the service delivery gap

Post on 09-May-2015






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Conversation Starters are single page documents that are designed to catalyse Conversations That Matter in your workplace or organisation.This edition: The Service Delivery Gap.For more information or to share how you used this Conversation Starter, please visit


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The Service - Delivery Gap

Even after all the systems and processes have been created, both the automated and human elements of the system must do what they are supposed to do. System errors or breakdowns and humans not doing what they are supposed to do can create immediate service gaps. No system or human is perfect or infallible. As such your organisation must continually focus on minimising system and human errors. In addition, you must know what you will do if a Service Delivery Gap does occur.

A local small business operator has a sign on his door that he will open at 8am. His staff are never there by 8am despite being employed to be there at that time. Consistently being late on a personal level creates a service delivery gap for an organisation.

From your understanding of the Service – Delivery Gap, what gaps are you creating?

Copyright Gary Ryan 2012

Quote from a research participant

Ultimately your staff have to do the right thing. It’s important to have the best systems and processes that you can, but ultimately your staff have to do the right thing. They have to properly implement what they are supposed to do.

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