the new era of customer service

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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The New Era of Customer Service

Using the web to build better customer service

You Can’t Help But Know, Things Have Changed

Is it the economy or is it something else? It’s both!

Things That Passed Us By

While you were waiting on customers, customers with huge credit limits, debit cards, spending like ‘there was no tomorrow’ another revolution was taking place—this was the internet and social networking. Consumers were revolting!

What Has Happened To The Consumer?

Scared: who can I trust? Angry: who took my money? Confused: what do I do now? I’ve seen it all and it ain’t pretty? I just want to be left alone with my friends

It’s More Than The Economy

“Get out of my face” I’ve opted out! You pushed too much, I needed to

escape I wanted connections, not

advertising I joined everyone on Facebook,

MySpace and on line for discussion groups

The Era Of The unSatisfied Customer

If you do it right—get there on time, deliver the goods, don’t break anything, and it looks good when your done—is this customer service?

The price of admission to have a business is to do it right—it’s what I call the price of admission. If you want to build customers you will have to….

Satisfied Customers Are Dangerous!

40% of satisfied customers never return to a business even though they didn’t complain

80% of your business: referrals 96% of consumers never complain,

they just go away mad 85% of businesses that close have

satisfactory customer serviceSATISFIED IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

If You Want To Build Your Business You Must Be Great!

Excite, amaze, enchant, fire-up, engage, entice, make them Red Hot!

Businesses need fans to help build their business, Raving Fans

Traditional Advertising Isn’t Working

Consumers want more targeted news

Are relying on RSS feeds which peak their interests

Spending more time on line Note chart and increased digital and

decreased traditional Why? Change in consumer!

How Can I Get News …

And no ads? I know, I will get Tivo, and record

what I want I will get XM radio or I will create my

station at Pandora I will get news sent to ‘my inbox’ I don’t need you anymore to

interrupt my life!

I Want Things My Way

First rule: I like what I like and want what I want—when I want it!

Simple: if you can’t personalize your service, you will lose me

Consumers opting out of traditional marketing and opting in to their friends

What Is Working?

Social networking: not just for “making friends”

Developing a Facebook page for your company

Dunkin’ Donuts has 350,000 on their Facebook! Why you ask? Take a look….

If Facebook Were A Country..

It would be the third largest in the world.. Social Networking Adds to Your Traditional

Networking, Kicks It Up A Notch Social Networking is “engagement” How Many of You Have a Farm in FarmVille?

Facebook Is Only 5 Years Old

It started at Harvard and was only for Harvard students. In February 2004, A student by the name of Zuckerberg created "The Facebook." Many universities offered their students face books that help students recognize one another by name. The books include pictures of all the students with their name. Zuckerberg updated the idea for the 21st century with the creation of this website. Over 200 million with the fastest gowing demographic, over 60+

Facebook Is A Type of Customer Service

Coca Cola was asked why they weren’t doing traditional advertising, they said, why should we be in a magazine with people we don’t know when we can be on Facebook with our 550, 000 adoring fans! Big companies are changing how they advertise

Change In The Web

Traditional advertising: we used to “preach” to the customer: buy what we’re selling

Now we “engage” the customer in conversation

Web change from 1.O, your website: which was static and flat to 2.O, where we discuss our views

Customers don’t listen, they speak

A Change In How Business Is Done, Ronnie Advertising His Work

Want Customers?

Newspapers reading at 62 year low Children watching 60% less TV 22.4 million are getting info from

their mobile phone, and you? Phones with APPS—who needs

anything else?

Add A Blog To Your Website Or Just Build A Blog

Engaging the customer will build a way to get third party endorsements: customers say “we love you.”

Will improve your SEO with Google Do not use it as a commercial Include video, audio and photos of jobs

you have completed—include testimonials Remember, it’s interactive

Blogging Is An Easy Way To Communicate

Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks uses blogging rather than publicity releases, why, cheaper and easier

Blogging is a way to change improve your SEO, it adds content and content is what Google seeks

Want to improve your web standing?


Content Is King!

There are over 50 million blogs with a new one created every 2 seconds of everyday. You can get an opinion on anything, anytime


Twitter is a messenger Viral marketing filled with content Invites others to pass on messages

to all, direct mails direct email!

Things Slow? Get Smarter

Hire or learn, it will be the next phase for your business

Determine where you want to go with your business and hire someone to get you there—in a hurry

If you don’t learn, you will be way behind the curve when business returns

What Else Is Influencing Your Customer?

Movement called “Generation G” G stands for Generosity not Greed Age limit is 18-45, not limited to

generation, sharing in mutual values Build a better world make it green and


Keep The Customers You Have

Design surveys to keep track of your value to existing customers It costs 5 times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an old one 80% of your customers are referral based How are you building your referrals?

Listen To The Experts

Warren Buffet: no competitive advantage, no sale

Jack Welch, if not, don’t compete Jack Trout’s book, “Differentiate or Die” (no need to read the book!)

Different generational trends, societal trends, i.e. after 9/11, patriotic trends, the Gulf war, corruption and greed, banking failures, big brands in the dumper (GM) foreclosures, who can I trust, what can we do?


Be Relentless With Your Follow Through

Call customers after the sale and ask “what do you think?”

If possible, have your mother call, “did my kid do good? I will discuss it with him over Sunday dinner!”

Engage your customers with in-store events.

Ratings from 1-10

Customers Can Make or Break You

Bucc-ee Beaver owns a chain of gas stations in Texas with the cleanest bathrooms on the highway. He has 75,000 fans on Facebook, why because it’s fun and he’s funny!

Networking In Your Business

On line through Linkedin Engage businesses to refer business Keep up with your profile Know your standing on Angie’s List.


Angie’s List, From Plumbers To Physicians, To Retailers

Build Your Profile

Hold Events In Your Business

Know your customers; is your customer a she? “She’s” shop different than “He’s”…

We Live In An Experience Economy

Raw materials economy, buy ingredients to make a birthday cake=$1.00

Goods economy, buy a cake mix=$3.00 Service economy= go to bakery, buy

cake=$30.00 Experience economy= go to Chuck E.

Cheese experience=$300.00

What Experiences Can You Build For Your Customers?

What’s your move?

Hold An Event That Brings In Customers

Don’t think “how can I do more business” Think, how can I get to know more people Start with previous customers and ask

them to invite their friends, issue invite on line

It Doesn’t Matter What Type of Event, Just Hold One

Create raving fans, satisfied customers will put you out of business

One customer of mine said that it cost $20.00 per person in comparison of $60.00 per person with traditional advertising

Customers build on one another like a virus—like the flu!

Put Several Events Together

None of the vendors have to be related Hold a beauty night, how about Texas

hold-um? Pet adoption? Tweet about it, blog it and

post it on Facebook CONNECT!

Build Your Community Involvement

What are you doing? Helps build employee loyalty Data suggests that companies that are

involved in their community have employees admire their company

How About Supporting This Event?

Gilda’s Club Of The Capital Region

Become a sponsor, join or support their cause

Anything you do will help build trust and credibility

Talk about it, join a run, swim a river, and engage your customers

Talk Green!

What is “green” in your industry?

Join The Local USGBC

There is a local chapter, go to Upstate New York

Do you recycle, reclaim, harness the sun, have a green roof?

Wal-Mart Is A Leader In This Field

Green roofs Windmill power The latest data from the Harvard Business

Review, the average consumer only cares about green and its affect on their health

Good Old Brands, Stinky

Eco-Generosity, plant more trees, clean up!

Boost the environment Call it PR, or responsibility or both! First green search engine, Ecocho, plants

2 trees for every 1000 searches!

Your Time is Now!

Old Cowboy Wisdom Says,

“Timing Has A Lot To Do With the Outcome Of The Rain Dance”

This is the time to invest in yourself!

Lisbeth Calandrino518 495-5380

Let Lisbeth Light a Fire Under Your Business!

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