the state of mobile marketing in 2013 and the power of context

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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In a world where by the end of the year, one in four people will own a tablet or a smartphone, mobile marketing is ripe with golden opportunities. The key takeaway is the most valuable resource mobile devices generate. Context. But how do you translate context in conversions and revenue? Let's take a look at the mobile market and find out.


May, 2013

Mobile marketing in 2013 and the power of context

• A bird’s eye view of the mobile world and mobile apps

• How apps are doing

• Where the users are

• Where the marketers are

• Native and web

• Marketing trends for 2013

• Hyper-context


Mobile devices are the fastest adopted technology in our century

A bird’s eye view of the mobile world and mobile apps

Adopted faster than the PC and TV combined

6 years ago marketing possibilities with mobile phones were limited and it wasn’t considered a relevant game changer for businesses

And the internet was damn slow and expensive for mobile browsing

Then Steve Jobs came along…

And pulled the ,,we reinvented the phone” surprise on everybody in 2007

From smartphones and tablets whose potential had yet to be unlocked…

One in four people will own a smartphone by the end of the year

To ~1,2bn people owning a smartphone in 2012

Tablet sales are increasing as well

From 128m units sold in 2012 (IDC)

To 197M Units In 2013, As PCs/Laptops Decline (Gartner)

And tablets are expected To Pass Desktop Sales In 2013, Portable PCs In 2014

So we’re looking at a market of over 2bn mobile smart devices in 2013

Being lead by…

Android & Apple

By users and OS

Android is winning


Comscore shows that users spend more money with Apple

The same holds true for developers in revenue

For each dollar a developer makes on iOS, he only makes 24 cents on Android (Flurry)

But what are smart devices without apps?

How apps are doing

How apps are doing

• ~45bn apps downloaded in 2012

• 6.8 bn global mobile connections are

• $30bn revenue from mobile apps in 2012, out of which $5bn were from mobile ads

• Cumulative revenues from the mobile ecosystems is ~$1.6tn

• On average, each smartphone user runs 41 apps

• Users spend roughly 127 minutes per day with mobile apps

• Facebook is the #1 app in popularity

How users interact with phones and apps

Where the users are

Time spent socializing, shopping and searching for media content has grown

Where the users are

Where the marketers are

The focal point of user interaction with mobile apps will be games, socializing, media and shopping

That’s where the mobile marketing opportunities will be in 2013

Mobile optimization is the prime concern for marketers in 2013

Strongmail revealed that 42.8% of marketers are willing to invest in mobile this year, an increase of 11% from 2012

Mobile ads, SMS campaigns, mail and other types of mobile marketing are just the tip of mobile opportunities

Native apps are still in the spotlight, with 80% of time being spent on apps vs. 20% mobile browsing

Native and web

In the app vs native debate HTML5 is actually being used more as a tool for cross-platform native app development

Jakob Nielsen, also called ”the next best thing to a true time machine” (USA Today), said it best.

,,An app can target the specific limitations and abilities of each individual device much better than a website can while running

inside a browser.”

Apps are all about user experience and context, from geotargeted notifications, elegant designs, multiple monetization opportunities

and leveraging user data.

Great mobile marketing will be in the hands of those that understand and focus on the power of context.

Marketing trends for 2013

Or to be more exact…


Great things are happening in the mobile world

Techs and software are emerging and innovations happen every day

• Smart push notifications are boosting user engagement and strengthen relationships between brands and consumers

• Location based services are where mobile marketing will be golden

• Cool new technologies like ByteLight can reshape context marketing to indoor location marketing

• Big Data and Analytics will be the fulcrum of successful strategies

Smart push notifications are being leveraged to target specific user segments and increase engagement

97% of push notifications are read, as opposed to 3-4% for email based campaigns

Location based services transform coordinates into rich possibilities

From engineering social serendipity, to delivering products, content or ads based on real time info and real time needs, LBS are becoming a game changer for many businesses in retail &


ByteLight transform LED enabled light bulbs using light to send info to your phone for indoor navigation and indoor location

Imagine going to a convention, store or mall and getting a notification for offers, map and relevant content personalised for

you…all by using a light bulb

Or where you can send targeted info leveraging the cornucopia of petabytes Big Data means today

Other techs and strategies are gaining traction and popularity

• Near field communication helps mobile users to share info and complete payments

• QR codes are increasingly used to direct users to landing pages and get content directly, from products to ads, QR code hunts

• Augmented reality is promising to fundamentally change how we shop and explore stores

• Brand wars are driving innovation, with new technologies being eagerly awaited, such as Google Glass or Samsung’s flexible smartphone

• Mobile app development platforms will play a crucial role in getting businesses and companies in the mobile game

So where does it all add up to?

Imagine a world where you have the data to send targeted and contextually relevant content to your users and customers, outdoors and indoors

Based on advanced user profiles, location triggers, segmented audiences, user feedback, the sky’s the limit

And even simple things such as light bulbs

Great marketing driven by one revolutionary device and the hyper-context it generates

A booming market with great opportunities all awaiting those that want to take context to the next level.

The bottom line?

Thank you!

Get started on your mobile strategy!

Visit us at and see what makes us the one stop platform for mobile awesomeness.


StrongMail: ABI Research:

Mobile Appeal: Baynote, Flurry:

Compendium: Econsultancy:

IDC: ByteLight:


Communities Dominate Brands: GSMA:


Flurry: Urban Airship: Tech Crunch:

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