the three kings

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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This is a power point made by some 4th years (15/16) a couple of years ago for a Polish school we were doing a project with.


The Three Kings

Traditionally it is considered, the three kings were Babylonians.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, they went to Jerusalem. The three kings asked: Where is the king of the Jews? They saw the star and they follow it went to adore him.

• They followed the star for days and nights. Finally they found baby Jesus in a stable, with his parents, shepherds, and the animals. They offered him presents: gold, incense and myrrh. The three kings stayed for some days, then they went back to the Orient.

The three kings are called Melchor the brown haired king, Gaspar the white haired king and Baltasar the black king.

• Now, in the night of the 5th January, the three kings come to give some presents to the good children, in the same way they gave presents to baby Jesus.

• They arrive here in floats, with all their pageboys. The floats are very decorated. When the kings come in to the village, they throw sweets to the children.

• Then they go to a public place, and here they give some presents to the good children.

• When the children arrive at home, a lot of presents are hidden in the house. The children have to search for them.

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