
Post on 10-Mar-2016






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history, timeline, films, techniques


The Miller and The Sweep by George Albert SmithDec 31, 1969This is about two men who fight, in front of a windmill. A miller carrying a bag of flour fighting with a chimney sweep carrying a bag of soot, before a crowd comes and chases them. This is a short British black and white silent comedy film; this was shown in theatres at the time. This became highly famous because of its basic concept. The 180-degree rule was established but was very hard to execute but on the other hand the use of a static camera here is revolutionary.

The Great Train RobberyDec 15, 1903The Great Train Robbery was produced, written and directed by Edwin Porter. This is a western film that was budgeted up to £150 to be produced. It is about a group of bandit’s stage brazen train hold-up, only to find a determined posse hot on their heels. The film used a number of innovative techniques including double exposure editing, on location shooting, crosscutting and camera movement; this shows how the technology had advanced. This is one of the first films that use transitions in postproduction, which was a big breakthrough in editing.

Birth of a NationFeb 15, 1915Birth of a Nation is a silent drama film directed by D.W. Griffith one of his well known work, this is because this film is the first to use very popular filming techniques such as tracking shot, eye-line match and flashbacks. This was made during the silent era so no soundtrack used however ideas were getting more complex. The film was a commercial success, but was highly controversial because of white actors in blackface playing African Americans men.

Citizen KaneJun 15, 1941Citizen Kane is an American drama film, directed by and starring Orson Welles, this was his first feature film. This film used a lot of graphic match and cross fades. The advancement of technology such as moviola was also enabled at the time so this allowed the edits to be more precise and easy cut, which allowed the editor and film makers to control the pace of the film. The use of dark shadows and colours in the film created the haunting mood.

Chroma Keying (Green Screening)May 27, 1940Chroma Keying is a technique compositing two images together. The technique has been used heavily in many fields to remove a background from the subject of a photo or video. It was first developed in the 1930's however it was known as the 'blue screen'. This technique is commonly used in video games, motion picture and new casting. Chroma keying can be done with backgrounds of any color that are uniform and distinct, but green and blue backgrounds are more commonly used.

Psycho Jun 15, 1960Psycho is an American horror film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This film is about a young lady who steals $40,000 from her employer's client, to help her divorced boyfriend 'Sam Loomis'. It was the first mainstream film that used Montage editing. Therefore this film is extremely famous because of the shower scene of a masked man who stabs 'Vera Miles'. Alfred used a graphic match from the blood pouring into the sink to her eye looking lifeless. Psycho initially received mixed reviews but is now considered one of Hitchcock's best films and is highly praised as a work of cinematic art by international critics.

Once upon a time in the westJun 14, 1969Once upon a time in the west is an Italian spaghetti western film directed by Sergio Leone for Paramount pictures. It is about a mysterious stranger that comes to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad. This film builds suspense so effectively with the use of sound design that captivates the audience. The technology in editing was more visible in this film as for the editing of the moods changing was evident.

First Non-Linear EditorJan 15, 1971The first truly non-linear editor is the most natural approach when all assets are available as files on hard disks rather than recordings or tapes. The CMX 600, was introduced in 1971 by CMX systems, a joint venture between CBS and Memorex. The 600 had a console with 2 monitors built in. It recorded and played back black and white analog video recorded in 'skip-field' mode on modified disk pack.

TrainspottingFeb 15, 1996Trainspotting is a British crime drama film directed by Danny Boyle. This film is about a group of Heroin addicts in the late 1980's. There is a scene in this film that has become editing genius because it almost looked life like. I as an audience was very indulged into it because of the sound that was well put together and mixed down. The pace of the editing started slow then gradually built up.JFKJan 15, 1991JFK is an American film directed by Oliver Stone. This film is about a New Orleans DA Jim Garrison who discovers there's more to the John F Kennedy assassination than the official story. The film has entered history greats. Many actors were willing to waive their normal fees because of the nature of the project and to lend their support. It is the way the film had been edited with the soundtrack that helps the suspense grow throughout the film.

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