the secrets most fitness coaches don't want you to know

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Lab5 Fitness Alan Cashman 606 Broadway East Studio A Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 569-5628 At LAB5 Fitness, you won’t be forced into a weight room against your will. Want to do Pilates, yoga, or isometrics instead of pumping iron? Not a problem.


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The Secrets Most Fitness Coaches Don’t Want You To Know

So it’s a brand new year, and you’ve probably made some heartfelt resolutions to eat healthier, get in better shape, and kick bad habits. If you’re like most of us, they’re many of the

same resolutions you made last year.

Don’t despair—getting into shape doesn’t have

to mean grueling, punishing workouts with a burly fitness

coach breathing down your neck.

When I started working with a fitness coach last year, I balked at the idea of heavy

resistance training three days a week.

It seemed like overkill, and I questioned the idea that weights are the end-all, be-all of resistance exercises.

Let’s just say my coach didn’t appreciate my

lack of faith.

After weeks of sweating it out with weights and machines, I had had enough. I was sore,

depleted, and wasn’t enjoying my workouts anymore. My

eating habits began to revolve around my strength training,

and I was even thinking of buying those weird-tasting

protein supplements.

Here’s something that most fitness coaches don’t tell

their clients: Weight-lifting is not the only way to tone

your muscles. Yoga and Pilates can sculpt your

physique just as well as a resistance training routine,

without adding needless bulk.

At LAB5 Fitness, you won’t be forced into a weight room against your will. Want to do

Pilates, yoga, or isometrics instead of pumping iron? Not a


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(206) 569-5628

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