the mustard seed december '14 january 15 edition

Post on 29-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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Dear Editor,

Thank you very much for the Mustard Seed. Yes I will read and give the feedback. I will make my community sisters to read as well. I was actually waiting for the issue to read. Just in time it reached me. So kind of you. Greetings and thanks to you and your Team. May God bless you all for this good work to reach out to so many people. Sr. J. Siriapushpam Mathew fma.

Dear Kiran Bhat,

Thanks a lot for the online copy of TMS. Only if possible, please send me a hard copy by post so that I can share it with my friends.Very heartening to see that your economic crisis was solved miraculously in the nick of time by an anonymous donor.Wish you all the best to pull on against all odds.Your magazine is a noble effort, one of its kind in spreading the message of secular spirituality. No wonder God Almighty comes in different formsto your succour.Keep it up. God bless.

Kusum Gokarn

Dear Editor,

Thanks for the MUSTARD SEED that is growing into trees in the hearts of many. The Aug-Sept-Oct issue was too good. Tears rolled down my cheek as I read every article in one sitting.I am yet to read the same a few more times.Words are inadequate to tell you how much I appreciate you and your team for the wonderful work you are doing, depending solely on Divine Providence for your financial maintenance.Continue to be a blessing to others.


What I would like to be reminded of everyday, is to live an inspired life. So what is an inspired life?Make a plan for the day but go with the flow. Sometimes the best laid plans go awry. Be okay with it and wait for it to unfold at His time. Fret less; this too shall pass. Catch yourself worrying? Shows how little we trust in Him. Complain less. Observe how we love to complain because we sometimes can make that change but don’t; sometimes we cannot make that change as we can’t. Let’s be more gentle on ourselves.We don’t need to climb every mountain, finish every chore for the day, have the last word in every arguement.We do not need to prove a point to anybody. We can be led by our inner compass which tells us what to do and what not to do. Lets respect that. Be obedient to that. Let Thy will be done.Who knows we may lead far happier lives. After all wisdom is in accepting what we can and cannot change and in being able to know the difference between the two.Calling all readers to contribute joyfully to make the world a happy peaceful place where we lead inspired lives, connecting more with people andmaking every task meaningful.

Let Him be at the centre of everything we doInvoke Him before undertaking any task Let Him lead our everyday choresIn Him we find joyTo Him we surrender

Have an inspired 2015

Kiran Bhat

Nov-Dec2014-Jan 2015 Vol 24 - No.8

Dear Editor,

Many thanks for mailing TMS to my new adress as requested by me. As always it provides great reading and a lot of moral support at this stage of our lives. Please do not mail extra copies to my old address at Mazgaon but do continue to mail it to my news address at Rustom Baug Byculla. Looking forward to the next issue. Please do give my love n warm regards to June Valladares who is an old n dear college friend. In the meanwhile let me wish the whole team of TMS a very Merry Christmas n a very Happy n Prosperous New Year.......2015.

Shernaz Irani






MR. HARAKHCHAND SAWLA... God in disguise?






PAMELA’SHEALING (a personal healing)



Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. If things don’t go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is extremely difficult to handle, but those that do, come out stronger. What did this failure teach me is the question you will need to ask. You will feel miserable. If challenges could always be overcome, they would cease to be a challenge. Andremember – if you are failing at something, that means you are at your limit or potential. And that’s where you want to be.Disappointment’s cousin is Frustration, the second storm. Have you ever been frustrated? It happens when things are stuck. This is especially relevant in our society. From traffic jams to getting that job you deserve, sometimes things take so long that you don’t know if you chose the right goal. Frustration saps excitement, and turns your initial energy into something negative, making you a bitter person. How did you deal with it? Having a side plan and even something as simple as pleasurable distractions in your life – friends, food, travel can help you overcome it. Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously. Frustration is a sign somewhere, you took it too seriously.

Varun K. Anand

God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illuminated by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason. Maturity:Among other things, the unclouded happiness of the child at play who takes it for granted that he is at one with his playmates.

Dag Hammarskjöld

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones, and when you have finished your daily tasks go to sleep in peace.God is awake.

Victor Hugo

I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.What is your season today? Are you experiencing a season of drought? If so, then it is the season for showers. Are you going through a season of great heaviness with dark clouds? Then that too is the season for showers.“Your strength will equal your days” (Deut. 33:25).“I will send...showers of blessing.” Notice that the word “showers” is plural. God will send all kinds of blessings. And all His blessings go together like links in a golden chain. If He gives you saving grace, He will also give you comforting grace. God will send “showers of blessings.” Look up today, you who are dried and withered plants. Open your leaves and flowers and receive God’s heavenly watering.

Charles H. Spurgeon

A young man in his thirties used to stand on the footpath opposite the famous Tata Cancer Hospital at Mumbai and stare at the crowd in front-fear plainly written upon the faces of the patients standing at death’s door; their relatives with equally grim faces running around.. These sights disturbed him greatly..Most of the patients were poor people from distant towns. They had no idea whom to meet, or what to do. They had no money for medicines, not even food. The young man, heavily depressed, would return home. ‘Something should be done for these people’, he would. think. He was haunted by the thought day and night. At last he found a way- He rented out his own hotel that was doing good business and raised some money. From these funds he started a charitable activity right opposite Tata Cancer Hospital, on the pavement next to Kondaji Building. He himself had no idea that the activity would continue to flourish even after the passage of 27 years. The activity consisted of providing free meals for cancer patients and their relatives. Many people in the vicinity approved of this activity. Beginning with fifty, the number of beneficiaries soon rose to hundred, two hundred, three hundred. As the numbers of patients increased, so did the number of helping hands.As years rolled by, the activity continued; undeterred by the change of seasons, come winter, summer or even the dreaded monsoon of Mumbai. The number of beneficiaries soon reached 700. Mr. Harakhchand Sawla, for that was the name of the pioneer, did not stop here. He started supplying free medicines for the needy. In fact, he started a medicine bank, enlisting voluntary services of three doctors and three pharmacists. A toy bank was opened for kids suffering from cancer. The ‘Jeevan Jyot’ trust founded by Mr. Sawla now runs more than 60 humanitarian projects. Sawla, now 57 years old, works with the same vigour. A thousand salutes to his boundless energy and his monumental contribution! For the last 27 years, millions of cancer patients and their relatives have found ‘God’, in the form of Harakhchand Sawla.

Contributed byRanga Bedi

Hello Henry, I just wanted to share my Good News!! The doctors have just confirmed this week that I do not need a liver transplant. I had been waiting for an organ for little over 2 years and there was no chance that I would get one because of my score and rank on the national list. I had accepted this as a cross I have to carry and was determined not to pray for an organ because it meant that a young person would have to die to give me life. I had a blood transfusion 18 years ago as a child for a minor surgery but unfortunately it was just 1 yr before it was mandatory to screen blood for AIDS and Hepatitis C (also called non-A non-B), and so it was just my luck that I got non-A non B hepatitis. There was no treatment for it for many years during which time the virus was slowly destroying my liver. Five years ago there was chemotherapy just approved and I qualified for clinical trials. The treatment was very toxic and lasted 1 year but I did not respond. So I was asked to take another year of treatment right away but unfortunately I was too weak and since there was no response I was forced to stop treatment and the only option left was a transplant. By this time I was told that only 10% of my liver was viable and I had 3 small lesions (tumors) but 5 small lesions bumps you up for an immediate transplant. So I could only pray and wait. I was determined to try to lead as normal a life as I could and do my share of healing (leading a healthy life, prayer, positive attitude etc) while trusting that the Lord would do HIS bit. My mom told me to ask for a healing but I was not sure because, all the other petitions I was taking for friends and family seemed more important. I thought it was pointless. On the day we were leaving for the airport, 5 mins before the shuttle arrived I get a call from my transplant doctor asking me to come in right away for testing. I just told him I was going to Medjugorje and would do the testing when I returned. But that call made me suspicious that perhaps I was meant to offer my liver up for healing. So to get to the point, as I sat on Apparition Mountain at the footof the cross that night waiting for Mary, I nailed all my petitions including my liver to the foot of the cross and I asked Mary to confirm that I was meant to be there. I was asking HER to visit me at the cross. Much to my surprise She did!! I saw Jesus’ head light up with Red light, smelled roses and saw the cross on Cross Mountain light up and spin. All I could do was say “THANK YOU”” and all my petitions flew out the window. Anyway, I was thrilled that my 3/4 full bottle of water was blessed that night (by Mary)and I stuck it on a separate spot on the nightstand saving it to take back. I bottle a different brand of bottle water so that I would be able to distinguish the Holy water from the drinking water (the scientist in me!) On the morning of the last day, as I left the room to catch the mini van, I grabbed my bottle. I thought I would top up the bottle with water from the cooler in the dining room since it was going to be a long hot day. MaryAnn and Dorio were there in the dining room and I noticed that the water cooler was empty!MaryAnn said to me “you have enough water to last till the English Mass then you could fill the bottle at the church”. So I left. At the church, the priest talked about how we must keep some Holy water at home to bless ourselves and family regularly. I thought “Oh I have Mary’s water, I’m set!” Then I looked down and noticed in dismay that it was the Holy water bottle that I had. I had drunk the entire bottle of water!! Later Fr John said it was ok and it was probably what I was meant to do anyway. So I believe now that it was the Holy water together with everything else that has healed me. I have still a long way to go, tumors are still on my liver but the doctors said that I am “too healthy to need a transplant now”. They can’t explain my health because of the condition of my liver. But I know and I am all the more grateful for it!! I believe this is the first of the healings we will all experience. RegardsPamela Afterher visit to MedjugorjePamela sent me a tiny rosary blessed by Mother Mary, one of my most precious treasures. Pamela’shealing was tobe a remission instead of a complete healing. In the8 and 1/2 years between the time of the Medjugorje pilgrimage and Pamela’s passing in December of 2014she shared her testimony with many and touched many hearts including mine.

“Energy is the currency of the universe. When you ‘pay’ attention to something, you buy that experience. So when you allow your consciousness to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy, and it reciprocates the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus because your attention feed the energy of it and keeps it alive. Not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well.” Emily Maroutian

Life isn’t about how you survive the storm, but how you dance in the rain.

Let but your heart become a valley low, And God will rain on it till it will overflow. You, O Lord, can transform my thorn into a flower. And I do want my thorn transformed into a flower. Job received sunshine after the rain, but was the rain all wasted? Job wants to know, and I want to know, if the rain is related to the sunshine.Only You can tell me—Your cross can tell me. You have crowned Your sorrow. Let this be my crown, O Lord. I will only triumph in You once I have learned the radiance of the rain.

George Matheson

The fruitful life seeks rain as well as sunshine

The whole context of Indian Yogic Wisdom is self generation of energy. How we can generate within oneself, through integrating the faculty that we have and that we are. After carrying out our activities or for carrying out our activities, the energy is to be replenished by growing inwards and not by grabbing what is there outside. Yoga and Spirituality are two expressions constituting our selves as self generating units. So the space a yogi or spiritual being dwells in is, how to generate energy from within oneself not only for one’s own self but also for everyone.

Sanjay Thakker.

Grihasth Sadhana is not merely to have an access to your partner’s body, wealth & choices but most importantly an access to their “Being”. Our Grihasth Jiwan will not be in bliss without this Sadhana of discovering for ourselves, the “Being” of our partner to whom we are married to and living with. Grihasthi too is a Sadhana only. Sadhana of being one with the basic diversity of nature which creates an obvious illusion that there are “two”. All that we need to discover throughout our Grihasth Jiwan is that there is only ONE. Though with all the diversity, variety, change in shape, size, form, tone, there is only ONE.There is merely an illusion of“two”, just like as if you are standing in front of a mirror. Those who live this illusion as real, hurt themselves and suffer. They think they are attacking and hitting and observing their partners, but in reality they are only doing it to themselves. The beautiful thing is your partner may see you as “two” and you can see “one” or vice versa.The one who sees “one” opens up and liberates, though the external conditions, environment and world remaining same, the world that opens up out of oneness is new. Change is anyways eternal and imminent, it never has to be brought about. What is there is anyways going to change and what you change is also going to change.

Sanjay Thakker.

‘I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me; the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears…He sent from on high, he took me; he drew me out of many waters…He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a broad place; he saved me, because he loved me…With the merciful, you show yourself merciful; with the blameless man you show yourself blameless; with the purified you show yourself pure; and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down.For it is you who lights my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness.For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.’ Psalm 18Reflection – This is only bits and pieces of Psalm 18, which is quite lengthy. I wish I had space to include the whole Psalm, which is very beautiful, picturesque and stirring.This Psalm has a personal reference for me, as I chose as the scripture for my ordination card Ps 18: 19—‘He saved me because He loved me.’ The accompanying image for my card was the San Damiano cross of St. Francis. It seemed to me, ten years ago, that the most important thing by far was to communicate the merciful saving love of God to people, definitively given to all in Jesus Christ; the ensuing years have done nothing but confirm and strengthen that conviction.The verse immediately before that one is a key Psalm concept. ‘He brought me forth into a broad place.’ Sometimes this is translated, ‘He brought me forth into freedom.’ The Hebrew language frequently is short on abstract nouns, or they only develop in late Hebrew under Greek influence. So the concept of freedom is conveyed by that of being in an open space, open country, having lots of land to spread out, move around in.This is actually a pretty theologically and philosophically dense notion of freedom. Our modern notion of freedom i s very thin, ultimately very empty: I can do what I want to do. Yes, indeed. So you can. If you want to jump off a bridge, you can do i t . If you want to cut off your arms, you can do it. You arefree – yippee!You go,girl.Very precise, very exact, and very, very meaningless. I mean, hurray – we are free to destroy ourselves. How lovely. And this is unfortunately not only what the modern world means by freedom, but how a great deal of the modern world actually exercises its freedom. Making choices that actually reduce our life, limit our life, destroy our life.Biblical freedom means entering a space where life expands outwards, where our potential is increased, where we find ourselves in a bigger world, a space in which our life and being can expand and grow. Freedom, biblically, is intrinsically related to truth, then. For we cannot move and grow and expand unless we are standing on solid ground, on the ground of reality.But even more so, freedom in the full biblical sense is life in Christ. The open space into which God leads us is the heart of Christ, the place in which our life expands to such an extent that we are truly sharers in God’s life, truly divinized by our participation in Christ’s life in the Father. God is perpetually drawing us into a bigger place, a larger world than we can envision or comprehend, and this is the whole movement of grace in our lives.He leads us into this open space, saves us because he loves us, and so we can leap walls, conquer armies, shake off the cords of death and Sheol, and all the other lovely prospects Psalm 18 lays out for us. He leads us into this open place first—life in Christ—then in that space empowers us to make choice upon choice, in freedom, that make us more and more free, less and less encumbered, expanding ever outward and upward into the free space of love and truth, purity and mercy.

Fr. Denis Lemieux

Many years ago, I was asked by my maternal uncle, who at that time lived in the house I considered my home, not to come to live there during the summer holidays. I was studying in Bombay and visiting Shillong. His reasons were related to my behavior, when I last visited Shillong. It was a very big jolt for me and in rebellion I went there but lived at my neighbour’s house. Needless to say, it was very difficult to do so and I soon returned to Bombay to nurse a wound over years.I dreamed that one day, I will have a house of my own and when he visits me there, I will ask my house help to throw him out of my house! He never came to my house; there were never any chances for that to happen. What did happen instead is that I continued to buy houses, in which I lived for a time and then sold them, strangely always at a break even price, with no profits to count upon. Until, I finally bought two, one in which I live when I am in my hometown, and one, where I work. The latter was the last straw on the camel’s b a c k ! Despite paying the full amount, the promised date of delivery was flaunted and I still do not have the house!Why am I boring the reader with these episodes? The reason is clear to me. The reaction caused by my grouse over what happened many years ago, created the momentum to finally give me the last jolt, which I would have to learn from. Had I not harboured animosity, anger and pain over the past, I would not have been buying houses to prove a point, actually only to myself.You live in one house and that is built of brick and mortar. The real house, from where we come and where we must return, has no walls and no roof over the head. Most of all, it houses all, whoever they are, in any living form, as we see them now. The world is only a reflection of that house, but it is unreal and just like brick and mortar can come down or is brought down, similarly, a house which is not our real home, is unreal. If we can change our house several times in one lifetime, this brick and mortar house we call our own, then, each house is really an illusion we create around ourselves in order that we can feel secure. What I really lost at the time, when I was asked not to visit the home in Shillong, which I thought is my home, was the security of the home I called my own. I tried to replace it over and over again, but it has taken me all this time to realize that there is only one home we can call our real home and that is, God’s Home. There, no one is thrown out; all are welcome, because it is the real home and the secure home of our lives, the home we came from and the home we will finally return to.It takes us time to accept things and let them pass because, our ego comes between and makes us hold on to them. The mistakes we make repeatedly in our lives have often a long history behind them. If we can identify the problem early, then we do not have to suffer the consequences caused by frequent fall on the same path.It does not worry me anymore, that the house in my work place is not mine and that the brick and mortar walls that hold a space is not delivered to me yet. It does worry me however, that the money I put into it is stuck, but then I have learned the hard way that, the ever kind Lord who is the sheppard in my life is holding the monies in His keep and will release it, when He knows I have learned all that I have to from this experience. He knows that had I had the money now, I might once again go ahead to make another blunder in the unreal world which is only a poor reflection of the real home I have with Him. It is always easier to make mistakes than to learn quickly from them. But He is always there, to help us every time, provided we are tuned in to Him.Let go; Let God be the thread we must hold on to, always.

Julia Dutta

When people say, this is the way it should be done or this is the right way to do it, they limit themselves from knowing any other way to do things or solve problems. We can’t solve today’s problem with yesterday’s solutions. The rules given to me, in the past, were rules that worked for the person who created them. But these rules may not work for me, because I am a different person in a different time. Routines and goals should guide me, not govern me.When we break the “WAY TO DO” stereotype, we put ourselves in the present and are sensitive to the context and perspectives under which we view things now. We become more creative, innovative and able to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. In case a product has failed and we need innovation, an open mind set with no preconceived notions or why the product has failed is expected to come up with an innovation. Close Mind set, Defined Process, Auto Pilot - Whatever we may call it, always limit us from seeing the different perspectives. It chooses between right and wrong, true and false, mostly a binary decision on which computers works.There is an old story about two people coming before a Judge. One man tells his side of the story, and the Judge says, “That’s right.”The other man also tells his side of the story, and the judge again says, “That’s right.” The men are bewildered and the both say, “We can’t both be right!” “That’s right.”The Judge finishes!Right and wrong is solely our perspective and not a universal one, which opens up the dialogue.Here is another example, this time in the classroom. A student adds 1+1 and says it is equal to 1 The Teacher is baffled.“Well how did you come to that conclusion that 1+1 = 1?” “Because,” answered the student, “if you add one wad of chewing gum to another wad, one plus one equals one.” The whole class burst out in laughter, but the conclusion is true. God is infinite. Like Him, there are many ways to look at the same problem and like Him you can see Him in whichever way you allow yourself to see. Hence, it is always Godly to keep an open mind, because it reflects, Him – The Infinite.

Vivek Kumar Anand

In olden days, in school one question was being asked in English paper, “Punctuate the following.” One para w a s being given without any punctuation marks. T h e students were supposed to put punctuation marks at t h e proper places to make the paragraph meaningful.After putting punctuation marks at proper places, the same paragraph used to l o o k very meaningful, attractive & beautiful, like a woman full of all ornaments. These punctuation marks were like a “Soul” to grammar & language.However, last week a news item appeared in the paper. Prof. John Macvortar, linguist opined that the use of punctuation marks is only a fashion and we should rethink its use in the modern era.Actually colon, semi-colon, full stop, question mark and exclamation mark are very important in any language. and sometimes its avoidance may convey wrong meaning to readers.As they are important for beautification of any language, they are also important in life to make the journey meaningful, beautiful, joyous and fruitful. In this modern era, life is very fast and we are just running and running this mad race. Sometimes with time and sometimes ahead of time.In this life journey, we should put colon of small rest. We should use semi-colon of meditation to introspect. We should put question marks to know the reasons and the effects of this mad race. Our mind should be used to exclamation marks, to share the sorrows and happiness of others. After completing any event in life, we should give full stop to it and should not think about its impact.If we use these marks / stops properly at proper time, our last full stop will be memorable, bright and everlasting.If you run the race of life continuously without marks / stops, one black full stop will appear suddenly in your life and will push your near and dears indarkness.Though the punctuation marks are about to vanish from grammer and language, we should give them place in our life to make it beautiful, blissfull, contended and happy.

Suresh Balkrishna Sheth

It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.

Henry Ward Beecher.

A chemist who can extract from his heart’s element, compassion, respect, longing, patience, surprise and forgiveness and compound them into one cancreate that atom which is called LOVE.

John Anderson Holmes

I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.

Albert Schweitzer

Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart.

Myla Kabat - Zinn.

Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.

Bob Bell

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Her hair wasup in a pony tail,her favorite dress tied with a bow.Today was Daddy’s Day at school, and she couldn’t wait to go.But her mommy tried to tell her,that she probably should stay home;why the kids might not understand,if she went to school alone.But she was not afraid;she knew just what to say.What to tell her classmatesof why he wasn’t there today.But still her mother worried,for her to face this day alone.And that was why, once again,she tried to keep her daughter home.But the little girl went to school,eager to tell them all.About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls.There were daddies along the wallin back, for everyone to meet.Children squirming impatiently,anxious in their seat.One by one the teacher calledon a student from the class.To introduce their daddy,as seconds slowly passed.At last the teacher called her name,every child turned to stare.Each of them was searching,a man who wasn’t there.“Where’s her daddy at?”she heard a boy call out.“She probably doesn’t have one,”another student dared to shout.And from somewhere near the back,she heard a daddy say,“Looks like another deadbeat dad,too busy to waste his day.”The words did not offend her,as she smiled up at her Mom.And looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on.And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak..And out from the mouth of a child,came words incredibly unique.“My Daddy couldn’t be here,because he lives so far away.But I know he wishes he could be,since this is such a special day.And though you cannot meet him,I wanted you to knowall about my daddy,and how much he loves me so.He loved to tell me stories,he taught me to ride my bike;he surprised me with pink roses,and taught me to fly a kite.We used to share fudge sundaes,and ice cream in a cone.And though you cannot see him.I’m not standing here alone.‘Cause my daddy’s always with me,even though we are apart;I know because he told me,he’ll forever be in my heart”With that, her little hand reached up,and lay across her chest.Feeling her own heartbeat,beneath her favorite dress.And from somewhere there in the crowd of dads,her mother stood in tears.Proudly watching her daughter,who was wise beyond her years.For she stood up for the loveof a man not in her life.Doing what was best for her,doing what was a right.And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.She finished with a voice so soft,but its message clear and loud.“I love my daddy very much,he’s my shining star.And if he could, he’d be here,but heaven’s just too far.You see he was an Indian Soldierand he died just this past year,,when an enemy bomb hit his bunker and taught all Indians to fear.But sometimes when I close my eyes,it’s like he never went away.”And then she closed her eyes,and saw him there that day.And to her mother’s amazement,she witnessed with surprise,a room full of daddies and children,all starting to close their eyes.Who knows what they saw before them;who knows what they felt inside.Perhaps for merely a second,they saw him at her side.“I know you’re with me Daddy,”to the silence she called out.And what happened next made believers,of those once filled with doubt.Not one in that room could explain it,for each of their eyes had been closed.But there on the desk beside her,was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining star.And given the gift of believing,that heaven is never too far.God BlessThere must be many children in the same boat as this little girl, thanks to our servicemen and their families for the sacrifice they are making to keep our country free. The ultimate sacrifice is being left behind. Don’t forget them.In memory of Col M N Rai, who sacrificed his life on January 27, 2015 in a gunfight with terrorist in Kashmir. This was the very next day when he was honoured with Yudh Seva Medal on January 26, 2015, for his exceptional leadership and professionalism.

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