time to bring back old school grammar.pptx

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Time to bring back old school grammarKANAGESWARY CHANDRAN Its time to prioritize the English language and this means incorporating aspects of grammar into the current teaching method in primary and secondary schools nationwide. Vital to bring back proven past best practices in the teaching of the English language. It is very important that activities based!learning are relevant to what has been taught. In this way" you will see grammatical aspects of English being applied. Education #inistry has been severely criticized for sacri$cing the globally acceptable English %anguage for its &ahasa #alaysia!leaning policies. 'ecent unfavorable ()*' results on English pro$ciency levels among primary school students has underlined the urgency of the situation&elieve it is best to continue past practices like English +ay" English ,eek and English #onth and speech competitions in primary and secondary schools.-oncerned at the pro$ciency level among English language teachers in the country. .nly /0 per cent of those who have sat for the -ambridge )lacement Test 1-)%2 recently managed to score - 1competent2.

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