problem. Find out about your preparer by researching online. Make sure they are available after tax season ends and get their complete contact information so you can contact them if any issues do arise in the future.

Check Receipts and Tax Records

A return preparer that is trustworthy will ask you for your W-2, receipts of your deductions and other tax records to determine your exact income, and qualifying deductions and credits. An incompetent preparer or a fraudulent one will be willing to compromise on accuracy.

Signing The Return

If a preparer asks you to sign a blank return, discontinue with their service immediately. Be sure to review your return for accuracy before your preparer files it. Request that it be filed electronically, so there is less probability of error.

Report Abuse

If you come in contact with a fraudulent preparer, even if you caught them before they were able to defraud you, report the abusive preparer or suspected abuser to the IRS using Form 14157, Compliant: Tax Return Preparer. By doing this you will prevent others from becoming victims in the future.

To Learn MoreVisit

www.taxassistancegroup.orgOr Call

(855) 549-7829

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