the sword excalibur

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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By Cade Burrow


This sword of legend was held by the great king Arthur who rule over Camelot.

The symbol is stands for

The symbol for the most legendary sword in history or legend is the sword held by king Arthur is the Sword Excalibur many people think that it was just a magic sword wrong it was a symbol for divine king.

The sword did have magic but not what most people think it just mad Arthur a better fighter.

Also gave him the blessing of god.

How does it mean this?

Think about the story Merlin tells king Urther his son would be distend for greatness and than right after the king passes after Arthur has been raised by foster parents goes and pulls the sword when no one else could even move it this shows the sword could only be pulled by the great king.

The sword Excalibur

Arthur’s last battle

This battle was one of the only time the great hero was ever beaten but he did take the other rider down with him but this man was able to land a blow to his head killing the great warrior.

The symbols here?

This symbolizes don’t go to far the King would have stayed alive if he had took the warning and not attacked the rider but he did not and it cost him his life.

Before he dies

Before he finally passes he asked his servant to throw his sword (Excalibur) into the sea so the it can never do harm again and so he did than a hand came and grabbed the sword than waved goodbye.

Symbol in that

This showed that the king loved by god was gone and that there was no more divine kings.

Arthur Legend

The legend of King Arthur was a long and complicated story but an interesting one it had action love and a bunch of Knights.

King Arthur

Things u might not know

Arthur had to pull the sword from the stone more than one time to prove he was worthy

He was given the round table as a wedding present

His wife loved Lancelot Arthur loved Lancelot more than the

other knights Also guns were around at this time.

The end of Camelot

The legend continues

Many people say that the legend says Arthur with will return at the end of time along side Jesus to fight off the devil but in the story the nights want to think that he will remain berried and never have to fight again .

The sword in the stone

Merlin the great drove this sword into a rock and placed a spell to where only the rightful king could remove it Arthur did not mean to become king he tried to pull the sword for his brother his brother tried to take credit for pulling the sword but he finally confessed that Arthur was the rightful king. After showing Merlin he took the sword and drove it back in the stone and asked Arthur to do it again and he did.

Holy Grail

The Holy Grail was the cup Jesus drank from at the last supper the most holy item to them. King Arthur went looking for it and did finally find it but he could not take it with him to Camelot . The reason is because it was to dangerous for them the take the chance of someone stealing it. So says the legend

The Holy Grail

How was he hurt the worst

Arthur was hurt most in the legend not from the sword to the head but when Lancelot and Guinevere had an affair and was caught by the

Hard to believe

In the story it blew my mind when the two had an affair because Lancelot was Arthurs favorite Knight and his best friend hard to believe he would do that to him.

The end or is it??????

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