the willingness of the entrepreneur to learn new skills and knowledge

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Mindset of the EntrepreneurPositive AttitudePassion Action TakerEmbrace ChangeDetermination-Persistence-RelentlessWilling to take Failure as Feedback - Caleb WojcikThe Why - The Big Picture Patience but actiontaker - Hector Cuevas Willingness to Learn Willingness to Listen and Share with Others

Mindset of the EntrepreneurImperfect Action is better

than no Action

Jane Gardner

Positive AttitudePassionAction TakerEmbrace ChangePersistenceFailure as FeedbackThe “Big Why”Patience

An entrepreneur needs to be open to learning every day

The internet changes so quickly

Facebook changes its logarithm

Google changes search

The tactics that work today

could be gone tomorrow

Better to learn strategies rather than tactics

So you have to be open to

always learning new skills and knowledge

What you have to do and

the way you have to do it

is incredibly simple.

Whether you are willing to do it,

that's another matter.

Peter F. Drucker

When learning something new,

taking initial action

is the easy part.

Finishing the course and following through on what you learned,

that's the hard part.

You need to be accountable.

Need to firmly hold yourself to your goal of getting it done.

You can get an accountability partner.

Tell someone what you're going to do ,

you are less likely to quit in the middle.

Tell them your plan and deadline goals

They keep you on track.

You can do the same for them.

They do their job just by

listening to you.

Also, they check in on a regular basis on your progress.

Your accountability partner can be anyone.

It should be someone

who has a Positive influence on you.

They should believe you that

you are going to follow through

on your promise.

Best idea is to ask someone who

doesn't have a vested interest in the process.

If they have an interest, they can't give you unconditional support

that you need.

They need just to be there to listen to your progress.


Declare it on social media to all your followers about your goal and your daily progress!

You'll stay on track

just to avoid comments.

Join an accountability group or forum related to your course.

Introduce yourself and

what you are doing.

Besides unconditional support, you may learn tips and tricks to make progress.

You can be accountable to yourself.

Keep a journal.

You can journal publicly on a blog or write daily in a notebook.

Writing it down lets you

see your progress and

helps to clarify your goals

and what you are doing to reach them.

The more accountability the better

Write daily in your journal

on a social media site.

Ask a friend to be an accountability partner.

Draw support from an accountability group.

The more support you get, the better!

I have a free workbook "From Learning to Business Success" at to help you focus on your priorities when learning!

Mindset of the EntrepreneurDevelop your Success Mindset” at

Subscribe to Solopreneur Success Strategies channel at

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