the royale bintang kuala lumpur menu 1 applicable … · selada padang, ketam goreng tepung, ikan...

Post on 15-Mar-2019






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Applicable on: 29 May,6 Jun, 14 Jun,22 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis,Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Cream Potato and Leek Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Briyani

Ayam Kurma

Daging Masak Mamak

Sambal Sotong

Spaghetti Napolitana

Fried Butter Prawn

Steamed Egg with Soya Sauce

Stall 1

Sirap Bandung

Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Rebus and Condiments

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Mee Mamak

Stall 8

Yong Tau Foo

Dim Sum


Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Pengat Pisang

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 30 May, 7 jun, 15 Jun, 23 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Chicken Herbal Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Minyak

Ayam Masak Merah

Daging Masak Kicap

Sambal Udang

Squid Kum Heong

Stir Fried Beancurd with Shrimp

Fettucini Carbonara

Stall 1


Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Kari and Condiments

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Kway Teow Goreng

Stall 8

Nasi Ayam

Roasted Chicken

Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur cha-cha

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Tapai Pulut daun pisang

pulut panggang

cucur badak

wajik dan dodol

Aneka pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glasses

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 31 May, 8 Jun,16 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Cream of pumpkin curry Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Hujan Panas

Ayam Masak Mamak

Daging Rendang Tok

Sotong Tumis Kunyit

Steamed Fish Nyonya Style

Japanese Tofu with Minced meat

Vegetable Lasagna

Stall 1

Ice Lemon Tea

Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Bandung

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Fried Mee Hoon

Stall 8

Yong Tau Foo

Dim Sum


Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur Kacang Hijau

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Tapai Pulut Daun Pisang

Pulut Panggang

Cucur Badak

Wajik dan Dodol

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 1 Jun, 9 Jun,17 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Sweet Corn Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Tomato

Ayam Masak Ros

Daging Deng Deng

Vegetable Dalca

Deep Fried Fish with Nyonya Assam Sauce

Steamed Beancurd with Dried Shrimp, Spring Onion and Soya Sauce

Penne Arrabbiata

Stall 1

Sirap Bandung

Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Asam Laksa

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Mee Mamak

Stall 8

Nasi Ayam

Roasted Chicken

Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur Kacang Merah

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Tapai Pulut Daun Pisang

Pulut Panggang

Cucur Badak

Wajik dan Dodol

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 2 Jun, 10 Jun,18 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Cream of Mushroom Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Briyani

Ayam Masak Briyani

Kari Daging

Ikan Masak Kicap

Kailan Ikan Masin

Fried Beancurd with Minced Chicken

Spaghetti with Chicken Bolognaise

Stall 1


Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Sup

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Kway Teow Goreng

Stall 8

Yong Tau Foo

Dim Sum


Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Pengat Pisang

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Tapai Pulut Daun Pisang

Pulut Panggang

Cucur Badak

Wajik dan Dodol

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 3 Jun, 11 jun, 19 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Minestrone Italian Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Arab

Lamb Massala

Ayam Masak Serai

Sotong Sambal

Fried Butter Prawn with Curry Leaves

Braised Broccoli with Crab Meat Sauce

Macaroni with Mix Seafood

Stall 1

Ice Lemon Tea

Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Wantan Sup

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Fried Mee Hoon

Stall 8

Nasi Ayam

Roasted Chicken

Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur Cha-Cha

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Tapai Pulut Daun Pisang

Pulut Panggang

Cucur Badak

Wajik dan Dodol

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 4 Jun, 12 Jun,20 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Herb Chicken Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Minyak

Ayam Masak Berlada

Ikan Goreng Berempah

Daging Kurma

Fried Prawn Kung Po

Steam Egg with Soya Sauce

Fettuccine Napolitana

Stall 1

Sirap Bandung

Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Jawa

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Mee Mamak

Stall 8

Yong Tau Foo

Dim Sum


Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur Kacang Hijau

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.


Applicable on: 5 Jun, 13 Jun,21 Jun


Acar Buah, Acar Rampai, Acar Pisang Bergedil, Samosa, Gala Kerabu Kerang,

Kerabu Petai, Kerabu Jantung Pisang, Kerabu Pucuk Ubi, Lemang Ketupat Daun Palas dengan Udang Kering,

Selada Padang, Ketam Goreng Tepung, Ikan Pekasam Goreng, Serunding Daging dan Ayam,

Rendang Pucuk Ubi, Jelatah Timun dengan Nenas, Sambal Kacang Bendi, Ikan Pekasam,

Telur Masin, Ikan Masin, Gado-Gado, Ulam-Ulaman 1 Malaysia,


4 Types of Fresh Mix Garden Salad

2 Types of Western Marinated Salad


Thousand Island, French, Caesar, Vinaigrette, Lemon Mayonnaise, Cocktail Sauce


Keropok Ikan, Keropok Sayur, Malinja, Papadom, Jeruk Buah-Buahan, Croutons, Chopped Beef Bacon,

Spring Onion, Pickle Ginger, Sambal Belacan, Sambal Tempoyak, Sambal Ijo, Sambal Hitam, Sambal Cencaluk,

Sambal Ikan Bilis, Air Asam, Sambal Cili Kicap Manis, Sambal Tomato


Cream of Potato and Leek Soup

Bubur Lambuk with condiments

Main Course

Nasi Putih

Nasi Hujan Panas

Ayam Masak Ros

Daging Rendang Tok

Ikan Masak Kicap

Squid Kung Po

Kailan Ikan Masin

Lasagna Chicken

Stall 1


Fruit Punch



Teh Tarik

Nescafe Tarik

Stall 2

Nasi Kukus

Ayam Percik

Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Daging Tetel

Pucuk Paku tumis Udang Kering

Stall 3

Roti Canai


Roti Telur

Roti Pisang

Roti Sardin


Fish Curry


Stall 4

Aneka Goreng-Goreng (Pisang Goreng, Kuih Kacang, Keropok Lekor, Cempedak, Cucur Badak, Karipap, Keladi, Cekodok Pisang)

Stall 5

Mee Rebus and Condiments

Stall 6

Roti Jala with Chicken Curry

Roti Jon

Stall 7

Kway Teow Goreng

Stall 8

Nasi Ayam

Roasted Chicken

Stall 9


Roasted Chicken

Black pepper sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Mint Sauce

Stall 10

Aneka Satay with condiments


Bubur Kacang Merah

Aneka Kuih Melayu

Aneka Pilihan Kurma Timur Tengah

Kurma Pie

Kek Kurma

Kurma Fruit Flan

Tiramisu Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Cream Caramel

Caramel Fruit Flan

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Vanilla Swiss Roll

Bread and Butter Pudding

Assorted Jelly in small Glass

Coconut Jelly with Nata de Coco

Aiskrim Malaysia

*All dishes will be on rotational basis and new dishes will be introduced to replenish the menu based on the

freshest ingredients available.

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