tiip presentation 1

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Building Inquiry to Address the Common Core and

Next Generation Science Standards

Quick InventoryWhat information do you already know about he

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)?

What do you know about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?

New Opportunities for All Learners

California Common Core State Standards (ELA and Math)

Next Generation Science Standards

21st Century Skills

Shifts in the Common Core— Focus

Significantly narrow the scope of content an deepen how time and energy is spent in the classroom

Focus deeply only on what is emphasized in the standards, so that students gain strong foundations

— Coherence

Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years.

Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning.

Next Generation Science Standards

By the end of 12th grade, all students will:

• have some appreciation of the beauty and wonder of science;

•possess sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on related issues;

• be careful consumers of scientific and technological information related to their everyday lives;

•be able to continue to learn about science outside school; and

• have the skills to enter careers of their choice, including (but not limited to) careers in science, engineering, and technology

Next Generation Science Standards

Science and engineering

Core ideas in the discipline

Concepts across disciplines

Notebook Entry: Ice Cubes

#1. Take independent notes as you observe the ice cube in sample #1.

#2. Use all senses except taste.

#3. Take independent notes as you observe the ice cube in sample #2.

#4. Use all senses except taste.

#5. Draw an illustration to show what you think is happening in each sample.

Poster: Partner Explanation

•Discuss your illustration with your partner.

•With your partner, draw a picture on the poster paper and write a detailed explanation of what you think happened in both samples.

Which “Scientific and Engineering Practices” did you use during the


1. Asking questions and defining problems

2. Developing and using models

3. Planning and carrying out investigations

4. Analyzing and interpreting data

5. Using mathematics and information and computer technology

6. Developing explanations and designing solutions

7. Engaging in argument

8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Linking Science to CaCCSSHow did you use oral language during the


What language processes did you use to communicate in the investigation?





The 5E Learning Cycle

The Learning Cycle




e or Extend


Engage (Initiate) What the Student Does… What the Teacher Does…

Asks Questions Created interest

Shows interest in a topic Generate Curiosity

Raises Questions

Elicit responses that uncover what students know or think about the topic

ExploreWhat the Student Does… What the Teacher Does…

Thinks freely but within the limits of the activity

Encourages the students to work together without direct instruction from the teacher

Tests predictions and hypothesis Observes and listens as students interact

Forms new predictions and hypothesis

Asks Probing questions

Tries alternatives and discusses them with others

Provides time for students to puzzle through problems

ExplainWhat the Student Does… What the Teacher Does…

Explains possible solutions or answers to others

Encourages the students to explain concepts in their own words

Listen’s critically to others explanations

Asks for clarification and justification

Questions each other Formally provides definitions, explanations and new labels

Refers to previous activities Uses students’ previous experiences as the basis for explaining concepts.

Elaborate What the Student Does… What the Teacher Does…

Applies new labels, definitions, explanations and skills in new but similar situations

Expects the students to use formal labels, definitions and explanations

Uses previous information to ask questions, propose solutions, make decisions

Encourages the students to apply or extend the concepts and skills in real world situations

Draws reasonable conclusion from evidence

Reminds the students of alternative explanations

Checks for understanding among peers

Refers the students to existing data and evidence and asks questions

EvaluateWhat the Student Does… What the Teacher Does…

Answers open ended questions by using observations, evidence and previously accepted explanations

Observes the students as they apply new concepts and skills

Demonstrates and understanding or knowledge of the concept or skill

Assesses students’ knowledge and/or skills

Evaluates his or her own progress and knowledge

Looks for evidence that the students have changed their thinking or behaviors

Asks related questions that would encourage future investigation

Allows students to assess their own learning and group-process skills

Try creating your own 5E lesson

Break into grade level groups/subjects.

Using the standard you are given, create a 5E lesson plan to teach that standard.

What is PUSD doing?

Two ideas you are certain about from this session. What will you take back to your staff?

Upon Reflection….


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