theresa nuzzo school marsa half yearly exams 2015 2016 … · 2020. 10. 21. · theresa nuzzo...

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Marks TOTAL (max. 20 marks)

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015 - 2016


Monday, 1st February, 2016

Name: ___________________________________

Class: _____________________

Register Number: _____________

Page 1 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015 - 2016


1. Underline the correct word from the brackets. (½ mark each)

a. In the world there were just two (crabs, fairies, animals).

b. The first crab went to the river to (swim, bathe, fish).

c. The woman wanted the crab to scratch her (back, arm, foot).

d. The first crab was very (rude, annoyed, kind).

e. The old ugly woman was actually a (grandmother, fairy, witch).

f. The woman sprinkled (magic dust, drops of water, stones) on the crab.

g. The first crab turned into a beautiful (flower, bird, girl).

h. The second crab threw the old woman (a flower, some water, a stone).

TASK 1 (8 marks)

2. Match column A with Column B to make correct sentences. The first one is done for you as an example. (1 mark each)


a The old woman was sitting

b The first crab

c When it turned into a bird

d The old woman

e The second crab


it had brightly coloured feathers.

ended up with a cracked back.

did not say ‘please’.

a on a log.

scratched the woman’s back.

Page 2 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

TASK 2 (12 marks)

a. Sarah’s family stores water in a tank

on the roof.

by the house.

behind the house.

b. The water in the tank comes from the




c. To “run out of something” means

avoid doing something.

use up something.

to escape from a place.

d. The water tanker arrived

after a couple of hours.

the next day.

two days later.


1. Answer these questions by ticking the correct answer. (1 mark each)

Page 3 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School


a The weather where Sarah lives is often very hot.

b Where Sarah lives, it rains a lot during winter.

c As long as they have their tank, Sarah’s family can use all the water they want.

d Sarah lives with her parents and sister.

e While they brush their teeth, the two sisters keep the tap turned off.

f Their mother cleans the horse shed with water from the tank.

g It was Autumn when the tank was nearly empty.

h The water tanker’s driver was a man.

i The tap on the water tanker was very large.

j When it rained, the tank was so full that it could not hold all the water.

2. Tick the column T if it’s true, the column F if it’s false or the column NIG if no

information is given. (½ mark each)

3. Fill in with ONE word from the text. (1 mark each)

a) Where Sarah lives, often it doesn’t rain for many _________________.

b) One Summer it was very _________________.

c) Sarah’s mother uses water from the _________________machine to clean the

horse shed.



TOTAL (max. 30 marks)

Name: ___________________________________

Class: _____________________

Register Number: _____________

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015-2016


Time: 50 mins

Page 1 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Look at the information about the SPACE SHUTTLE (6 marks)

Underline the correct word in the brackets. (1 mark each)

1. The Space Shuttle was built in (the USA, England, Brazil).

2. The Orbiter lands like (a shuttle, a rocket, an aeroplane).

3. The external tank holds the (astronauts, fuel, rockets).

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015-2016


Fill in the blank spaces with numbers. (1 mark each)

1. The shuttle can reach a great speed after only ________ minutes.

2. ________ solid rocket boosters are attached to the orbiter.

3. The length of the space shuttle is ________ metres.

The space shuttle is a USA rocket that acts as a plane. An orbiter is attached to two solid rocket boosters. The external tank contains the necessary fuel to boost the rockets into space. When it reaches the space the rockets and external tanks detach from the orbiter which is left to go around the earth in space. After it completes its mission it lands back to earth as a normal aeroplane.


The space shuttle is 56 metres long.

It only takes 8 minutes for the Space Shuttle to reach a speed of more than 27,000 km per hour.

The last launch of a space shuttle was in September 2010.

Page 2 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School



SECTION 1 (10 marks)

A MARTIAN COMES TO STAY It was on the second day of Peter’s holiday with his grandmother that the Martian came to the cottage. There was a knock at the door and when he went to open it there was this small green person with webbed feet and eyes on the end of stumpy antennae who said, perfectly politely, “I wonder if I might bother you for the loan of a spanner?” (paragraph 1)

“Sure,” said Peter. “I’ll ask my gran.”

Gran was in the back garden, it being a nice sunny day. Peter said, “There’s a Martian at the door who’d like to borrow a spanner.”

Gran looked at him over her knitting. “Is there, dear? Have a look in grandad’s toolbox, there should be one there.” (paragraph 2)

That’s not what your grandmother would have said? No, nor mine either, but Peter’s gran was an unusual lady, as you will discover. Grandad had died a few years earlier and she lived alone in this isolated cottage in the country, growing vegetables and keeping chickens in her garden, and Peter liked going to stay with her more than almost anything he could think of. Gran was not like most people. She did not get excited about anything and was what you might call open-minded, which accounts for everything that happened next. (paragraph 3)

A. Answer these questions (1 mark each)

1. Why did the Martian come to Peter’s house? _____________________________________________________________

2. What was Gran doing when the Martian knocked at the door? _____________________________________________________________

3. Why was Peter at Grandma’s house? _____________________________________________________________

Page 3 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School


1 Peter was very excited to see the Martian.

2 The Martian had three eyes.

3 The weather was cold and windy.

4 Grandma lived in a cottage in the countryside.

5 Grandma grew vegetables in her garden.

6 Peter did not know where the spanner was.

B. Find from the passage: (½ mark each)

1. An adjective from paragraph 1: ______________.

2. A verb from paragraph 2: _________________________________.

C. Tick: True (T), False (F) or No Information Given (NIG) (½ mark each)

D. Underline the correct answer. (½ mark each)

1. Grandma’s cottage was (in, away from, next to) the city.

2. The Martian had (long, big, webbed) feet.

3. The Martian’s eyes were placed on his (antennae, face, chest).

4. Grandma said that Peter should look for the spanner (in the shed, in the toolbox, in the garden).

1. “Grandad had died a few years earlier.” (par. 3) That means grandma was a orphan

widow widower

2. “Isolated” (par. 3) means that the cottage was next to other cottages. was very big. was on its own.

E. Choose the correct answer: (½ mark each)

Page 4 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

SECTION 2 (14 marks)

A MARTIAN COMES TO STAY (continued) Peter found the spanner and took it back to the Martian, who held out a rather oddly constructed hand and thanked him warmly. (paragraph 4)

“We’ve got some trouble with the gears or something and had to make an emergency landing. And now the mechanic says he left his tools back at base. I ask you! It’s all a mystery to me - I’m just the steward. Anyway - thanks a lot. I’ll bring it back in a minute.” And he padded away up the lane. There was no one around, but then there wasn’t likely to be: the cottage was about two kilometres away from the village and hardly anyone came by except the occasional farm tractor and the odd holiday maker who’d got lost. Peter went back into the garden. (paragraph 5)

“Should have offered him a cup of tea,” said Gran. “He’d have had a fair journey, I shouldn’t wonder.”

“Yes,” said Peter, “I didn’t think of that.”

In precisely three minutes’ time there was a knock at the door. The Martian was there, looking distinctly agitated. He said, “They’ve gone.”

“Who’s gone?” said Peter.

“The others. The spaceship. All of them. They’ve taken off and left me!” worried the Martian. (paragraph 6)

A. Answer these questions: (½ mark each)

1. Why did the Martians need a spanner?


2. Why didn’t the Martians have a toolbox in the spaceship?


Page 5 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

B. Underline the correct answer (½ mark each)

1. The Martian said that he was going to (keep, post, bring) the spanner back.

2. The Martian was (a steward, a mechanic, the captain) of the spaceship.

3. Sometimes a (tourist, mayor, lion) comes up to the countryside.

4. Peter (offered, did not offer, gave) the Martian a cup of tea.

5. The Martian came back after (three seconds, three minutes, three hours).

6. The Martian was (worried, happy, afraid).

C. Match column A with Column B to make correct sentences. The first one is done for you as an example. (½ mark each)


1 Peter found the spanner

2 The Martian

3 After the Martian took the spanner,

4 Grandma said that Peter

5 Peter did not think


thanked Peter.

should have offered him a cup of tea.

1 in Grandad’s toolbox.

of offering the tea to the Martian.

Peter went back to the garden.

D. Answer these questions: (½ mark each)

1. How far was the cottage from the village?


2. Why was there no one around when the Martian came?


3. Why did Gran wish that she had offered the Martian a cup of tea?


4. Why was the Martian agitated when he came back?


Page 6 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 5 - Theresa Nuzzo School

F. Answer these questions

1. Why was Peter’s grandma an unusual lady? (1 mark)




2. Do you find the story strange? Why? (2 marks)





E. Put these sentences in order. The first one was done for you. (½ marks each)

The Martian went to look for help

The Martian thanked Peter and went to the spaceship.

1 The spaceship had to make an emergency landing

Peter gave the spanner to the Martian.

Peter went to look for the spanner

The Martian came back to Grandma’s house because his friends had gone.

Grandma said that Peter should have offered the Martian a cup of tea.

Paġna 1 minn 16

L-Isem u l-Kunjom ___________________________________

Numru tar-Reġistru ____________________


Aqra sew dan li ġej:

• Ikteb ismek u kunjomok u n-numru tar-reġistru.

• Qabel tikteb it-tweġiba, ifhem sewwa l-mistoqsija.

• Jekk ma tkunx taf tagħti xi tweġiba, ħalliha vojta u kompli l-oħrajn, imbagħad

erġa’ ppruvaha fl-aħħar.

• Jekk tieħu żball, ingassah pulit u erġa’ ikteb.

• Meta tlesti, irrevedi l-karta kollha mill-bidu biex tirranġa xi żbalji li jista’ jkollok u timla

dak li ħallejt barra.

Il-marki ta’ kull taqsima Il-marka tal-istudent/a Ħin

Il-Qari 30 60 minuta

Il-Kitba 30

Is-Smigħ 20 30 minuta

It-Taħdit 20

Total 100


Skola Tereża Nuzzo

Eżamijiet ta’ Nofs il-Ħames Sena tal-Primarja

Il-Malti 2016

L-Eżami tas-Smigħ, tal-Qari u tal-Kitba

Paġna 2 minn 16

Paġna 3 minn 16























Paġna 4 minn 16

Eżami tas-Smigħ

Taħriġ A

Immarka t-tweġiba t-tajba billi tagħmel sinjal (√) fil-kaxxa t-tajba. L-ewwel waħda hija lesta.

1. Din il-poeżija kitibha:

a) Dun Karm

b) Joseph Sciberras

c) Karmenu Vassallo

2. Is-sala tinkera:

a) għat-tiġijiet

b) għal-laqgħat

c) għall-festini tal-Preċett

3. L-antiporta tinfetaħ:

a) għal kulħadd

b) għall-ħbieb biss

c) għal min iħabbat fuq il-bieb

4. Dan l-oġġett jikxifna meta nkunu:

a) irrabjati

b) għajjenin

c) ferħanin

5. Il-poeta jqabbel l-ilsien ma’:

a) kantant

b) żeffien

c) xadin

6. Taħseb li l-poeżija qed titkellem dwar:

a) il-bieb tas-sala tal-Kunsill Lokali

b) xi mużew antik

c) Il-ħalq

Paġna 5 minn 16

Taħriġ B

Qabbel Kolonna A ma’ kolonna B billi ssib it-tweġiba t-tajba u tikteb in-numru fil-kaxxa.

L-ewwel waħda hija eżempju.

Kolonna A

1 Il-poeta qed jisħajjel li dan l-oġġett wara l-bieb

2 Meta nkunu għajjenin

3 Dan l-oġġett jarmi l-arja

4 Il-kliem li jgħaddi minnu

5 L-ilsien

6 Skont il-poeta s-sala

Kolonna B

joqgħod jiżfen fin-nofs.

jista’ jkun ta’ ħsara jew ta’ sliem.

hi mimlija bis-siġġijiet.

għandu antiporta. 1


jikxifna malajr.

Paġna 6 minn 16

L-Ewwel Taqsima

Aqra dan ir-reklam u aħdem l-eżerċizzji ta’ warajhom.

Waslu l-vaganzi tas-sajf u aħna ta’ Vjaġġi Melita qed nagħmlulkom

offerta għal brejk ġewwa Spanja.

Nitilqu minn Malta

nhar it-Tlieta 28 ta’ Ġunju

u niġu lura

nhar it-Tnejn 4 ta’ Lulju.

Il-prezz jinkludi t-titjiriet lejn Madrid u lura, kif ukoll l-ivjaġġar bejn

l-ajruport u l-lukanda tliet stilel li hija wkoll inkluża fil-prezz.

Il-prezzijiet huma dawn:

Il-kbar €600

Tfal taħt it-tnax-il sena €450

Tfal taħt it-tliet snin jiġu b’xejn.

Aħna nagħtukom servizz mill-aqwa bi prezzijiet għall-but ta’


Ejjew magħna u titilfux din l-opportunità!

Paġna 7 minn 16

Daħħal it-tweġiba t-tajba skont l-informazzjoni li għandek. L-ewwel waħda hija lesta.

(marka kull waħda)

0 Il-kumpanija tal-ivjaġġar jisimha Vjaġġi Melita

1 Dalwaqt jaslu l-vaganzi tas-

2 Il-post fejn sejrin huwa

3 Id-data tat-tluq minn Malta hija

Wieġeb dawn il-mistoqsijiet fil-qosor u fi kliemek.

4) Meta se jaslu lura Malta?


5) Semmi żewġ affarijiet li huma inklużi fil-prezz? (nofs marka l-waħda)



6) Kemm iħallsu l-kbar?


Ħares sew lejn ir-reklami u sib minnhom dan li ġej. L-ewwel waħda hija lesta.

0 Nom propju Vjaġġi Melita

7 Nom komuni

8 Nom fil-plural

9 Nom fis-singular

10 Aġġettiv

Paġna 8 minn 16

It-Tieni Taqsima

Nibżgħu Għall-Ambjent

Ħafna tfal illum qed jitgħallmu dwar l-importanza li jibżgħu għal saħħithom ħalli jgħixu ħajja

ħielsa mill-mard u sabiħa kemm jista’ jkun. Ma dan qed jitgħallmu wkoll l-importanza li

jibżgħu għall-ambjent, mhux biss dak ta’ madwarhom, imma wkoll tad-dinja kollha. (par. 1)

Imma kif jista’ wieħed jibża’ għall-ambjent tad-dinja kollha meta joqgħod fuq gżira żgħira

bħalma hija Malta? Iva, kull wieħed u waħda minna jista’ jagħti sehmu biex nibżgħu għall-

ambjent tad-dinja kollha. Dan nagħmluh permezz ta’ azzjonijiet żgħar li ma tantx jaħlulna

ħin u enerġija imma li huma ferm importanti biex isalvaw lid-dinja tagħna minn diżastru

ambjentali. (par. 2)

X’għandek tgħmel biex int ukoll tagħti sehmek?

1) Taħlix. Mhux biss karti imma wkoll ikel, ħwejjeġ, sapun ...

2) Uża kwalunkwe oġġett li jkollok bl-aħjar mod li tista’ u tarmihx jekk ikun għadu tajjeb.

3) Irriċikla kemm tiflaħ.

4) Issepara l-iskart.

5) Tħallix id-dawl mixgħul għalxejn.

6) Tħallix il-vit miftuħ wara li tinqeda.

7) Ibża’ għal ħwejġek imma wkoll għal dawk tal-oħrajn. (par. 4)

Dawn huma ftit azzjonijiet li wieħed jista’ jagħmel sabiex jagħti sehmu. Hekk ikollna

ambjent sabiħ u nadif. Is-saħħa tagħna tiddependi wkoll mill-ambjent ta’ madwarna

għalhekk tajjeb li lkoll nagħtu s-sehem tagħna qabel ma jkun tard wisq! (par. 5)

Taħriġ A

Qabbel kolonna A ma’ kolonna B. L-ewwel waħda hija lesta. (marka kull waħda)

5) Minn parir numru 4 fis-silta, sib verb fl-Imperattiv _____________.

0 It-tfal jitgħallmu dwar l-importanza hemm bżonn li nibżgħu għall-ambjent.

1 Jekk irridu ngħixu f’dinja nadifa u sabiħa u lanqas l-ilma.

2 Hemm bżonn li kulħadd jagħti sehmu 0 li jieħdu ħsieb saħħithom.

3 M’għandekx taħli d-dawl l-iskart.

4 Importanti li nirriċiklaw u nisseparaw biex ikollna dinja aħjar.

Paġna 9 minn 16

6) Immarka l-kaxxa li turi liema sentenza hija vera skont is-silta.

Aħli kemm tiflaħ jekk għandek il-flus.

Ibża’ għad-dawl u l-ilma.

Tagħmel xejn għax l-ambjent jieħu ħsieb tiegħu nnifsu.

7) Kompli din is-sentenza: Jekk trid tista’ tagħti s-sehem tiegħek billi


8) Għaqqad dawn iż-żewġ sentenzi f’sentenza waħda:

Dawn huma ftit azzjonijiet li wieħed jista’ jagħmel sabiex jagħti sehmu. Hekk ikollna

ambjent sabiħ u nadif.




Is-saħħa fiżika

Żgur li lkoll kemm aħna smajna kemm hu importanti li nagħmlu attività fiżika regolari. Din

tgħinna mhux biss billi ttejbilna saħħitna iżda tgħinna wkoll biex tnaqqsilna r-riskju ta’ ċertu

mard. Fuq kollox l-attività fiżika tgħinna nikkolntrollaw il-piż u nnaqsu ċ-ċans tal-osteoporożi

(jiġifieri l-mard fl-għadam). (par. 1)

Biex tagħmel l-eżerċizzju ma jfissirx li trid tagħmel xi maratona jew tgħum kilometri twal

kuljum. Anke mixja ta' 20 minuta tliet darbiet fil-ġimgħa tagħmillek ħafna ġid. Ftit qbiż bil-

ħabel, jew ġiri fil-ħin tal-brejk tal-iskola wkoll jgħin. (par.2)

Il-benefiċċji ta’ eżerċizzju regolari huma bosta. Jekk tagħmel l-eżerċizzju regolarment:

tgħin biex ikollok nifs aħjar

ma teħxinx

tbaxxi r-riskju tad-dijabete tat-Tip 2

ikollok għadam, muskoli u ġogi aktar b'saħħithom

tħossok aħjar u jkollok livelli tal-enerġija aktar għoljin (par.3)

Paġna 10 minn 16

L-eżerċizju fiżiku m'għandux għalfejn ikun tedjanti. Tista’ tipprova xi lezzjoni divertenti taż-

żfin jew forsi xi klassi tal-yoga. Hemm diversi lezzjonijiet li jsiru madwar Malta kollha. F’xi

lokalitajiet, il-kunsilli lokali wkoll qed joffru klassijiet ta’ eżerċizzju fiżiku u ta’ żfin. (par.4)

Mal-attività fiżika importanti wkoll id-dieta bilanċjata. Għandna nieklu b’moderazzjoni u ma

niklux porzjonijiet kbar għax sfortunatament din l-attitudni żbaljata qed toħloq problema ta’

obeżità fit-tfal Maltin u konsegwenza t’hekk ħafna tfal jimirdu. (par.5)

Taħriġ B

1) Minn (par.1) sib frażi li tfisser l-istess bħal



2) Semmi tip wieħed ta’ eżerċizzju li għandek tagħmel biex iżżomm b’saħħtek.


3) Semmi benefiċċju wieħed tal-attività fiżika.


4) Kompli din is-sentenza:

Jekk trid li jkollok għadam, muskoli u ġogi b’saħħithom jeħtieġ li tagħmel

___________________________u tiekol _________________________

5) F’xi lokalitajiet il-_____________________________qed joffru klassijiet ta’ eżerċizzju

fiżiku u ta’ żfin.

6) Minn paragrafu 4 sib kelma waħda li tfisser: (3 marki)

I. tad-dwejjaq ____________

II. li ttik gost _____________

III. postijiet _____________

Paġna 11 minn 16

Taħriġ Ċ

Dawn il-mistoqsijiet tista’ tweġibhom miż-żewġ siltiet tat-Tieni Taqsima.

(2 marki l-waħda)

1) Kif nistgħu nżommu b’saħħitna?




2) Semmi żewġ punti li laqtuk mis-silta.




Paġna 12 minn 16

L-Eżami tal-Kitba

Kitba Qasira (10 marki)

Immaġina li inti kreatura stramba.

Iddiskrivi lilek innifsek billi taħseb f’vokabularju addattat biex tiddeskrivi l-kreatura li ħloqt

int stess. (eż: għandi xagħri iswed tuta). Tista’ tpinġi din il-kreatura.

Aħseb dwar il-ħiliet li għandek.

Aħseb dwar xi esperjenza jew avventura li għaddejt minna.

Uża l-ispazju t’hawn taħt biex tippjana l-kreatura stramba.

Paġna 13 minn 16

Ikteb deskrizzjoni tajba ta’ din il-kretaura. Iktibha fl-ewwel persuna singular. (madwar 40-50























Paġna 14 minn 16

Kitba Twila (20 marka)

Ikteb artiklu għall-magażin tal-iskola u semmieh hekk:

1) Tigra taħrab u tidħol f’ħanut tal-ħwejjeġ fil-Belt


2) Ajkla tinżel fil-bitħa tal-iskola

2) Ajkla

tinżel fil-bitħa


Jekk tagħżel din l-aħbar, dawn l-ideat

jistgħu jgħinuk tikteb l-artiklu: tista’

tikteb dwar meta (eż: waqt il-ħin tal-

brejk). Tista’ tikteb ukoll dwar id-dehra

tagħha, jekk kinitx mansa jew feroċi,

kif ħassewhom l-istudenti meta rawha

u x’għamlu. Ħadtulha ritratti?

X’għamiltu aktar?

1) Tigra taħrab u tidħol f’ħanut tal-ħwejjeġ fil-


Jekk tagħżel din l-aħbar, dawn l-ideat

jistgħu jgħinuk tikteb l-artiklu: tista’

tikteb dwar meta (eż: kien żmien il-

Milied) t-tigra ħarbet u minn fejn

ħarbet. Tista’ tikteb ukoll dwar id-

dehra tagħha, jekk kinitx mansa jew

feroċi, kif ħassewhom in-nies meta

rawha u x’għamlu.

Paġna 15 minn 16

Agħmel il-pjan tal-istorja li għażilt.

Storja _____ (Ikteb 1 jew 2) (4 marki)

Paġna 16 minn 16

Ikteb l-artiklu tiegħek hawn taħt. (16-il marka)
























Mental Paper Year 5 Half Yearly Exam 2015- 2016

Name__________________ Class:________











metres vertices


















weeks o

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 1 of 11




Name:________________________ Class: ______________

Marks’ Scheme

Nos. 1 a - j 10 × 2 = 20

2 – 7 6 × 4 = 24

8 – 13 6 × 6 = 36


1. Fill in:


36 + = 100 ii) 100 – 64 =


72 ÷ 9 = ii) 63 ÷ 7 =


8 x = 64 ii) 18 ÷ = 6


i) The value of 2 in 128 976 is


Circle the even numbers: 986, 375, 124, 983


2 minutes 15 seconds = seconds.

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 2 of 11


Change to decimal fractions 7

100 =

Change to fraction 0.5 =


Complete the sequence: 300, 325, 350,


Round 878 to the nearest 10

Round 123 to the nearest 100


3.5 cm = mm 3.5 km = m

( 20 marks )

2. Liam hires a bike. He has to return it by 3 pm.

The time is 2:25pm.

How many minutes has he got left?

2:25 3:00

b. Amy hires a bike for 45 minutes.

She takes the bike out at 3:30 pm.

At what time must she return the bike?



_____________________________________________(4 marks)



Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 3 of 11

3. Use the number cards below to create 3-digit numbers.

A card can only be used once in every 3-digit number you write

Fill in.

a) Write an even 3-digit number.

b) Write an odd 3-digit number.

c) Write the smallest possible 3-digit number.

d) Write the largest possible 3-digit number.

(4 marks) ________________________________________________

4a.These are all times on the same morning. Put in order these

times, starting from the earliest time. The first two are marked

for you.

7:50 am

quarter to 8.

10 minutes past 8

half past seven. 2nd

6 o’clock 1st

4b. Give the time shown on the clock.


Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 4 of 11

5a. Fill in the empty boxes.

i. 14 x 7 = (10 x ) + ( 4 x 7) =

ii. 18 x 15 = (9 x ) =

iii. 23 675 = 20 000+ + + +

iv. 45 x = 4500

____________________________________________ (4 marks)

6. Patrick, Reuben, Jenny and Anne made muffins to sell at the

school fair.

They made 180 muffins together.

Patrick sold 12 muffins.

Reuben sold 25 muffins.

Jenny sold 17 muffins.

a. How many muffins were left?

b. Patrick sold his 12 muffins for 60c each. How much did he



___ muffins


Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 5 of 11

7. Fill in the empty circles.

Mark the even number Divide the number by 4

. Add 123

Halve it (4 marks)



a. What fraction is shaded?

b. Shade ¼

b. Write these fractions in order starting from the smallest.









c. Anne has 36 sweets. She gave ¾ of them

to her sister. How many sweets does her

sister have now?

(6 marks)

35, 59, 63, 28

_____ sweets

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 6 of 11

9a. Write the reading shown by the pointer.


b.What is the measuring jug


c.What will be the reading

if 200ml are poured into

the measuring jug?



d. What is the missing weight? e. What is the weight of each


________ g


f. The length of the classroom is

measured in:

m km cm

(Choose the right unit.) (6 marks)

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 7 of 11

10. Maria is on holiday and wants to buy presents

for her fourteen friends. She finds rings that

cost 85c each.

a) How much would 14 rings cost?

b) Maria wants to buy a box for each ring. The

boxes cost 20c each. What is the cost of 14

such boxes?

c) Maria has only € 11 in her pocket. How much does she need to

borrow from her mum to buy these rings and boxes?


€ ___: ___

€ ___ :___


Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 8 of 11

11 a. Look carefully at this shape. All squares making up this shape

are of the same size. Work out the perimeter of this shape.

b. The area of the square is 36 cm2. What is the length of

one side?

c. The area of the above square is the same as the area of

the following rectangle. What is the length of the longest



______________________________________________(6 marks)

_____ cm

_____ cm2

_____ cm

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 9 of 11

12a. Matthew buys 6 pencils. He puts the pencils in a box. The

weight of the empty box is 40 g. The weight of the box and the

pencils is 166 g.

i) What is the weight of the 6 pencils?

ii) What is the weight of each pencil?

12b. Matthew’s friends Luke, Mark and Alice come for a visit. Luke

takes 250ml water, Mark drinks 350 ml, Alice drinks 200ml and

Matthew drinks 400ml.

i) How much do they drink altogether?

ii) How much is left from the 2l water jug?

_______________________________________________________________________ (6 marks)

______ g

______ g

______ ml

______ ml

Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 10 of 11

9a. Kaya, Patrick and Michela take part in a sponsored swim to

collect money for charity.

Kaya collects €2.75 more than Michela.

Patrick collects €15

Michela collects €7 less than Patrick.

a. How much money does Michela collect?

b. How much money does Kaya collect?

c. How much do the three children collect altogether?

d. Their mum doubles the amount they collect. How much more

money do they need to be able to give €70 for charity?

e. Give answer d to the nearest €.

___________________________________________(6 marks)






Mathematics – Written Paper Half Yearly Exam Page 11 of 11

13. Consider the following month.

a. There are ____________ Thursdays in February.

b. The last day of January is _________________ and the first

day of March is_____________.

c. What date is the fourth Friday of the month of February?


d. Jennifer has Piano lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays. In

February, she has ______ Piano lessons.

e. This year happens to be a ______ year.

(6 marks)



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